HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1977-09-07-la .a -l o>Ooi$o)(ooo.+oo ob I cro +H' o =z mn6 Z m z(, Uoa m'n'n ooz-{n o-{o f,, cnz m zU o0nm 1 Eoa 3 to E9 o'o)f+ o € =(D ;o =-OJodof ! o+o o !.o-cp og a-{T Co+C :D mazo =oz -t-m !noTmn-t <o< ;oJ:l ='= =J J:C(D: anr(D (D;E! xdc='J -. ('dro- o) ,:l r -. (-) JO) CDi Po) -o-n ='3<+^o o) o =I a,Tf C) z-l @z m zo oon ma I I ! 9 -t- CN TmT =-{ a 'T]o1 I + @ monoo a I+ !t-C @ Zo C)ozz m C) -.{.Z r € -lmnaC!-or am =o m o aT'oa - ?-+ {-a !ao!mn{ CN =-t-zoZm rm o'Tl -t-m o{ o 'T1 !rC G' 2 6) @ -l(Dt ol :tol <oaladt o'o(Jo o<lie do)a =o 3.o)d+d-.<BE* o-o;io il; =E+d--.Dllo) 3lE.€r6otaB3q3daa.r, t-E .:: od9-O O'< o)<(Da3-':. Ola+l C*l ro =,' o) aEa =63=-o:oE'o)r3.6{(D(Dfo) -d=i'o-o)+(o l=-LO)(Da+ 63v 8883l* U +J<-< o € $d'19-i=€ o: l(.ocO-ad(D =(oo f =ooual '=6O= Io(D:; (Do -=dt= o"(D : CE6 +6 v-m -illJ (D.<6' O- .: E6I -.:olJol oEaf, d(D Jaoo O+E-i(D6a od_+\. -n (D (D Jo @ q. (O :l o)d -(D U OJ (D a Z -r -loZ l@t-ILl-lrlot-l2 -1 O E(D o oo =0 co o' = oo 3 3(D fd \ $ Tmn =+ @ -oo Joz m ooCz 'g ma = Fl a. : ,3 {t ;o 3! Eoo_ ?q 6,.Ir G' o olol =lJI(Dl =lAl6 I I I I I I I ICo(D od09.j oo)n.of -g = =D a =f (D: (D 3 € =o = (D o)o- aoC!o o) (D TJof D -n ='o N fo !t- zz 2o a mo -Cn m mz-taa -la 'T1 m P G' 0 o)do o o)*(D 60Coo- NoZm CNm -l@ o7? 'T1 !oz -l U) C, m -T'l C) Zo U)-t1 mm-t G,o C) tr =.r (n Um uo fl m a -T'l :oo T ! o3>z(!m ooCz-{ o m-o onH='mRz l-{3o ' 'T1 I12i<F:ooO9zEx =e61,{-1A-r L!Iri$ E E! EE= e 60 m o7.'?z iliz (ll -1 o $ss az- -1f o co>= -{iZ?el p l-r mugjI+ mHm czAImizebnni3Uo2zr(O €;IO ;- T-oZ IT O)o:5 G)@5 U o) I ) st )-a1 TRS, T (Job Location ltitten Directions ( ) Aullding Permit Acreage or Lot Size - Partitioning#--- ( )Completed( ) Pendin9 ,, INFORMATION SHEET ( ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank. Number of sites Test h il Subdivisi -Or-"t1 Lot- Bloc APPLICANT'S NAIVIE AND ADDRESS lq /^-l Phone Phone Phone OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, if different from applicant's CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Mail permit or results of site feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner () Contractor( ) Prefer to pick up. Call (owner, etc. ) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPE il PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY Contractors O. S. # # Bedrocrns PROPOSED USE (this permit) wATERsUPPLY(existingorproposedwell,etc.lfpublic.nameofsystem) SEWAGE DISPOSAL {existing or proposed septic tank, etc.l S.l PLUMBING BY Address '*rlr*) oFFtcE usE oNLY BELOW THIS LtNE $****r*]r*** ( ) New Address Necessary ZON E ( ) Facility Permit Necessary SETBACKS: Front ( ) Special Permit Area. Minimum Elevation Side Facing Street (FROM CENTERLINE OF HOAD) lnterior Side Yard Rear - (FROM PROPEBTY LINES) To: Planning/Building lnspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor. This applicant appears to have a problem with Your assistance will be appreciated. By Permit Processing Section Response By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th Avenue 687-4394css-12 lvrslon rJf\l b-oc)/( PERTVIIT # TRS, TL JOB LOCATIO lVlinimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth Date LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot Sizc Partitioning #) Completed Contractor's O.S. # OWNER'S NATVIE AND ADDRESS CONTRACTOR'S NAtVlE AND ADDRESS APPLICANT,S NAME AND ADDRESS , Phone- Subd ivision Lot- Block- Phon p Phone- lVlail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. ( )Prefertopickup. Call-(owner,etc.) whenready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY THlsPERl\4lTlSFoR#BEDRooMs-#PLUlV]BlNGcoNNECTloNS- WATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL s.t. # THlSPRoPERTYlSWlTHlNoNElVllLEoFTHEClTYoF'PLUtVlBlNGBY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate. and that I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner oI record; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner ol record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid S-Signatu re Date NEWADDRESS () FACILITY PERI\4IT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.- l SPECIA L PMT. AR EA. MIN.ELEVATION:- SANITATION BU ILDING Comments By: Type of Construction Use Classification Comments: By roup Date ire Zone PLANNING REOUI REIVIENTS SATISFIED. Bv:Date Date lssued ZONE SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET (FROIVI C/L) INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROIVI P/L) LANE COUNTY DEPARTIVIENT OF ENVIRONIVIENTAL IVIANAGEIVIENT, 125 EAST BTH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE c55-13 BLDG.pERMTT-wHrrE; BUTLDTNG-GREEN; pLUMBTNG-GANARy; sANrrATroN-coLDENRoD; oFFrcEcoprr-wHtrE PHONE:687-4394 (, S ITE INSPECTION AppaovEo D DrsAPPRovEo D Re uaRr s Date I NSPEcToR FOUNDATION INSPECTION Appnoveo REul nx s D DrsAPPRovEo V Drre I Nspecron FRAMING INSPECTTON APPRovEo D DrsAPPRovE, D Re ltenx s Dar e I usprcroR LATH OR SHTETROCK I NSPECT I ON D t srppRovEo I NSPEcToRAppRovro Rrxrnx s FINAL INSPECTION Ap pnov E o ReuaRx s DrsAPPRovEo D Dar e NSPECT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REaov ro lssuE D Nor Rerov ro lssue D Reu rRx s DrrE I usprcron D DorE- ( Loulro c) -{ oZ N q rt\ N\ . N N. F -.tn _a -.i 8kfa -0)o(ooooo d_ob ? cr1 +H TTr o z+6 Z m z0 (,0 f,l -{- CN TmI ={ a 'T1oI o =z ma az m Zo Uon c)oz -ln C)-{o :D6 Z m zo o o)' E(Da 3 + + : Eg c) o)5 : o €f (D ^ c)of,.+ o)ot+o 1 t-o (Da o U o' 7s Cp o o) a €foJ (D d !', € =o = (D o)a- 2t C c)-lCI mazo =oz -l-m -trno!mn -l € -{m loaCT.D t- am =o m o aTo(n r ? + -l-o !aoTm :D -l @ = =-z oz m =t-mo'Tl -t-m o =o TI ;rC E =o E il(Dlol =tol (D -lao-I (D'o(ro) o<aie .+OJ-ro A.lDd+d-.<EE*oo xo il; =E+d-':(Dalo)3la€r6 HEnE3rAr.qr 9lE ll 5+9-o O'< (I)<(D-g-'-' ola+t c*l <o:tl oiIHaO-d{o) ='(J o :OE il,E 6 (Iito) -d:i'o o)d(o 1J-Lo)(D-+oaJ_tto- 8833j*U +J<"< (D E io ='o =+do "-'=€ o: f,@g9- .) =t=o(D_.uniJ '=6C)= Io(D:; (D0 -=63* o"(DlPo@ +d*o!9-(Dd il'lJ (D<' 6 J" 601Io, IJOt -.dll'* *OoEaf,do]r-to O+ie(8 oE_+-. 'Tl (D (D !o.o 9.(o =o)dc (D o o)d(D a z -t -l oz l@lct_lrlot-tz -1 O E(D o c)o f d Co Fi f <(]< i;o):l -)a< +J c(D= J O.Jcrrr(D (D-Eo = (Dio- o) ,f_T '='oJ6J(Dao6 -o'r1 ='3< d^og ofI c)o 3 3(D f ?. @ U o)dI -or Zz =o n n m mz{aa -l @'Tt mI CD: Noz m am-l @ C)x? -T1 Ioz -l ! o) 3. :J.o =.