HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-07-18.. RESIDT.TIAL.. APPLICA?IUN/PERI,[? 225 Notth |th StneetSpringfield, Oregon gZ4Z? Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTELT) $t- Date:-l\ ! Job Locattcn:o Assessore Map il 10 -) ')?cz lat # C) $tbdiuision: 0tmer: Phone: IAddt'ess citu: See-r 4n1i€Lr) ?eeL^cs- Exrstrua* tAi,uoo^J E HR" ,O!"L Describe h,ork: Add.iticn ValueDate of AppL icaticn 32 ou-9 t rac t ors IfecE,r a El-ec Er: ic ia nS rrp Sanitaty seaer capped at property Lire , 11,11 r ,,,1li61 hyilr/r,,.,,ii| i,l , i,,, ,,, Septie to* plnped ant filled uith gz,atel Final - l{hen abcoe itens ave eanpleted and uhen Cer.tolition is complete o? sttur- ture moved and prenrises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Plwnbing connections -- scde? anC uatez' pcrckes, skirting, decks, leted. Electtical ccnnection - Bloeking, set-ut and plwnbing connections rrust be apprcv-ed before requesting elec*-r"tcal inspeclion Accessory Buildi,ng Pinal - After etc. ate comp Pag:e 1 of 2 I-t ie the rcspottsibility of tle penrit hold.er to aee that all incpections aye nade at lhe frotn_the street, anc that the-perwit,card ie Located at the froni of the property. 'Building Nuiciot appro"*ed plan shcll remain on the Building sitc'at aLL' tiines.- PROCSDUPE Foq I||SP1C?|1U.lqQyESrrCelUT26-3769 (tecotdet,) state yout, City Cesigrnted job re.quested a-nd u!^.en you uiLL be ready fot, inspection, Conttacton" oi Oumeys nane Lnd ptwne'*'iLL be nlade the sane dcy, "equests mcde afiet ?:00 on vLLL be nade the ncrt wrki$ d.ay. prope? time, that ecch cddress is readabie nwlber, job a&itees, type of inspeclior numbcr, P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 c:t |I!E INSPECTION: ?o be nnde afterer"ao;tlo", b"t prtar tc set. up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUI'DINC. ELECTRICAL & )4ECH{\|ICAL: ?o be made before any uotk is eouered, F)OTINC & F)UNDA?ICN: ?o be rm,Ce after ttenches are escaoated and. forns are erected, but ptior to pouning ccnerete. UNDIRGPOU\\D PLUM9INC, SSHER2 W.ATER. DRAIilACE: ?o be maCe prior to fil- T@-ii6nches. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & I|ECHANICAL : of floor insulction or decking. P)ST AND BEAM: To be nadeTiiliTTilG{of floor insu decking. ROUGII PLUIIBIXC. ET,ECTRTCAL & I,IECII. iitcar,: ao uoii is to be co,-et'ed ffiiT-these irapections haue been made and approted, FI:T.EPLACE: Pz-tot to plccir4 facingmcterials and before franing inspec- tion. lRAllIllC: l'tust be requested after approual of rough plunbing, electyi-cal & neclanical. ALL roofing bracing E chirmeys, ete. wast be . completed. llo uctk is to be con- . cecled until this inspection las 'been nade anC approued. FTilAL PLU!4BIIIG FINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Iour City Desigr,ated Job Numbe? fs: I NSULATION /vAPoR BARRTER ntSpFClrON : To be made after aLL insulaticn a:"d required oapot, batriers are in place but before any Lath, gypswn boarC oy, tnLL eouez,ing is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPECIION: Tc be rnade &eri|T@iiTTt s in ptace, but ptior to any taping. MAS1NRY: Steel Location, bond dffiilgr.outing or oerticcls in accotdotce utth U.B.C. Section 241 s. WOODSTOYE: ccmpT;t;A. After installation is qcc qcl CURB & APPRCACIT APP)N: Aftet fornsue erecteC but pt'ior to Pouring prioz, to Lation o* concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIIIEIIAY: FoY' aLL eon-c"et;nalfrArG; street right- of-uny, to be naCe aftet' aL! etca- Datina ccmplete & font wrk & sub' base -rrnterial in Place. ?ENCE: h\ten conPlete -- Protsi.Cejal6i or nortable sections througli P.A. E. ALL project cond-itions, suc!^. as the installation of sll'eet t11e-7.,. conPlction-of the n"qu|rl\- Lindsccpir:g, ctc., mtst be satisfted befot,e the BUILDINC FINAL ean be requested- /li^ FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Build.ing Inepection m/st be tequested aftet'the Finat Plunbing \4 Electrical, anC Mechaniccl Inspections hqvc been made and approueC' iAr,L \IANIICT,ES AND CLDANOUTS IIIJS? BE ACCESSIBLT, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I,IADE /.? IIO CCST TO CIIY CeneraL P lurnb in . icciranical €St L L-CO G+ tot Faces - AceessllouseP.L% of Lct Cctseraga I of StorLes TopograPhY LOT TYPE _ Inteticr Corner Panhandle CuL-de'sac Valuel. t f uITEM TOTAL VALUE ucS.D.C. 1.5 o s a CHARGENO.FEE Fi.ztures Residential (1 bath) Seuet'Sani Nan/Extend Circutts Seroice Electricql Permit whet,e state Lan ?equires tlnt the eleetrical uork be done by,an Eleetrical Ciit)o"ton, the el)ctrllc"t pi"il.o" of this,permit shall not be uaLiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Conttaetor' L Stcte ?otal NC.FTF CIlARCE , E:haust Hoo,1. Vent Fot llcodstoite Mechqnicol Permit PetmLt Issuancz Mechanical Pemrit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secart Pcrmit Cu.rbcut Sida,talk tr L Mobile llane SOLAR ACCESS REQ'-JOB NO. Butlding Permit State ?otal Charyes Plunbing Petnit State Total TotaL Bedrooms: Building Volue & Permit This pernat is granted on the etpres: "oy,1!io" tlnt the said'construction slnll, in atl nespecti'"'"o7'iZii" ^'h,"' 2:*^;"ce edopte'7 bv the citv of Springfield, inc!.uding'the 1oni'ng crdinanc.e'-reg"L"ti'ng thb ccnst'tacticn ' and. use of buildings,';;;';"a";;" s-ilqe"nel or rbookec at ct"v tane upon olc- iti.r, of ony prcoisions of said OrdLr'ances' * Date Paid: Receipt ll Signed Plumbing Permit NoDereonslallconsttuct,instal!,-alterot'clange.GnAr-ed.c?existtng ;i,,trb;:;"";'2;;r;;;;;-;;-";;- ii-ino1' o, in pott' -unless such person is the legal possessor of " r1""ti7"pi"-a'J'1ili"n""Z' icept that a pbrson na'g do plwnbing uot'k to p"op.iil*ir'l7t'"L" o'nna' Leised or operated by the appli'- cant. PLan Eianlner Date I HAW CAREFULL( EXAilINED the conpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL information het:eoi ie true and correct, cnd I futth"er certiiy that ang ard aLL ao.r,k perfor-ned -e-lnll be done in aceor-'dan e vith the- 1rdinanc-es of the city of springfield, anc the Lans of the* State of 2regon pertatning to the uork Cescribed herein, cnd that N0 OCCU- pANcy ;iLL b"e rade of any structure uithout permisaion of the Building Di,- tision. I fut'thet' cLrtii;1 thet only cont"ac'tors atid enplcyees ul:o are i;r eonpli,ance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on thia project ToT/tL AM)UNT DUE: */.f, zr D,Z *