HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1991-04-17DEVELOPMEN TSSNI/'CES j'uBLtc [ryofrr(s ,. i, h.f R A fJ A LN A N W,4 $T EWAT EN M AN AG EM E ATT sPR!. _,frilEL.D vJi..l l. bc s;rt-.ir,,;f;tct-ory I.<-rl' Irr:: of f lrr:t-hrlr: assist"an(--{) 2'2!; f-IFTttSTittF.I SP8/NGf /6LD, Ofl !t/47/ (50:3) /26 3,?5:.J April 17, 1991 Cr-.n l-r--nrrj.al. Mo r. l-gaqc tlo " I' .0. I.Iox L0221 lilrrtlcrte, 0r. 9'l 440 Al-t-.t:rrt.ion: Lind.r 1,. Ilr)$lj, Lr:)iln ClfI.i.cr:r. l:; irl:r icct:: IIous{r at- .1.2{} 4 l{orlr.r,.: ['ea r I'is; . Ilossi ! '['h;rnk you f or yorlr r(]cont j.rrqu:i. ry about: thr: a(:ceFrl-i]l)i-li Ly o{ l-lre reroof met.lrod trsertl on tlro r:arport- art. l-lre flbove;rddr()ss. It'lre rclofi.ng sysl-ern dcsr:ri]:e<l jrr l-he l.et-t,er from Mcl,eelD ltoo.firr,,J Ilel'vice is relal-iveIlr neh' Lr: tlte indusLry, anrl is not iipccificaJ.ly addressercl j.n t.he Iluilding Cocle. IIowever, t.h.i.r; ,:ffice wotrld accept t.he desr:r:j.lred sy$l-em as rnrilet'.in(J tlir: tni.rt.itnr.ttri Code requiremenl-s as long aur j.L is installercl in str:icl- accorclance wit-h l-he nl;lrruf acl:uror's insballarL.ion requirentr:r'It.lj. You rnay wish l-o obt-ai.n a copy of Lhe instal.lal-ion insLruct.iotrn frorn the roofing cont.racLor. This off.ice cloes not- norma.Il,1' insl:rccl-. irrstallat-ions of Lhi.s l:ype llrtr such cornl:r1i;tllcc. .l\ br:i.l.d.inq perm.ib is noL retluired fr:r'rL'siclcrtL.iaI t:erooI'.lnr,l I)r:o,,rj.clecl there.is no replac:enlcnt- of t.lre woocl, ilnd Lhe L.oLa.l r^rcic.yht. oI t.he roof coverincl mc-rt:erials tloes not'. exceecl 3Clri; of l.:lre r{rqu.ired roof live Lonr-[ ('1,5 ll,./t;.f..). 'l]ltis ustra11.y tlocs rrot- becorne a prrol"rlen urrt:iI lrloL(] Lhan l-ltree laycrs clf roofj.llq lre inst-a11erl. l. lrr.rpr.: Llris informal-ic,n I)lc;rse caIl rne if I can nr;rt-Lc r- . yo Lr r tt e ll tl:i, . i.n l-l'r.i s l:i.LrtcereI Y, l.)on;rIcl ltoore (:lor).Ii L ruc t. i orr ltep re siL.n ta t-.'Lvt: fio: /27{ aaaru cEru7ErururAl$ru oRtoAoE co. A subsidiory of Centenniol Bancorp April L7, 199L city of SpringfieldBuilding & Permit Services Division 225 Fifth StreetSpringfield, OR 97477 RE: Roof Replacement Enclosed you will find a replacement. letter received by us regarding a roof Please review this letter. If it does meetauthority codes, please notify me by letter.loca1 building This new roof has been required by FHA, and as we are trying toclose this mortgage loan as soon as possibre, we would appieciateyour utmost attention to this matter. If it would be at all possible, please caII me when this letter isdone and I will come to get it so that we might be able to expeditethis matter in any way we can. If you have any questions, please donrt hesitate to call me. Thank you. Sincerely nda L Ross Loan Officer 88 E. Broadway. Post Office Box 10227, Eugene, OR 97440 c (503) 342-3971 . FAX 342-3429 t McLEAN ROOFING SERVICE 81970 Chickaree Road Lowe11, Oregon 97 452 937-313s April 15,1991 Centennial Mortgage 88 East Broadway Eugene, Oregon 97401 ATTN: Linda or Janie RE: House at 1284 Modoc Re-roofed carport at the house at the above address with Hot Hodified Bitumen torch down roofing with 5 inches headlap and applied with propane torch and flat trowel. It was applied with the minimum specifications as outlined by manufacture and in accordance with the state and local building authorities. McLean Roofing Service will warrantee the of three years. roof for a period cerely yours, Y77 gv-)Lean ean Roofing Servi JMlerm cc: Tom Skeele ColdweIl Banker