HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1998-11-16CITY OF OREGON D EVELOP M ENT S ERWC ES DE PARTM E NT November 16, 1998 RE: Minimum Development Standards Dear Dr. Tinsley: I hope the information enclosed answers your questions pertaining to MDS applications. A copy of the Springneta Development Code Article 31 gives the original MDS wording adopted with th9 Code with "rn"n}-a wording in 1987 by Ordinance 5407. You are probably already familiar with the information since you served on the Planning Commission you will also find an MDS Application for your use. As we talked about on the phone, it sor[rds like your site is already in good order. After we get your applicatioq I will make an appointment with you to visit your site. Thank your for your anticipated cooperation in this regard and feel free to phone me ifyou need anything else. 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s41 ) 726-3753 FAX(541) 726-3689 ,''0,la''- SPI :FIELO COPYO RITE *hm,ffr*rh* City of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety 225 N. 5'h Street Springfield, Oregon Nov. 5, 1998 RE: i146 Mohawk Blvd. Job #981136 COMMERCIAL REMODELING AND TENANT IMPROVEMENT MOHAWK COPY-RITE As a result of our recent meeting and our agreement, I am responding to "Plan Review Comments" and agreements made by other people who provided opinions regarding the scope use of the building and any ADA requirements. (I have enclosed my letter to Al Ward as a result of our pre- application review and discussion.) General Discussion: First - The property is zoned retail (business) commercial. There is no change in use. There will be three businesses as before. Copy-Rite is a retail business. It is the same as any "Point of Purchase and Sales." It is the same as pharmacy but we sell a different product. Second - The work being done is substantially cosmetic and tenant improvements. However, any replacement work is being done to meet code and focuses on "conservation": insulation, replace broken plate glass windows with energy alternates, and replace PCB ballast lights with energy eff,rcient lights. The plumbing being used presently exists and is being replaced to meet present conservation standards - They are visible. We will replace 5 gallon and leaking plumbing fixtures with 1.5 gallon toilet and repair leaks. The replacement HVAC systems rvill be energy efficient replacements of older less efficient units - and the list goes on. Third - There are no changes to the footprint of the building, no changes to the parking lot, entrances area, the outside is landscaped and the sign is grandfathered. Fourth - The whole issue of ADA requirements is based on opinion (misinterpretation) or lack of accurate information by your department. It is based on opinion rather than actual minimum standards that aie appropriate for this project and the alternatives provided under Title III, PL 101-336 act of 1990. There is also an attempt to suggest that rules governing non-commercial properties be applied to commercial property of any size or use without being specific about the application. I'11 address this later. 1 780 CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD SPRINGFIELD . OREGON 97477.3364 (541) 741-202'l . FAX (541) 741-3041 PRINTING Specific Discussion: #l City Fire Dept. has been given MSDS form for chemicals. There is so little chemical use that we are not required by the state Fire Marshall to report same' #2 Our general contractor, Peter Chandrinos, will contact you about the roofing replacement #3 John McCoy has been contacted and informed about insulation and HVAC efficiency and they meet standards. #4 There are no architectural barriers to the building. Exterior doors are within compliance including thresholds. There is a ramp access at the end of the entry walk that is in compliance and was built prior to the 1990 revision of the ADA. This may be marked and striped handicapped access. NOTE: The regulations of ADA provide unique and creative altematives to more stringent requirements. ie. You can provide pick-up and delivery, as long as it is free, as an alternative. Copy-Rite has always provided free pick-up and delivery and consultation on the customers site. All interior doors and spaces in the Pharmacy - Copy-Rite are 3ft. including bathroom. #5 Copy-Rite has 2 family members and one employee and no handicapped on its payroll. The bathroom and phones are not for public use. This is an existing bathroom dictated by the present mechanicals in place. Even though bars are not included, the bathroom, they will be made "handicap adapted" if a need arises - (permitted under Title III & PL - 101-336) The application is predicated on "Public Accommodations" and "Commercial Facility" (and function) and the number of employees. There are also the formulas and the percentages that indicate exceptions and our compliance's for what is in our plan. This is not a new bathroom! Your exceptions are out of context and do not meet the definitions and specifications of Copy-Rite's Situation. The reference to the access through the door is erroneous. NOTE: We are removing the finished shower from the bathroom plan, however, we are not going to lose the ability to use the existing plumbing in the future - we will rough in and o'cap" the plumbing but no finished shower witl be installed. Although a shower is not required by OSHA, it's highly desirable. Accordingly the OSHA Compliance Assistance Act of 1998 is a good place for me to recommend that OSHA, and ADA sit down with The City of Springfield to discuss a number of issues, especially the difference between a "Personal Hygiene" and a "Safe8" Shower' I made reference to my involvement of the Handicapped Acts and OSHA through 1984,I'm now up to speed through 1998. We have been in contact with the U'S. Department of Labor in Washington DC and the Northwest Disabilities Business Technical Assistance in Olympia, wA' we are ready to defend our positions on the constraints that are placed upon the facility at 1146' 1152 Mohawk Blvd. page2 #6 w k #7 e5. 7a We comply now and will move the compliance's to the new location, 7b Ail exhaust vehicles are listed on the plans submitted to your department. 7c All return air is built into the HVAC System and reviewed by SUB. Don, as we mutually discussed, we should exchange our thoughts and positions in writing. As I stated, we are not attempting to escape the minimum standards that we must legally meet. We are asking that decisions about our project be based very specific and appropriate criteria (hopefully written). Weexpectthatwhatisaskedofusis alsobeingaskedof everyprojectinSpringfieldsince 1990. I have also enclosed the name and information regarding our new contractor for your records If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I have included my card. I can be reached at my home phone between 8 - 10 a.m. and 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Sinc ly Tom Tinsley, Ph. D. and "footprint" including sign, parking and plants are existing and not being What I would like in writing is the detail of the MD6 approved by the Planning Commission; The detail of the MDS approved by the City Council; Any criteria, exceptions, and the administration regulations governing the discussion and touc decisions made by your department. Once I digest the material, we can disc site. ) (2) (3) Page 3 P. (JI Ciry Of Springfield DEVI]LOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS 225 l'if'th Strcct Springticld, Oregott Fax Llover Sheet DATE . 1 ll,lf*_{6a/h ro fO/U FAX:7l l' Jo4 t FROM:4t PHONH: FAX: RE: GG: \ Number of pages including Gover sheet i_ TIME: PHONE: I t Message: 4 frl k/LL*L *hH},ffr-rh* slv/ r r 1 780 CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD SPRINGFIELD . OREGON 97477.3364 (541)741-2021 . FAX (541)741-3041 Ptri6*J ,Nry ,f //rt a?L, J .\.( L /l!// ,r,/) ry ffi fo nt Thomas E. Tinsley, Ph.D Office $41) 741-2021Fffil-{54{+##rrax (s+t) z+t'so+t Home {s+t)726-90290 Ke', Ltr,-Lo,u &lr' untfi,r,tuJ.' a" nzzz,O/ t r/*"/-d,fuubar.rf b4e , *r(,r.^"r1 , fft*-/U-Ae ,-8-1d 37tu,**t a4 t"* a)t- u llg,4l--tllLr,<-z-A ,.t- tr** /i*"*./. d-J' b&,)t&*ry-/"fu*/z)I (fu,0 /1Dfr, a^/ J fr 4- fi{rt Ar// /r'u./ /'t' /-{ &/'4( afr fu&,*, k/e, dD d_,, rtft ald fu,/* l 1 7BO CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD SPRINGFIELD . OREGON 97477-3364 (541)741-2021 . FAX (541)741-3041 PylA 3 r ,fir-L t{k /lt"'trf' U/^- 4 *hhtlr.rh* Ke,h,,l*l /lr*T fot/-a A/,' bilZtuL*L &"uLo,^"p4 @J.*-1 ///* r/r;$:; sta,h, 4C,/";-(7tF Jo't*{fr.fr*6 -/(/t'1- Do74151 fl c b,f[&7 { 9"**"-lot-t a/-Q futo* f *f U,ro F/$K- t 1 780 CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD SPRINGFIELD . OREGON 97477.3364 (541)741-2021 . FAX (541) 741-3041 Pt3 '6{ #r" ,lVZt rl,e-talz<V ( ( 1904 UNIFC EUILDING CODE 1113.1.2,1-1113.3'3 Whcrc slterdlions of single elcmcnts' whcn ctrnsidercrl together' enlount to an al(crtlion of ,rJli'"iri[" i" o ["ir,ri,i's'* r""iii]i, tr.r" cnrire area or space shall bc accessiblc. '- Lo uir*,lon of un cxisting clenrent, sp.rrce or arca of a building shall imglsc n tequiremcnt fc g;;.;';*..;iiirity u,r,t rttui *ni"r' *o'l'l be requircd t'or nciv construction' 1113.L.2.2 Installation of stgirs or escalstors. lf an evcolalar or ncw stairway is planned or ir' srallcd requirirrg r,ajor ,iu"i"-i.r,,*ngis, rhcl n 'teans of accesslblc veflical acccss shall he prc vided accorrling to SccriiriiiiOAJ ""d tiOS.: t'or ramps. elevators or p)otform lifts. 1113,lJJ Tetephone* whcre alterations would iflcreale the number of pubiic psy telephoncs 1 four. wirhat lcastonc in ,d t;il;;:* *rrcie tne facilitv has lour or tttore public pay tclephones an onc or morc is sltercd' ^ii;;;;;;; i';rior tcxt telephonc slrall bc provided in act:ordartce with Sr'rc 'tion ll09.l3' 1113.1.2.4 Guestroorus. GuCSt rOOmsal(credin ancxistingGroupR' Division t holel occupant: shalt hivo at least one gu.Jt*"i ri'tt complies rvith Sec(ion I 109'25 for each 25 guest rooms c frsction thcreof. In addirion, at leasr onc guist room for each 25 guest rooms. ot fraction thereol shu, havp rolephones, ffi;i;il;-ana'"izunf nodtication devices in accordance rvith Scctio ' r 1113.12.5: Padent rooml;. Wlere paticrtt roonls arc altered in an existing Grr:up I Occupanc:y' ,iffi 11*ll:*1l:l';,"imU;ff ",tl:,'YJn'*i:'},:[ffJ::[:lli1Jfr lfi';Tiit'J#l]iT . Section 1109'10. 1113.2 Substarrtial Alteratioru. Excep,t lor Croup R'-Division 1 aparu.letrtbuildings' where 'sub stantial slteration occu"-i" i [rifOing or facility..i*it, ot"tn.nt or spicc thal is altered or'added shalr compty wigr the ^ppfiril;';;;ilii,"rr .iiiiit tn;ft.t, cxcept whtrc it i$ structurallv inrp^ctical' , The alicred building sr facility shall contarfl: ' l. At leost one nccessiblc route' 2, At lerst one acccssible eotry, Prcferat'ly the main entry, \1tcn additional enlries are allcred' thcy shall cotnPlY' 3. Thc following toilet facilitics' whichevcr is sr€ater: 3,lAtlcAslonetoilctfaciliryforcacltsexint}realteredhuildittg' 'r.ro,r"uuoneroilerfacitityforet...hsexoncachsubsuntiallyattercdtloor'whercsucltthci- , lities arc Provided' 1113.3 Modiflcations. 11133.1 Gerrersl. Thc following rnodificarions,rnay be uscd for compliutce whffc the requircd ffi.1];e is rcct,,riiaf ry i"i.*iuir i. whcn pro'iding access to historic $uildings: 11133J Raurps. Curb rampsand ranrps t'on9.11u,cted on cxisting sitcs. ot in existing bttildings or fscilitics, tuoy ha'c slopes an<J rises n.t Cs spccit-r.eiin this chaptcf where space limitations pruhittit ffi ' ;ili i"i;ii ;;[''J iffi ';,;i[ i;;;;ksr (B'3 3 % sr ope) o r rcss' prov idcd th at: I. Aslopcnotgre-Erffthanlunitvertic*l inl0unitshorizofltll(10%slope)isalluweclforam'ax- imum risc irf 6 inchcs (152 mm)' 2.Aslopctlotgreal'cllhanlurtitverticalinEunitshurizonul{L7.5Voslopc)isallowcdfora muimum rise of 3 inches (76 mrrt)' 3,.slopcs greaEr than I unit vemical in I units horizontal (12'5Vo slopc) are prohibiled' u13J3 .srair* Full extsnsion of stair lnndrails is not requirrr:rJ when such extcnsiorl rvould bc hazardous or inrg:ssitrle duc to plan t'.onnguratron' {vii"n un'u*t***ihlc clcvator is provided' cxist- in! itaio nced not bc nrade ucces'siblc' \ @ () in -iiiZ =r' '. j: =. Ib+ 1-207,7s vr'+f6 fr,*I t/t3 L /r-/ lnn3 Y 5r,d11 AA FL ft rn,4[ oN//fa 1Og4 UNIFOBM BUILDINO CODE SECT|ON 1104 - PAHKING FACILITIES lg.l Accessiblc Parking Retluired' ecc-c11trle parking f ;ffii"d: .;d:iigrred ana-mainiuincd ts required hv oRS 1'1 1 1 04-11 04.1 acilitics shull bc Providtrd, con- 7,233 anrl tltis stction. ORS 447,233(1) tlrough (7) are not a pan t'rf this coilc but arc rcproduccd herc ftlr llte rerder's Total Parking in Lot I ro25 26 to 50 51 to 75 76 to 100 l0l to 150 l5l to 200 201 to 300 301 to 400 401 to 50O 501 to 1.000 l,(X)l and ovcr Mirtinrum Nunther of Acccssiblc SPlccs I .a a 3 4 5 6 7.E 9 2 Pcrccnt of totlrl 20 ptus I for each Itl0 ovcr I,C)00 sl 8n wirh rhe sBndard.s set (f) Accessiblc Puking sPaces and roriii uy the Orcgort Transportation Cummission. signs shail be designed n compliance L)isah tl itiesCommistontncon.sultati on u'itlr rlr e ()regon thc parking space or thc uislc,nrtd curh c LT and ram Ps (3)No raltrp or ob be situatcd stuclc rilay extend to gnlly pgrked vch iclc. tn suclt way thrt thcy c(]tl td b€tt lou'kcd hy a k: may no tltal ned firccI he requi rel)le nLs uirtrd by rhi s sectl on shu ll bc ITI ilt so tn 1 P'arltin8,spaces rcq the standsrr.ls estab lishcd by the state h uilding cpd c oI this scctio n at a lt rimcs a nd to nleet 1-207.2 cL , #7 #6 and "footprint" including sign, parking and plants are existing and not being ) What I would like in writing is the detail of the MD6 approved by the Commission (7) The detail of the MDS approved by the City Council; (3) Any criteria, exceptions, and the administration regul atr governing the discussion and decisions made by your dep artment. Once I digest the material, we can dis site ,]*Co 5, 7a We comply now and will move the compliance's to the new location. 7b All exhaust vehicles are listed on the plans submitted to your department 7c All return air is built into the HVAC System and reviewed by SUB. Don, as we mutually discussed, we should exchange our thoughts and positions in writing. As I stated, we are not attempting to escape the minimum standards that we must legally meet. We are asking tliat decisions about our project be based very specific and appropriate criteria (hopefully written). Weexpectthatwhatisaskedofusis alsobeingaskedofeveryprojectinSpringfieldsincel990. I have also enclosed the name and information regarding our new contractor for your records. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I have included my card. I can be reached at my home phone between 8 - 10 a.m. and 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Tom Tinsley, Ph. D. Page 3 Sincerelv?'-Jln-t yJ 7n/sca/ /rU/- x 04' -- x8,[- =7,9 /be 0/ zl; /b6 / t{)ITZ (U:aruVz"t1) '- /ooo /&'x z{ 4/27 3 lfro4'liV "fV@) b?cEZf TD-ITL 32b € orttty Coutlf /A {/ \ *t,r CITY OF SPB"VGFIELD, OREGO'V h,225 FIFTH SIBEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-3700 December 7,1998 Mr. Thomas Tinsley Copy-Rite Printing 1780 Centennial Blvd. Springfield, OR 97 47 7 -3364 Re: I146 Mohawk Blvd. Springfield, OR - City Permit Job #98136 Dear Mr. Tinsley: Thank you for your response to the Plan Review Comments for your remodeling and tenant improvement project. Apparently, additional clarification will help define the Oregon State Structural Specialty Code (SSC) requirements which are the basis for the Plan Review Comments we provided you. In reply to the first point in your letter, the SSC specifically identifies pharmacies as a Group M Occupancy (merchandising uses). It also specifically identifies print shops as a Group B Occupancy (business uses). The Code, therefore, considers the new use to be a change in use from the former pharmacy. I asked Julie Scott to respond to your request for information regarding Minimum Development Standards and criteria. She said she forwarded the information to you. An application for MDS standards must be made with the Planning Division for this project according to Greg Mott. Please ctari! any concerns you have regarding those requirements with Julie. Regarding your concerns about the Accessibility requirements, the State of Oregon adopted Chapter 1l in the SSC to address the matters covered by the ADA. However, the federal ADA requirements are not enforced by the building codes directly, and are not, in their entirity, a part of the SSC. The requirements of Chapter 11 apply to all affected commercial and public buildings when alterations or certain improvements are made. Basically, this chapter requires that up to an additional25o/o of the cost of the primary function alterations must be applied toward eliminating architectural barriers that exist on the site and within the building . All costs involved to bring an element into compliance may be applied toward the25o/o maximum. The Code excerpts provided with the Plan Review Comments are out of Chapter 1 1. The concept of Chapter 11 is to first remedy any deficiency in on-site parking spaces and access, then any deficiencies in access to the building and finally access within the building . Where no deficiencies exist, no modifications are required. The alterations you have proposed for your building do qualifu for the accessibility requirements to be applied. Three separate businesses will be operating on the property, any of which may directly serve customers on the site. Since no accessible parking space presently exists within the boundary of the property, one must be created. The space should be located in an appropriate location to achieve the shortest practical accessible route to all business entries. The SSC states in part, "Wherever practical, the accessible route shall not cross lanes of vehicular traffic". (The information for accessible parking spaces was provided with the plan review comments). Depending on the solution to accessible parking, the total riumber of parking spaces may or may not be affected due to the parking aisle requirement. The total number of parking spaces required need to be coordinated with the Planning Division through the Minimum Development Standards (MDS) process. It is possible to provide the required parking access aisle without losing any parking spaces, if the number of spaces becomes a problem with either Planning requirements or your tenants' needs. Attached is a drawing showing one possibility. Regarding the more specific responses in your letter to the Plan Review Comments for the project, the following may be helpful: 1. The Fire Marshal is satisfied with your proposal for storage of chemicals by relocating an existing chemical storage cabinet from the existing facility to this facility. 2. The General Contractor has submitted all required information for the roof replacement, including the R-19 rigid insulation and deck board. The roof assembly is approved as submitted. 3. Mr. McCoy indicated he has received no data regarding the HVAC equipment or the type of controls to be installed. His greatest concern is with the energy compliance for the controls. Please submit specifications for the equipment and controls to Mr. McCoy for his review and approval. 4. The plans that were reviewed for your printing business indicate all interior walls are to be new, including those enclosing the rest room. For purposes of the SSC, the modifications represent a functional remodel of the building interior. 5. The rest room must be made fully "accessible" as a result of this remodel, not "adaptable". (The Code only recognizes "adaptable" residences). The shower in the rest room, as shown on the plans, makes no mention of its purpose. It would be acceptable to have a safety shower in the rest room without having it comply with all accessibility requirements, with the understanding that its primary function is to serve that purpose. 6. Your request for MDS criteria was forwarded to you under separate cover. Please contact Julie Scott at 726-3610. 7. As covered in #1, your chemical storage proposal has been approved by the Fire Marshal. You mentioned in your letter that the ADA provides for unique and creative alternatives to more stringent requirements. The accessibility requirements of Chapter 11 of the SSC are more limiting with regard to creativity. Persons who believe a specific requirement or requirements of the SSC exceed the standards and specifications of the Americans with Disabilities Act and that full compliance with the SSC requirements is impractical and would defeat the purpose of the project, whether proposed or in process, may appeal the SSC requirements. Please bear in mind that costs for the accessibility requirements are not considered a factor in such appeal until they reach the25o/o limitation noted earlier in this letter. Enclosed is a copy of the portion of the SSC which deals with the appeals process. The forgoing information is intended to clariff and update the Plan Review Comments for your project. I hope it provides adequate response to the concerns ofyour letter. The building project must comply with the applicable Codes and Ordinance requirements as stated herein unless appeals to the requirements are satisfactorily obtained. Sincerely, Don Moore Construction RepresentativelPlans Examiner dlm Enclosure: 2 cc: David Puent, Julie Scott, Al Ward, Lorne Pleger, John McCoy, Tom Marx \\l :t ri I I I t ! ) 5l fir EI HI PI 7 Dg irt U ht tu 3luzEXI9TIFI6 PAR<tf.l6 LOT Nad,@7</a.RAT4P EA9T l?t.bo', 9IDEIUALK I EXl9TlNe DRI\/E 9IDEuJALK NEIJJ ROOF SURFACE PA RKE R ST,?EET lr- d)0t ( 'pss ru G r/ffi< rek //4<k//r4 ;l / EAST la?Ja /N o EXtgTtl.{G CAIOPY ROoF EXtgTtr\lG ROoF 9LOPES TO EXl9Tlhl6 DOUIN9POI]T9 NEUJ RO6 gTJRFACE EXl9?li-,lG ROG gLOPEg TO I gTtl.lG DOr.t^{5POr.lr9 (\ 1994 UNTFORM BU]LDING CODE 1101.F-1101.7 ORS ,147.233(7) and 447 .25O are not a part of this code but are reproduced here for the convenience: 447.?J,3(@ is part of accessible parking space requirements and says: I 447250 Waivers or modifications of standards and specifications; appeals board; proce- dures; fees. ( I ) When a person or govemmental entity undertaking the construction, renovation, alteratlon ormodification of an affected building oris related facilities determines thata Particu- lar standard or specification exceeds the standards or specifications imposed. by the Americans with Disabilitiei Act and rhe Fair Housing Act, and that full compliance with the standard or specification is impractical in that it would defeat the purpose of the project proposed or in pro- "!5,it ruy upply to the appeals board having jurisdiction overthe-projectfora waiverormodifi- cation of sirch itindard oi ipecification, setting forth the reasons for its determination and a pro- posal for the work complying with the particularstandard or specification to themaximum extent that it considers Practical. (2) (a) For projects involving a state correctional facility as defined in pnS 421.005(2), or a focaicbir"ctionai facility, as defined in ORS 169.005(3), the appeals board refened to in subsec- tion (l ) of this section ii te nuitaing Codes Structures Board established under ORS 455-132. (b) For all other projects, the appeals board referred to in subsection (l) of this section is the appeals board established under Oti.S +SS.OZO(4) by the municipality having jurisdiction over the projecr (3) The appeals board shall thereupon investigate the application. The board in its investigation rhiifU"."qiri*d ro seek the advice oithe Oregon OisaUititiesCommission orits designee in d{l- ing t"itt rinit""turat barrier waivers. If the appeals board finds that the proposal submitted with thE application would constitute a substantial compliance with, oran ry99P8!le altemative to, tt " pifticufut ttandard or specification in view of the objectives of ORS.447 '210|o 447.280' the *"ii* it "tt be granted. If the board finds othenvise, the applicatiol ${t be promptly denied with notice to thi requesting person or govemmenhl entity of the denial. (4) The findings of the appeals board shall include the estimated building costs and the addi- tior"l .ort of .oi'struction i6 conform to the requirements of ORS M7 '2lO to 447 .280 over the "oiiofu non.onforming feature or any other special reason orcircumstance that, in thejudgment of the board, justifies the decision. (5) Any person aggrieved by the final decision o-f an appeals boTd T.y w^ithin 30 days of the a.iiiio" ifip"ut o ti'Jpirectoiof the Departrnentof Consumerand Business Services. [n the case il;;;;pr"ls board has been creited the director shall have original jurisdiction of an uopfir"tion i.ir a waiver. The applicant for a waiver or an appeal shall submit a fee- of $20 payable 6iilA;"t"r with the requeii for waiver or appeal. In determining an aPPea! or an original ;;lidd;", rh" procedures and standards of subsLttions ( I ) to (4) of this section shall apply to the director. 1l0l.Z Referenced Standards. These referenced standards may be used by the building offrcial ^!"lO** *fti, evaluating and approving altemate methods, modifications and waivers under 1101.7-1102 Section ll0l. The following are adopted as referenced standards for this chapten Public kw 10l-336, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Part II and Part Itr; Departnent of Justice Regulations of Friday, July 26, l99l;28 CFR, Part 36, including Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and Public Law 1fi)430, the Fair Housing Act (FIIA) wittr its reference to ANSI Al17.l-1986, and the regulations adopted thereunder. Referenced standards (Section 3503) for children's environments may be found in the United States Alchitecural and Transportation Banien Compliance Board recommendations for Accessibility for Children's En- vircnments or in the Architectural Graphics Standards. SECTION 1102 - DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this chapter, certain tenns are defined as follows: ACCESS AISLE is an accessible pedestrian space between elements, such as parking spaces, seating and desks, that provides clearances appropriate for use of the elements. ACCESSIBLE describes a site, building, facility, or portion thereof, that complies witt ) chapter. ACCESSIBLE ELEII{ENT is an elerirent specified by this chapter (i.e., telephone, conrols, etc.). ACCESSIBLE EXIT is an exit, as defined in Section 1001.2, which complies with this chapter and does not contain stairs, steps or escalators. ACCESSIBLEMEANSOI'EGRESSis apathof travel, usable by amobility-impairedpenon, that leads to a public way. ACCESSIBLE ROUTE is a continuous unobstructed path connecting all accessible elements and spaces of a building or facility. Interior accessible routes may include conidors, floors, ramps, elevators, lifts, and clear floor space at fixtures. Exterior accessible routes may include connections to the public right-of-way, parking access aisles, curb ramps, crosswalks at vehicular ways, walks, ramps and liffs. ACCESSIBLE SPACE is a space that complies with this chapter. ADAPTABILITY is the ability of certain building spaces and elements, such as kitchen count- ers, sinks and grab bars, to be added or altered to accommodate the needs of individuals with or without disabilities, or to accommodale the needs of persons with different types or degrees of dis- ability. ADDITION isanexpansion, extensionorincreasein thegross floorareaof abuildingorfac' ,l AIIECTED BT ILDINGS. See ORS 447.210(t). ORS 447.210(l) is not a part of this code but is reproduced here for the reader's convenience: "Affected buildings" includes any place of public accommodations and commercial facilities designed, constructed and altered in compliance with the accessibility standards established by the Americans with Disabilities Act. "Affected buildings" also includes any govemment build- ing that is subject o Trtle tr of the Americans with Disabilities Act. "Affected buildings" also includes private entities, private membership clubs and churches that have more than one floor level and more than 4,0fi) square feet in ground area or that are more than 20 feet in height mea- sured from the top surface of the lowest flooring to the highest interior overhead finish of the building. AIIERATION is achange toabuildingorfacility tlntaffects orcould alfecttheusability of the building or facility or part thereof. Alterations include, but are not limited to, remodeling, renova- tion, rehabilitation, rsconstruction, historic rcstoratioq changes or rearangement of the sructural parts or elements, and changes or rearrangements in ttre plan for configuration of walls and full-height partitions. Normal maintenancg reroofing, painting or wallpapering, or changes to me- chanical and electrical systems are not alterations unless they affect the usability of the building or facility. 1-2U2 1994 UNIFORM BUITDING CODE Dry -l*Oc &'/4"art ?'7 December 1, 1998 Mr. Thomas Tinsley Copy-Rite Printing 1780 Centennial Blvd. Springfi eld, OR 97 47 7 -3364 Dear Mr. Tinsley: Re: 1146 Mohawk Blvd. Springfield, OR - City Permit Job #98136 Thank you for your response to the Plan Review Comments for your remodeling and tenant improvement project. Apparently, additional clarification will help define the Building Code (Oregon State Structural Specialty Code) requirements which are the basis for the Plan Review Comments we provided you. In reply to the first point in your leffer, the Code specifically identifies pharmacies as a Group M Occupancy (merchandising uses). It also specifically identifies print shops as a Group B Occupancy (business considers tn use from the Julie Scott to respond to your request for information regarding Minimum Standards and criteria. She said that she forwarded the information to you. An application for MDS standards must be made with the Planning Division for this project according to Greg Mott. Please clariff any concerns you have regarding those requirements with Julie. concerns about the Accessibility requirements, the State of Oregon Chapter 11 in the , the federal ADA requirements cannot be enforced by the building codes directly, and are not a part of the Building Code. The requirements of Chapter 11 apply to all affected commercial and public buildings when alterations or certain improvements are made. Basically, this chapter requires that up to an additional25Yo of the cost of the primary function alterations must be applied toward eliminating architectural barriers that exist on the site and within the building , as determined by application of requirements in that Chapter. All costs involved to bring an element into compliance may be applied toward the25%o maximum. The Code excerpts provided with the Plan Review Comments are out of Chapter 1 1. The concept of Chapter 1 1 is to first remedy any deficiency in on-site parking spaces and access, then any deficiencies in access to the building and f,rnally access within the building . Where no deficiencies exist, no modifications are required. The alterations you have proposed for your building do qualifr for the accessibility requirements to be applied. Three separate businesses will be operating on the property, any of which may directly serve customers on the site. Since no accessible parking space presently exists within the boundary of the property, one must be created The space should be located in an appropriate location to achieve the shortest practical accessible route to all business entries. The Code states, "Wherever practical, the accessible route shall not cross lanes of vehicular traffic". (The information for spaces was review comments). on the solution to accessible parking, the total number of parking or may not be affected due to the parking aisle requirement. The total number of parking and available should be coordinated with the Planning Division through the Minimum Development Standards (MDS) process. It is possible to provide the required parking access aisle without losing any parking spaces, if the number of spaces becomes a problem with either or your tenants' needs. Attached is a drawing showing one possibili the project, the following may be helpful: l. The Fire Marshal is satisfied with your proposal for storage of chemicals by relocating an existing chemical storage cabinet from the existing facility to this facility. 2. The General Contractor has submitted all required information for the roof replacement, including the R-19 rigid insulation and deck board. The roof assembly is approved as submitted. 3. Mr. McCoy indicated he has received no data regarding the HVAC equipment or the type of controls to be installed. His greatest concern is with the energy compliance for the controls. Please submit specifications for the equipment and controls to Mr. McCoy for his review and approval. 4. The plans that were reviewed for your printing business indicate all interior walls are to be new, including those enclosing the rest room. For purposes of the Code, the modifications represent a functional remodel of the building interior. 5. The rest room must be made fully "accessible" as a result of this remodel, not "adaptable". (The Code only recognizes "adaptable" residences). The shower in the rest room, as shown on the plans, makes no mention of its purpose. It would be acceptable to have a safety shower in the rest room without having it comply with all accessibility requirements, with the understanding that its primary function is to serve that purpose. 6. Your request for MDS criteria was forwarded to you under separate cover. Please contact Julie Scott at 3610. 