=(o maa T'J : i l \] \ l \ zm ooCz 'om7 = = ;o 3 dd(D o- acg o- i"o =t- d C)tol =tJl:tlJIolf{dl?t I I I I I I I IC (D odo9.j oo)n. f C) zc) rd !: rdrrr r!rd dzU ; Io\ I{{ a U m l] o zoa-lfl mm-l @ q N- N=t+ \ $ \ \ t,r.r $ \ l\ \\ N T')ol I + @ mo :Doo =a I I I+ !rC @ z 6) C)ozlzlmic)l-.{ |ol2lalll I -octc TI-' CD No f (D I C' o) o @ocoo- Gno C) C Iom ao fl m n 'Tl :Do ! 5 o o) Flo I I It-52(.) moocz-l om! olDH='mI-t\ z-r-{3oi11 J'nizi<FaoO9zEx #461,{ -1A-{ I!Ir $$ EhZ.EI B3= muJ- 60 tr12= Q 3 -'iz iliz ul -l o IIts= azr -lo @ 12.-oO:1> 2:-r m5gjf + mHm czAImiz-Y 61;oInQmlociO2zr(OixI6 ;- T-ozr o)@\t .tr (^)(o 5 r N [i N N It hb CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & !NSPECTIONS S.B.C. SEC. 302(d} EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of the Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is 'not commenced within 1 20 days from the date of such permit, or if the bu ild ing or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at any time after the work is commenced. Before such work can be recommenced a new permit shall be f irst obtained to do so, and the fee therefor shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided, further, that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. S.B.C. SEC. 302)e) SUSPENSION OR REVOGATION The Building Official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under provisions of the Code whenever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this Code. S.B.C. SEC. 304(d) REOUIRED INSPECTIONS (CALLED INSPECTIONS) The Building Official, upon notification from the permit holder or his agent, shall make the following inspections (allow 1 to 3 working days) , and shalleither approve that portion of the construction as completed or notify the permit holder or his agent wherein the same fails to comply with this Code. (1) FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after trenches are excavated, forms erected, and steel reinforcement is in place (if required) AND BEFORE ANY CONCRETE IS POUBED. (2) FRAME INSPECTION: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and braces are in place and all rough plumbing, rough electricaland fireplace, chimneysandventsarecomplete. NO WORK SHALL BE COVERED UNTIL THIS INSPECTION HAS BEEN IVIADE AND AP- PROVED. There will be no approval for cover untilthe plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. (3) LATH AND/OR WALLBOARD (SHEETROCK) INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and/or wallboard, interior and exterior, is in place; but before any plaster is applied or the wallboard joints and fasteners are taped and f inished. (4) FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the building is complete AND BEFORE OCCUPANCY. OTHER INSPECTIONS: ln addition to the called inspections specified above. the Building Official may make or requird'any other inspections of any construc- tion work to ascertain compliance with the provisions of this Code and other laws which are enforced by the Division of Construction Permits and lnspections. BLOCK WALL INSPECTION: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. FIREPLACE INSPECTION: To be made after the damper is installed. but before the chimney construction is started. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection. tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE PO!NT OF REOUIRED INSPECTIONS W!LL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK. You may make your request for inspections between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Department of Environmental Management, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401, or call 687-4065. Outlying areas may call the following: Florence, 997-3461; Oakridge, 782-2258; Cottage Grove,942-4493. THEBU!LDINGPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDANDAPPROVEDPLANSMUSTBEOT\ITHEJOBSITEATALLTIMESDURING REGULARWORKIT\G HOURS. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL OAR CHAPTER 340 Division 7 Subsurface and Alternative Sewage Disposal Subdivision Standards for Subsurface and Alternative Sewage and NonWater-carried Waste Disposal. 71-015 (7) A permit issued pursuant to these rules shall be effective for a period of one year from the date of issuance. 71-O17 (1) Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder shall notifythe Department. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. lf the construction does comply with such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the permit holder. lf theconstruction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time con- stitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. ( ( P N I t-.. $ I \ \ \ F \ N \I\ Nr I { \ F \ INSPECTION SHEET TYPE OF INSPECIION DATE: TIME: CONT., PLMBR., INSTALLER, NAME: TELEPHONE #: PERMIT NAME: ADDRESS: B.P. #: LOCATION: COMMENTS: c55-7L RE.FUND OT FEE Txe Llr.rg COUNTV DeplRruErur Or ETVIRoNHENTAL MGT. I HAvING REQUESTEo REFUND OF TEE TO:. OF Nlue ADoRESS Appt-TCATtON FOR BUILDING PERMIT DENIEDT AND No APPEAL Of SUCH DENIAL HAV I NG BEEN MADE. rI' Appt-tcATloN FoR BUILDING PERMIT cANcELED. AppLlcATloN FoR BUILDINc PERMlrr ovERPAYMENT. _ ZoH tnc Per lr loN. Appt-tcATtoN roR REsrluRANr Ltceruse. Appt tcATloN'ron CrnrlFlcATE or SlNlrATloN. AppttcATtoN roR Pnsutl,tlruaRv Stre lrusnEcTtot't. Fon rxe FoLLowrNG REASoN: AHO fxe AppLtCANT DESIRING THAT THE FEE BE REFUNDEDT^fxe .Dtnt ruoAuolTlNGtsREQUEsTEDToREFUNDTHEAMoUNaoF$%, NUMBER I N THE CASE OF APPL I CAT I ON FOR BU I LD I NG PERMI? FEE CHARGED. ctrn tr Ftruarqce UNOER AFPL I CAT I ON , wHlcH ls THE ( ) Dere v 55-029-12 TRS, T -o3-Job Location INFORMATION SHEET trtuilding Permit ( ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank. Number of sites-( ) Would like to meet on site. Call Acreage or Lot Size Test holes will be ready- Partitioning #- ( )Completed Subdivisi( )Pending APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, if different from appl S CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Mail permit or results of site feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ( ) Contractor( ) Prefer to pick up. Call ( owner, etc. ) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPER 678- zZ (owner, etc.) Lot Bloc //'= a p6onr746- da72 