HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-07-0270s.l. # Job Location Written Directions Lot- Block SITE FEASIBILTTY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS LO OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS 0()Prefer to pick up. Call rR\,iL/?-?3i-?3.3. ? t e0O Subdivision Mail reportto ()Applicant ( )Owner ^TRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY WATER SUPPLY I hereby certify that the above nts are true and accurate, and that contract purchaser; potential buyer; realtor or agent. of this enonQ-f$--2.3!1$ Phone - (owner, etc.) when ready. WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF (NO)-- legal interest in the property: owner of record; record, and that said owner is aware and *l)actioru. zau,a-11& TEST HOLES READ UL:A J( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * *Qf f ICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE * * * * + r+ * * + * * *************** LAN COMPLIANCE Zoning Acreage or Lot Partitioning Parcel # - (TOTAL) RE BUILD ING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI- TURES NNADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE IGNATUBE it Processing Section ( ) Completed( )Pending DATE /./'?--o* ill >{Z 4,a,A -/7--7auiffiEz6tffiiUnel/ Division of Water Pollution Control LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONN4ENTAL MANAGEMENT c55-32 )tWzr AUTHORI 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 certify that {if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of Date fr 7/^/n I OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72-020(6): This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con- sidered null and void. Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluition report isued pursuant to this section. Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and apply fora building permit. Exact specificationsforthe sewage disposalsystem willappear on the permit. lf the property is only a portion of a tax lot, a partitioning or subdivision must be approved before the permit will be issued. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Ouality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owneror contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation. I ( SITE EVAIUATION WORKSHEET LOCATION: TWP. /? RANGE O J sECrroN 23 ,3 ZONING:PROPOSED USE:s.il) SIZE OF PROPERTY:AMOIJNT US$LE AREA: Z-rs. Lor #)4< WATER SUPPLY:GOMMIJNITY PUBLIC SUBDI VI S ION/PART IT ION IF SITE I{EETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approxlmate sewage flow: M-r 1t i-f ami ly Conrnercial MIN]MUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS : Length of disposal trench required E- LOT BLOCK PARCEL Single Family Industrial gpd 8pd cPd 8pd cpd Ins titutional Ao.rce#/750 gaL. Distribution Method: Equal Curtain drain required: Yes Other: re I (.,i^t f.]NoE SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: &)4- NAI'IE:g.-4a.-- c74-L26 7:a DATE OF EVALUATION: -,n L0- "? - 3?o / TNDTVTDUAL l_]ll tl PROFILE PROFILE Lnch Lnch 5,t'pfrw h"A/4 LdW gr tz4 24- 36- 48- 60- PERCHED WATER SATURATED ZONE Restrictive Layer a a III r ]-fl r SLOPE 1 ].,n /o us Laye r 1fI r 1n Predicted 0bserved Date Predicted Observed Date Impervio Mottling 1,2. 24- 36- 60 (0. 48- PREDICTED WATER SATURATED ZONE strictive Layer _inImpervious Layer in .fI o Ifl r ate SLOPE 1n ,n o/ lo 1nttling redicted served Predicted Observed Date DOES NOT MEET MINIMI]M STA}TDARDS. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REOUIRN A MINIMIIM DEPTH OF: 36 inches Eo an impermeable layer 30 inches E.o a restrictive layer 60 inches to a perrnanent, water table 24 inches to a temporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAI sI# LC 77-SZo #z f-nsr HoLE oN YOUR PROPERgY THn pEPTH tr{AS: inches inches inches inches #T TEST -f,OLE SITE DOES PLOT PI,AN: Stream -.^rhri..Lt-Drainage or pond la..ta.aaar.alata Road -_-- rest Hole @ \ % SloPe Cut Bank a77777' Fence )(- X-X T tr tr tr ffir/e4€,tu DEPARTIiENT OF ENVIRON14Ei.ITAL IlANAGEI"lENT PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENI, OREGON 9740] Ci ty Appl ication # /7 Assigned NumbersJob Address Township, Range,ection, Tax Lot Subdivision Appl ication for Structures now on the proper Proposed use of property: la7 Residential / Commercial Affi dav i t: I , '7 Lot __-'- Block {- I ndu triaI / Publ i \ S c n If this application is for an a9r cultural building it vril I be used Lane County Code Chapter 10 zon i ng owner of record; hereby certify that this information is true and accurate for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and e ) and for no other purpose.I have the following 1ega1 interest in the property: I essee;holder of an exclusive option to purchase;rchaser;contract pu to act for the owner---- duly authorized Signature/Address fit Te1 epho When permit is ready notify:Appl icant /_/ , who is [nowle?geable of-tfrIs application 0r /_-/ Contractor ry_ z1 Da te /-/ ma phone y,2Owner Con trac tor Contractor's 0SR# If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms Plumbing by # of employees # of units SDS: /l Exi sti ng , BP # z Pho ne J *,irttFee Code SI test holes ready Descri ption Sq.#of Val uati on Fee ,o $ */6.rr Total Valuation: P1 umbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $$ $-- $ Subtota l TOTAL $-- $_-__ - $ each eachl-/ Cash /-/ cnec Rece i ved k# $--- $Water Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led Exi sting _$--__- ( $ -'l- l uff \R5\s('Ii\:B r-Iq &\Ss_ ,\rsYLF:Szs.tbs.r$ t\,1 / ,,1,,.1f1,,,r"7, --"irirl ili _ - rl -t-- r)'\\l q N )- t{.\ \ It -f ' ./', (,c /1'7 o*ffi;"*,/-* ltr . A(Iz/- tl 'ltr46,9 \r I .?" 4O,KflN \ - .-,.- -' '' r . r"-' /.:'t ,L/A/ ,?i,/L4 /b yc t*t- ;i1..,r,.r,f _L{L. iru I lQ \ \\\.\I'Yt1 E? /unh !/,, f 'U)/. r,'Jt;ftyr;fif nk --1 N/4t\/Lt2fu2 r.Jr, ffiU/JE O lr'/ raraut 4'!tI( .1Jtiqc)' /zAE //rM/ 4 CHUCK BAILEY, ARCHITECT tzlo wi[ualaETTE srREET, EUGE-ryE, oREG(t '- 485-33rs 97401 -.--T l ,-j*-.-'r \ Krv7E }RsSR_B sI\ &\SS_,\rsE-a F}zs sb li LAA,q, uffr&Vf,/tffitZ ddldb \\$ R E I \ x. \\ r\\\r \tl*-r (,O ' -., " >/-' \y .J 40'Kfrllv f tttUnt*?n4 hlrce C -*, a\ \\\lY4m/lrltJa 'aqy'21N b, -L 6y1t12frffi?ftpr'l/, wa?b O l*'/ raatur fi//s/2 t/ t/az 2( 4 trtr ?Ffr qp 1t e ,lr/JL \. j.l F(r0' \ /;a48, //,*/ Whfl-e ?77 CHUCK BAILEY, ARCHITECT tZlO WILLcMETTE STREET, EUGENE, OREGON 485-3315 97401 a- NdsWIto __--t_b-/' t t\ J 5 t97g Pollution ( J 2 DWater Con 'rsioo La r,e UOUN ty COuflty tr E -(\ Fs+l,N N UINOR MAJOR +t t lanepa,rt it ion NgR 6ANK arti I \ o aa tI 1) ovL''l 13 .a,,- -- q1'P a a ) I@ IF PRAIN FI\W I8O LF RE?L FILLO a a 4 aIt J--f rl-n o (IULV - EXI sfa FK /, 72 *1 aA'L" CON[JECTOR AL?LACLTILNffIZLV ECALE I rc a a eXlSTlNCr +, t a ,t a \ .,r. KATHLLEN COUffi t 4//1 7 _ 37o 1703 L33Z^ TL* 7@ r(L\t13Ll210 A?PROY. t9,boo+L 1703 zL+\ Tl- .F 33O O RLv t3F-17TO APPROXe-9@4 FILE NO:SCAIE PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENTDEPARTMENT / l25EAST8THAVE. / EUGENE,OR97401 / PHONE(503)687.4186 B a .l lone county HOLD SLIP 6l\'!I7APPLICATION # Name Addre s s Zip Code The Lane County Water Pollution Control Division cannot proceed with processing your application because: l. Incomp'lete appl ication ( items deficient). Address and/or directions to application site. Proposed Number of bedrooms in dwel 1 ing. Approvab'le plot plan (see attachment). Not'ification of date test holes will be ready. 2. Verification of existing system required (memorandum explaining this procedure attached). 3. Two test holes (2'X4'X5'deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. 4. 0ther: M74 - 181 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION /I25 EAST Bth AVENUE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILD1NG ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEP/ EUGENE, OREGON 9740I ARTI\,IENT 687-406 I 0p 62? -71 4,- DEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I,IANAGEMENT PSB, 'I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address on the property tion is for an agr cul tura bu e Chapter 10 (zoning) and for nof record;co au thor to act tor 8/ liBg.*tiusf itifi .tri.ii L-l i$ffiCIs,il'{ijfrii; /:/ 7 rl[stiii'.&tritii:ki_ /_/ hereby certify that this information is true and accurate t7-o3- a3.3.>.,S,rx*t 5lPvr. / + 20n Appl ication for Structures now , Affidavi t: I, If this applica Lane County Cod z OwIl€l---y'-auly lding it will be used for purpos o other purpose. I have the fol ha ser;es see ; who is n0w le o 0r Owner /-/ Con es allowed by the State Building Code an lowing legal interest in the pro perty: pu rchaseolder of an exclusive option to I ication Da te !a: /-/ mail phone z1 z'l Phone d hr r-TFTs app Si gnature/Address Te1 ephon When permi i s ready i fv: 0vlner * Contractor's 0SR# I icant Plumbing by DO NOT WRITE THIS LINE If Conrnercial Residentia'l : # of employees .*;::::nf :t::lttt;itt,r,:.: ,i$$.$r:;:ii l_l Existins, BP # :t:riacl:iEffi SI test holes ready Ue$firi:sttui:ii. fi\aa*or\ Fee ,v $ $ Total Valuation: $$ /_t */6{ & Rece i ved lJater Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy at $-- at$ Su btota 1 TOTAL each each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (-r)otlr-zlExi sti ng 7"d 4 .-'7 ,, t L Vaiuation ( \ ENV },IGT BECEIFT O DATE O3O87? TAXL( SUBDIYISION NEUI BtDS TYPE US6 R NS ENRH$ O? tIO UNITS O$t N$ STORIES NODI APTbL ilO ACTIO}.I DE$flRXPTION Sfr F'T UNIT OS$T VALUAT] NCI. FIXTUBES:NO. CONNHCI'OR.I ; MECHANItrAL FEE 4.0O EAf,H ' ( ( (( ( (( ( ( (( I ( nr:\; E o .; {l td =i, Oi rlr BF' BF FF' \ ( HT.:. lrF' suH F"fiK S ATE SUftCHARSH 47' FLAN CHfiCH FEE T}flI ?:i,oQ ( sr L.{: ?f3'70 .$I FIE** I Etli SIFO CFI T,IFC PLAH ELEV ADDE FF CCIilPLETED BY { t