HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-06-13. . R E S I D E NI T IA L . . APPLICArI0M "ERl''lIy225 ilorth |th Street Sprtngfield, 1r'egon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 20-37 53 Job Locaticn:b ABaeBaol". I'lap ll Svbdivision: Asner:o tddress Phone SPNINGFIELD Zi q n Rcce I M,ta LI ll eo Additicn RenoCel Date ol Applicatic:tt 11 rac cor [ieneral Deocribe h'ot'l<: V?|,'lL'lqL R,ertxo L oc Value Tcz Lot ll s oar ['Iuurb 1ng f.le chan ic it I l,'cctr cit I Superri 1n DIecct'.i t i:trr It ia lhe reoponoibility of ttq permit ho-ld.et to lee ttrat aLL inopao-tiono aI.a rnde at the propet tine, that ocoh addrceo is readabie J'rotn tha st,re'et, anC thZt -the pci,nrib aard ie Lccatcd at.!h.e. fr2nl of .the-.Pro,perty.isuildiic Nui:io,: ap7,otcd pl<tn shcll remain on tlp Duild'inq sitc at all tines. Romti-ncrl fn:in--1 SITE INSPSC\I)N: 'l'o be tade aJ'ter | ;rc;;;n;", b,t pt'iar tc se! up of ! orms . - IJNDERSLAB PLL'I'IBINC, ELEETRICAL & I titcat;itcet: '!o be nade beJ'ore any J_l/}oYK Lg OOVCred, I N!;U\,A'I' TON /VAI'OR BARNI EN IIISPEC?ION : To be nuCe aJ'ter aLL inoulsticn a.4 rcquired vapor barrieta are in plaoe bui be|ore any Lath, gYPatn boarJ or unLL oouering io appliad, ctd befone ay inculatiort is concealed, Sonilat'y oetter sapped tt propetty' Li4 Septic totk pwrpeil a,rd fifled uith gnatel Final - l{hen above itena are ccnpleted qnd uhen datnolttion ie oomplete on arrlrr- turo noued od Premiaea oleaneC uP. Blooking od Set-tP Ptwnbing connectione " 86tet atd uater Elootnioal Conneotion - Elookitrg, aet-u? attd plunbing conneotiona naet .be apprcved beforo requeoting eleolrtoal inepeclion Aoceeaory Butlding Final - Aftor pctohea' okirting, decke, eto. ara oanpleted. DTNOLU,BUI l after trenches are excauated and FO)TINC 1 F1UND;|TIC\|: To be naCe forna are erected, but Prior to pouring ccncrec..l DRYtlALt. INS!)EC|!ON-: ?o ba nada a1'ter all dry*tll io in Place' but prior to any taPing. lrilr;oNRY: Stcel location, bond Tii,iilgroutitrg ot' ventiaala in accorclance uith U,B,C, Section 241 5. ITOODSTOYE: Aftcr inatallation io cc^nGA. IENCE: h'lrcn conplete -- ProviCejiiii or nouable aootiona thtough P, U, E. UNDSRCIIOU!!D P I IIA 'l'<t FIP.EPLACE:ar;;l;G I)ior ta Plccir4 facing and bcfore fratning inapec- .S e Ito -1 unomprooR pr,wlruc ,q ttEcltANrcAL:) i;6ffie ":tot-to-fiiTiTGtT"" of floor inaulction or cleckitrg. '1 Posr AND BtAnl: To bc madc Prior to ) T-r'tu6fi;;io" of floor insulation or decking. trenchec No sCo aoL' ultt 'thcae inspections have been macle and approue:!. )URB e APPncAqil !1?f,91!: After fotmo ar," "rr"t;Tbut ;;i;; to pouriig conorcte. sJ!ll!!!4-:1-9ry!!l!!'