HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1984-08-27.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s ttorch stir streeaP?LrcAucl/PER,t! Sgr;-ryfieli, 1regon 97177 BuilCing ?[uision 726-3753 /aA SPTIINGFTEI.E) ?cce;-:c ! Date:'21-t Z Genetvl Ft --.-'^-t i,leclrariczl Job be:.:icn: Aesesoors itao I 76. !.ot fl Subdiy:sicn.' 31a:.r T1Dva. n_76l y>J/r) M"1Y6-l'lt3ACc-ess:Pb,or.ec'C- Deacribe Hork: 7 J a-<Pt-ltl-+,-X Value5'7-t x4D6t. of AVplia,:icn. ACt!Cca RenoleL )"-*- 5C *7)r-*/= ii€ WD|?SLA3 ?:L':T]IXG, ZLiC?IC,''I-, ;9git)icAk ?o be rooe ceiore anYffiI,oc:ed. la.xh, ggPstrt bcqC or "Js oolied, otd beicre is concealed. J1.i e.,JaiL-r:.;, - aca)lt'-on, Jut To be flBce di:er ?ric," ,.. se! u7 of ao J'crfis. cancreia. be itetcfza. deckztq. FI::A' ?!U:,B!:|C : t,l^L ,:a-,-At-t^P af Jo ;hcse ir-sc e c'-iaz,s h.:ts e b e ez DPYIALL I:tSP1Cgll: Tc be nwie ffi alt@tT-ts .in Ptace, htt Ptiot to cltY |.47atq' W.S}N?!: Steel Locs,t;.ott, botld' 6gfi"xin4 ot uerz')cci's "noccoil.&ce vlzh U.B.C, Secttbn 241 S. ',lOODS!0'/i: After irttalzation is6ffi.- CL'PI E NPRg4cE .e-??N: Ait:\.[Y aiirected but ?rl-ol" '.o Pc'L'?'tq cont?ete. SIDIT,\ALK a-1RT.Tl\!: .Fot aLL cott' 6ie oauinc ,mx'ntn siteei rJg'n;- of-r,tcu'. to be nale afler aL! e=ea' iLt;"L'eanplete I ion t'tork & tub' ,:ase |rcteiaL in Place' oe after aL requ')red vqot beJers ee in plzce btt beJ'ore otg rnLL ooering oty instlaxian Soile1 sanet cqPed =t FoPat\' Lite Septic tank V*qeC cd iilleC vith 7ri;e llobile ilc*es i-l ^.rol:.';c 1 ?cu:!DATri:t: To be rcce L) e:* "*r*.."" "r"- "=ce'satec crd - fczns *e etecceti, but ?Piol. '"o Pinal - i,/\en c3ase i,ians ote ecqleiei cti uhea lertclt:iott is catplete- ot st::r.:- ie ^ort"l, of Pre::rtses cleaned ttP' J"r fbor *atktiot or &ckirg' :{lS! iltD 3rA:'l: To be toic Pr'cr to fritffiTci itoot insub;ion cr l\ocki'trg od, Set-:tP PlunbittX corunecz'!'cttE - saie" od tx"at Etectrtcal Ccntect'Jott - Blockit4, se;'u' -id tlunbin-d cattections nr;at 'ce Q??'tz' f,.f"ii iqnstir4 alecrtcal ir'soec=ic-- Accessorri 3uili'Jry ?ir-zl - Aftct Vcrckes, slrJr1-it"'g' dei's' etc. de catoie=ed'ncie t-4, 4Vr-ttei. F17?L;J!: *)or 'a 2Lc=Jr4 !c='r'€ ffiC crti beiore frai,rq inegec' tiott. fP-LllirC: iag? be tectacted af2tr ffir! o1'raqh plttr.ciru1, zlectr|' tL ! neciani:al. - ALt noiittg btaelrq 3 chi,torcYs, a.te. r.tec be anote=cd. ::o ';cr< 'ls to be cctt- . ceitat rrttil :his insgec;Jar iaa '66sn raie atd. c2prtved. -.-ALL prc.;ee= ccr.ii;"cns, suc!"' cs -'1" i:"-111.i"=icn o7's.:?eet itee's"' :c-!ct'Jon o;'lie reqaireci ictttsce=ir€, i."c., ttlst be satisiiZl-1;i;"-;i 3Ui.-21:E'il:itl:cn be reqested' ?:xAL A$iJIJC: Tl".e f:-nal Luild,it"4- ltcs-oection =tst ba veauest*i :':"er thc ?inal ?''wbittl (-,) ,tt!2iiii""',1*, :'ti.i*,-i"cl inscec='-c;;';:'^'; been nc"e erti'c?ctouzi'lI -rrr. ? a-?