HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1983-06-10r,ITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OFSGON Department of public l,Iorks 225 North 5th SrreeE JoB ADDRE-qS: /O,{ t fi'or.a * o BUILDING II.ISPECTION DIVISION JOB NLT}4BER:tr ?7{c ? DATE:4e -/a-?2 r0 H't on s NOTE: 3 TNFOR}ATION: SSPECTION: r'Vc o *tP s 726-3753 726- 37 69 a/ G -f, J zz t/l c {z.v/r, 4 /3ra" rr (/ N 1 .a, 2,('z ,V, 5 t,4< L / t'^4 ?- jcu,r, FoR RETNSPECTToN /-;/ INSPECTOR: ,6 pJ- 2u plE ea- Ale e r /t/-/ 4/trts d^t &,rtrgn'/4r/'ril 3 TKssUIru- /) .< ti ;. i 'i @trtrftcute of @ccupnnc? CITY OF SPRINGIIETD BUITDING DEPARTMENT This Certifcate i:sued pttrsuant to the reguirementu of Section 306 of tlte (Inrform Buitding Code certifying that at the tine of issuatce t/tis stntcture wAr in compliance with tlte aarious ordinances of the City regulating buitding construction or use. For tlte following: occ. Group H4 Type Consrru.lion I I I - N Fire Zone NA U.e zone___!!_ Owner of Buildi Midas Real Cor " 2555 E Cha pman,Fu1 1 erton, CA Building Add 1051 Mohawk Blvd.lds 822507 Building Officiol POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PTACE ! ; I, LuH SPRTNGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 North 5th Street ' Springfield, OregorL97477 503/726-3753a BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF DECISION 1_24-83llidas RealtY CorPoration DATE:APPLICANT: ADDRESS:L051 l'lohar^rk Blvd 83- 1CASE NO: Sign HedghtVARIANCE REQUEST: CITY REFERENCE:9-7-7 (t'l(bl inofiel d Si qn 0r 1 ce . STATE REFERENCE: . , the Board erenced/ffi'qv At the Board of Appeals meeLing held on oi appear" renderl'd the following decis variance request: Jan 13 1983 ion regar DENIED e ove re XX APPROVED FINDINGS OF FACT: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Becauseoftheincorporatjonoftwosignsonto.oneSicnstructure, the asreed unon ffi;ffii;. *.iirur"h;it,hi ,r Zq' is iuitifiable' t.J I4ODIFICATIONS 1) The readerboard portion-mY:t be lowered to a maximum height of g, frorn tfre-USitom of the reaaerboard to the sidewalk grade' ?) The tip of the arrow must be removed' ,-:.1Lw /1,2-fl5.t C, -?.ry- a. ,1_,,: . .i , SPRINGFIETIT Sulte 702 FuI l erEon OI'NER OF SICI{ (IF OTIIER THA}I PROPERTY OHNER) I TYPE OF EUSI:ESS Add 1t lon , Bk.1 7r4 /87o-o411 Corp.1tvRea a 2555 E.Clra vd. CA SIGN PERMIT APPLTCATION A. tocrrtou or LECAL DESCRI /o rP 9263L ,PHONE NAME oE BUSINESS, FIR.\!. ETC. ADDRESS of springfield .5th street ci ty 225 ir tN FO R DtATlor{ : 726 - 1753 rNSPECTtoNs, ?26.3?69 OMIER OR ADDRESS PRoPERTY Mida Ave. . IY?E OF TJORK: X ERECT ALTER _nELocrrr OTHIR. B STP.UCTURAL IYPE OF SICII: juarr _FBEEsrAtrDnlc ROOF _PROJECTINC }(AROUEE T'NDER IHROUEE OTIIER Raised plastic letters USE AIID CPJRNCTER OF SIGII X IDEIITITT _IUCIDEITTAL _r.. )oUBLE FACE _sIilcLE EACE - !:I'LTI-FACE I p.L,tDER BoARD _BILLEOARD D. E.VENDORS, COITRACTORS: SIC:I ERICIOR /JDT'SSS CITY LICEIISE IIIJ}I8ER,ID E\P DATEslfit I.rAilurAcTURER (IF OTIIER TtuN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS E DUIEIISIONS. UISTALLATIOII & CONSTRUCTION G.EJ(ISTI!{C SIGNSTOTAI HEIGTIT ABOVE GRADS VEP.TICAL DL\IEIISION OF SICN HORIZOIITAL T'IDTII OF SIGN BJHilir3l FRorr GRADE ro NIICKJIESS OR DEPTII L7l i,'+ ARE rHERE Alry E(rsTnlc srclr.s? _yEs x uo3r 5t AI.L E(ISTI}IG SIG}I.S FOR. DUSINESS, CrC. 741 6" i35;riff-rl$3i..' BEY.MD --Ii^IIf . DrlrEirsro* ,rrour-*S x uo PROPERTY LI::E pJ!,-Ir p.o.oJEcTrotr rs rroRE nrffioveR. pualrc eRopEpry rr:H-iic:r'Tiieiiorrrusr_Frla llrrrr rHE surr.drii-ilrviii6i" ERii T,..d. E' iJ gll"ftll,iiiii, i g ;' ;i;i' - t.P!:!:'IIBE rYlE oR yArERrArs srcil rsCONSTRUCTED Or. ?lastic 1et ters ' VALUE oF Slcir: 92.000.00 K H 'rrrll srclr lL{vE ELEcrF.rcAt r{rRuic? dn_IF YES, ti{ICII '.P9-r irunrireffi ?ilf llL.Twti:llr cAL s rcrr ELECTRICAL COIITPdCTCR ADDRESS LISC . NL}IBER Pr^r,F J. ,rr, ,,,r0 Flt{TI0H (LNIID USE )EXISTIIIG USOF BUILD IIIG OR L{ID (oR I.{ST US E IF VACAIITService statlon (sner r ) 2L IIIDOOR BUS IIIESS _cuTDoo? I rE3.Ci{AilD IS Iltc PIIOPOSED USE OF BUILDIIIS OR I.I}ID:New Mldas Muffler . I TL{VE CAREFUTLY E:G}IIIIEDcion ls crue and c che compleced a pplicarlon forrcher cerclfy c p L ac all uork ln fo rma orrect, and I fuac corda Or egon oercalnlng co c:te worll tlescri.be<t ilerel'D I furc5er cerc! pe rntc by NAHE (PLEASE PRIvt E & Brake s ermic and do here g er !o rme by certifyd shal i be done tn chac al I Sorrngf ace wich che SorintelJ and aIt other l3n!9, che Unlforn Slgnhe Clcy of Sprlnqfielt as adoocedhe laus' o f che SEace o by c he Ctc of gfteld St gn Ordi Code0rdinances of c v €and Ecense with fv cha: nrv 11 q.Co,rcr.rccor Lt-8-2 -5(3) and 9-7- che Ctc (2) . 9f sp riirq f le ld ls tnI siil requesc a ll requ full fo rce and efr-ecclred stgn lnsoe es reaui:ed ccions llsc edo n the approved Sp ri:rgf ie ld Coder2 S ICIIATUR v M ]K id r rE lz-2 -82 o49 - I PLEASE READ shon the locacron of at1 exr'srlng srgn(r) as rell as proposed stgn(s).sho'* rhe leng:h of che srreer fronEage !l!:: "p by che buslness or bulldrng. For ,arlsigne, show che lengch of the buildLng fronragl. ' show rhe rocacron of enErances open to Ehe pubtrc and drlveways.requlred. because of deslgn. slze, eCc., engtneered drawlngs and-calculaClon3 Erusr be pre_d bv a Llcensed englneer oi inatt io"io.i I;';;;i;;-sianaarts "ri-rrr!-ii the Butldtng Dtvi-0f flce . slce rnsoecrlon - to ba uade bcfore thc srgn tr placed. usually, the Fooclnq tnsr,ectlon1rr aPPria;6-rdF qav !e o"J"-ai-rtt"-r"o" ttie as th" slce rospecrlon. aiil-d;Effiffi#::-t'lon ls to be nade-afler hole(s) ls e:cavaLea,-t"i-piLo. go Ehe place*enc of concieEe. I 1) 2) l) e) b) c) 4) llhen Paretlon *t#ft:t'8#Pg1*: A reparacc aPpllcaEion ls requlrcd for cach separace rtsn as deflncd Electricgl: Any permlE, lssued under thts appllcatlon utll tnctude utrtng 1! or on stgn !crucrure,che suPPLT wl'res for conneccion musc u" eo"!i;e-;;-;; .r""riii"i-;.;;i;: Elecrrtcal fonneccronurusc be oade onlv by a scace ttcensea rleccricit-doil.r"to.. Illuninaced rlgns (borh tncernaLry:*;:::'"arrv) inrst ao;i;; ci-ii'iil.""i-i:i:c-iai-i-ijr-"ni g:i:iii-oi-ir," sprlngrleLd slgn or- Plans Requtred: Thls-appllcatlon ls to be submltted vtch r.ro cowplete ects of planr showlng d!-&ens!ons and helght of rign; adverElstnq o,u11"f"-oi-rig"; io".Iio[-oi-rign on properEy utrh dt-oensions cc DroDeEty 1l'nei' structural tetatrs'.t-r"pp5ri r..ri"i, ui"ling and foorlngs; nacer!a1sof conscrucrion'for'slgn ."c-tis"-";;"il;;;-"rIi,iiElr-equtpneni and ltghrrng; slze and locacionof exlsE!nc sicns on piopercy r6i it'rc.same busi".rrl-irr-as -requlred to dererolnq cocrnllance wlththe sprlnglreti stgn braini"te-i,r.iicri .t ol ii ""iiirigf tetd cicy corJe) . Also,. irro,r the forlor.r-tng infornacron on-che ploc prari llran sh",riu! ;r;;;;U ii;a"-;a i;;;iio" or rrsns): 5) 5) 7) 8) e) ll:l:o:t tnsufflcl'enc clarlry or detall wtll bc rccurned ro rhc appltcanc rlch no perntc belng slgns urusc Beec coEner vlsloo clearance requlrcoencs as descrlbcd !.n Flgurc g oE che SprlngfleldCooprehenslve Zonlng Code. -1----"-- ' NOTE: lto slgn oay be erecBed whleh ls less chan 12 feet hortzontally or vertlcarly froor overheadelecrrlcal conduccors !.n excess of 750 volrs, ;; i;.;-rhan 5 feec in'any drr""rion froo overheadclecErtcal tlnes ehlch are energrzed-ic t"Jl'c[i"-)!o ;;i;.: -eeb "' q"' # i.i:i i1 noc lnscalled ,lthls 60 days after tbe datc of tsrue of rhrs per-o!r, rhe perrrlc shall InspecElons: a) Flnal In specelon -to be oade upon cocpleclon of all work.ulectrlcal - all electrlcal.slgns oust be tnspected for eleccrlcal hook up after che slgnIs erecEEA and before rt" iign'fi curn"a on. CAII EoR IIIE REQUIRED INSpECTIONS ON rHE 24 ttouR INSPECTTON LrltE AT 726-3769 'r- b) c) SIGN DISTRrcT {A/J#" ZOTIE DIST8,ICT, ToTAI SqUARE FooTAcE OF SIcN ,/{-'fr I t\. z REOUlRED IIISPECTIOIIS: _sITE/LoCATIoil _ELECTRICAT OTIIER _FOOTTNG 0R MErI{OD 0E ATTACT+GIIT Yir,*r, SPECIAL CONDIT1ONS ro BE SATISF1ED BEFORE ERECTION OE SIGII: ADDIUONAL INFORMAUON NEEDED BEFORE PER}IT },tAY BE ISSUED: -{/a,v laN reecrre_", , cl -.-? - r-/ ELECTRICAL PERHIT FEE: { zo.oo 47. STATE SURC}IARGE: TOTAL: RECEIPT & DA \J-^) \{I SIGN }ERI{IT FEE: JOB ' Ftc"oD AIPROVED BY: <'r./, I -fP f) DATE I' citY. of springf ield 225 n. 5th street I N FO RMATtot,l : 726-3753 INSPECTIONST 726-3709 SIGN PERMTT APPLICATION . I IL{VE CA REFULLY E:OI}IIIIED che conpleced applicarlon forlnformacton ls crue and correc t ,andIfac cc rdanc e oich che Sld and all o p rin che r gfield Sten 0 rd inanc is 0rdinance,of Ehe Citr So rin gfte Ore go cens e urcher cerEi ty c all work perforired sha be done tntheUniforn S Code a5a dopced b y che Clc otaurs of c he SEace o vf Pe Eha y of SprlnqfieI further ce rmiE and do her eby cerct fy l1 chac alI n oercalnlngwich che Ci cyofSco E:te qrorl: <tescrlbprinefie Id is ed i'lr!€lntn 6ull force and e lgnld ,and che IrElfy chaa rnv !1.1r. ConEraccor !-L-8-2 -5(3) and 9-7-2c(2).c all requlred signpernlc. NAT.IE (PLEASE PRI ffecc as'reouilnsoeccions I red b y Springfield Codesls ced on che approved t /z-a - Suite 702 9263toTJNER OF SICU (IF OIHER THAI! pRopERTt OWNER) A. BK PHONE CA ?I'D E OF EUSII:ESS 17l-4 /870-041 Corp.(ea1tyAS Fullert on Ad it -1049-Mo hawk 2555 E.Cha CI 1 I t LECAL DESCRIPTION OIIIIER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS NAME OF BUSINESS, FII.Y, ETC. LoCATIoN OE SIGN (ADDRESS) ADD&ESS Ave. OO . T]'PE OF IIORK: X ERXCT ALTER RELOCATE OTHEE. B STP.UCTURAL TYPE OF SIG|I: _trALL 1 rnrsstAtrDutc ROOF _PROJECTING HARqUEE T'NDER I'AROUEE OTI{ER C. USE AIID CPA.tTCTER OF SIGII: X rDEuru::r _INCIDETITAL - X DOUBLE FACE _SINCLE FACE - !,!I'LTI-FACE ={t*rt* B.ARD BILLBOARD D. E IT PI{O}IE CIiY DA s on ADDP.ESS tD sIfir S IGII VENDORS, CoTITRACTORS . EXISTII,IG SIGNS ARE IHERE Alry E(ISTIIIC SIGUS? _yEs x rlo G ,r6}f. AIL EXISTI}TG SICNS FOR. DUSI}IESS, ETC. DU ETISIONS, UISTALI.ATIOII & CONSTRUCTIOII TOTAL HEICITT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DLYEIISION OF SIGII HORIZOTITAL WIDTII OF SIGN D.I}IEIISIOII FRCI{ CRADE TOBOT'TCV Or SIGII TIIICKJIESS OR DEPTR 3i3;ril?-ri$8i... BEYoND II_IE9. DrlrErisroN BEyoND s x llo PROPERTY LI::E I$J!,-II p.o.oJEcrrorr rs lroRE nffi--ovER puBlrc pRopEp.ry ipi-Iict' eiieiionI.IUST-FILE I.JITII THE BUILDI}IG-TIVi;iC.i' Siii';,,.d. x, i ( !#",1I 4, i5iii, i $ D' ;p:; i' - gt E 1 - 20, lt0 f, zq I .-< 11r ) -Tori 't[LL srcN Il{vE ELEcrp.IcAr rfrRrtic? yes ", IIfu ,If; i35 tfi il}.rfy'LiSlil8F ELECTRICAT COIITPdCTOR H PNCilELISC.NWBER ADDRESS DESCRIBE TYPE OR },ATERIALS SIGN ISCONSTRUCTED OE, ' VALUE 0F SIG|I: 52.000.00 t. K Metal f - rames wiEh Lexan lense s J ) ,f, tuooon BusrltEss jg-6'urooor IIES,CHAiIDIS IIIG IIIID t . SITE IIIFOF}T{T:OII (LtilD usE EXISTI.\16 USEOF EUILDIIIG OR IjND (oR TAST US E IF vAcAllT)Service station (she11 ) PROPOSED LISE OF BUILDINC OR New Midas Muf fler & Br ake Sh SI NT) I will reques as DATE P SPFlTNGFTELEt ; :] .l.I il t '-.--' I .s--ltlr."**,-.'4!r t Jn' . PLEASE READ 1)iw:AsGParaBeaPPlicac1on1srequ1rcdforerch3cPaEaEe3l.gn,asdef1ned 2) 3) Eleccrical': Anv oerltlc lssued under thts appttcaclon wt11 tnclude wtrlng ln or on stgn structure,EEe suPPIt.wtrei kor conn""Eion musc be covlied on an "iI"ciilii-;";;i;: Erectrlcat connecr!onEusc be oade-onry by a scace Llcensed Eleccrlcal conEracror. rlliroin.c"a -ig"n.