HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1983-09-27SPIt!NGFIELEl CTry OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works CERTIFIED LETTER Gary E. and Dolores 2427 Debra Drive Springfield, Oregon SepLember 27, 1983 at 1316 Mi11 SLreet, Tax Lotreveals the need of repair andthe sidewalk described as J. Br anson 97 477 Dear l"l r. and Llrs. Branson: An inspection of the sidewalk#6700, Reference tt17 03 27 qtt or replacement of a portion offollows: A portion of the sidewalk has raised approxirnatelyan adjacent section creating a potential pedestrian-chapLer 2 of the springfield city code requires theproperty oHner to repair and maintain the sidewalk a tbached copy ) . l,ie ur ge you to compl ete thi srepaLr/replacement noL later: than thirty (30) daysdaLe of thi.s notice (OcLober 27, 1983 ). 2tt above hazar d abutting (see from the Sidewalk repair/repracenrent permits must be obtained aL thespringfield Public t/orks Departnent before work begins. Anyadditional information concerning this repa ir /replacementmay be obtained at Lhe springfield Building safety Division,225 tlorth 5th Street, or by ealling TZ6-3753. Sj.ncereIy, q 1y Joh nson 'Environmental Inspector cc: l.laintenance Superintendent Building 0ccupant SJ/1h 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753 .,/ UNITED STATES POST OFFICIAL %*o,,,-- J P lv'l PEillr.I.V FOR PRIVAT€ us€ T9 .AVO|O PAYMETT "0F posraG€ am OF SPRINGFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC \A/ORKS 225 NORTH sth STREET SPRINGFIFLD ORFGON 97477 RETURN TO I Print your nrmo, rddres, rnd ZIP Code Attrch lo fmnt of rrticls if lpaca o$.nvh dfix to b8k of rnhla . Endorr fftlcb "8.t!rn Racsipt Raqu$tsd' to numbar. {ih6l Mo*. a Complot iomr l, I ond 3 on a 0G;-fG-dt, (Qty, State, ard ZP Code) , I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I J I I I I I I I !l The following service is requested (check onc.) D St$*X.o\u-trom and date dcli:rert.c............ -CC Show to u*rom, dats and address of rlelisery... - CD nssrR-rc"reD DELTYERY Shaw to v.'hom and date delivered............-C E rcsrnrcreD DELTvERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivcry.$- (co}.Isui-T PosTr{AsrER FoR FEES) Z ARTICLE AOOBESSEO TO: Gary and Dolores Branson 2427 Debra Drive Springfield, 0regon 97477 Complcc itau l, 2, rnd 3. Add yo eddrxln d!. *REIURNfO-Fc ltrr€tE SE!iDER: 3. AATrcLE DESCRIPTION: RESISTERED lrlo.CERTIFIEO XO. )965197 ufg lilsuREo No. ot-m*r.rr", I hlve rccc; SIG'IATU' tA. 5. AIXTFESi & Uil ALE r .-r-. -- :-_ ':l- .j l. t'J .cribed above- rgsot .\Jl\- fri, t I itl fR EECATJ$E: : 197&288548 6 .) o r {ie, So-if* Q" \^,t oro Ory"*S.u*. o) fulliA, \rcs$ks OAs llon+A .rt!" St. Spn,hg Frc(&,On i'?Yrtt7 @c.*obs^, lA, 1933 D**, S".tty $o\^.o^f ; fn ne/vr-vnre *o yo r^/u lrttt-r- an-ted- g '2 7- I 3 eo'(^^/L7L'ry tl& *T* t l"l,&. sudsrrorA aL t3)/o m,il d{'', Sp-i€Jt'^'ld' $ 9* 'iFW e/tes,Ji{,/*o-LjO***u-ltttd0,16l.a.grqttl.iov.,rec-&rt*al-e-ds.No*. tur-rr,, as Pt: o * f[on1 Qonut'tsJton) 9'ii9-,83' 't; 't'on '^'- l2utici'o ds lo utLo is tiilE , +ft. Jonop../{ o,,-^*, c-+! ") "":nH "rfift ffiy#',".#J," Tfi "* ffi ,xrr-,*"frn ;e " Jk, guufuto wu &,r.,lu,ul.,lo\. ht el.on*' L'''o\ ot^"r-tt'r-'hit +\h}-fJ\It' a,,"'oL uo ^s^oA* -^ f;;;; fi* oAo'^ftl bt LvoJJa'' i;^ dnzr^'nc clonc l" tl^g s*r-u^,,^rl: ' /'lo,'j,tt'ua' aao S *"-" stal-tl'-' de- &^ ;"i ar'^d lo,o,,> by.sffi/** ,r*'I4 "' {* &4 ?} sr"''3 P.i'^t u'&J*ot^l- ol^/u purrrl'rssrJD "in h^o*Luo$i' & la"'tgr s&^""p i^€/7Lrt^/^a)- (Jtro,, ,C.,toou"q *9 rr;ouL.{4lr.Plr.l y:* ofre,oLritA un;.o t/LA' stolt^uot,,.b ai rqao- ,arffiJ*lt ;"{lli* ^idAxr *:o'\: qLs Lo oo"" plrorut- eorvuulro.-*\oru q -AY-83' OJotpL 3:S gto, lr. tu3,o ou Po...tton; d a;r s;^Ar"/A (ro.a, nu",.oo r^l 4 ,r: + dr- t,..4ify3 o".Tf a,'rutt-\: orr^^t_ ,.rr.J€..,lt- r+*r,.LolJ. 7h.s sJq/.,j, o1-o pr-e-svndr."1turr- o-hrq=o.ld. TIw*L Uo* I:l tou\, d,*r-, o.r^AL qor'oo'.,(tl.A,sru ,^, *Arsr ma*Lt-ts lilc- t^tLL" n*uo** !o^ t"+4' Srt ur.sJ^,r, tnn a *ni., -$o^^r S. t8 nowrgrr.) .eq AqQt\rlor0nY5p*i^t\.ilt- .O\. 11 v?'1 plr.orl.r t 7ttr7-64 3/