HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1987-02-24addru4') VJl SPR!NGFIELE' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Offlrce of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department February 24, 1987 Ray Phillips Phillips Printing 1193 Mi11 Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Subject: 1193 Mill Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mr. Phillips: Thank you for your tetter of February 13,respond to your concerns. 1987. This letter will attempE to In your letter you staEe Ehat you are unable Eo couply with condition numbers 5and 9 of, the home occupation regulations. eaaitionally, I am unsure ifcondition nuubers 3 and 7 can be complied with, because I have not seen Ehe typeof equipment associated with your operation. The Building Safety Division ,o,riaalso need to verify if the structure complies with code standards for this usewiEhout oodif ications. The Metropolitan Area General Plan Diagran designates this area as Low DensityResidential' Because the Metropolitin Area General plan designates thisProperty as Low Density Residential and the zoning of the p.op".ty is LowDensity Residential the use of the property must conform with the standardsestablished for residential property. The school administration officesin your letter are perrnitteddistricrs. and the Salvation Army Church you referred touses within Low Density Residential zoning cor"mercial businesses, with the exception of those which compry with the Homeoccupation standards are not permiEted ;ithin iesidenrial districrs. 225 North Sth Sheet a Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726_3753 Therefore, two options are available to you at this tine. Option I Request, an occupancy inspection through the Building Safety Division. This inspection would determine if you couply with condition nuubers 3 .and 7 for a Eome Occupation. If it is deteruined that, your use complies with condition nuubers 3 and 7; and you redesign your operation to conforn-with condiEion numbers 5 and 9 then you can ipply for a lloue Occupation PermiE. I have enclosed an Occupancy Inspection application. Ogllor 2 If the llome OccupaEion Permit is not feasible, your operaEion roust be relocated to a Coomunity Con'mercial or l.lajor RetaiL Co"'mercial zoned district. I can provide you with additional information regarding cornmercial standards for developmenE upon your request. you requested that your business be permitted to operate until May 1, 1987. I have discussed this issue with Planning & Developmeat Director Greg Winterowd. Because there are no code provisious thaE allolJ uses to oPerate for an extended period of time in violation, unless your business can qualify as a home Lccupation, the operation musE cease within 30 days from the date of this letter (March 24, 1987). I anticipate hearing from you by }larch 2, 1987. Sincerely, Cw*l.^- clmthia r,. /fu Ilaruon DevelopmenE Permit CoordinaEor cc: Greg Winterglrd, Planning & DeveloPrnent Director Dave Puent, Building Official SPRINGFTELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department "/"JulYJanuary 29, 1,987 !1r. Ray Phillips L093 Mill StreetSpringfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mr. Phillips: A recent observation of your property reveals that you areoperating a business from the residence at 1093 Milr street(Phi1lips Printing). The city of springfield requires thatbusinesses operated in residential zones adhere to specificrequirements in order to be compati-ble with the character ofresidential neighborhoods. Those requirements are risted onthe attached Home Occupation Agreement. The springfield Development code, adopted by the city councilin May, 1,986 requires that all legitimate home occupationsbe registered with the city. The regj-stration is a one timeprocess with a fee of $25.00. As long as no complaints arerecej-ved and the business adheres to the requirements of the Home occupation Agreement it will be considered a regal homeoccupation. Please review the attached Home occupation Agreement and ifyou feel- you meet the requirements of approval, fill out theagireement and return it to this office for review. if youare unable to qualify as a home occupation, your businessoperations will need to be relocated to an appropriate zoningdistrict. Prease feel free to carl me to di-scuss this matter. Cordially, thia L. Harmon Development permit Coordiantor Sa11y Johnson, Associate planner Gregory S. Mott, Development Code Ad.ministratorJoe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney 225 North Sth Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 D D WE PRINT YOUR IDEAS ON PAPER! 1093 Mill St., Springfield, Oregon 97477 (503) 747-4'134 February 13, 1987 Cynthia L. Harmon Development Permit Coordiantor City of Springfield 225 North 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Cindy, Tn response to our phone conversati-on the oLher day, I am writing to you. We were not aware of the city regulations in regards to home businesses and did not really know where to ask. After looking over the Home Occupation Agreement that you forwarded to me I find that I can not agree to iLts provisions. The two areas are numbers 5 and 9. LIe have non-family employees. 0n1y two are here at the place of business for any length of time. The others are outside sales people. Being on MiIl street, this does noL increase traffic in this neighborhood in a measurable way and t,here is not a parking problem. The other area, number 9, is only a minor problem. Occasionally we have people comi.ng in Lo pick-up small jobs, geL some copies made or check proofs. This probably totals no more than an average of 3 to 5 per week. Again due to ourlocation on Mill, there is no appreciable traffic problem. Our request would be that we might be allowed to conLinue until at least May 1,L987. The reason for this is that we are right in the middle of a large mapproject, similar to the Chamber of Commerce rutp, for the Eugene SpringfieldVisitors and Convention Bureau. The time needed to devote to that males a moveat this point of time most inconvenient. Secondly, I would like to explore the possibility of a zoning change. With theschool district offices jusL down the street towards town a iew blocks and theSalvation Army just a couple blocks the other way and the fact the Mi1l Streetis probably one of the heavier traveled streets in Springfield, changing thezoning to an area which would al1ow professional offices or other 1ow impactactj-vities which would a11ow more economic development would seem to me Lo bea positi-ve step. our situati-on and the suggestion. Sincerely, --::il%, fuy Pfiips, ownl Thank you for your consideration of I t- |'U FF!+ Fo\ o EOo o EE b0c L tn q) q) t) =(n o\o IPM 13 FEB t961 Cynthia L. Harmon Development Permit Coordinator City of SPringfield 225 North 5th Street Springfeild, 0R 97477 +r.-d"..- (