HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-10-08SPRINGIIELD OREGON Web Address: www.springfield-or.9ov Building Permit Residential Structural Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO2198-STR M Number: 811078701966 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 54r-726-3753 Email Address : permitcenter@springfield-or. gov 0i Permit Issued: October 08, 2019 Project: New foundation Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Submitted Job Value: $25,000.00 Description of Work: Install new concrete foundation Type of Work: Replacement Worksite Address 1112 D ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 170335 1408200 Owner: Address: SALFRAN ANTHONY M & LINDSEY ] 1112 D ST SPRINGFIELD , OR 97477 Business Name WHITE SAND CONSTRUCTION LLC License ccB License Number 203353 Phone 503-5t6-4437 Inspection 1999 Final Building 1110 Footing 1120 Founda[ion Inspectaon Group Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Permits expire if work is not started within 18o Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy, All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utiliw Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-OO1-OO10 through OAR 952-OO1-OO9O. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (503) 232-t9a7. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 7O1.O1O (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.O10-O2O (Plumbing) Printed on: 10/8/19 page 1 of 2 Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits,oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811078701966 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store C :\myReports/reports//production/o1 STANDARD &-./ TYPE OF WORK JOB SITE INFORMATION LICE NSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION PENDING INSPECTIONS SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Permit Number: 811-19-O02198-STR Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (l2o/o of applicable fees) Printed on: 10/8/19 Quantity Total Fees: Fee Amount $33.27 $403.30 $262.Ls $48.40 $747.t2 Page 2 of 2 C : \myReports/reports//production/01 STAN DARD PERMIT FEES SPRINGFIELD tb Transaction Receipt 81 1-19-0021 98-STR Receipt Number: 472630 Receipt Date: 10/8/19 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54t-726-3753 permitcenter@springfield-or. gov OREGON www. sprin gfi eld-or. gov Worksite address: 1112 D ST, Springfield , OR 97477 Parcel: 1 703351 408200 Fees Paid Transaction date 10t8t19 10t8t19 10t8t19 10t8t't9 Units 1.00 Ea 1.00 Ea 1.00 Ea 1.00 Automatic Description Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12o/o ol applicable fees) Technology Fee Account code 224-00000-425602-1 030 224-00000425602-1 030 82 1 -00000-21 5004-0000 20 4 -OOO00 -425605-0000 Fee amount M03.30 $262.15 $48.40 $33.27 Paid amount $403.30 $262.15 $48.40 $33.27 Payment Method:Cred it card authorization: 868534 Payer: JeffTwenge Payment Amount:$747.12 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:s747.12 Printed: 10/8/'19 2:36 pm Page 1 of 'l Fl N_TransactionReceipt_pr L. Structural Permit Application 225 Fifft Stect I Srirgfiel{ OR 974?7 . PII(541)72G3733 . FAX511Y26Xt9 Thir permtt lr lssued under OAR 9f &46{F0030. Permltr explre lf work fo not rtrrted trtthtr lto drys of suspenaled for ltO deyr. Hdn or if work ls R$^d c^&^'q DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Pennirno.: 9.Oatq brl Date:4 ALT gelc LOCAL GOVERIITEiIT APPROYAI- ?his projecl bar final land-use approval. Signature:Datc: This pmject has DEQ appronl. Siemturc:Dat€: Zoningapproval vcrified: Evcs E tto Propcrty is wiltin f,ood ptain: I Ycs E f.lo CATEGORY OF COT'STRUCTION DffiisiOentiat E Govcmment E Comnretcial JOB STE IilFORMAflOTJ A}ID LOCANON ,ob sitc r&,Ircss:,L t Stcc: t}ZIP: l.ot no.: Refcrcoce:Taxlot: PROPERTY OIVITER t ZTP:State: Addrcss: Name: Phone:Fax: E-mail: rrhorizinfthis {pplication:F E rtt insarudffiEiag oaac m rcr-ifttiat or form property o*aed by mc or a member of rry immodiate family, and is Gxempt from lioensing rcquironorlts undcr ORS 701,010. CONTRACTOR IilSTALLATIOT{ Busincss nam:rN D r,/9 Starc: Of,ZIP: Fax:7lL2- t? Email: CCB license no.: Prinl bsrlcoxrucroR lNFoRrAnoN Nrtnt CCB Llcenre #Phone Elct{rlcel PluuUng Mechrnlcal FEE SCHEDULE 1. Vduetlon lnfomatlou (e)Jobdcscriptiot +?e/t}crJ-1. la.r-V Occupancy Construction Squarctbcr ffiO Cost pcr squarc fmt: tJ p Other information: Typcof Hc*: Encrgr PrlL: E addidouECW No Total vrlurtloa:s*5w a Buildrrt fe€0 (a) Pemrit fee (use valuadonlable):$ (b)Invmtigative fee (equal to [2a]):$ (c) Reinspecior ($ perhour): (numbcr ofhours x fcc pcr bour)$ (d) Enter l2% rurcharge (.12 x [2d-2H2c]):$ (c) Subtotel of fccr rbovc (2e lhrough 2d):$ 3. Plen revlew fecr (a) Plo review (65% x permit fec [2a]):$ (b) Fire md life safety (6$/o x permit fee [2aj):$ (c) Subtotd offccc ebove (3r rad 3b):$ 4. Mlrcelhncour fccr (a) Scismic fcc, I % (.01 x pcrmit fee [2a]):$ (b) Tcch fcc, 5% 1.05 x permit tbe[2a]+PR ri- [-1c])$ fOTAL foo end rurchrryer (2c+3c.+4etb):rnel-?.t' llst cdited 5-!2019 BJoncs CITY r.)F SpRtxcItl't-D. (.)RE(ioN ,'1tlaa ; Pho &s,flb U4' 6) f',t^^ ---. i'.^.i.J- Existing Eeam Grade 1112 D St. Springfield Raising Plan 20 6xGwood cribbing Estimated trme to competion' 45 days Finished ff oor eterration approximately 12"+ from existing Lift xith hy.draultc jacks at 4 points beneath steet Co4trnuqu-s H"beerr sleel BEYIEWEO FOfr COOE COMPIIANCE tr tt t1 (B sTr.E) tsr3fll lrfltrlTlllCK PLYtfiiOOtIlr$Atl- SlErdltfr{GW/Bd ?llAII-S AT6-trAT PAiGLET}GBiI? 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