Phone Phone PROPOSED USE (this permit)vwATEBsUPPLY(existingorproposedwell.etc.lfpublic.nameofsystem) SEWAGE DISPOSAL (existing or proposed septictank, etc.) S.l PLUMBING B Address () PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY ( **r*r** oFFtcE usE oNLY BELOW THtS LtNE *l**********r ( ) New Address Necessary ZON F ( ) Facility Permit Necessary SETBACKS: Front Side Facing Street (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROAD) ( ) Special Permit Area. Minimum Elevation lnterior Side Yard - Rear (FBOM PROPERTY LINESI To: Planning/Building lnspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor. This applicant appears to have a problem with Your asristance will be appreciated. By Permit Processing Section Response: c55-1 2 DivisionBy DEPARTIVIENT OF ENVI RONMENTAL MANAGEIVIENT Permit Processi ng Section 125 East 8th Avenue 687-4394 ugAL) 60.855 (2 ) ArZD rp & LANE MANUAL Variance Change of Occupancy Inspectjcn Fee 0ther Requested Inspect'ions Reinspection Fee Building Rei nspecti on Fee P1 umbi ng Resident'i al Mechani cal Fee Wood Heater and F'irepl ace Stoves Appeals Filing Fee 2-tr-96 60. B5s (2) $to. 50. $ts $1s $to $1s $:s You Ree Da^rh NE'Eb A uy fiiEm o ITS ,^J THE 7ez L nuE oTrlerz tNSPeaTlae)g F Ee S crr€DuL F / caDe Oa,FEeC2) OTtteD tuiPecTrailg AA e 2;9. lF)oo HAue Arly QueSTtoNS ,{f APPcrc,ATtott T/r^e t PtEASe cLA2t TfiE APPctc,4BtE r)Pe oft tuspe N rTH .} oH ro 13a 3, / oty )oflD SUe€D ' --=-- 94 rfe-C. STEtpAeT' t-IP 183978-9-19-1 ; 9.19. 78 5-K-1 5 -'*{- .4.-+.z w (f.J-"----l'-,LoAif"- y'.+<r ,*-o,**_:/ *a "-4,:--7*4:(21 ("-;.-r--:7.-,--..- ;? -i*-, q- "ft-f /*- tb -4-zz/zuz_ suPPLEr,rENINB.0Offi OI.lNER C()NTRACTOR ,.-.4.. ,7 z) <' -o.7 '"* . -K {;. 7*4'ry@b ;4-l ,Z- rZre 2 -r-- 4-2./LL.t , BU r LDr trG PERt4rT lI--?53_9, ad rCSS a rESS p one ne PRoPERTy ADDRESS 2936 Msqmu]vr RD iBui I ding Valuatjon)BilH?t!!#b) Prior ficorrecti on Fee Recejved By LANT COUNTY DEP I(u*t. due I lrefund 4,OO RatJ bgfiePtl,N,- C74-II9 B)ds. Waste Pl umb. lan R 47"Msur. OT Signature of Applicant -2G,60 1., bo t . pa i d_b7@O-a*t. du zz@ -)-ib_LO"_.OO_77,7G an ;4€A .l(o_to.ooUW Da te rt Da ARTI'iENT OF EI.IV i RONI'IE te------[ ]ca s h NTAL I'IANAGEI'IENT [ ]chec k F(Ad c5@) q 4.oo 4o.w rtt... '''.''rt. {.--: Frn R i9B0 Department of Veterans' Affairs FARM AND HOME LOANS 15OO VALLEY RIVER DR. SUITE 1OO, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 February 6, 1980 Phll Stoven Schroder 3536 Bayvood Eugene, OR 97h04 APPII - SCIIB0DER, PhlI Steven The maxtmun loen rflrtch rre could considcr or1 tlris propcrtll is $ lo5,5oo.0o. A loan ln thls amount does not neet vith tlre terras of your Earnest )toney Recelpt, and for thj-s reason, we are rrnable to t:llie favorable aetlon orl your appllcati-on at thls tltae. Any loan rsould be eubJect to thtc folloulrrg requlrcneuts: 1. You or the seller should deliver the enclose<l l{ood Deetroying Organism Report to a structtrral pest control opcrator llcensed by the State of Orc5r.on Dcpartment of Agrictrlture and request that lt be conrpleted. Instruct the' operator to return the re-port to you for your slgnature to show your acknowledg emerrt of the contenta. Return the conpleted re]rort to thls offlcg lnxnc.dlately. Thls offlce ulll advlse lf corrective rneasurea are necessary. DO llOT PROCEBD I,IITII CHIIIICAL fR[AT}fENi' OR RIIPAIR$ Ui:ITIL i']E ADVILIE YOU TO DO SO. 2. Provlde a satlsfactory r.'flter potablllty and ar.senlc tcst from the Lane County lnvironnental liea].th Dlvl.elon or aoy State llcensed laboratory. l'hoevcr does the testlng must collcct the sanple. 