-iu"it-iiicIrnalIy :ll.::::'"atry) ur.rsc conrorm co secrlons e-7-4 tcj a-t5i-;"i g:7:i8;;-;rr"-itii.iiiiia'iiin or-- Plans Requtred: Thls appllcaEion !s to be suburLtted wlch r..ro coorplece sets of plans shoulng dt- -.- oensions and helght of sign; adverrlstng message-on slgn; focaiioi oi-rfg" on pioperty uirh-dl- ::.:i:::_.::_gl:p".lEv trnes, .sErucrural derairs-or srrpei.i fr;ri;;; b;.;r;t ""a'ioicinis; rrarerrarsot conscruccion for slgn and stgn struccure; erectrtiil equlpoenE'and iigf,crng; slze ind Locarionof exlscing signs.on pioperry far the_saqe busrenssl-"it i. i"q"i."a-ti-dereralne eooollance w[rhthe sprlngfteld slsn.Ordinante (ArrtcLe 7 or rhe spir"iir"ra-Eiii-coa;i.--;i;;;.';t"""'it"-iotlor-tng lnfotoaclon on che ploc plan (plan showing proi,ei-r| irn.r ini io"iiio"- oi-iigr-, j: a) shos the locaclon of all exlsE,lng stgn(s) as l,erl as proposed stgn(s).b) Show che. length of che street frontage taken up by che business or butIdlng. For vrallsigns, show che lengch of the building frontagi. ' c) show che locaElon of entrances open to Ehe publtc and drlveuays. l{hen-required, because of deslgn,. sl3e, e!c., englneered drawings and calcularlons urusr be pre-pared-by.a licensed englneer or shall confonn to-deslgn standarls on flle aE che Bulldlnl-Divi-slon Offlce. Plans of lnsufflclenc clarlty or detall wtll be reEurned to ttre appllcant wlth no perult beingLssued. Slgns un:sc treec corner visloo clearance requlreoenEs as descrlbed ln Flgure 9 of the SpringfleldCooprehenslve Zoning Code. Y9TE: ,llo.slgn.nay be erecEed whlch ls less than 12 feet horlzonrally or vertlca!1y froo overheadereccrlcal conducEors ln excess of 750 volcs, or less than 5 feeE, in'any direction-froo overheadeleccrlcal ll-nes whlch are energlzed aE less'than 750 volts. If a stgn ls noc lnscalled wtthla 60 days after tbe date of lssue of rhls perrriE, the peralc shallbe votd. Inspecttons: 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) a)Slte fnsgecElon - to be uade befora the slgn ts placed. Usually, the Fooclnq Insr.ecrioo1I1l-apPT1E5EI1ayb.eoade.aEthesametiieast:'"sriEi;;.;;li";.-tffiffi-Elon ls to be mrde afEer hole(s) ls e::,cava!eri, buc prlor co the placeo,ent of conE;ece'. Ftnal Inspecrlon - to be oade upon coqleElon of all work. Electrical - all electrical.slgns oust qe lnspected for eleccrlcal hook up afcer the slgnIs decred and before the slg:n-i.s curned on. b) e) CALL EOR TnE REqUIRXD INSPECTIoNS 0N Il{E 24 HoUR INSPECTToN LINE AT 726-3769 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: TOTAI: RECEIPT .r{ '/) DAT]g ?ER}GT FEE: -ao l-Zo 'c O JoB 0 4Z STATE SURC}IARGE: 3d- 4a 4A q'z_2- ?FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SIGN DISTRTCT L4MN ZONE DISTRICT '1 (- TOTAT SqUARE FoOTAGE 0E SIGN /{c ,##-;:f:-j REQUTREp rNspEcrroils , { f: 'f Eei iieri A i n ap _SIIE/LOCATTOil YTOOITUC OR ME::ltOD Or ATTACIO'IENT r "'- '\ ,/\, ELECTRICA.L t\ FIttAL ./- SPECIAL COND*</4N.