!: Fot' alt con- ,"ett -p-"uL"g Dithtn otPeat tight- of-w:!J-, to be made aften aLL exoa- rating canplete & fotm r,tork E eub' base rutterial in Place.l )i'on' 7 rnnlrc: ltuct be requeatecl afterv ) ;iiA;L ol nough plutnbing, electni:- ca'L E ncchanical. ALI roofitrg bracing C chirmcye, etc. trust be : conpletcd. llo ucnk 'i-s to be con- . cecled until thio intPection lwo _':"y"":*:'"0 _ @r,,n,, PLUtloItt(; 14 unnt HECttA:tI:AL y'FrNAL ELEc',t',ltICAL :l N1 3 frYTL<Res P / FrqN F-1_Ezafi-tcel-bLv Por@/r<' ri|l proieat aondttions, ltrc!: ao the installat:'on of olreet t1e-e-1., conPlotion.of the';;;,,i',|""rt"i;,'it"rlo:;i'r"';ti'., mtut bo oatiafiitl bofo:ro tha BUrLDril:c F[NA\ o.an.be requoated' FINAL DUI|,DINC: ,l,lte I'inal Buitding Inapeotion mot ba tequeoted altet tho final Ptunbing bl r ;l r,;;;i:' oic t tu "hor.i o aL rna p e o tiono'hqv o be en nade ard apprort ed Palte 1 of !AAI,L |TAilIICLTS AND CLI.:ANOU']': IIU!:T I]T: ACCESSII]LT, ADJUSTITETI? TO BE I'L4DE AT TIO COST TO CT?Y Y SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co G"JOO NO. TotaL I'Lant Etanittcr 4 I IIAVE CLREFU|Ly EXAl.lIllED tha conpleted applicaLion for permit, and do haraby certify tlnt aLL infonntion het,eon ie true and conrcct., anC f t\tt,ther certily thaL an11 ard aLL wrk panfotncd alnlt be dote in accor- danca aith the Ordinanceo of t\rc City of Springficld, and thc Lcse of tha State of Oregcn pertaining to tlrc utork Ceocribcd here'Jn, cnd :lnt N0 )CCU- PANCy DilL be nnde of any sttuotur,a uithout permiarion of the Suilding Di-uieion. I furthon certif,i bhat otly contractore at;d enplcyeeo dtio are in canpliance uith CRS 701,055 uiLL be ueed on thio project ,6-/s-K 7 BeCrooaa lot Facon -Sott n P aa Aacc:ttt f1,Lar:,t th toue 7 of Lot Coueragc_ INT TWE l, Interion " ', 1 ,o,nni" ''' Panhdndle _ Cul-de-oao ! of Storiae Total itaighb Topography Iat Sq. Ftg t -- Pcee -- tTEt't FTC X VaLuo t TOTAL VAT,UE s.D,c. 1.s x a Check Datc Pald:to tlllD Building Vqlue & Permit Thio permit ia granLad on the aqreoo corulitiott t,lnL thc n,tid constrwcLiotr olnll-, in alL rcapccLc, cortlorm-Lo tlrc lrdi.mn;t:e :xlo;:.t:e.l tly tlrc Ctt.y of Spningfield, includi.ng tlrc Soning Crdinancc, railulcLilt,J t.ln: acnctrucLio'r and uao of buildinge, ancl nay bo aucpendcd or rcookeC aL ctiy t,ine upot; uic- l.aLion of arty prcutaiono 9f oaid'Ordinancee . ' Building Penrit Total Clargea State Si17:':ed: NO,DE'F Fr\tutea ReaidenLi.al (1 bdth) Seuen Plumbing Permit No peraon ohall cotnl:r,ttct, ina!.al!, alter or clangc cnlJ neu cr e:isting plmbing or drainal1e sysLoll inahole or in part, w:Lcsa such petson is the tegal poaoasnor of a uali.d plunbcr'B Liccnse, czccpt tl:at a patson nmg do plmbing uork to propcrl;y uhich io ovned, Leoscd or opet,ated by the appli- cdnt. Ptmbing PantLt State ITEN CIIARCE Nau/Eztend Circuito Sertlice /5. @ T5 Electricol Permit Hhere State [an,t requires tlnt tha alectrical uork be dono by atr Electrical Contractor, tlta olectrical portion of l;hta ponrit shall r,ot be ualiC larttit the Label lna been oigrred by the ELectrical Conlractor, a, Stcte ITSM NC,FEE , Exhauot llood Vent F@l 6.e tlcodetoite 5.e 75 15.rs ta Mechonicql Permit Parmit Iaeuanoe l,lechanioal Pernlt -- EIICROACHHENT -- I e I e Pcrmit Ctrbcu Sidasalk T)TAL AMOU||T DUE: t 54 TA I Atta Tdti- A Mobile llarc Job Location: rl \\Tc,s Iot llAeeeesons Map # Subdioision: 6€,&{l-rOtmer: g'i4\ Ci Address Phone DescrLbe h'ork: Date of Valueu W-\L-\g?,tdditicn tll..RESIDFT{TIAL " APPLICAT,-.,/PERIIIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfiald' 1regon 97477 Building Dtoisio.n 726-37 53 SPRINGFTEI-D e) Date Dractn General F.P\A(Aa Plurnbin l-cl,Iec I,ectr lanlec tt:ervS BUILDINCSOR Sanilary seser capped at propett'g Litce Septic tutk p;atped and filled urith grawl Final - I{lten abcue itans ale ccrnpleted and tahen dqtcll ti-on is corplete ot atruc- ture mooed artd premises cleaneC up' Hcmes Blocking artd Set-uP Plunbing connectione -- saier ord aater Electrical Ccnneetion ' Blocki'ng' set-up -Ziil*ril"o connect'Lons nrtst be qproted i, n ioln " z' e qi s ting e L e c lrL c al insp e c'- i'ott Accessory Building Fi,nal - r',fter pctches, sk"irting, decla' etc. are conPleted. Pege 1 of 2 It ie the responsibility of tle penrtt holdet, to eee that aLL inapec-tions a're nade at the pro?er tirr"tiri"ti,Z'"l,-"i tt&tine pri*it eatd is Located at.try fro_lt. of the-propentv''-aiitiirrs-bii;i.; "pi;;na-ptZi,ihrll,". oin on the Bu:.\dins iitj dt aLL times' PROC1DURE FOR INSPECAIOABEIIES!:CALL726-3769(tecordet') state vour City Cesignated job nlonbet' requested, and uhen yoriffiniav-ii-ii":pection, contraetot's or amers- nane cnd plone numbu" .aiLL be made the "rrr'ala,-*qrriiii"i"de afier 7:00 on uvLLL be made the ncrt unrking day' tine, that acch cddtess is reaCzbie '. iob aliress' taPe o7 insPec:ich- Requests receit;ed befcre 7:00 a't SITE INSPECTI0N: ?o be ttade after escaoatlon'-iut Prion tc set uP of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL & UtCUL,ttICnf: To be nade before anY Gfr-iiaZoered. FOOTING & FOUNDATICN: TO bE NAdE ;f;el,'trencnes dre eicauated ard' fotns ate erected, but Prior to pouring ccnerete. UNpERGROUN7 PLUMDTN\ sEtFR' w' r-!i' DRAIIIAGE: To be nade Pt'Lor to lLL- Tfr-65nches. utlpERFL)OR PLULETNG 4 I4EC\4_NIC,AL : ffistaLLation floon insulnLion or decking. Iout City Desigr,ated Job Nunbar rs INSIJLAT To be a Lnsu required oapot'barriers are LN Laeep but before drtY Lal;h' LN LL cooetLng gapsun bcarC or ied, artd beforeLSapp @Ly LnSU La tion 1,5 concea Lea L of DRY\IALL INSPECIION: Tc be made after atT-frwitfls .in Plaee, but prior to cnq taPlng. I,IASINRI: Steel Location, bond T6dijgrouti.ng or oerticals in oceorld&"e LtLth U.B.C, Secti,on 241 5. WOODST1I/E: After installation ie anpleted. POST AND BEAM: To be made Pr'Lor to TiiliTd{i6Tof floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLUIIIBTI|G. E\ECTRI?AL & MECI]; ANICAL: No uork i,8 to be coDerea .ffilTthese inspections lnoe been mad.e and approoed., EIPEPLACE: PrLor to plcei.rq facing ^at;;l;T; and before fi'oning insPee- tion. FRA]IING: Itust be requected after Afr;oo;L of rough plrtr,bing' electni' ilL & meelwnical. ALL roofing braei.ttg A ehinmege' etc. tmtst be . cottolelod. uo uork ie to be can- ,ceiled unti,L ihio inaPeotion lae 'been node anC app?oved. CIIRB & APPRCACH APPTON: Aftet' .fonnsee erecteC but Prior to Pourt'rtg eoncrete. S\DEWALX & DRILTEWAY: For aLL con- c"ete p"ofi,rlTifr streeb right- of-txu'. to be nade after aLL etca- Datinlq- canplete & forn tsork & sub' base naterLal in Place' FTTIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAL EINAL ELECTRICAL IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- PtouiCe gAiA o" mot;able sectians through P.U.E, -..