HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1978-10-05, ,, ,i. ,' A"i.g..O.O f,.1.:'1,:: ,l i#o c -2 ZON E Appl'icatiort is lrerby ttrade Lo Locatiorr of Sign (Address) " Name of Business and Address 0wner of Si gn (Narrre and Addr"ess ) ' Sign Erector (llatrte and Address).. , q, i(ln ilr-.r.ot-,1irrtl I 11 5llr'r-i f ir:a I i()lli 'ttttl rlescFi ption ,1iu,:rr lrclou an<l r]t:l-ailecl lrlatts subrrtiLterl' (err:c l. 4 (a I t.pr- ) (relocaLe) .S.q..n.e...A5.. €,?.n. 0.*s',V AGsv*- tru/,*tn ull'lillslolis, coilsll{ucl I0ll & lllslAl-LAIl0ll Iill {)iillAt l0N Vert. lleight of Si9tr.€z Total Heiglrt Above Gr.'rdc Material Sign is Corlstructed of .... d b.'rhrct:rress o. Dept n.4fl.'.' . I't o.iect-jort llttyorrd ['t-opt:rt.y Lirled e uRa'pt1 > l,J,r I I I'ole lloo l' S iqrr Siqrl S i rlrr lloriz. l'JirlLll of: Si{lrr ;;" Type.of Sign (Check ApPl Ident.i Ly Sjgn.. .. {. ." ... Non-ident'ity Sign. . . . . . . B'illboard icable lt.errrs) Single Face. L)otrlr I € [:.]ce. lilul ti-[,tce '/ vx KA I'lar-quee Siqn.... .M'I'r'o.jt'ctirrg Sigrr. . . . . (.) l.lrer- I agree to crect a and the Electrical s irln acr.ot',1 i ttr;l.o ofaun l.lrr: irlro,re rlesr:ript irrrr. aLl;rr lrnrl plans att<l sltecjf ications t.tre City of S1;ringIielrl, (]t'eqott. t'lrorre rutrrrrber . bf.+.t.J.Y.3 .Applicant Sign llere. I'IOTES: 1. Ele ct.rical: Any ller-rrrit. iss,rrod rrrrrlpr llris al)l)l icat iorr r,rill ittr:lrt,le t'rjritttt 'itt ot' ort sign strrrcture. llre sulrplv r,ri;t'es lot' cottncct iott irI si(pl tr]u. 1 lrn r11v1,1'p1l ()lt.trr clr.c. l.r'ical perrni t. F-lectrical conrrCction rrrust be rrrade only by a SprirrgIicld Licensed Ilectrical Contracl"or. 2, Plarrs lic Irawn t O SCr'l rrir"c<l: Tlris ,-rplrlical.iotr is l.o trn rrrltrrrittrrrl r.rillr l.t,ro {'otttlrlcl.o set.s of pl,lns e, slror,lirtr; rl irrrr,lrsions and lrr:irllrt of si..trrl arlvnt'1. js irrrl ntcss(-r(l c 0tt si1111 ' loc- 3 at,jorr of siqn 0n [)ropcrl,y lrit.tr rlirrrerrsjr)ns L0 lrrolrerly lirr,,rl';lt'lt(,t.ltill rll[atlS of Suppoft frantirrll , bracjnq arrrl fnot,irrlq: nl.-llor-i;rls oI r-onsl.r.rrcl.ir,rr [,tr.ri,1n arr,l s.i rilr sLr-rrr.Lrrr-e;electrical erluiDrrrerrt. arr,l ) ir;lrl.irrrl; size ar,l lor:aLi.r-.f c,isl irr,i .i,i,,,,-u,l",,,l,li,a'Ly forsattte busittess. ,rll as rr:rlrrir.crl Lo^rletr:r.rrrinf conrl)liirrr,.0 \./ ilh llyl (rf)t.ip,rIje1d Cjiy COdgchapter IX and Article 30 oI t.lrc s;r'iur;iiur,r'-Lo,l,prclrerrsive llrrjrrrt ccrr:le, :3;tili:i:-rI!il.4ti,1;ltli;.,3l'A sepat'at.e a1,1,licatio. is rcrui'r:rr ror-c,rcrr separ-are sisn as App.l.,5 Zoni pr0vriiB:h::ed ba scrl orl l!cr:1. irrn,; Spr i rrg li e I rl Corrrlrr.elrr:ns i ve ll rr Dtl.e,,,,.,,,,,1ff,, ['l_ llt] I I l lrSllt l) By. Code . to. /0.:6: ?/ ,..^ ,|,y'' Al'l)LlcAl l0 I I Olt slGtl l'Llil'l] I