€ Ta rt-LlTlONS ro 8E SATISFIED BETORE ERICTION OE SIGII:aa a)/L/frXtH0lq #grq/* t'-V /*t 7-f bc,FJt// ftdjdt€{,,€tr€€ -..){r) 6P,4 nJrcfr,, Ea*A D a'F frfr=enu ADDITIONAL INFOR}TATION FEEDED BEEORE PER}IIT !'{AY BE ISSUED: NE€D Tc. KlJa ul:S/1AJ AN 7 en c Ta K- APPROVED 8Y:DATEwLwv€coHq€Nr5 i 0. T. ? if,ll {-7 -1 --5/6/J.C&i?^,..,, /- //* 13 oTlrE& ERMITcoHBI 726-3 L II AP TI Job Address 105i l,lohawk Bl vd Lesal Description Lot 1 & 2, Mohawk Addi t, Bl k 6 Ranqe- EIIERGY SOURCES: Hea t t,trater Heater E Va l ue of l.lork \hU Utrf Ftg. Access._ So. Ftg. 0ther_ l{ew_rld61 l tei--Eep . - _Fen ce_Demo_Cha nge/ U s e _0ther_ Sq Sq Fts l.1ain I , /'13 0wner Midas Realty Corporation Builciinq Pernrit- Infd: Describe t.lork(i.e., BuiId Single Fanily Residence l,lith Attached Garaqe)Addrds s 2555 East Chapman Phone Fullerton, CA 92631 (714)870-0411 New construction of masonry buildinr;, Construction Lender NOng driveway approach, landscaping and site Address Phone improvements -- Midas Muffler Shop @ N)N)(rlo \l name addre s s exD r res ohone no. Pri ma Structura I El ectri cal I Hechan i ca I CONTRACTORS name addres s ( pxn i rpc'lics- no. )ohone no^ Generat Mi I I er and Henderson , Sa1 em,0reqon 377-3206 Pl umbi nq I I.lechanical PLUHB I NG ELECTR I CAL MECHAN I CAL NO FFF CHARGE NO FFF CHARGF NO FFF CHARGF 6 Each single fixture 5 30.00 Residence of SQ. FT.1 furnace/burner to 75 ,000 srLr s 6. 00 Relocated buildino (new fix. additional ) New circuits alts or extensions Floor furnace and vent S. F. Residence(l bath)SERV I CES Recessed wal I Soace heatpr and vpnt Duptex (1 bath) each 1 Gas Pioino 2.00 Additional bath 1 Temporary Constructi on 10.0 Apol iance vent seDara te I [.later servi ce 1 rr 5.00 Change in existing res i dence Stationary evap coo l er i senut sani tary 10.00 multifamiiy, comm Industria l or Vent fan with sinqle duct 1 Storm Sewer 10 0n 1 0f I 00 amRs.26 llt I 1 Vent systern apart from heatino or A.C-4. 50 1 San. Sewer Tao 10-00 cor.ff.r./rND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust Jrood and duct 1 Storm Sewer Tap 10. 00 InstaI I /aI terlrel ocatedistrib. feeders i Acetyl ene Pi pi ncr 2.00 1 Sewer Cap 10.00 0f s.1 Air Pipino 2. 00 1 Heat Pumo 6 1 0xyqen Pi pi nq 2 IssuANcF oF PFRr,rrr 10.00 TOTAL CHARGES 85.00 TOTAL CHARGES 35. 0 TOTAL CHARGES 34. 50 WHERE STATE LAN REQUIRES thatshall not be valiC until the labe bytri the 1E 'Iectr I anbeworknedo E1 tEC carl I Con tr c,a rto the 'Ie triec 'Ica rt 0n'I fo hit sp0 tperniIhbeenas1snedanIEecsbyacsI5'|orupe and dreturne to the IBu dI I Di 5'I 0n1ng I'lAt'1E (pl ease pri nt S IGi{ATURE DATE e permi effect HAV E hetE ecomp c tia on rDap trm'l an dDE certhereb.y ttha fon trma on hereo nnda s truerrectandfurthercertathatfyndat^ror k f,a r rmedo hasDC dbe 0n n cordancac wl ht 0rdthe nan fofoces |.theSprieadndng fi th Lae ofws ny ofStheteta 