7. As mentioned in #1, your chemical storage proposal has been approved by the Fire Marshal. You mentioned in your letter that the ADA provides for unique and creative alternatives to more stringent requirements. The accessibility requirements of Chapter 1l of the Building Code are more limiting with regard to creativity. There is, however, an appeal process available to persons or entities who believe the requirements of the Code to be excessive or inappropriate to a specific project. Enclosed is a copy of the portion of the Code which deals with waivers and appeals. If you wish to appeal any of the above Code requirements, Please advise this office as soon as possible. I hope the forgoing information clarifies and updates the Plan Review Comments, and provides adequate response to the concerns of your letter. The building project must comply with the applicable Codes and Ordinance requirements a stated herein unless waivers, or appeals to the requirements are satisfactorily obtained. Sincerely, Don Moore Construction RepresentativelPlans Examiner dlm Enclosure: 2 cc: David Puent, Julie Scott, Al Ward, Lome Pleger, John McCoy 1l 'l 5804 ORDINANCE NO.(EMERGENCY) &\fsfl AN ORDTNANCE AIvTENDING T}IE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE 2 DEF'TMTIONS; ARTICLE 3 DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL AND LAI'ID USE DECISION PROCEDT,RES; ARTICLE 4 INTERPRETATION; ARTICLE 8 ADOPTION OR AMENDMENT OF REFIMMENT PLAN TEXT, REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAT,TS AND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT; ARTICLE lo DISCRETIONARY USES; ARTICLE ll VARIANCES AIID MODIFICATIONS OF PROVISIONS; ARTICLE 12 ZONING DISTRICT AND O\ERLAY DISTRICT CHANGES; ARTICLE 15 ApPEALS; ARTICLE 16 RESIDENTIALZONINGDISTRICTS; ARTICLE 18 COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS; ARTICLE 19 BKMU BOOTH-KELLY MDGD USE DISTRICT; ARTICLE 20 LMI, HI AND SHI INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICTS; ARTICLE 21 CI CAIUPUS INDUSTRIALDISTRICT; ARTICLE 23 PLOPUBLICLAND AND OPEN SPACE DISTNCT; ARTICLE 25 WILLA}VIETTE GREENWAY OVERLAYDISTRICT; ARTICLE 26 HILL5IDE DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT; ARTICLE 29 I,F.IO I,RBAI.ITZABLE ERINGE OVERLAY DISTNCT; ARTICLE 30 H HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICT; ARTICLE 31 SITE PLAN REvIEw STAI.IDARDS; ARTTCLE 33 LOTLINE ADruSTMENT STA}TDARDS; ARTICLE 34 PARTITION STANDARDS; ARTICLE 35 SUBDIVISION STAI.IDARDS; AND ARTICLE 38 TREE FELLING STAI.TDARDS A}.ID DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. TxE CITI coUNcIL oF THE CITY oF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: l. The Springfield Dwelopment Code (SDC) was adopted by the Springfield City Council on May 5, 1986, and amendments thereto were subsequently adopted by Ordinance. " 2. On December 5, 1995, the Springlield Planning Commission held a public hearing on this SDC amendment request (Jo. i.Io. 9s-07-lt2). The Springfield Planning Commission voted 5 in favor, 0 opposed, to recommend approval of these amendments to the City Council. 3. Findings in support of adoption of these amendments to the SDC are set forth in the Staff Report and the Recoirmendrtion to the Council (Jo. No. 95{7-132) incorporated herein by reference. - 4. Based on the above record and findings, the City Council concludes that the SDC amendments are consistent with the criteria of approval as sct fo(h in the Stalf Report and Recommendation to the Council (Io. No. 95{7-132) incorporated herein by refcrence. Now therefore, based on the above findings, TI{E CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CITY COIINCIL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Scction l: Scction 2.020 is hcrcby amendcd as dcscribcd belorv: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE - A structure of sccondary impOrtance or function on a site. In gcncral, the primary usc of the site is not carricd on in an acccssory structure. Accessory structurcs are gencrally ietact ea from the primary structure. If acccssory st*ttutcs are attached to the primary structure, thcir structural framcrvork is indcpcndcnt or semi-indcpcndcnt from the primary structurc. For cxamplc, a porch, deck or stairs that have thcir ou,n footings tr foundation arc accessory structurcs evcn though thcy may be attachcd to the primary structure. A balcony that is supportcd totally by the framcu'ork of the primary structurc is noi considcrcd an accessory structurc. Agiicultural structures, such as but not limited to barns, silos, hay shcds, drying shcds and grccnhouscs, shali bc cxcmpt from the spccial use standards of the undcrlying roning distriit rvhcn locatcd on land 2 acres or largcr or on any lot or parccl ofland rvith a valid farm dcferral tax classification from thc Orcgon State Dcpartmcnt of Revcnuc. Not$'ithstanding this Ordinancc No. 5804 Pagc I i. &qw PREFABRICA1ED DWELLING - A building or structural unit that has been in whole or substantial part manufactured at an off-site location to be wholly or partially assembled on-site, but does not include a mobitc home, trailer or recreational vehicle. Prcfabricatcd structures arc regulated under tho State of Orcgon Structural Specialty Code (Modular Home). PUBLIC UTILITY FACILITY - Structures, facilities and equipment necessary to serve development by a government, public utitity, utility cooperative, or private company. Low Impact: Telephone and cable television lines, poles,junctionboxes, exchanges and repeater stationsj electric porver distribution lines (less than 69 KV) and poles; sanitary sewer pipe lines, pumps or lift stations; storrn sewer pipe lines, ditches and other stormwater management or water quality ponds, rvetland, or swales; gas distribution pipe lines; water pipe lines, valves, well fields, purp stations and attendant facilitties; water reservoirs and water storage tanks less than 3OO,O00 gallons or 30 feet in height, and water treatment facilities, including filtration plants, less than 2.5 million gallon capacity pcr day. High Impact: Electric power transmission lines (greater than 69 KV), poles and substations; telephone, radio or cable television transmission torvers; gas pipe line valve stations; sanitary sewer treatment plants or eflluent ponds; rvater reservoirs and water storage tanls greater than 300,000 gallons or 30 feet in height; Ivater treatment facilities, including filtration plants, greater than 2.5 million gallon capacity pcr day; fire/ambulance stations. USE;NON-CONFORMING - The use of land or structures, or the size, height, location or number of structure, formerly permitted or othenvise larvfrrl, but rvhich currently does not comply with existing standards or provisions of this Code. wooDED LOT - A lot or parcel 10,000 square fcet or larger, above 670 feet in elevation, rvhich contains moie than 5 trees eight inches or greater dbh. - YARD - (for purposes of establishing building setback) Front yard: The first ten feet of tand paralleling street rightof-rvay used for address purposes. Side yard: The first livc fcet or land paralleling property boundaries intersecting the front yard property boundary. Rear yard: The first ten feet of land paralleling the propcrty boundary most distant from and paralleling the front yard propcrty boundary. Through-lot rear yard: The first tcn fcct of land paralleling street right-of'rvay rvhich is parallel to and most distant from the front yard property boundary uscd for addrcss purposes. Strect side yard: The first tcn fcct ofland parallcling strcct right-of-rvay rvhich intersects the front yard propcrty boundarY. scction 2: Section 3.010 is hcrcby amcndcd as describcd bclorv: (2) Dcvclopmcnt Approval - Typc III and Typc IV. (a) All Typc III and Typc lV Land Usc Dccisions, both quasi-judicial and lcgislative Ordinancc No.5804 Page 3 ..,.i'..i,..:..r ffh\u/ exemption, land use activities conducted on land uith agricultural structures must othenvise conform uith thc list of permitted uses uithin the underll,ing zoning district (sec also PRIMARY STRUCTLIRE; EXTENSION, ARCHITECTURAL; and INCIDENTAL EQIIIPMEI'ID. AGRICULTURE - The cuttivation and harvesting of tree crops, plants, orchards, pasture, florver, berry and bush crops, or the keeping, raising or breeding of livestock or poultry rvhere permitted by the Springfield Code, and on any lot or parcel u'ith a valid farm deferral tax classilication from the Oregon Sutc Department of Revenue. Agricultural structures, as defined elservhere in this Code, also shall be dehned as "Agriculture". BIJILDING ENVELOPE - The area of a lot or parcel proposed for building construction that is equal to or less than the lot coverage standard ofthe zone. DBH - The diameter of a tree 4 ll2 feet above the ground at the base of the tree. DENSITY, GROSS - The number of dwelling units and audliary uses, i.e., right of uay, designated open space, other public facilities, per acre ofland. DEVELOPMENT - Any human-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, includingbut not limited to a change in use; construction, installation or change of a structure; subdivision and partition; establishment or termination of a right of access; storage on the land; drilling and site alteration such as that due to land surfacr mining, dredging, paving excavation or clearing of trees and vegetation. Agrictltural uses (including agricultural structures), rvhen othenvise permitted by the underlying zoning districq shall be exempt from this definition except when agricultural structures are placed within adopted spedal flood hazard zones. As used in Articte 27 ,FP Floodplain Overlay District, any human-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to buildings or other stmctures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation, or drilling opcrations located within the area of special flood hazard. DEVELOPIVIENT REVIEW MEETING - This definition is hereby deleted. - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT - The Department responsible for the administration of this Code and the implementation of the Mctro Plan rvithin the Springlield Urban Grorvth Boundary. DISCRETIONARY USE - Any use which, because of its potentially incompatible characteristics, is not permitted in a particular zoning district without first being rcvierved by the Planning Commission or Hearings Ofiicial to determine whether the proposed usc should be permitted and if so, under what conditions necessary to ensure compatibility. FUTIrRE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - A linc drau'ing (rcquired for some land division proposals) that include the following information: location of future rightof+vay dedications bascd on TransPlan, the Iacal Strctt Plan or block lcngth and lot size standards of the SDC; rcdivision plan at minimum urban density based on thc existing Mctro Plan dcsignation of the property for any lot that is large enough to further divide; and the location ofdrainagcrvays, jurisdictional rrrtlands and rvoodcd areas shorving horv future dcvclopmcnt rvill addrcss prescrvation, protcction or removal. MANI.JFACTURED D WELLING (l) Tlpc I Manufacturcd Home multi-scctional configuration enclosing a minimum floor arca of 1,000 square fcct+ Ordinancc No. 58OQagc 2 {ffi,qip (2) The purpose of the Type I procedure is to provide for Development Approval review based on standards, as specified in this Code, which do not require interpretation or the exercise of factual, poticy or lcgal judgment. Compliance rvith Code requirements will insure rapid approval of the ipplication. In the event that the applicant disagrees with the application of the standards, the apiticant may request a Type III Formal Interpretation or a Type II Site Plan Revierv application. (3) Tpe I apptications shall be processed by the Director without need for a public hearing or notification of surrounding property owners and occupants. The application shall be reviewed based upon compliance witt tt e provisions of this Code. No Building Permit shall be issued until Divelopment Approval has been obtained. Tlpe I applications as identified in subsection (l)(a-f and h-m) of this Article are exempt from the provisions of ORS 197.195, 197.763 and 227.173. Section ?: Section 3.080 is hereby amended as described below: (2) The following applications shall also be reviewed under Type II Procedure: (e) Modification of Provisions. Section 8: Section 4.010 is hereby amended as described belorv: (l) For the purpose of Formal Interpretation as prescribed in 3.090O of this Code, the Planning dommission (inside the city limits) and the Hearings Ollicial (outside the city limits) shall have the authority and responsibility to interpret all terms, provisions and requirements of this Code- Appeals of iuch interpretations shall be made to the City Council of Springfield' (2) Interpretations of provisions of this Code conctrning engineerin& transportation, building, .na nr. and life safetyissues rvill be made by the Public Works Director, City Engineer, Building Oflicial or Fire Chief, in consultation u,ith the City Attorney, as appropriate. Appeals of such interpretations shall be made to the Planning Commission or Hearings Ollicial' Section 9: Section 4.020 is hercby amended as described belorv: (l) A request for a formal interpretation of this Code shall be revierved under the Type III proctdure. Section l0: Section 4.030 is hereby amcndcd as describcd bclorv: (l) The purpose and intent ofthe particular Section ofthe Code in question and the applicable ioning district, rcfincmcnt plan or Mctro Ptan rvhcrc no rclinement plan exists; (a) In situations rvhere an e.xisting or proposcd land usc has thc characteristics ofscveral uses, brt no one spccilically listed us., the Planning Commission or Hcarings Offrcial shall also considcr thcfollorvini lvhcn dctcrming rvhcthcr a proposcd use bclongs in a particular district: (c) In the evcnt the Planning Commission or Hcarings Offrcial cannot make affrrmative iinaingr undcr this Subscction, thc Planning Commission or Hearings Official shall dcny oi rcfcr thc proposal to thc City Council for a final detcrmination. (5) Thc planning Commission or Hearings Ollicial shall considcr the follorving additional considcrations in dctcrmining zoning district boundaries: ordinance No. j80a Pagc 5 i.'... 1ta,*/ @ O) Any other application rvhich is not a Land Use Decision. Section 3: Scction 3.020 is hercby amended as described bclorv: Thc following activities and development do not require Development Approval, a Land Uso Decision or Limited Land Use Decision, but shall conform to all other applicable provisions of this Code or any other applicable Codc as determined by the Director. (4) Agricultural uses and structures on any lot or parcel 2 acres or larger where the underlying zoning allows such use and on any lot or parcel with a valid farm defenal tax classification from the Oregon State Department of Revenue. (7) Single family homes on larvfirlly created lots or parcels u'ithin the city limits. (8) Single family homes on laurfully ueated lots or parcels in the urban transition area zoned LDR, less than 5 acres or greater than l0 acres, or lots or parccls ofany size and residential zoning provided a Future Dwelopment Plan has been accepted by the City. Section 4: Scrtion 3.040 is hereby amended as described belorv: (5) Within 10 working days of the Pre-Application Conference, the Director shall prepare a rwitten list of comments on the proposal to aid in the submittal of the formal application for the prospective applicant. This list shall include procedures necessary to obtain Development Approval, as rvell as applicable issues that shall be addressed in the application. Section 5: Section 3.050 is hereby amended as described bclow: (2) An application shall consist of items required by this Code and the following: @) Evidence that the propcrty aflected by the application is in the exclusive ownership or control ofthe applicant, or that the applicant has the consent ofall orvners ofthe affected property to act on their behalf. For public utility projects, the utility providers must show evidenct that they are engaged in negotiating n'ith the affected property orvners for acquisition of easements. Section 6: Section 3.070 is hereby amended as described belorv: (l) The follorving shall be revierved undcr the Type I Procedure: (c) The construction of acccssory siructures, including agricultural structures rvhere not exempted, in all districts. (c) Future Dcvelopment Plan. (f) Thc follorving shall mcct the Minimum Dcvelopment Standards as spccilied in Articlc 3l of this Codc. Applicants rvho cannot or do not rvish to comply rvith the Minimum Devclopmcnt Standards shall have their application rcvicrved under the T1,pe II Site Plan Rcvierv. (3) A change ofuse ofa building or land, or thc intcrnal altcration ofa building for thc purposc ofa change in thc use ofthat building or land. ordinancc No. 5804 Page 4 @ (d) Natural resources, regulated rvetlands, natural stormtvater management/drainage areas and wooded areas shall bc adcquately considered in the project design. . (e) The proposed site shall be large enough to provide