HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-09-123JN9* CITY CO},IBI iIATI ON PRii,{GFiEL LICATION/ TI IT 7?6- Job Address 1802 Market Street Lesal Description Lot 20 Block 3 l.lorthridge TIEET l.later Hea Ranqe I r tlect EIIERGY Hea t 0wner nda Fos Value of tlork: 9 ,000. 00 Sq. Ftg. l'lain- Sq. Ftg. Access._ So. Ftq. 0ther ' tlew " Add XAI ter --o€p-;- -;------e n-e_oerno C h-n g e/ U s e 0ther PhoneAddress 1476 Pl easant Buile,ing Pernrit Info: Describe-l,lork(j.e., Build SingleFamily Residence Uith Attached Garaqi) to DuplexInstall wall to con vertConstruction Lender Addres s Phone co C F FJ Service Inc Eu gene 687 -0293 n ho x5 n 59 Coburq Road,Pri ma Drawi ng llechanical El ectrical Structura l 409 Suburban Eugene 02027100 9- 1 935 1 Curt Fjller Co. umb i NC CHARGF MECHAN ICAL 2 .00 10.0 El ec PLUI,IB I IIG EL ECTR I CAL Each si ng i e fixture Residence of sQ. FT. CA cal fu rnace/burner to BTLI' SRelocated bui(new fix. add ldingjtional) a 15.0 0r I I FIoor furnace and ventResdence SERV I CE5 New ci rcui ts al tsor extensions n Rec essed wal I en t ter.rsys apa rt rom Apol i ance vent tas it aon VA p I Vent f'an with Temporary Construction COI4H./IND. FEEDERS 0f C han e n'Io iEX ts I ng Imu t amt Ii omrnLv or Duplex (l bath) each Additional bath l,.later servi ce sSto Sewer 10.00TOTAL CHARGES 5.0f n Electrical ConI Suoervisor and tractor, the elreturned to th ectrical nortie Building Div on.of this permit 1S10n Mec han i ca ex ust I n tS a I Ia t re 1re oc te I,JHERE sha I I not STATE LlIi be val fl 'REQUIRES thatuntil the Iabe the ElectriI has been s cal wo i gned rk be done bv aby an Electrica TOTAL CHARGES LJood stove/heater TOTAL CHARGES ISSUAIICF NF PFRII]T llAllE(please print)JOHN HASCALL TE c IGi{A ecomp true0reonqtybethebe xempt ULL ED theand correct.of Sprinqfie app cation forand I fu oermit, anrther certf do hereby certify thaf_v that anv he State oi and al I work oe t all info rmationld and th rformed shal I hereon Ge Lay;s of t be done i n accordance withof any s Board is on oertaini the Orditructure wi t to the r^rork descri nalces of thhout the pe eCi;^mission of d herein, and thBuildi at l,l0 0in full fo ng Divisi on. I furth CCUPAIJCy wi 1 Irce and e er certify that madeffect as requi red by ORS m.y registrationonly subc e Builder,s701 .055,with thon tracto rs that if eand ernpl the basis foroyees who are in comcl i exemrrtion isance wi th noted heot?s 701.0 reon, and that55 wlll be used on s oroject Deve'lESys Lna rqe I ) terns opment BUILDING PERI,IIT Charqes anC Surcha rges Zone TOTAL VALUATIOII 1T e,/Const s 0cc Y Load S X Val x lueGroup R-3 Uni ts Value Fire Zon q. Ftg. 0ther 48. 00-1.12- - - Flood Pla.in N0 Slepisg Ftg. Access o. Ftg. l,tain lan In an BI Per s 30 e 14.40 P D Fence Denro 10.0c 15. 00 .6C Sidewalk A,/C Paving Total Comb. Fermit Curb Cut 14ECHAN Cha rge Surcha ICAL PERI.IIT s and nge s _1_4.10__ _ '-- (^ '4L IOTAL 91. c0 PLUI4BiN6 PERMIT Charges and Surc ha rges ELt:TRICAL PERI,:IT Charges and Surc ha rges ilrsP-EcTro-]iffi 726-37 69 A', { a ddrcc < al.la DnF r- I l+. so i = COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. APPIicant to furnish A. Job AddressB. Leqa l DescriPtionl- example- iui"rot 100' Lane County Map Reference - T7--0-3-?3'?- example- Lot 1' Block 3' 2nd Addition to SPilngTieio Estates c. r'rame]"etc' ot'iwn"t-ino construction jender :ITY OF SPRII{GFIELD ( CirY Holl SPringfield' Oregon o"rort-"it of Public \Yorks OFFICIAT RECEIPT red F 0.8 54705, CO I rni R ecei Peirni i.-9.]et'k 5HELION'TURiSULL PRINTER5 ATURE EUGEiE oR 974Or I I V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PRO.JECT CONDIl'IONS TO BE --=*G@d #=---: i.- --- --- -'-- sATlSl:itD BF-r0RE 0cc'uPAilcY 'i'rom reg'i'stration vr i t.h the E' lnfornration '---- tr-a';g' ui lrier' s Board because Per"mi t aPPl j cant' exemp Adcl-itionat Proi ect PLANS REVIENED BY: L DAN SMITH II I i1 name s i gnature date _o- PERMIT VALIDATION