--ALL proiect cond'ibions, such as Ll.te installation of sLreet t-?'e-es' conpletion of the required, Landscaping,'"LtL-., mtst be "otirf;;;-b;;ioinn-lnn BUILDINA FI{AL ean be requested' FrNAL B,TLDTNG: The Einal Building rnapection mtet be reauested aften the Final Plunbing \4 'i'rZ2"r"ii"!"i','Hi ii,t-rt..Zi li"pn"ito)* 'haoe been mad.e ard'approoed. *AT,L MANHCLES ANDILEANTUTSI,I()STBEACIESSIBLS,ADJUSTltEltlToBE\'L\DEATNoC1STT0clly \c'oL 9 nn oant tr T tr SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO dJOB NO. TotaL P Lttt'r Ercnittet,Date f IUVE CAR!:FIJLLY qXAMINED the conpleted application for pernit, and do hereby eertify tlnt ttLL infornation heneon ie ttue and correet, amC f further certify that any ard all uork perfotned alall be done in accoz,- dance with the Ordinances of the city of springfield, and the Lans of the State of Oregon pertaining to the aork Cescribcd herein, end tlnt NO )CCU- PLNCy Lvttl be nnd.e of any st?uctut,e urtthout pet nission of the Building N- uisi.on. f further certif"tl thet only contractora and enplcyeee uho are in conpliance uith ORS 701.055 utLL be used on thie proiect t(6aa 8f Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf lot Couerage # of Stories Total Eeight ?opogwphy lteat Bedvooms Access tote Itouse CrouZone: Lot Faces - t;t th Panhandle CUL-de-sac v LOT TYPE _ fntet'ict' Co?ner I' Building Volue & Permit Tlris pcnit it; granted on the elpl'ess condition tlnt the said-constraction dnl[, in all rZspects, conformlto the Otdinance adopted biy the City o.f spri.ng?ieLd, including the Soning C?dinance, regulating the ccnstmtcticn aircl tis-e ol'buildings, ctnd may be suspended o? rettokeC at cna time upon uic- Lation oJ'otty prcuisi.ons of said )rdinances. Sigted: XITEMFTG t S.D.C. 1.5 x TOTAL VALUE Building Pennit Total Clnrges State Date Paid k, Plumbing Permit No pe"son slall constnrct, install' alter or elange -any nel-ct' existing pt;nb;ng on drainage syeten in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the iegal p-osses*or of a ualid pl,unber's License, escept that a pelson nay {opt.tnt;.irg aork to propertA uhich is otsned, Leased or oper:ated by the appli- cant.. t5 NO FE:E I Scni Seuer CHARCEITEM Pistures Residential (1 bath) o6 ,?5 /5,oo /5.75 Electricol Permit h4tev,e State Lau requit'es tltat the electrical uork be done by an Eleott'ical Conttoctor', the elictrical pot'tion of this petni.t sl@LL not be ualiC until the tabel hns been signed by the Electtical Contv'actor'. Res ca Nau/Extend Citcuits Setoice State Total NC T LI,CIIARCE ,{ Mechqnicol Permit l,lcodstoue Vent Fan Eshast HooC Pernrit fssuqrLee Mechanicll Perwit Sta -- L'NCROACIIMENT -. Seeurity Daposit Storage l,laintena.nce Permit Cuvbcut SidetsaLk Fence Electrieal Label Mobtle Home TO?AL AMOUN? Dtrli: \.r3 Lt3 { Date (iarerlr: No| t lt FireoLacelt l ll Uatpn Ptwnbrng Pernit I ,ror" ,*"Oonnn --1 **-*rr*----1