adequate parking, assembly space, athletic fields and play areas to serve the anticipated school population. (f) School siting is geographically sensitive. Use of the proposed site for a school will not reduce the supply of the applicable zoning district below the minimum 6 year inventory as specified in the Metro plan unless appropriate alternative school sites are not reasonably available or other land is reasonably available to add to the inventory. (5) If any of the applicable criteria or standards listed above are not found by the Planning Commission or Hearings Ollicial to be fully satisfied, the request shall be denied. section l5: Section 11.030 is hereby amended as described below: (t) Modifrcation of Provisions. The Director may adjust any quantitative standard of this Code involving up to a 20 percent reduction or increase not in conllict rvith other applicable standards provided that: (c) The follorving adverse effects on neighboring properties will not occur as a result of this Modification of Provisions: In reaching a decision on these actions, the Planning Commission or Hearings Oifrcial shall adopt findings which de*onstrate that all of the following criteria have been addressed: (3) That the property can be served by the orderly and elficient exlension of key urban facilities and services is piescribed in the Metro Plan prior to or in conjunction rvith development. Section l?: section l5.olo is hereby amendcd as described belorv: (l) A Type III procedure shall be used to process an Appeal of the decision of the Director or Historical Commission made under a Type I[ procedure as spccified in Section 15'020 of this Article. A Type I decision, as identified in Section 3.070(tXa-f and h-m) of this Code, is exempt fromtheprovisionsofORS 197.195, 197.763and227.173 andthereforecannotbesubjecttothe appeal provisions of this Article. (3) An Appeals application togcther rvith all requircd matcrials shall be accepted by the Director prior to the rcvierv ofthe request. Scction l8: Scction 15.020 is hcrcby amcndcd as describcd bclorv: (l) An Appcals application may bc submittcd by a party appcaling the dccision and shall be filed l,ith the Director ii,ittrin l0 calcndar days of the dccision of the Director or Historical Commission. scction l9: Scction 15.030 is hcrcby amcndcd as describcd bclorv: ordinancc No. 580$ng. z rr- I t rei: -':t t;tliiiJ Section I l: Section 8.010 is hereby amcnded as described belorv: Adoption or amendment of Refinement Plan Te:r't, Refinement Plan Diagrams and Dcvelopment Code Tcdmay be initiated by the Director, the Planning Commission, the City Council or a resident of the City of Springfield or their representative. Amendment initiated by the public shall be limited to twice a year. e,pplications shatt be submitted to the Development Servicts Department on or before January 5th of each year or July 5th ofeach Year. Section l2: Section 10.010 is hereby amended as described below: (l) Uses identified in this Code as requiring Discretionary Use approval may be permitted, cnlarged or altered only in compliance g,ith the provisions of this Code. (2) The purpose of the Discretionary Use process is to enzure the appropriateness and compatibility of certain proposed uses listed in Article 16-30 of the Code as rvell as those uses not listed where the Director must require an interpretation from the Planning Commission or Hearings Ollicial under Section 4.030 of this Code. Section l3: Section 10.020 is hereby amended as describcd belorv: (l) New or erpanded Discretionary Uses shall be revieled under the Type III procedure. Section l4: Section 10.030 is hercby amended as described below: (l) Except for private/public elementary and middle schools, a Discretionary Use may only be allowed if the Planning Commission or Hearings Olficial finds that the proposal conforms with the following criteria: (a) The proposed use shall conform with other permitted uses in terms of scale, lot coverage, design, intensity ofuse and operating characteristics. (c) The proposed use conforms with applicable Metro Plan policies and applicable descriptions of Land Use Designations shorvn on the Metro Plan Diagram. Expansion of an existing Discretionary Use shall be exempt from conformance rvith Metro Plan land use designation descriptions. (4) Private/public elemcntary and middle schools. Schools are idcntified in the Metro Plan as key urban services rvhich must be provided in an ellicient and logical manner to ke€p pace with dcmand and reduce public subsidy. In this rcgard, it may be necessary to consider a variety of sitcs, irrespcctile ofzoning, as potentially suitable for school use. The follorving criteria are intendcd to addrcss the unique relationships that exist bets'ccn schools and the communities they serve. (a) The proposcd school shall provide safc and cflicicnt acccss for pcdcstrians, vehiclcs, bus traflic and cmcrgency vehiclcs entcring/cxiting the site. @) Adcquatc buffering shall bc providcd from less intensivc ncighboring uscs (i.e., singlc famity residcntial abutting a play arca, parking lots or drivervays scrving the site). (c) The proposcd usc shall conform rvith all applicablc spccial use standards found in this Code for schools in rcsidcntial districts. ordinance No. 5Bo4 Pagc 6 (g) Adult day carc facilities rvith more than 13 adults (abutting a collector or local (street) (?) Educational facilities - Public/private elementary/middle schools (Section 16.100(9)) (b) 6 or more students (Section 10.030(4)) Dr D+ Dt Section 22: Section 16.030 is hereby amended as described belorv: (3) Exceptions shall be as follows: O) In the residential districts, panhandle lots created through the Subdivision and Partition procrss shall have at least 6,000 square feet in the pan portion, exclusive ofthe driveway (panhandle). In the case of one single family drvelling, a single panhandle shall have a minimum of 20 feet of frontage if setback sidewalks are to be installed ,and 26 feet of frontage if curb side sidervalks are to be installed. In the case of one or multiple duplexes, a single panhandle shall have a minimum of 26 feet of frontage. Except for panhandle drivervays approved prior to June l, 1994, triplexes, fourplexes and other multi-family svellings shall not take acccss from panhandle driveways. In all cases, multiple panhandles shall have a minimum of 26 feet of frontage (trvo panhandles shall each have 13 feet of frontage per lot; three panhandles shall each have 8 213 feet offrontageperlotandfourpanhandlesshalleachhave6 ll2feetoffrontageperlot). The paving rvidth for a single panhandle drivervay in the case of one single family srvelling shall be 12 fcct; the paving rvidth for all other panhandle drivervays shall be 18 feet. This latter standard takes precedence over the driveway width standard for multiple family drivervay rvidth specified in Table 32-2 of this Code. No more than 4 lots or 8 dwelling unis shall be permitted to take primary access from panhandle driveways. Multiple panhandles shall be permitted only in cases where dedication of public right of rvay is impractical. No variance shall be granted from these standards, since they already are the minimum standards permitted. (d) In the LDR District, duplexes may be located on corner lots rvhich have at least 6,000 square feet, except as specificd in Section 16.100(5) of this Article. Minimum frontage shalt bc in accordance rvith Subsections (l) and (2) ofthis Section. (e) Each lot on a culde-sac bulb shall have a minimum of 35 fect of frontage and a minimum lot area of 6,000 square fect. (f) Thc Dircctor may rvaive the requiremcnt that buildable City lots have frontage on a public strcct rvhen all of the follorving apply: (l) The tot or lots havc bccn approvcd as part of a Dcvelopmcnt Area PIan, Sitc Plan, Subdivision or Partition application; and (2) Acccss has bccn guarantecd via a private strcet or drivcrvay by an inevocable joint usc/acccss agrccmcnt. (3) Private strects shall not bc permittcd in licu of public strcets shorvn on the City's adopted local strcct plan or TransPlan. ordinance No. 5804 Pagc 9 Dr sr sr @ (l) An Appeals application shall be filed by the party rvith the Director sithin l0 calendar days of the decision of the Planning Commission. Section 20: Section 16.010 is hereby amended as described below: (l) LDR LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. The LDR District is intended to tully implement the Metro Plan lorv density residential designation, any applicable refinement plan and establishes sites for Low Density Residential development where the minimum level of urtan services are provided. The maximum drvelling units per developable acre permitted is 10, consistent with the provisions of this Code. Fractions will be rounded dorvn to the next whole number. (2) MDR MEDILTM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. The MDR District is intended to fully implement the Metro Plan Medium Density Residential designation, any applicable rcfinement plan and establishes sites for medium density residential development rvhere the minimum level of urban services are provided. Single family or multiple family drvellings are permitted with a minimum density of morc than l0 units per developable acre and a maximum density of 20 units per dwelopable acre, consistent with the provisions of the Code. Fractions will be rounded dorvn to the nexl rvhole numbcr. (3) IIDR HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. The HDR District is intended to tully implement the Metro Plan High Dcnsity Residential designation, any applicable refinement plan and establishes sites for high density residential development where the minimum level of urban services are provided. Single family or multiple family dwellings are permitted with a minimum density of more than 20 units per developable acre and a maximum density of 30 unis per developable acre, consistent rvith the provisions ofthis Code Fractions rvill be rounded down to the ne:rt rvhole number. Section 2l: Section 16.020 is hercby amended as described belorv: (2) Agricultural Uses (c) Agricultural structuresPPP (5) Dlellings (b) Cluster Development (Scction 16.100(3))s* sr s* (h) Prefabricated dsellingsPPPT (6) Day care facilitics (e) Adult day care facilitics up to 12 adults PPP (0 Adult day carc facilitics rvith morc than l3 adults (abutting an artcrial strect)s* s+ si @ ordinancc No. 5804Pagc 8 covered decks and recreational structures. Agricultural structures as defined in this Code shall be deemed Group A accessory structures if located on lots or parcels less than 2 acres. (c) GrouP A Standards (5) Agricultural structures as defined in this Code shall be exempt from Group A Gen-eral Standard 2 and Group A Standards l-3 preceding if located on lots or parcels 2 acres or larger or on land rvith a valid farm deferral tax chlsification from the Oregon State Department of Revenue. (3) Cluster Development. In order to promote more economic subdivision layout, to encourage inienuiry and originality in subdivision design, to improve the quality of residential development .ni to ...o*modate iniorporation or retention of rvetlands, natural drainageways, constructed open StgrTnwata, ,n"nrgerent areas, wooded areas, natural resources and other open Space amenities, cluster deveiopment allorvs reduced lot sizes and setback standards for individual lots, rvithout exceeding the maximum density provisions of the applicable zoning district and the Metro plan. Horvever, open space may bi included in the determination of the developable.area. Cluster development stra'tt ociur in aciordance with the drvelling unit use categories listed in Section l6.o2d of this Article and the subdivision standards specified in Article 35 of this Code cluster development standards do not apply to manufactured homes. (a) Cluster development shall be permitted in the LDR District on lots or parcels abutting l"tOR, IdR, CC, MRC, bO, CI, LMI or PLO zoning districts, andon MDR and HDR lots or parcels. Each lot or parcel, regardlessof zoning classification, must comply wittr ttre irescribed standards of this Article. Cluster development on all other LDR tots o, p.r..l, complying lvith the prescribed standards of this Article requires discretionary aPProval. (6) Home Occupations. A home ocorpation is a larvful activity carried on within a drvelling or ,...r*ry structure by a mcmber or members of the famity rvho occupy the drvelling' A home occupation may be approved provided that: (d)Thefollorvingusesshallbeprohibitedasahomeoccupation: (8) Gun dealerships involving any storage of guns for sale or customcrs visiting the residcnce. (9) Public/Private Elementary/lvliddlc schools. A unique rclationship exists bctrveen schools and the community t hich ,equires special considcration rvhcn applying screening standards' Maintaining clcariight linesior thciccurity and safcty of children is desirable and may be achieved through the use ofnon-opaque fencing and/oi landscaping' Thc standards in Article 3l shall be applied only rvhcn rcquircd to scrccn playground structurcs, spectatorseating facilitics' ;';rii;;,lir.g. yuiat .na tr.rh r...ptuclcs oi rvhcrc significant conllicts are found' (a) Au ncrv facilities and additions over 10,000 squarc fcct or those additions exceeding 50% of the ,ir. oittt. .*isting building snait bc approvcd in accordance s'ith a TYpe III rcvicrv proccdure @iscrctionary Use)' o) A maximum of 65% of thc site may bc covered in impcrvious surface' The rcmaindcr of thc site shall comply u,ith the planting standards in A(iclc 3l of this code' @ Ordinancc No.s804 Page I I Section 23: Section 16.040 is hercby amended as describcd below: (2) On hillsides above 670 feet elevation and/or 15 perctnt slope, the maximum impervious surface of a lot inclusive of structures, patios and driveways, shall not exceed 35 percent, except as specilied in Article 26 HD Hillside Development Overlay District. Section 24: Section 16.050 is hereby amended as described belorv: (l) Front yard, street side yard, rear yard and perimeter yard setbacks in panhandle lots l0 feet (2) Except for attached drvellings, interior side yard setbacks 5 feet NOTE: Determination of all yard setbacks for duplexes on corner lots shall be based on the front yard ofeach unit as established by the streets used for address purposes. (b) Solar setback for panhandle lots shall be calculated on the north-south dimension of the pan poilon of the lot. The southern most lot with a north-south dimension less than 60 feet in the pan portion ofthe lot shall have a restricted building height of2l feet. Section 25: Section 16.060 is hercby amended as described belorv: (l) In residential districts, the ma:iimum building height shall be determined by solar actess considerations, in accordance with Section 16.050 of this Article. Except as specified elservhere in this Code, no building in the LDR or MDR District shall exceed 30 feet in height nor required to be less than 2l feet in height when set back from the northern lot line a minimum of one-half of the north-south dimension. Where the HDR District abuts an LDR or MDR district the building height standard of the HDR District shall be one of the follorving: . (a) When abutting an LDR orMDRDistrict to the north, the maximumbuilding height for the HDR District shall be delined by the Ma.ximum Shade Point Height requirement of Section 16.050(5)(a)(2) up to 50 feet south ofa northern lot line or on a plane extending south tvith an angle of23 degrees and originating from the top ofa 16 foot hlpothetical fence located on the northcrn lot line. Section 26: Section 16.070 is hereby amended as described belorv: (8) PARKS, COMMUMTY OR REGTONAL TraIIic Impact Study required for determination of the number of parking spaces. Section 27: Section 16.100 is hcrcby amcndcd as describcd bclorv: (l) Acccssory Structurcs. This subscction rcgulatcs structures that are incidcntal to allorved uses to prevcnt them from bccoming the prcdominant elcment of thc site. (a) Acccssory Structure Groups. Acccssory struclures arc dividcd into three groups bascd on thcir characteristics. Acccssory structurcs may be attachcd or scparate from primary structures. (l) Group A. This group includcs buildings and covercd structurcs such as garagcs, gazcbos, carports, grecnhouscs, storage buildings, boat houses, ffi /1 , Ordinance No. -589Pagc lo ,-.d+hBrJ Section 29: Section 18.ll0 is hereby amended as describcd belorv: (13) Secondary Uses. Manufacture or assembly of goods or products must occur indoo.rs, must not generatc more noise, odor or other physical attributes than the permitted uses, must ocllpy less than 50% of the floor area of the building, and the goods or products must be sold on premises. (14) Private/Public Elementary and Middle Schools. May be allorved through discretionary approval ifthe proposed site abuts residentially zoned property and the special use standards of Section 23.100(7) are satisfied. Section 30: Section l9.0lO is hereby amended as described belorv: Revise the map to exclude properties at top of slope. Section 3l: Section 20.020 is hercby amended as dcscribed belorv: (5) Other uses (20.100(5)) (d) Private/Public Elementary and Middle Schools 'Dt Section 32: Section 20.100 is hereby amended as described below: (5) Other uses - High Impact Public Utility Facilities and Private/Public Elementary and Middle Schools. (c) PrivatelPublic Elementary and Middle Schools may be allorved through discretionary approval ifthe site abuts residentially zoned property and the special use standards ofSection 23.100(7) are satisfied. Section 33 : Section 2 1.040 is hereby amended as described belorv: (2) Day care facilities that meet Children's Services Division (CSD) regulations, cafeterias, recreational facilities, low impact public utility facilities, and heliports and helistops serving and construc{ed in conjunction rvith on-site dcvelopmcnt. Private/Public Elementary and Middle Schools may be allorved through discrctionary approval if the site abuts residentially zoned property and the spccial use standards ofScction 23.100(7) are satisfied. Section 34: Scction 23.010 is hcrcby amcndcd as describcd bclorv: In ordcr to implemcnt the policies of the Mctro Plan, regulate thc use of land and buildings, and promote the public hcatth and safcty, thc Public Land and Opcn Spacc District is establishcd in this Adcle. 