3. Provlde an lnstrlated, L6" on ceilter, stud ft'a:rc prrnrp house, cotrstructed out. of exterior grade materials in a rrorknanlllce manner for all nechanl"cal cotrponents of ttre ptruping and pressure systen. If not constructeC on a curbed slab floor, the urrderatructure rflrst be elther of pressurc treated wood or have at least 6'clearancc betrleen any rrood member and the soll by using concrete pier blocl:s. 4. Provide 6 punp test for the dornest-lc raater srrppll' system. The eyatem mtret be capable of deliverlng a strstalncd flotr of flve galloaa per minute. I{oldlng or storilge tanks are not acceptable for nortgage loarr purposes. Aftcr the well ls developed, I test of at least four hours dtrration shall be conducted to determlrre the yleld snd uraxlmurn drau down' A BiIILER (BArL TEST) IS tioT A.CCEPTABLB. ' ;' i..'", . i ! l. I I l I I ,ie&s a ;\ ' SCIIRODBRT Phll Stcvcn February 6, 1980 5. Furnlsh a eatLsfactory repart of lncpectlon of the aafety of the electrlcal eystem by the Lene County clcctrlcal lnspector. Correctlon of sorle or all of the deficl'encles reay be requLred after revlevr of the rcport. 6. Furnlch a sstlefactory report of fnspectlort of the furrctloalng of the plurablng systen by the Lane County pluroblng lnspeetor. CoruectLon of solne or all of tlte deflelenclcs may be requlred after revlew of the report. 7. install gpttcrs and clovnspouts corrnect,eC to clraln llnea a6 lndlcatcd on the attachcd bullctln, VB'4-2 Ror:f i'Igter Dlspoeal. Lecve all trc'neltea cPcn untll efter ELeSI-&g" Treat and apply two coatB of pal'nt to etterlor and lnterlor of guttcrs and olterlor of dounspouts' B. Install a peruaBent type ccntral heatlng aysteo capable of ualntatnlng a constant 68o daytfunc temperature. TliI,S IS }IOT A COI.lilIT}I[t;T. YOU SIIOULD I{OT PROCESD i-JITH AI'IY }iEPAI.RS TINTIL NOTIFIED I}I WRITI}'IG FRO}I TIIIS OFFICB. If you are able to aceept a loan In thle errount, pleose aubrrl.t a revlced Earnest ltoney Recelpt, and aCvlse this offlce ehere the dlffercnce betsreen otrr loan and the purehaeo prlce wlll be obtalneC. If we do not receive thc nbove by February 2O, 1900 your appllcatlon wll1 be canceled, effectLve oa that rlate. Cencellatloc of yoi;r appllcatlon ln no uray af,fects your loau rlght. llowever, should you urake appllcatlon at sogle future date on thle or some ottrer property, lt Wlll tre neceeaary ttlat you furoish all of the forms and lnforn.atlon requlred to cocrplete a nen apPllcat,fon. LOT.LY NOI{RIS Loan Offteer 686-7654 Jr IiFCT Hood Destroying Organlsn RePort $cll Tegt Procedures Valuatlon Buldettn 4-2 Courrtryman Reslty. Iuc. Jean Tate Resl Estate .t ,l cc: ':t::.'l l, -.-_-.Itrt