-c /^. f-':.rA!;-Y...lv^& ,Aiz:tA:tgclis AttD cLrAltctrs :lus! 3t.4cclss:lLi'.1tii's?.'s.1': :o 39 :tDt :''! !10 3l5T rc cl:y ?zie I oJ' 2 t--l Iott:- CiQ'Desigrated Jab llunbet Ii it the rceponaibiliiy of tla penrt: iolder b jea ;ha; aL! inspections ce nade ,'rcn t;a st',.e'.c, cnC tttct the oaqrtt cal ia i.ocated "t.*3 frczt of .the.Tqe"t!'lZrildir? il.ti:io:. at1:ot;ed pl.bt s|c.LL retu.in on tla tsu'Jldlttg Saie dt aLL tunes- dt ?he Pro?e, time , t.Lat ccch cddtese is recia3" raribet, iob aCbess' tgpe- of inspe-c2-i-cn ruabcr.- i.equ"s'"s recslxed befcre 7:0C a' 0 €lo6to T t-] -t5iYtg.' lthen catplate " *ooice. rLJ'ff; "r' TiiT"''ZZi;o""- *ro'^gi' trP.U.E. tr tr tr iJcb Numbe":Cqc G/o Retererce llwnbet's j-;--j'. Zcne:)ceupaney Gro e/Cor-st:Berrooms 9^a z- :Lot Sq. Etg, % cf Lct Cotsenage i # o1 stoni"" lotal Height iopogruphg ITE14 llain Building Petltrit State ?otal Clnrges lotal LOT TYPE _ Intez,ict, _ Cormer _. Panhandle CUL-de-sac .- Fees -.. This pernrtt is granted on the ecpress cotdition tlnt the said constraetionslnll, in aLL tespects, eonforn to the Otdinance adopted by the City ofSpr"ingfield, inoktding the Zoning Cvdinance, z,egulating the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, otd mag be suspended or reuokeC at dtA tine upon oic- T,ation of cnA prcoisions of said }rdir,ances. Building Vqlue & Permit Electricql Permit were state La,) reouines trnt the eleet,ical uo,k be done bg an ELectz-icalcontrveto?, the elictrtc"L-;;";;;"-;ViniZ*p"rntt stall rot be oaliC untilthe Label vus beett eigned W li"- irZLt"".ZL, contractot,. # ,+ PLan .ne7 f HAVE CAREFULLY EXLMI\ED the cornpleted application fon pemrit, and, d,o,c*:i:J;ff li'frii#iffilr,{'i:i,fr ;##*4.{,#{,,,"State of ?regcn nertaining to the uoit<'Ceslni_bcd herein, cnd. that No OCCU_PANC-y t'tirl be nace of ana- at"uctu?e dthout permiseion of the Build.ing DL-ulsLon. r fuz,ther "nl!if-:t--tt1y-o"La-;;;;ctors and enplcgees uho az,e incazptianee urth cRS zot.b"ss at.tt- i"""lslni"Zl tit" friZol""r"". .,, Lot Faces -Ene?du Sourees Tilpe Setbaeks lieat Wote? ll adf e?pr.House Can aqe Access North Range Fireplace South liest SQ.FTG x nO?AL VALUE s.D.c. 7,5 t Date Paid: Signed: ITEM NO FEE CHAF.CE Fi^rhpes Residential (1 bath) Seuey co )(0 b /s c NO. Plumbing permit No p;ez'son slnll constntct, instal?." alter or crunge ana neu cn eristingqL^*ry z" dt'ainage systen in uhoie oz, in patt, Lnles"s "iot- p"n"on is theLegal possesson of a oalid yl-wnber,s LicensZ, edeept ttnt a pZo"o, naA do !#u.0", aork to prape?t! irtich is ouned, Lelsea i:" op"iitzdis-in" ippli- Plutnbing penri,t State N au,/ Ett etd. Cir c-ui t s Set uiee itc FSE C!]ARCE Ezhanst HooC Vent FaL llcodsto;te Mechonicql permit Pey,mtt fssuancz l,leehanieal peymit -- mcaol,cutttw Seeuy"i Permit Cutbcat sideuaLk Mobile Hcne TO?AL AMOUNT DIJE:*/s Go ?ctaL Signed Date 84 * d