'Ihe PLO District is intcndcd to imptcmcnt the Mctro Plan Public and Scmi-Public designation, rvhich includes Governmcnt, Education and Parks and Opcn Spacc designations, by providing a zoning dcsignation for: (l) public and private educational facilitics, parks, ccmeterics and golfcourses, and ordinancc No. 5804 Page l3 (2) Public ollices, librarics, other governmcnt or publicly orvncd facilities and similar uses locatcd in arcas dcsignatcd Rcsidcntial on the Mctro Plan Diagram, regardlcss of size. (c) Schools shall have a planted front yard setback of 20 feet and planted side and rear yards of 30 feet. Athletic spectator seating structures adjoining residential uses shall meet a ?5 foot minimum setback unless the Director determines that adequate buffering can be provided with a reduced setbach but in no instance shall this setback (from spectator facilities) be less than 30 feet. Parking areas shall maintain a landscaped buffer of 15 feet when adjoining a residcntial use. (d) Light shall be directed away from adjoining less intensive uses. (e) Other uses permitted within school facilities include day care facilities, social servict oflices or other after school program activities approved by the School District and rvhich othenvise do not require discretionary approval. (f) All plants used for "landscapcd buffering" shall be a minimum of 5 gallon size and shall reach a height ofat least 36 inches within one year ofplanting. (g) Paved playground areas may be used as overflow parking for special events. (h) Parking shall be limited to trvo spaces for each teaching station in the school plus one parking space for each 100 square feet ofpublic indoor assembly area. All parking lots and driveways will be designed to separate bus and passenger vehicle trafftc. All parking lots shall have sidewalks raised a minimum of 6 inches above grade where pedestrians must cross parking lots to enter or leave the school grounds. (I) Any jointty shared recreational facilities, playgrounds or athletic fields shall require a joint use agreement that rvill provide for public use and continued maintenance. O Elementary schools shall have a maximum building height of 35 feet; middle schools shall have a maximum building height of 45 feet. (k) A Trafl-rc Impact Study and Parking Study, prepared by a Transportation Engineer, shall be approved by the City Engineer. Scction 28: Section 18.020 is hercby amendcd as dcscribcd belorv: (6) Recreational facilities (Section I 8. I I0(5)) (cc) Shooting range (Also subjcct to provisions of Springfield Code, Article 6, Chapter vIID (7) Rcligious, social and public institutions: (I) Private/Public Elcmcntary and Middle Schools (18. t l0(14)) D* D* (14) Secondary uscs scning or relatcd to on site commcrcial uscs. (Section 18.I l0(13)): (a) manufacture or asscmbly of goods or products to bc sold on prcmises .P ordinancc No. 5804 Pagc l2 !,' .t .: .':.,.,'. p$;lE*/ a l(lffiwv (4) Other uses pcrmittcd rvithin school facilities include day care facilities, social service omces and other after school program activities approved by the School District and which othenvise do not require discretionary approval. (5) All plants used for "landscaped bulfering" shall be a minimumof 5 gallon siie ana snatl reach a height of at least 36 inches within one year ofplanting. (6) paved playground areas may be used as overllow parking for special events. (?) Parking shall be limited to two spaces for each teaching station in the ichool pluJone parking space for each 100 square feet ofpublic indoor assembiy area. All parking lots and driveways will be designed to separate bus and passenger vehicle traffrc. All parking lots shall have sidewalks raised a minimum of 6 inches above grade where pedestrians must cross parking lots to enter or leave the school grounds. (8) Any jointly shared recreational facilities, playgrounds or athletic fields it att reqrire ajoint use agreement that will provide for public use and continued maintenance. (9) The maximum building height for elementary schools shall be 35 feet. The maximum building height for middle schools shall be 45 feet' (to) A Traffrc Impact Study and Parking study, prepared by a Transportation Engineer, shall be approved by the City Engineer. Section 37: Section 25.040 is hereby amended aS describedbelorv: (3) Notice shall be given to the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation by immediately iorrrrrding a copy oithe application by certified mail, return receipt requested. Notice of final City actioi strati atso Ue proviAea to the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation. (4) Underground Lorv Impact public utility facilities shall be exempt from Discretionary Revierv but shall be subject to the iype iI Site Plan Revierv and shall comply rvith the standards of Section 25.060i36 & 8) rvhen constructing or maintaining facilities rvithin the established Greenrvay Setback. section 38: Section 25.060 is hereby amendcd as describcd belorv: A Grcenrvay Setback Line shall be establishcd to protcct, maintain, preserve and enhance the natural, scenic, historic and recrcational qualitics of the Willamette Grcenrvay. Only rvaterdcpendcnt or $ater- related uses shall bc pcrmittcd bcirveen thc Willamctte Rivcr and the Grecnrvay Sctback Linc' The Grcenrvay Overlay District shall substitute tcmporarily as ih9 Greerrvay Sctback Line for all propertics within this overlay District that do not havc an cstabiishcd Sctback Line. Establishmcnt of this Setback Line may occur rvith or without a rcquest for dcvctopmcnt approval, but any rcqucst for dcvelopmcnt ,ppro"ri on land rvithout an establishcd Sctback Line must bc accompanicd by an application for establishmcnt of the Grccnrvay Sctback Line. Thc location of thc Grcenu'ay Sctback Line shall be determincd consistent rvith thi follorving standards dcrivcd from Scction C.3 of thc Willamctte river Grccnrvay Goal l5: secrion 39: Section 26.050 is hcrcby amcndcd as dcscribcd bclorv: Ordinance No. 5804 Pagc 15 Section 35: Section 23.020 is hereby amended as described belorv: (l) Education (23.100) (c) Private/Public Elcmentary and Middle Schools (23,.100(7)) s* Section 36: Section 23.100 is hercby amended as described below: (l) Primary access shall be on arterial or collector streets excrpt as provided or exempted elservhere in this Article. (3) Community and regional parks and public/private high schools and colleges shall be designated on a Park or Public Facilities Plan adopted by the City, or be approved in accordance with Tpe III revierv procedure @iscretionary Use). Private/public elementary and middle schools are subject only to Type II revierv and the spccial use standards ofSection 23.100(7) of this Article when located on land zoned PLO. (5) For RV. parks and campgrounds within regional parks inside the city limits the follorving criteria apply: (6) For RV. parks and campground rvithin regional parks outside the city limis the following criteria apply: (7) Private/Public Elementary and Middle Schools A unique relationship exists betrveen schools and the community which requires special consideration when applying screening stfndards. Maintaining clear sight lines for the security and safety of children is desirable and may be achieved through the use of non+paque fencing and/or landscaping. The standards in Article 3l shall be applied only rvhen required to screen playground structures, spectator seating facilities, parking, storage yards and trash receptacles or rvhere significant conllicts are found. (a) All nerv facilities and additions over 10,000 square feet or those additions exceeding 50% of the size of the existing building shall bc approved in accordane with the follorving standards: (l) A maximum of 65% of the site may be covercd in impervious surface. The rcmainder of thc site shall comply rvith thc planting standards in Article 31. (2) Schools shall havc a planted front yard sctback of 20 fcet and planted side and rear yards of 30 fcct. Athlctic spcctator facilities adjoining residential uses shall mcrct a 75 foot minimum sctback unless the Director determines that adcquatc bullering can bc providc rvith a rcduce setback, but in no instance shall this sctback (from spcctator facilitics) bc lcss than 30 feet. Parking arcas shall maintain a landscapcd buffcr of l5 fcct rvhcn adjoining a residential use. (3) Light shall bc dircctcd arvay from adjoining less intcnsive uses. ,,-ffi'\$fl ordinancc No. -5894 Pagc 14 t.':.' @ (5) partitions and Lot Line Adjustments. In addition to the standards specified in this iubsection, proposed partitioni in the urbanizable area shall meet the standards and criteria of Articles 33 and-34 of this Code and the standards of Subsections (I)(a), O)' (c) (where applicable) and (0 ofthis Section. (b) Except in areas designated MDR/trF l0, any proPosed nerv parcel betrveen 5 and l0 acres shall meet the following standards: (l) The effrcient and full urban use of the property, or neighboring properties shall not be limited by the partition; (2) A Future Dcvelopment Plan for the urban development shall be required rvhere the propcrty iiredivisable into smaller parcels. The Future Development plan shallte in compliance with Subsection (l)(c)(l-3) of this Section, and shall be required for partitions of MDR and HDR properly, and for LDR propertybetween 5 acres and l0 acres' section 43: Section 30.040 is hereby amended as describedbelorv: (2) The follorving major alterations of Historic Landmark Sites or Structures shall be revierved unaer fype II procedures (see Section 30.100 ofthis Article): (e) Special uses in the Washburne Historic Landmark District listed in Section 30.080(2) of this Article; .section 44: section 31.010 is hereby amended as described belorv: (2) The following improvements shall be completed in.accordance rvith Article 32 of this Code ,*itfrin two years 6f tn. Out. of Plot Plan approval, provided that security is provided in accordance with Subsection 3 1.1 10(4): section 45: Section 3l.l40 is hereby amended as describedbelorv: (2) Except in the LDR District (single family and duplex drvellings. only) and as specified in Subsection (3) ofthis Section, at least 65 perccnt ofeach rcquired planting area shall be covered with living plant material, nuithin 5 years of the date of installation. The living plant materials shall be distributed ttrroughout the requircd planting area. The minimum planting acceptable per 1,000 square fect ofrequired planting arca shall be as follorvs: (c) Lann and/or groundcovcr may bc substituted for trces or shrubbery, except rvhere ieiuirca for screc-ning, whcn thcrc are adcquate provisions for ongoing maintenance' (4) Exccpt rvhere planted rvith nativc spccics or plant communities, all ncrv requircd planting areas on private prop.ttyl"Jpublic schools shalibc providcd rvith a pcrmanent undcrground irrigation systcm unlcss exemptcd by the Dircctor' secrion 46: Section 31.170 is hcrcby anrendcd as dcscribcd bclorv: (6) Parking spaces in a public right of rvay dircctly abutting thc dcvclopmcnt arca may be countcd as fullilling . pott of tJparking icquiremcnts{or a development as follorvs:. For each l8 fcct of availablc on-strcct parklng, ttrcrc rvitt bc a lt2 space credit tor'ard thc rcquircd amount ofoff-street parking spaccs. tn. O.u.topcr shall bc rcsponsiblc for marking any on-strcct spaces' ordinancc No.5801 Pagc l7 Average Slope 15% - 2s% 25Yo - 35%over 35Y. Table 26-l Minimum Lot Size per Drvelling Unit 10,000 square fiet 20,000 square feet 40,000 square feet Minimum Frontage per Lot 90 feet 150 feet 200 feet Section 40: Section 29.050 is hereby amended as described below: (6) Partitions and lot line adjustmenrs (29.070(5)) S Section 4l : Section 20.060 is hereby amended as described below: (12) Partitions and Lot Line Adjustments (29.070(5)) S Section 42: Section 29.070 is hereby amended as described belorv: (l) General (c) Future Dwelopment Plans, rvhere required, shall comply rvith the follorving standards: (l) location of future rightof-way dedications based on TransPlan, the adopted Local Street Plan or block length and lot size standards of the SDC; (2) redivision plan at minimum urban density for any lot that is large enough to further divide or a plot plan showing building foot prints for MDR and HDR minimum densities; and (3) location ofnatural resources, regulated wetlands, natural drainage/stormrvatcr management areas and rvooded areas shorving horv future developmcnt will address preservation, protection or removal. (3) Siting of Rcsidcntial Uses. (a) Dctached single family drvcllings shall bc sitcd so as to allotv the future division and/or more intensire use of thc property consistent rvith the Mctro Plan. Siting of single family homes on any lot or parcel dcsignatcd MDR or HDR, or any lot or parccl 5 acrcs to l0 acres and designatcd LDR, shall rcquire approval of a Futurc Dcvelopment Plan preparcd in compliance rvith Subscction (lXcXl-3) of this Section. @) Thc applicable on-sitc scrvagc disposal facility or Building Pcrmit shall bc conditional, and madc a part of such pcrmit as nccessary lo achieve the standards of this Ovcrlay District. Additional dcvclopment rcstrictions that limit the location of buildings and on-site sovage disposal facilitics shall be applicd rvhcre nccessary to rcscn,e land for future urban dwelopm::t*.. 5804 page 16 l,;.::, . 'tlr) @ (a) The Director may rvaive the requirement that buildable City lots have frontage on a public street rvhen all the following apply: @) Access has been guaranteed via a private street to a public street or drivervay by an irrevocable joint use,/access agreement. (c) The private streets are in compliance u'ith the standards of Section 16.030(3)(! and Section 32.030 of this Code. Section 52: Section 34.090 is hereby amended as described belorv: (3) The Partition Plat shall contain the following information: (d) The name and addrcss ofthe orvner, applicant and surveyor' (NOTE: All subsequent subsections of 34.090(3) must be re-alphabetized due to deletion of (g)) (h) The location of those areas found to be unsuitable for building in the Soils and Geolory Report or based on natural resource inventories shall be recorded on a separate document. O The width of the portion of streets being dedicated and the rvidth of any existing rights of rvay. For streets on a curvature rvhich are being dedicated, curve data shall be bised on the street center line. In addition to center line dimensions, the radium, chord distance, bearing and central angle shall be indicated. Any restriction on buildings rvithin future street locations shall be shorvn on the Partition Plat if deemed necessary by the Director for the purpose of future land division. If private streets are proposed, a separate recorded document shall be includcd explaining horv the construction and on- going maintenance of local public improvements rvill be accomplished. The dedication 6f puUti. right of rvay s,ill be required to be on a scparate documcnt provided by the CitY. (n) Spccial building setback lines and solar eascments which are to be made part of the partition's dccd rcstriction shall bc rccordcd on a scparatc documcnt. (p) On a scparatc rccordcd documcnt, the solar factor for each lot and the classification of each lot as a South Wall, South Roof or Excmpt Lot as spccificd in Section 34'010 of this Articlc. Individual solar sctback tables shall be rccordcd rvith the Final Plat for each lot platted undcr the pcrfornrancc approach as spccilicd in Section 34.010(3)0)(2) This deed restriction shall state that thc subject parctl shall not be built upon until a fully improved street serving the property, and connecting rvith the City street systenL is constructed. of this Article. (q) Accompany'ing Data: (6) A title rcport. @ Ordinance No. 5804Pagc l9 Section 47: Section 33.060 is hereby amended as described belorv: (5) Construction of a side*alk along the frontage of the property. Section 48: Section 34.010 is hercby amended as described below: (3) Solar Access Standards (a) Applicability. The provisions of this Section shall apply to all land divisions in the LDR and MDR Districts. Lots complying with this standard must be identified as such on a separate recorded document. O) Design Standard. All partitions or land divisions shall be platted to provide solar access to parcels or lots to ensure that at least 80 percent ofthe lots and/or housing units in a development subject to this Section shall comply with one or more of the options belorv: (2) Solar Building Line Option. A lot complies rvith this Section if a solar building line is used to protect solar access as follorvs: a. A solar building line for the lot to the north is recorded with the plat on a separate document; and (3) Performance Option. A lot complies rvith this Section if: c. The solar setback requirements for each lot is recorded on a separate document. Section 49: Section 34.030 is hereby amended as describcd belorv: (13) The follorving additional information shall be submitted rvith the Preliminary Plan: @) For common rvall partitions rvith an existing structure, a copy of a housing inspection obtained through the Community Services Division. Section 50: Section 34.040 is hercby amendcd as described bclorv: When the parcels of a partition can bc further divided, a Future Dcvelopment Plan may be required as spccified elservhcre in this Code. If the Dircctor dctermines that a property has been or is in the process of bcing dividcd into 4 or more lots, fult compliance rvith all subdivision regulations spccilicd in this Code may be required, except that the Director may allorv redivision of land as providcd in Section 29.070(5)(d) of this Code. Section 5l: Scction 34.070 is hercby amcndcd as dcscribed bclorv: (l) Additional Right of Way and Strcct Improvemcnts. (a) Whcnever an existing strcct of inadequate rvidth is abutting or rvithin a site rcquiring Dcvclopment Approval, additional right of rvay shall bc rcquire. Whenever strect dcdication results in right of rvay that does not conncct rvith thc City system, a dccd rcstriction shall bc rccordcd u'ith Lanc County Dccds and Rccords. :-: r.l..]','t,;..,,/ 6% WH Ordinancc No. 5804 Pagc 18 '::-' d,tshw" 2. 5 feet for slopes exceeding l0 percent The base area shall be clearly indicated and shall be compatible rvith City datum, if bcnchmarks arc not adjacent. Thc elevation of all control points rvhich are used to determine the contours shall be noted' section 5?: section 35.060 is hereby amcnded as described belorv: (2) The Dircctor may rvaive the requirement that buildable City lots have frontage on a public street when all of the following apply: (a) The lot or lots have been approved as part of a Subdivision application; @) Access has been graranteed via a private street to a public street or drivervay by an irrevocable joint use/access agreemcnt. section 58: Section 35.070 is hereby amendcd as described belorv: Tentative plan approval shatl be ellective for trvo years following the elfective date of approval, within which time the SuUaiuition Plat shall be submitted and shall incorporate any modification or condition requirea by approval of the Tentative Plan. Othenvise, the entire procedure shall be repeated for reconsideration. Section 35.080 is hereby amended as described belorv: 35.080 FINAL PLAT REVIEW is deleted. Section 60: Section 35.090 is hercby amended as describcd belorv: (l) The proposed Subdivision Plat shall contain the following information: (d) The name and address of the surveyor and the name of the owner and the applicant. (g) DELETE NOTE: All subsequent Subsections of 35.090(t) must be re-alphabctized due to dcletion of (g). (h) The tocation of those areas found to be unsuitable for building in the Soils and Geology Report or bascd on Mctro Plan natural rcsource inventorics shall be recorded on a scParate document. O The rvidth of the portion of srrcets bcing dcdicatcd and the rvidth of any existing rights of way. For strc-cts on a curvaturc ,nhich are bcing dcdicatcd, curvc data shall be bascd on the street ccntcr line. In addition to ccntcr line dimcnsions the radius, chord distance, bcaring and ccntral angcl shall bc indicatcd. Any rcstriction on buildings uithin future strict locations stratt Ue shos'n on the plat if dccmcd ncccssary by the Dircctor for thc purpose of future land division. If privatc strccts are proposcd, a scparate rccordcd documcnt shall bc includcd explaining horv thc construction and on' going maintcnance of local public improvcmcnts rvill bc accomplishcd. Ordinance No.5804 Pagc 2l ': : .'. ,r Section 53: Section 34.100 is hereby amended as described below: (2) If all applicablc provisions have been met, and taxes, as well as public liens, assessments and fees which respc{t to the land partitioned have been paid, the City Surveyor (if the land is within the city limits) and the Director shall sign the Partition Plat. In the event all applicable criteria have not been met, the Director rvill noti$ the partitioner in u,riting. Section 54: Section 34.120 is hereby amended as described below: The applicant shall deliver a reproducible copy of the recorded Partition Plat to the City Engineer. The Director shall conlirm that all conditions listed under Tentative Plan approval have been met prior to Development Approval, i.e., before a Building Pcrmit may be issued or property transferred. Section 55: Section 35.010 is hereby amended as described below: (3) Solar Access Standards (a) Applicability. The provisions of this Section shall apply to all land divisions in the LDR and MDR Districts. Lots complying with this standard must be identified as such on a separate recorded document. @) Design Standard. All partitions or land divisions shall be platted to provide sotar access to parctls or lots to ensure that at least 80 percent ofthe lots and/or housing units in a development subject to this Section shall comply with one or more of the options belorv: 2. Solar Building Line Option. A lot complies rvith this Section if a solar building line is used to protect solar access as follows: a. A solar building line for the lot to the north is recorded on a separate document rvith the plat; and 3. Performance Option. A lot complies with this Section if: c. The solar setback requirements for each lot are recordcd on a separate document. (e) Protcction from Future Shade. On land located in the LDR and MDR Districts, an applicant shall alfrx decd covenants and restrictions oftitle to the title oflots as are requircd to protect adjaccnt solar acccss protected lots from non-solarfriendly vegetation shadc. Sotar access protection for adjacent lots shall be equivalent to the protection allorded by solar setback standards sct out in Section 4 for the applicable zoning district. Section 56: Scction 35.040 is hcrcby amcnded as describcd bctol: (l) Gcncral. (g) Topographic contour lincs having the foltorving nrinimum inten'ats: l. 2 fcct for slopcs up to l0 pcrcent @ ordinancc No. -!9n4 Pagc 2o Section 65: Section 38.0{0 is hcreby amended as described below: (2) Whether the proposed felling is consistent rvith State standards, Mctro Plan policies and City ordinancts and piovisions affeciing the environmental quality of the area, including but limited to the protectioiof nearby uees an-cl rvindbreaks; u'ildlife; erosion, soil retention and stability; volume of surface runoffand rvater quality of stieams; scenic quality; and geological sites.' (3) Whether it is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements in accordance with an approved development plan, grading permits and constntction drawings' (a) In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees shall be iermiued on a limited basis consistent with the presenation of the site's future development potentiat as prescribed in the Metro Ptan and City development regulations, and consistent u'ith the following criteria: Section 66: It is hereby found and declared that matters pertaining to the amendment of the springli.'i! oeretopment Code are matrers allecting the public health, safety and welfare of the City of iirf"gf,.fa and thai this Ordinanc-e shall, thercforg take elfect immediately upon its passage by the Council and aPProval bY the MaYor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of -9- for and 0 against this lSthday of Dccember, 1995. APPRO\IED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this ATTEST: Mayor City Recorder ofDecember, 1995. /\ :'\:- trAtwJ j..': :-:- ., .l\i';jl;1., r- L., ri l rl ) \^€-q\^- !-t-.lz 1< ordinancc No. 5804 Page23 lz- {j -' .-? *i. .'.'i .l'\it$/ (rr) Sps.cilrl [ruilttirrg, scrb:tck lirrr.-s lrrrd sol:rr cltscrllcllts \\llich ilrc to bc lll:ldc p:llt of lllc s,trtlir ision's dccd rcstrictiolls sll:rll trc rc,.-ordcd o,l :l scpllrlllc docutttcttt. (p) Ttrc solilr filctor for cuctr lot urrrt ttrc cl:rssifrclrtion of caclt lot:ts a Sotrth W:rll, Soutlr Iioof or Excnrpt Lot ils spccified in Scction 35.0l0 of this Articlc slurllbc rccordcd on a scP:lrlltc docutttcltt. Scction 6l: scclion 35. 100 is trcrcbl, atttcttdcd as dcscribcd bclorv: (l) Thc Dircctor sh:rll approvc, approvc rvitlr conditions or dcny tltc rcqtrcst in consult:ttion with if.,. Clry Sun'c1,or and tlrc Ciry Enginccr. Thc Subdivision Pl:rt sh:rll cornply rvith tlrc rcquircnrcnts of tnit Codc, conditiotts intposcd by thc Dircctor and thc follorving: (c) On of thc follorving: (l) Inrprovcnlcnts as rcquircd by tlris Code havc bccn conlplctcd, and a ccnifi;tc of suc[ fact has bccn filcd u'ith thc Dcvcloptttcttt Scn'iccs Dcpartntcnt b1' thc CitY Enginccr; (2) If all applicablc critcria havc bccn tnct, thc City Sun'c1'or (if $ithin thc city limits) and thc bir..tor shal sign thc Subdivision Ptat. In thc cvcnt all applicablc critcria havc not bccn mct, thc Dircctor rvill notifl' thc subdividcr in rvriting. Scction 62: Scction 38.010 is hcrcby amcndcd as dcscribcd bclott': (2) Exccpt as proYidcd in subscction (3) ofthis Section, no pcrson nray fcll nlorc than 5 trccs "'itf,in a iingte calcndai 1'car fronr a lot or abutting lots of privatc or public propcrly undcr common oq:ncrship consisting of 10,000 squarc fcct or morc of total arca u'ilhout a pcrmit cxccpt lots rvithin ipproved do'clopmcnts s'hich havc building envclopcs and a Trce Protection Plan. (3) Thc provisions of this Article do not apply to: (c) Any fclling ncccssary to install or nraintain intprovcmcnts such as strccts and s$r'crs ryithin publicly orvncd and acccptcd rights of rvay or utility cascmcnts pursuant to approvcd construction plnns or cncroachmcnt pcrmits. ({) Dclctc Scction 63: Scction 38.020 is hcrcby antcndcd as dcscribcd bclorv: (l) A Trcc Fclling Pcrnrit shatl bc rcvicrvcd undcr T1'pc I proccdurc or in conjunction rvitlt a rcl:ttcd dcvclopntcnt Phn. Scction 6{: Scction 38.030 is hcrcby atttcnclcd as dcscribcd bclorr': Application for a pcnttit to fcll a lrcc or lrccs slrlll illcltrdc: (3) Tlrc Dircctor or tlrc Public \\'orks Dircctor trrtl'rcquirc tltc applicittrt to providc tltc scniccs of a prolcssiolltl forcstcr (approlcd b1'thc Citl).liccnscd h1'drologist or liccttscd llndscnpc arctrilcct in orc!cr to:rcldrcss ttrc stlndurds itt Scctiott 38.0{0 of tlris Articlc for undcr'clopcd propctl) grcltcr tlurrr l();rcrcs in sizc of l5 glr"'rccttt slopc or nbovc clcr':ttion 670 [e'ct. Ortltrr:rncr-. 1..-e. - 5804 Pugc 22 Section 65: Section 38.040 is hereby amended as described below: (2) Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and City ordinances and provisions allecting the environmental quality of the area, including but limited to the protection ofnearty trees and rvindbreaks; rvildlife; erosion, soil retention and stability; volume of surface runoffand rvater quality of streams; scenic quality;and geological sites. (3) Whether it is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements in accordance rvith an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings. (a) In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees shall be permitted on a limited basis consistent with the preservation of the site's future development potential as prescribed in the Metro Plan and City development regulations, and consistent with the following criteria: Section 66: It is hereby found and declared that matters pertaining to the amendment of the Springfreld bevelopment Code are matters altecting the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Springfreta and that this Ordinance shall, therefore, take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOpTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfreld by a vote of 6 for and 0 against this lSthday of December, 1995. , APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this /l ATTEST: Mayor City Recorder ) \;rr*"\ lz-lz 1q ofDecember, 1995. i:.,', iiri ordinance No. 5804 Pagc 23 -:i'i"'r' ;\i'-1'(.i;-ii r :r'r' -'l-, ? /rrt/B LW til-&" +- 4)r-z,LE+* rwrflr*ffi ft,/u-.wru q/r--r<&fl;; A-;-z,*s, - fu/#- .-/ln fu ,o/te"."-/L4 .lrLlL t--"4-tl--,-oM lr[" tt '*la- A^j- ,4LtJ2-- B-,*4- /'P '5 ffii a/,!i". }l-1"-Jq t S,cratchPc.d,J-rt P/r^'O|,- J- fra4*& TRW lt ip4 % COPYTHITE PRINTING, the cat's meow 1780 Centennial Blvd' ' Springlield 'OA97477---(541) 741'2021" FAX (541) 741-3041 Free PickuP & DeliverY I ScratchPc^d @ -.{.4 orl) 1 COPYTRITE PRINTING, the cat's meow 1780 Centennial Blvd' " Springlield ' Oe 97477. - (541) 741'2021' FAX (541) 741-3041 Free PickuP & DeliverY -Tol-t CITY OF SPR OREGO'V h,225 FIFTH SISEEI SP8/NGF/ELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3700 December 7,1998 Mr. Thomas Tinsley Copy-Rite Printing 1780 Centennial Blvd. Springfield, OR 97 47 7 -3364 Re: 1146 Mohawk Blvd. Springfield, OR - City Permit Job #98136 Dear Mr. Tinsley: Thank you for your response to the Plan Review Comments for your remodeling and tenant improvement project. Apparently, additional clarification will help define the Oregon State Structural Specialty Code (SSC) requirements which are the basis for the Plan Review Comments we provided you. In reply to the first point in your letter, the SSC specifically identifies pharmacies as a Group M Occupancy (merchandising uses). It also specifically identifies print shops as a Group B Occupancy (business uses). The Code, therefore, considers the new use to be a change in use from the former pharmacy. I asked Julie Scott to respond to your request for information regarding Minimum Development Standards and criteria. She said she forwarded the information to you. An application for MDS standards must be made with the Planning Division for this project according to Greg Mott. Please clari$ any concems you have regarding those requirements with Julie. Regarding your concems about the Accessibility requirements, the State of Oregon adopted Chapter 11 in the SSC to address the matters covered by the ADA. However, the federal ADA requirements are not enforced by the building codes directly, and are not, in their entirity, apart of the SSC. The requirements of Chapter 1l apply to all affected commercial and public buildings when alterations or certain improvements are made. Basically, this chapter requires that up to an additional25%o of the cost of the primary function alterations must be applied toward eliminating architectural barriers that exist on the site and within the building . All costs involved to bring an element into compliance may be applied toward the25o/o maximum. The Code excerpts provided with the Plan Review Comments are out of Chapter I 1. The concept of Chapter 11 is to first remedy any deficiency in on-site parking spaces and access, then any deficiencies in access to the buildinq and finally access within the buildine . Where no deficiencies exist, no modifications are required. The alterations you have proposed for your building do qualiff for the accessibility requirements to be applied. Three separate businesses will be operating on the property, any of which may directly serve customers on the site. Since no accessible parking space presently exists within the boundary of the property, one must be created. The space should be located in an appropriate location to achieve the shortest practical accessible route to all business entries. The SSC states in part, "Wherever practical, the accessible route shall not cross lanes of vehicular traffic". (The information for accessible parking spaces was provided with the plan review comments). Depending on the solution to accessible parking, the total number of parking spaces may or may not be affected due to the parking aisle requirement. The total number of parking spaces required need to be coordinated with the Planning Division through the Minimum Development Standards (MDS) process. It is possible to provide the required parking access aisle without losing any parking spaces, if the number of spaces becomes a problem with either Planning requirements or your tenants' needs. Attached is a drawing showing one possibility. Regarding the more specific responses in your letter to the Plan Review Comments for the project, the following may be helpful: 1. The Fire Marshal is satisfied with your proposal for storage of chemicals by relocating an existing chemical storage cabinet from the existing facility to this facility. 2. The General Contractor has submitted all required information for the roof replacement, including the R-19 rigid insulation and deck board. The roof assembly is approved as submitted. 3. Mr. McCoy indicated he has received no data regarding the HVAC equipment or the type of controls to be installed. His greatest concem is with the energy compliance for the controls. Please submit specifications for the equipment and controls to Mr. McCoy for his review and approval. 4. The plans that were reviewed for your printing business indicate all interior walls are to be new, including those enclosing the rest room. For purposes of the SSC, the modifications represent a functional remodel of the building interior. 5. The rest room must be made fully "accessible" as a result of this remodel, not "adaptable". (The Code only recognizes "adaptable" residences). The shower in the rest room, as shown on the plans, makes no mention of its purpose. It would be acceptable to have a safety shower in the rest room without having it comply with all accessibility requirements, with the understanding that its primary function is to serve that purpose. 6. Your request for MDS criteria was forwarded to you under separate cover. Please contact Julie Scott at 726-3610. 7. As covered in #1, your chemical storage proposal has been approved by the Fire Marshal. You mentioned in your leffer that the ADA provides for unique and creative altematives to more stringent requirements. The accessibility requirements of Chapter l1 of the SSC are more limiting with regard to creativity. Persons who believe a specific requirement or requirements of the SSC exceed the standards and specifications of the Americans with Disabilities Act and that full compliance with the SSC requirements is impractical and would defeat the purpose of the project, whether proposed or in process, may appeal the SSC requirements. Please bear in mind that costs for the accessibility requirements are not considered a factor in such appeal until they reach the25Yo limitation noted earlier in this letter. Enclosed is a copy of the portion of the SSC which deals with the appeals process. The forgoing information is intended to clariS and update the Plan Review Comments for your project. I hope it provides adequate response to the concerns ofyour letter. The building project must comply with the applicable Codes and Ordinance requirements as stated herein unless appeals to the requirements are satisfactorily obtained. Sincerely, Don Moore Construction Representative/Plans Examiner dlm Enclosure:2 cc: David Puent, Julie Scott, Al Ward, Lorne Pleger, John McCoy, Tom Marx YI :t Ei I I I t I ) ft FI Pi Dg tu U ut Hu 3tuz \7 EXt9T[.{6 PARKII.IG LOT N&d,@fia.l"&NtP I EXlgTll,lc DRI\GEAgT l1t.bo', 9IDEIUALK 9IDEI.UALK NEIU F.OOF gIJRFACE PA RKE R ST REET lr- /- JO t r(JtF r@trtsk //4<kftr4 ffi{ry%d. ( / ;l EA9T 1o31&' 1\ o EXlSTll.lG ROCF gLo?eg 10 EX I 9T ll.lG D Our'{gPOtJTg NEtU ROG AJFFACE EXt0Tlr€ CANOff POOF EXlgTlt€ ROG aLOtrg10 gTlhlG DOll^lgPOtJTg A E,Mo P I I ! ( I I I I I I994 UNTFORM BUILDTNG COOE 1101.F1101.7 ORS 447.233(7) and447.25O are not a part of this code but are reproduced here for the convenience: 44:t .?J)3fr|, is part of accessible parking space requirements and says: I ihat it considers Practical. (2) (a) For projects involving a state correctional_facility as dehned in pns 421.005(2)' or a foiJdoir."tionai facility, as delfined in ORS 169.005(3), the appeals-board refened to in subsec- il", ii I "i mlt section ii the Building Codes Structures Board established under ORS 455. 132. (b) For all other projects, the appeals board referred to in subsection (l) of this section is the upi"ui. uorO "rtauiistreo unoer ons +ss.ozo(4) by the municipality having jurisdiction over the project. (3) The appeals board shall thereupon investigale the apptication. The boardin is investigation .t iifu" *qiri*a to seek theadvice otthe orego-n Pisauitities Commission or its designee in deal- il;rhffii;iu.f Uurri"it uivers. If the a:ppealsboardfrndsthattheproposal submitted with tiiE uffiirution would constitute a substantial compliance with, or an acceptable altemative to, the particular srandard or sfecification in view of the objective-s of ORS.447'210 to 447'280' the ilG;;il # fi;a. rr'tt e board finds otherwise, tire application shall be promptlv denied "itfr noti"" to thi requesting person or governmental entiry of the denial. (4) The findings of the appeals board shall include the estimated building costs and the addi- tlonat cost of coistruction i6 confor* to the requirements of ORS 447 .210 to 447 '280 over the ;;;i;f .;;;;;nforming feature or any other spetial teason or circumstance that, in the judgment of the board, justifies the decision' (5) Any person aggrieved by the final decision o-f an appeals E{d Tty w^ittrin 30 days of the Odiii"" ipp""f O ti'e-Oirector'of the Deparfinentof Consumerand Business Services' [n the case il;;;';r*b board has been "reit"d the director shall have original jurisdiction of an ffiilffifi*airet fne applicant for a waiver or.an appeal shall submit a fee of $20 payable o the direcor with the r"quiil fot waiver or appeal. In-determining an appeal or an original ;ddtio; th"proceoures'ant stanoardrof subsections (l) to (4) of thissectionshallapplyto the director, ll0l.Z Referenced Standerds. These referenced standards may be.rlsedty the building offltcial ;;ft;;-;ffr*i""ti1g.ro afproving altemate methods, modifications and waivers under ll Section ll0l. The following are adopted as refercnced standards for this chapter: Public Iaw ll f Ot-ffO. rhe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Part II and Part Itr; Departnent of Justic€ ll Xegulations of Friday, July 26, l99l;28 CFR, Part 36, including Americans with Disabilities Act ll eicessiUitity Guidelines (epAeC) anO Public Law 10G430, the Fair Housing Act (FIIA) with its ll reference to ANSI A117.l-1986, and the regulations adopted thereunder. Referenced standards ll fS"rtion 3503) for childrpn's environments may be found in the United States Architcctural and ll fransportation Barriers Compliance Board rccommendations for Accessibility for Children's En- ll vironments or in the Architectural Graphics Standards. SECTION 1102 - DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as follows: ACCESS AISLE is an accessible pedestrian space between elements, such as parking spaces, seating and desks, that provides clearances appropriate for use of the elements. ACCESSIBLE describes a site, building, facility, or portion thereof, that complies wit} 't chapter. ACCFSSIBLE ELEI\{ENT is an element specified by this chapter (i.e., telephone, controls, etc.). ACCESSIBLE EXIT is an exit, as defined in Section 1001.2, which complies with this chapter and does not contain stairs, stePs or escalators. ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS is a path of travel, usable by a mobility-impaired person, that leads to a public waY. ACCESSIBLE ROUTE is a continuous unobstructed path connecting all accessible elements and spaces ofa building or facility. Interior accessible routes may include conidors,floors, ramps, elevaiors, lifu, and clear floor space at fixtures. Exterior accessible rourcs may include connections o the public right-of-way, parking access aisles, curb ramps, crosswalks at vehicular ways, walks, ramps and lifts. ACCESSIBLE SPACE is a space that complies with this chapter. ADAPTABILITY is the ability of certain building spaces and elements, such as kitchen count- ers, sinks and grab ban, to be added or altered to accommodate the needs of individuals with or without disabilities, or to accommodate the ne€ds of persons with different types or degrees of dis- ability. ADDITION is anexpansion, extensionorincrease in thegross floorarca of abuilding orfacir:ty. AITECTED BUILDINGS. See ORS 47.2r0(t). 11 0t.7-11 02 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ALjTERATION is achange oabuilding orfacility thataffects orcould affecttheusabiliry of he building or facitty or part thereof. Alterations include, but are not limited to, r€mod€ling, renova- tiorL rehabilitation, reconstruction, historic rcstoratioq changes or rearrangement of the strucEral parts or elements, and changes or rearrangements in the plan for configuration of walls and iull-height partitions. Normal maintenancc, rcrcofing, painting or wallpapering, or changes to me- chanical and electrical sysbms ar€ not alterations unless ttrey affect the usability of the building or facility. 1-202 ORS 2147.210(l) is not a part of this code but is reproduced here for the reader's convenience: "Affected buildings" includes any place of public accommodations and cornmercial facilities designed, constructed and altered in compliance with the accessibility standards establishedby the Americans with Disabilities Act. "Affected buildings" also includes any govemment build- ing that is subject o Trtle tr of Oe Americans with Disabilities AcL'Affectcd buildings" alrc initudes private entities, private membership clubs and churches that have more than one floor level and more than 4,0fi) square feet in ground arpa or that arc more than 20 feet in height, mea- sured from the top surface of the lowest flooring to the highest interior overhead finish of the building. Sl-.{lNC :tELO BACKFLOW PRBVENTION DBVICB PERMIT APPLICATIC : CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 FIFTH STREETSPRINGFit::,0--o-n-iZr,ZZ TFFICE: 726-3759 INSPECTTC i LINE: 726..3769 JOB LOCATI0N: tt46 Moharyk Blvd. '., ,. ASSESSORS MAp S: tl bv\3 7 7r TAX LOT {, OIINER: ADDRESS:ll46 Mohartrk Blvd PHONE *: 741-2O2L CITY:1n f 1d STATE:Oregon 77p 3 97 477 BACKFL0H PERMTT rs $rs.00 + J'75 (stlrE suRctIARGE) + $.45 (ADl :N. FEE) = $16.20 coNrR4gaoPj : Vos Plumbing Inc. ADDRESS: p.O. Box 2tBg PH0NB S: 485-0551 CITy: Eugene BY SIGNING THIS IIIMII/APPLICATI0N' I AGREB TO CALL FOR AN IN:.,EcTION ONcn TrrEBACKFLOU PREVENTION DEVICE HAS BEEI{I INSTALLED-AIIO TS VISIBLE . )R INSPECTI()N(726-3769)' r ALso srATE ttlai au rNFoRMAiior,r-du rrrrs pERMrr \pplrcATroN rsCORRECT. CoNSTRUCTIoN CoNTRACTORS REGTSTRATION *. 41 BO5 FOB OFFICE USE STATE: Oregon ZIp: 9j4O4 -:']XPIRBS: 4-0O 72-75-99 DT, DATE OF /.PPLICATION:It,J0 {}: RECEIPT l,: )tn ISSUED BY: TOTAL AM(IUNT COLLECTED: -h. 51-lS- fi) ftte CITY OF SPF OFEGOA' ?T,225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-s700 December 7,1998 Mr. Thomas Tinsley Copy-Rite Printing 1780 Centennial BIvd. Springfi eld, OR 97 47 7 -3364 Re: 1146 Mohawk Blvd. Springfield, OR - City Permit Job #98136 Dear Mr. Tinsley: Thank you for your response to the Plan Review Comments for your remodeling and tenant improvement project. Apparently, additional clarification will help define the Oregon State Structural Specialty Code (SSC) requirements which are the basis for the Plan Review Comments we provided you. In reply to the first point in your letter, the SSC specifically identifies pharmacies as a Group M Occupancy (merchandising uses). It also specifically identifies print shops as a Group B Occupancy (business uses). The Code, therefore, considers the new use to be a change in use from the former pharmacy. I asked Julie Scott to respond to your request for information regarding Minimum Development Standards and criteria. She said she forwarded the information to you. An application for MDS standards must be made with the Planning Division for this project according to Greg Mott. Please clarify any concerns you have regarding those requirements with Julie. Regarding your concems about the Accessibility requirements, the State of Oregon adopted Chapter 11 in the SSC to address the matters covered by the ADA. However, the federal ADA requirements are not enforced by the building codes directly, and are not, in their entirity, apart of the SSC. The requirements of Chapter 1l apply to all affected commercial and public buildings when alterations or certain improvements are made. Basically, this chapter requires that up to an additional25Yo of the cost of the primary function alterations must be applied toward eliminating architectural barriers that exist on the site and within the building . AIl costs involved to bring an element into compliance may be applied toward the25oh maximum. The Code excerpts provided with the Plan Review Comments are out of Chapter 1 1. The concept of Chapter 11 is to first remedy any deficiency in on-site parking spaces and access, then any deficiencies in access to the building and finally access within the building . Where no deficiencies exist, no modifications are required. The alterations you have proposed for your building do qualiff for the accessibility requirements to be applied. Tluee separate businesses will be operating on the property, any of which may directly serve customers on the site. Since no accessible parking space presently exists within the boundary of the property, one must be created. The space should be located in an appropriate location to achieve the shortest practical accessible route to all business entries. The SSC states in part, "Wherever practical, the accessible route shall not cross lanes of vehicular traffic". (The information for accessible parking spaces was provided with the plan review comments). Depending on the solution to accessible parking, the total number of parking spaces may or may not be affected due to the parking aisle requirement. The total number of parking spaces required need to be coordinated with the Planning Division through the Minimum Development Standards (MDS) process. It is possible to provide the required parking access aisle without losing any parking spaces, if the number of spaces becomes a problem with either Planning requirements or your tenants' needs. Attached is a drawing showing one possibility. Regarding the more specific responses in your letter to the Plan Review Comments for the project, the following may be helpful: l. The Fire Marshal is satisfied with your proposal for storage of chemicals by relocating an existing chemical storage cabinet from the existing facility to this facility. 2. The General Contractor has submitted all required information for the roof replacement, including the R-19 rigid insulation and deck board. The roof assembly is approved as submitted. 3. Mr. McCoy indicated he has received no data regarding the HVAC equipment or the type of controls to be installed. His greatest concern is with the energy compliance for the controls. Please submit specifications for the equipment and controls to Mr. McCoy for his review and approval. 4. The plans that were reviewed for your printing business indicate all interior walls are to be new, including those enclosing the rest room. For purposes of the SSC, the modifications represent a functional remodel of the building interior. 5. The rest room must be made fully "accessible" as a result of this remodel, not "adaptable". (The Code only recognizes'o adaptable" residences). The shower in the rest room, as shown on the plans, makes no mention of its purpose. It would be acceptable to have a safety shower in the rest room without having it comply with all accessibility requirements, with the understanding that its primary function is to serve that purpose. 6. Your request for MDS criteria was forwarded to you under separate cover. Please contact Julie Scott at 726-3610. 7. As covered in #1, your chemical storage proposal has been approved by the Fire Marshal. You mentioned in your letter that the ADA provides for unique and creative alternatives to more stringent requirements. The accessibility requirements of Chapter 1 1 of the SSC are more limiting with regard to creativity. Persons who believe a specific requirement or requirements of the SSC exceed the standards and specifications of the Americans with Disabilities Act and that full compliance with the SSC requirements is impractical and would defeat the purpose of the project, whether proposed or in process, may appeal the SSC requirements. Please bear in mind that costs for the accessibility requirements are not considered a factor in such appeal until they reach the25oh limitation noted earlier in this letter. Enclosed is a copy of the portion of the SSC which deals with the appeals process. The forgoing information is intended to clariff and update the Plan Review Comments for your project. I hope it provides adequate response to the concerns of your letter. The building project must comply with the applicable Codes and Ordinance requirements as stated herein unless appeals to the requirements are satisfactorily obtained. Sincerely, Don Moore Construction Representative/Plans Examiner dlm Enclosure: 2 cc: David Puent, Julie Scott, Al Ward, Lorne Pleger, John McCoy, Tom Marx l. eNE'pssraG rfffi;rak //4<e/i-q ) rllr o EXIgTI}..IG ROCF 5LOPEg TO EX lgTtl.lc DOullgPOrJT9 \ :Ii-.Ji* ROCF' NE[! ROCF SIJRFACE ExtgTtt,l6 RooF sLotrg 10 c?lNr- h/!ilN3p-)tl?g / / \ D3 inu u B Hu 3tuz EXl9Tthl6 PARKII"IG LOT Nad,G^/c.l?$/rP EA9T l}t.bo' gIPEIUALK P A R K E R S T R E E T I Exl9Tlh&3 DRI\/E 9IDEIUALK NEtU ROOF grltrACE lr- d rFu 9 t I I EI BI / 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1101.6-1101.7 ORS 447.233(7) and 447 .250 are not a part of this code but are reproduced here for the convenrence:t Uil.?3i3(3|. is part of accessible parking space requirements and says: 447.250 Vtaivers or modifications ofstandards and specitications; appeals board; proce' duresl fees. ( I ) When a person or governmentat entity undertaking the construction, renovation, alteration ormodification of an afflcted building or is related facilities determines that a particu- lar standard or specification exceeds the standards or specificationsimposed.by the Americans with Disabilitiei Act and the Fair Housing Acq and that full compliance with the standard or specification is impractical in that it would defeat the purpose of the project proposed or in pro- cess, it may apply to the appeals board having jurisdicti,on over the-project for a waiver or modifi- cation of slch itindard oi ipecification, setting forth the reasons for its determination and a pro- posal for the work complying with the particular standard or specification to the maximum extent that it considers practical. (2) (a) For projects involving a state correctional facility as defirred in pnS 421.005(2)' or a locaf correcti6naifacility,asde-finedinORS 169.005(3),theappealsboardreferredtoinsubsec- tion ( I ) of this section ii tte nuitOing Codes Structures Board established under ORS 455.132. (b) For all other projects, the appeals board referred to in subsection (l) of this section is the appeats board established under ORS +SS.OZ0(4) by the municipality having jurisdiction over the project. (3) The appeals board shall thereupon investigate the application. The board in its investigation rnaf U" .eqirired to seek the advice oithe Oregon Disabilities Commission or its designee in deal- in! Utn arcnitectural barrier waivers. If the ippeals board finds that the proposal submitted with thf application would constitute a substantiaiiompliance with, o-ran ry99P?fle altemative to, tt e f'ofticutur standard or specification in view of the objective-s of ORS.447.2lOtoM7.280' the *ui'r"itt ufi be granted. If ttre UoarO finds othenvise' the applicatiol $ft be promptly denied with notice to th-e requesting person or govemmental entiry of the denial' (4) The findings of the appeals board shall include the estimated building costs and the addi- tion"l "ott of "oi'struction i6 conform to the requirements of ORS 447.210 to 447'280 over the costofanonconforming feature or any other speiial reason or circumstance that, in thejudgment of the board, justifies the decision. (5) Any person aggrieved by the final decision ofan appeals boTd T"y w^ithin 30 days of the Aeciiion ip'peat o ttrJpireco-f tt e O"parunentof Consumer andBusiness Services.In the case ;;;';pp"als board has been c.euted the director shall have original jurisdiction of an "ppfiLtiori,i.a waiver. The applicant for a waiveror_an appeal shall submita fee of $20 payable t6 the Oirector with the t"qu"it for waiver or appeal. In-determining an appeal or an original "ppfi."tior, tf,.procedures'and standards ofsubseetions (l) o (4) ofthis section shall applyto the ldirpcor. 1101.7 Referenced Standards. These referenced standards may be used by the building official .r LuiO*." when evaluating and approving altemate methods, modifications and waivers under ll Section 1101. The following are adopted as referenced standards for this chapter: Publi_c Law ll f Of -ffO. rhe Americans wittr DisaUitities Act (ADA), Part II and Part Itr; Departrnent of Justice ll negutations of Friday, July 26, l99l;28CFR, Part 36, including Americans with Disabilities Act ll aclessiUility Guidelines (epaeC) anO Public Law 1fiI430, the Fair Housing Act (FIIA) with its ll reference toANSI 4117.l-1986, and the regulations adopted thereunder. Referenced standalds ll fS."tion 3503) for children's environments may be foundin the United States Archircctural and ll i.ansportation Banien Compliance Board recommendations for Accessibility for Children's En- ll vironments or in the Architectural Graphics Standards. 1101.7-1102 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION 1102 _ DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as follows: ACCESS AISLE is an accessible pedestrian space between elements, such as parking spaces' seating and desks, that provides clearances appropriate for use of the elements. ACCESSIBLE describes a site, building, facility, or portion thereof, that complies with { chapter. ACCESSIBLE ELEMENT is an element specified by this chapter (i.e., telephone, etc.). ACCESSIBLE ElilT is an exit, as defined in Section 1001.2, which complies with this chaPter and does not contain staiE, steps or escalators. ACCESSIBLE MEANS OFEGRESS is a path of travel, usableby amobility-impairedperson' that leads to a public waY. ACCESSIBLE ROUTE is a continuous unobstructed path connecting all accessible elements and spaces of a building or facility. Interior accessible routes may include coqdon, floors, ramps' elevators, lifts, and clearfloor space atfixtures. Exterior accessible routes may include connections to the public right-of-way, parking access aisles, curb ramps, crosswalks at vehicular ways, walks, ramps and lifls. ACCESSIBLE SPACE is a sPace that complies with this chapter. ADAPTABILmY is the ability of certain building spaces and elements, such as kirchen count- ers, sinks and grab bars, to be added or alrcred to accommodate the needs of individuals with or witfiout disabifities, or to accommodate the needs of persons with different types or degrees of dis- ability. "onl -r, ADDITION is anexpansion, extension orincrease in AtrTECTED BIIILDINGS. See ORS M7.2to<t). ORS 447.210(l) is not a part of ttris code but is reproduced here for the rcader's building. 'Affected buildings" includes any place of public accommodations and commercial facilities designed, constructed and altered in comptance with the accessibility standards established by the Imericans with Disabilities Act. "Affepted buildings" also includes any govemment build' ing that is subject o Tttle tr of the Americans with Disabilities Act. "Affected buildings" also in&udes privite entities, private membership clubs and churches that have more than one floor level and more than 4,0fi) square feet in ground area or that arc more than 20 feet in height mea- sured from the top surface of ttre lowesi flooring to the highest interior overhead finish of the the gross floor area of a building or faci{ facility. 1-2U2 systems arE not alterations they tome-maintenance, SPFlINGFIELE' ;i:#'.ffiM.xffitr ';;PiOvAl' 225 FIFTS STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON INSPECTION REQI.JEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 97 -.i Y 1 ON JOB DE Permi ts are non-t rans ferabl if vork is not started vith of issuance or if vork is SU 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALT.ATION Electrical Contractor Add ress ciry Ju"nd Jon C Phone lffiqt'-/rl Supervisor License Number 2 OO 6 S Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number 't5 Expiration Dat Signa ure of Supe sing Electrician Ovners Name Addr c EI,,ECTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION Job Number 3. COHPLETE FEE SCMDULE BELOI{ Nev Residential-Single or Multi-FamiIy per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost A t s 8s.00 s r.s.00 s 40.00 50.00 60.00 100.00 130. 00 300.00 40.00 Sum aEove s s s s s s $ 40.00 $ ss.00 $ 80.00 see ttBlt0r 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 ortion me. or der rU,es rs Alterations cati on:Kor less ( t to 400 amps __to 600 amps _to 1000 amps_ 0 amps/volts _t 0n1y vices or Feeders teration or Relocation 200 amps 201 amps amps ps 00 CC 1 .(j to amps or vo s ',, D Circui ts Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel ci Ph",JLJ> STALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn which is not intended for saIe, lease or rent. Owners Signature: DATE: Circuit or vith Servi947 or Feeder Permi t i/l 4x One Circuit Each Additional $ 3s.00 $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation sign/0ut1ine Lighting- Limited Energy/Res Limi ted Energy/Comm SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Admini.strative Fee TOTAL 00 00 00 00 s40 s40 $20 S36 5 ct) a,.cz.c eRECEIVED a ,eq v CITY OF SPilNGFIELT', SPRINGFIELD 225 Nort.h Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Locat,ion of Proposed Work: LL46 MOHAWK BLVD Assessors Map #: L7032533 Page 1 COMMERCIAL/IIIDUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRTNGFIELD ilob Number: 981-l-35 COMMT'NITY SERVICES DIVISION BUILDING SAFETY Office: Inspection Line: 726 -31 59 '726 -37 69 Tax Lot #: 14500 OwneT: THOMAS TINSLEY Addressl. 443 RIVERVIEW BLVD Phone #: 726-9029 City/State/ZLp: SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 9'74'7'7 Description Of Work: REMODEL & UPGRADE MECH REMODEL Value 0.00 Name QUICK DES]GN Address Phone ArchitecL General: Contractor TERRY MCDONALD Const. Cont,ractor # 01,L961,7 Expires 01,/1,3/eB Phone 923 - 5285 PLIIMBING No 5 Fee Charge 50.00 50.00 Single Fixture TOTAL PERMIT No 2 MECHANICAL Furnace/burner & vent < 1000,000 BTUs Vent Fan/Slngle Duct Permit Issuance TOTAL PERMIT Fee Charge 18.00 6.00 10.00 34.00 HANDICAP ACCESS: Y - - OFFICE USE QUAD AREA: 2CNW LAND USE: 5300 Item TENANT REVISIONS TOTAL VALUE OF PRO.]ECT Square Feet x $/Square Feet Val-ue 87,400.00 87,400.00 Plan Check Fee 252.20 Rec #: 3l-372 Date: 09/1,0/98 Rec By SPRINGFIELD rTob Number: 981135 CITY OF SPruNGFIEI^O, Page 2 BUILDING Surcharge/Admin MECHANICAL Surcharge/admin PLUMBING Surcharge/admin PLAN REVIEW ADJUST SUBTOTAL PERMITS TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL 397.00 3L.75 34.00 1 50 4 5 a) 00 00 85 524 .53 524.53 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It. is the responsibility of the permit holder Lo see that all inspections are made at the proper time. To request an inspection, calT 726-3769 (recorder), state your Ci.ty desi-gnated job number, job address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspection. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m will be made the following work day. Special Inspections: In accordance with Section 305 of the State Specialty Code a special inspector sha1l be employed by the Owner/Contractor during construction of any following "*" work. A copy of the special testing reports sha]1 be furnished to BulJ-ding Safety. In additj-on to the inspections specified, the Building Official may make or require other inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance with the Building, City or Development Code. ITNDERFLOOR PLITMBING - Prior to insulation or decking. ROUGH PLI,MBING _ Prior Lo cover. ROUGH MECHANICAL - Prior To cover. ROUGH ELECTRICAL - Prior To cover. FRAIIING - Prior to cover. INSUTATION - Floor; prior to decking Wa1l/Ceiling; Prior to cover DRYWALL - Prior to taping. FIREWALL - Located and constructed according to p1ans. FINAL PIITMBING - When all plumbing work is complete. FINAL MECHANICAL - When all mechanical work is complete. FINAT ETECTRICAL - When all elect.rical work is complete. FINAL FIRE - When al-] Fire Department requirements have been met. been met. FINAL SITE PLAN - After all requirements have been met for Minimum Development Standards or from the Development Agreement. FrNAL BUILDING - When all required inspections have been approved and the buildi-ng is complete. --- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS --- MUST COMPLY W/ ENERGY CODE REQMTS.FOR LIGHTING & HEATING/VENT.EQU]P ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS APPLY TO MODIFTCATIONS. SEPARATE ELECTRICAL PERMIT IS REQU]RED. P1ans Reviewed By: DON MOORE Building Site Reviewed By: LISA HOPPER DaLe: 1,o/20/98 CITY OF SPilNGFIELD, SPRIilGFIELED 'Job Number: 981135 Page 3 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all- work performed shafl be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that No OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readabfe from the street, that the permit. card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at a1l- times during construction. aa /l c Date /Signature --- VALIDATION --- Receipt Number: Date Paid: Amount Received: Received By: 3lgzs lo,/zt/ye JoURNAL oR JoB uo. 7f lfo ATTACHMENT A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME OR COMPANY LOCATiON ///6 ,u/ohd-D k DTVELOPMENT TYPE BUiLDING SIZE i. STORM DRAINAGE II"lPERVIOUS SQ. FT 2. SANITARY SE|^IER-CITY NO. OF PFU'S SIZ //LL nzd.) nu/4rtz,b't5 /'t-7gL i X $0.227 PER SQ. FT $4> + 0. Ft X $47. i4 PER PFU $ (See Reverse Sio" ,r",*lup -1,at5s/ - 6"n'//,?4zl*,e/ql'a) >zt'74',' TRANSpoRTATioN -/1r".;, - pso\ - t {?a rF + z'ia Tosr NO OF UNiTS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP f,,*'Q/,0/0 x-7 aU x $475.32 s ?ye al /L'^*'1 7c x j-)A x $47s 32 4 eA SANITARY SEuIER-MuIMC .f,;J-sJ--?rL/') ,<f/ I Tc,t€ A. RETMBURSEVII'I-W1p.|-;/ > >LZ 2 a 7: Td.ttr) OlsR. i88-- $ se- <$ e- $ i0.00 / --4._-_ (.-'NO. OF FEU'S X a- PER FEU I) B. IMPROVEMENT COST NO. OF FEU'S X PER FEU Mt^lMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATIVI FEE 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES: BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) X .05 TOTAL-MWMC SDC SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3 & 4) S * s€- $L b* l,/r*-r..-- so(coofitnator ATTACH 'A. t,'lPD Date TorAL sDC s # - ?rt i 'z' FIXTURE UNIT CALCULATION TABLEI Number of New Fixtures X Unit Equivalent : Fixture Units (NOTE: For remodels, calculate onr he NET additional fixtures) FIXTURE rYPE ,X/ae,f F, NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES UNIT EOUIVALENT FIXTURE UNITS tz4'f'l' Bathtub..... Drinking Fountain........... Floor Drain. lnterceptors For Grease/Oil/Solids/Etc lnterceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc Laundry Tub/Clotheswasher. Clotheswasher - 3 Or More... Mobile Home Park Trap (1 Per Traiier)............ Receptor For Refrigerator/Water Station/Etc.... Receptor For Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc Shower. Single Sta11.......... Shower, Gan9......... Sink: Bar, Commercial, Residential Kitchen Urinal, Stall/Wall.. Wash Basin ll.avatory , Single.... Toilet, Public lnstallation, Toilet , Private.. Miscellaneous: TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS .* CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Based on assessed value. lf improvements occurred after annexation date in table, calculate credits rates ,E 2 1 2 2 6 2 6 6 1 .) J 2 1 2 2 1 6 4 adeIH Credit for Parcel or Land Only lf Applicable lmprovement (if after annexation date) X$ (Rate X Assessed Value)XS (Rate X Assessed Value) CREDIT TOTAL $ Year Annexed Rate per $1,OOO Assessed Value Year Annexed Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value 1 979 or before 1 980 1 981 1 982 1 983 1 984 1 985 1 986 1 987 1 988 $4.27 4.18 4.12 3.99 3.83 3.68 3.48 3.1 B 2.82 2.42 1 989 1 990 1 991 1 992 1 993 1 994 1 995 1 996 1 997 $1.98 1.55 1.15 0.96 0.83 0.67 o.52 o.38 o.21 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STORM DRAIN.AGE (For Estimating Purposes Only) Residential. Commerica1................... lndustrial... Governmental................, . o.4 0.9 05 0.5 FIXUNIT.WPD IMPERVIOUS AREA = TOTAL LOT SIZE X RUNOFF COEFFICTENT B /d;, DTt,* As / ( ?Z CITY OF SPRINGFIEI,D Eleetrieal Stock Report ,1- -/? 'aJFIRM NAME NAME c)F MANAGER STOCK REPC,RT 8Y QUANTI'Y l'/r'/r e-,D a /e ta s AE)ORESS DATE ,-RE€.}5++fardFr€+F.}.-OI. MANUFACTURER'S NAME ANE, ADORESS I NSPECTORI TYPE ANO N'.ME OF ELECTIiICAL PROOUCT(si)TYPE OR MOOEL NO f /e r l,^r'c a / str",1 c? D r )'O /-/P r CITY OF SPRINGFIETD Electrical Stock Report ( - ts -azFIRM NAME NAME OF MANAGER STOCX REPORT AY QU ANTITY AOORESS E,ATE REGISTRATION NO MANUFACTURER'S NAME ANO AOORESS R TYPE ORMODEL NO.TYPE ANO NAME OF ELECTRICAL PROOUCT(S} iJ'/C,{ ./a dF/. r trr'ep,/ st""/ n p b )v o; l/r, 11 s r,, r( Fr1r r,',r,? c u