HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-07-14Job Locaticn: Tar lot #Aesessot,s Map # Subdiuision: A,mer: Phone:Addtess: a1ci Deseribe h'ot'k: VaLueDate of App t-l Neln 7u-J Addi.tian Renodel ticaet ll..RESIDENTIAL " APPLTCATI../PERMrr 225 North Sth Street Springfield' )r'egon 97477 Buildtng Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 Date: SPRINGFTEI.D S General Plumbi.ng El,ectr ec tr 1an OR Sanilary seuet' capped at property Line Septic turk punped artd filled ui.th gra;sel Final - I{hen ahctse 'itens ate ccrnpleted and uhen denoliti.on is cotnplete o/' struc- ture motted and prenrLaes cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking otd set-uP Pltnbin? connections -- a€1ne? otd uatet Eleetrical Connection' Bloeking' eet'up and plwnbing connections mtst be apprct;ed befire rcqubsting eleclt4cal inspectiol Accesso?A Bui.lding Fi.rnl - Aftar pcrches, skit'ting, decks, etc. ote completed. Page 1 of 2 DRYWALL INSPECIION: TC bE MAdE ;77*V77@,rutr;.s in pt.ace, but prior to cny taPing. ILASONRI: Steel Loeation, bond Gfrilgrouting or uentieals in accordotce urtth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After installation ie anrpleted. CURB & APPR)ACH A?"ON: After fornsd,; erecteATut@ot' to Pout'iit4 It ie the tesponaibility of the pentrtt, howet to aee that aLL inspectiotw ate nade at the ptopet tine, that ecch addrees is reaCohie fnon the strebt, and tlat the pertrtt catd ia located at !h-e frcnt of the _property.'*Building Nuicion appro,*ed p|an,shall renain on tlte Building Stte at aLL times. pRocsDUpE FoR TNSpECrfiN R?QUEST:}ALL726-3769 (tecorder) state yout Cita designated iob nwnber, iob acdress, \!Pe-of inspecticn_joni,epoctiin'Contnactoreoia,mersnCmeLndpt,o,nnmbel,Requestsleceixedbefcre7:00an uiit be made the e;te dc!, ?eEtests- nade after Z:OO an uiLL be nade the next uorking day. lour City Deaigr,ated Job llwnber Ie:84a)t I SI?E INSPECTION: ercaoatl;n,-dut PIREPLACE:ndtAlA; prior tc eet up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHA.NICAL: To be made before any ffiffiooeted. P)OTINC & E)UNDA?ICN: Io be nnde ;frenTffies ate escaated attd fonns ate erected, but priot to pouning ccncrete. Io be aftet' Prior to placirq facing and before frofing inepee- INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION : ro be ,rade atiiei aLL insulaticn md required ttapor bat'r'iera ane in place bui before oty Lath, gApsuln boatC or tnLL cottez.ing is applied' artd before ory inaulation is concealed. UNDERGROUND PLIJMBING, SEWR, W,qTER. - Tr@-f,i5nches. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,{BING & MECHANICAL : of floor insulation or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: ?o be made Priot toffiTittfrltrof floor insulation or deeking. ROAGH PLT]!4BIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH: lUt%i: Wo wrk f,s to be coxered ,ffilTthese inspectiona lnnte been mad.e and. approtted. concrete. SfDEWALK & DRIWWAY: For aLL eon- c?;t;naoTns Affi s tr e et ri g ht - ef-tx7" to be nade after aLL ecea- oati.ng canplete & fotrn wt'k & sttb' base materLal in Plaee. tion. PRA].,!ING: l,tust be requested after @fr:al of rough plinbing, electri- cal & mecTwn'tcal, ALL roofing btaeittg t, chinmeya, etc. nast be icortpleted. No wnk is to be con- ." cealed until this inepectian lae 'been made anC approrted. PENCE: When conPlete -- ProuiCej&G ot, motsable sections through P.U.E. The Einal Building Inspection mtet be requested after the Final Plwnbing Meclnnical rnspectlons i@De been nade atd apptoued' EIIIAL PLUMBING EINAL MqCHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING: Electrical, anC *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSNET\I TO BE I'IADE AT NO COST TO CI?Y () r n n -.:ALL project conditione, such ae the i.nstallat1.on of street tree_s, co,npletion-of tie ,"qi;.nn7-1lni,.ipi.*g,'-;tc., rmtst be satisfied befot'e the BULLDING FINAL ean be requested' JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- PLan Eraniner L-co d f HAW CAREEULLY EXAI,fiNED the cornpleted application for pertnit, artd do hereby cettify that all infornwtion hereon ia tvue atd correct, attd f futtker certify that any ard aLL uork penforaed slnll be done in aceot- danee tith the ordinances of the city of Spt"ingfield, ard the Laae of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the wtk Cese"ibed hetein, and tlat I'10 OCCU- PANcy ttill be nade of any structure uithout pelrnission of the Building N- uision. I further cet,tify that only cont"actove od enplcyeel uho ee in eonpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie proiect Df House Carage Accegs, No?th East ll tireplace South l Woodstot;e l,,lest il Lot Faces - Bedvooms LOT IWE .* fnteni-ot, Co?ner Panhandle Cul-de-sae Lot Sq. Ftg. 1 of Lot Ccuerage I of Stories Total Eeight Topognaphy -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit Thla perwit 1o granted on the 6tp?eaa ootd.ition that the adid-conettaction "l-LL', i, all n-eepects, confom to the Ordinance adopted dy the City of Sprin4field, including the Zoning Cvdinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn and use of buildings, utd nay be suspend.ed on reookeC at my time upon oic- T.ation of dny prcoiaione of eaid Otdinances. . FTG TOTAL VALUE ITEM Value Signed: s.D.c. L.5 c Building Perm|t ?otal Clnrges State Date Paid: #: Plumbing Permit No person slwll constmtet, inetall, alter or clnnge anA ned cr existing plutnbing or drainage systan in ulale or in part, unleas such person is the Legal posseasor of a ualid plunber's Li,cense, escept that a pelson nay do plwnbing uork to ptopetty uhich is otmed" Leased or operated by the appli- cant. NO FEE CHARCE * Fictures Resil.ential ( 1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Penrit State Electricol Permit Where State Lan reEtiree tlwt the electtical oork be done by an Eleettical Contraetor, the eleetrieal portion of this pernit eltall not be oaliC until the Label lws been signed by the Eleettical Contractor. !otal. Neu/Extend Cincuits Sentice .0'0 -- EIICROACHMEN? -- NC.FEE CILARCE , Mechqnicol PermitBTUIS Eslmnst llooC Vent Pan Vcodstooe Permit fssucnce Meclanical Permtt Seeurttu DewEit Storage Llaintetrance Permtt Cttrbcu! Si.dasalk lence Electrical Ia.bel Mobile Hone TOTAL AMOUIIT DUE: ^ Daf€-t ?otal Chatqee