0reqon rta nl to ethpeng descriwork bed he re n thaand r{ct CUPAI,0cfo WI,tcY be mas ty deanytutrucwlrehoutthtssofButheds0DfurthcrrteathtfyraLvl'l0n thm.y reg i the Bu de srfnrdBoaUforacendutas0 ng 70).red 0Rs tth f55reclby e t hexempt ba s s foron L on s otedn hesuonbcexemp reon and thavtotracrs tandwhoreaempoyeesnanwicecomcth070DC055ubesthonsedtecproj Plan Ck. CommTlnT- 651lB1dq Per Fee 774.85 Sys ter:rs Deve Charqe (1.5?opmen t 1 ,723.31 BUILDING PERI\IIT Charges and Su rcha rges 269. 00 .76 PIan Ck. Res 30%/Bldq Per Fee FencePLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges 85.00 3 Dgmo 18. 00 Sidewalk 29.88ELECTRICAL PERI,IIT Charges and Surcha rges Tota'l Comb. Fermi t 584.32A/C Paving 249' Curb cut (2)24.00t,IECHAIII CAL PERMIT Charges and Surc ha rges 34. 50 1. 38 TOTAL i I 2,492.49 Tone rire zone NA Bed Flood PlainJlO Sto cy Load 0c c.v Group H4 sq .Tyoe/Const r00ms its n r'rain 2723 x Val ue 90, 334. 00 lue lue 14,082.00ries 1 Acces 0the r TOTAL VALUATION Ftg Ftg Ftg tor"qlGcl 72 0n COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description l. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 432. example- Lot 1. Block 3, Znd Addition toS[iTffiietd Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources 1. example- heat/electrical ceiIing/or forced air gas?. ExamEl-e- waterheaGFleTEEtiJGlTor soEi--E. Square footage or valuation, etc.l. example- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- if new project, check new - if addition, check add, etc.F. Building permit information: PERMIT VALIDATION - construct single family house with an 9arage 4looT le0Z t1 1 exampl e a tta c hed Cg/ II III. IV. 2. example - remodei existing garage 'into fam'i1y room 3. example - convert single family residence into FElIaIFant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construct'ion delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except vrhere blank spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate 'item(s) to be installed B. Full PIumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the 'item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the fulI schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES ID. As noted on the CAP, the label must'be deliv'ered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is.not authorized to sign the electrical label. Applicant to sign and date lJhenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actuai permit is issued for his s i gna ture. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans wiI I be processed untiI these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Cle PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: permit app'licant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Proiect Information : PLANS REVIEI^IED BY: hl. Pleqername Lorne s i gnature date 1-3-83 (/z IA