HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2002-05-23SPRINGFIELEl DWELOPMENT SEAY'CES PUBUC llOFr(S M ETR O PO I-fiAN WAST EWAT E R M A N AG E M E NT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. ON97477 (fi3)726-375s Your demolition permit is currently being.processed. There lay be a slight delay, of up to 2 working days for small structures, due to. the time required to riview tlie history of [he structure to determine if it needs to be documented before demo'tition. -This documentation is for archival purposes only and will not affect the granting of the demolition permit. If the structure is-very large or complicated the doclmentation proces! mal take u.p^ to a.maximq.qf 4 working days. Documentation will consist of photographing the !-u_il.ding,. taking meisurements and making scaled drawings. The documentation will be undertaken by the City at no cosfto you. Oocumentation is being -{on.-.on aII structures aitea prioi to 1940 that may have historic importance to the City's development. ., TIIS DoCUMENTATI0N IIILL NoT II,IPEDE THE DEI,|0LITI0N PRoCESS. # czno(o//-o/ DEMOLITION PERI'IIT APPLICATIONS An age cut-off of 1940 was chosen because this is the date that the National Parki Service and the Springfield Development Code use to determine potential hi storical signi ficance I grant the City of Springfield permission to enter my property to complete documentati on to the requested demo'lition of the structure located at t Property owner signature: Date:{-ga -a< If you would prefer to complete this documentation yourself you must provide the City with the following information: 1) black and white photographs of each elevation, a floor p'lan with measurements, and a set of elevation drawings with measurements. "'- i-. i... CMY OF OFEGO'I' SPFIINGFIELO DEV ELO PMENT S ERV I C ES D EPA RTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (s41) 726-3689 Structure to be Demolished t f,L/*-..d{ n I t/1 Address:Dv /,-t,'// Sl- tnQ.,z(-t A /L Job Number: ,t 703 )s zz 6 (d1) The applicant is hereby notified that any redevelopment of the subject site must comply wift all of the applicable laws, codes, ordinances, policies and plans in effect at the time the redevelopment proposal is accepted as complete for City review. This would include conection of substandard conditions associated with the present development. Examples of such corrections may include modification of inadequate drainage facilities; compliance with building set-backs from property lines; correction of substandard sidewalks and steet improvements, including driveway width and placement; and other corrections which may be necessary to comply with existing development standards. Fgrthermore, if an existing use is demolished or otherwise removed prior to the development of the proposed use, then the system development charge credit for the previously existing use shall expire two years after the date of issr:ance of the demolition pennit or other removal of the previously existing use. (Springfield Municipal Code 3.416(1)). My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the above conditions relating to the demolition of the above mentioned stnrctr:re. -d 2- Signature Date Page I of I I :\WORDF ILE\PERMITS\Demosdc. doc ): JJ .L)m-*l= r'-r fn L{t:l "':tst -{ f-l-rl -;r-i => Oh-UON INVENTORY OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY FORM t{ote: For properties 35 years old and newer, starred (*) sections are the only required fields *Street Address: 124 MILL Lane *City: Springfield USGS Quad Name: Eugene East GPS Latitude N44 02 791 Block/Lot: Part Block 45 Exterior Surface Materials Primary: Vertical Board Secondary: Longitude WL23 Ol 492 Tax Lot #: 4100 Decorative: Horizontal Board Preliminary National Register Findings: Potentially Eligible Not Eligible: Local Ranking:National Register: Listed: No [-] tn.diviauatty or I J q. a contributing resource in a district lntact but lacks distinctio f-x t AttereO (choose onel: fll Reversible/Potentially eligible individually or in district : ._ _ Not 50 yrs old Reversible/lneligible-lacks distinction lrretrievable loss of integrity ,x Township: l7S Range: 3W Section: 35 *Date of Construction c. 1940 Historic Name I Historic Use or Function: Planing Mill Grouping or Cluster Name: N/A *Current Name or Use: Commercial Storefront Associated Archaeological Site Unknown Architectural Classif ication(s) Vernacular Plan Type/Shape Rectangular Number of Stories 1 Foundation Material Wood Post on Concrete Piers Structural Framing Wood Truss Mov€d? Roof Type/Material Gable/coriugated metal Window Type/Material: Aluminum plate glass Exterioi Alterations or Additions/Approximate gabie addition to W; shed hddition on S, with replacement door Number and Type oI Associated Resources: None lntegrity: Pooi Condition: Poor Description of Physical and/or Landscape Features: This historic mill building has a rectangular gable form with the gable end facing Mill Street. lt has a large sliding door which moves on a track on north wall. A shed roofed awning has been added along the main fagade and the front windows and doors have been replaced. Throughout the building, almost all the original wood windows have been replaced. Statement of Significance [Required ONLY for lntensive Level Surveys](use additional sheets if necessary) *Date Recorded: l/30/01 Survey Form Page 1 *Photo Roll#: 5 *Frame #(s): 35 Local Designation # *County: *Researcher/Organization: SFW/Heald & Wright SHPO #: