HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-05-21t POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS TRS, TL: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT +r Subdivision: This pei'mit for the rererenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of'Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/oi other remedie6 allowed by law. ) wp Applicant/Add ress: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address Contractor's OS + Construction approved by this permit Water Supply Total Construction Value Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: + Bedrooms + Plumbing Fixtures + Employees PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning +r Parcel + lVlinimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: Parcel Size ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + lnstallation specif ications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches Special lnstructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks'i ntelTor property I ines- 'ge of road right-of-way ..rilding foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainfield--lo'- 10' 10' 1 00'For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PE RN4ITS/INSPECTION DIVISION For plans information call Fire Zone between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Use Classification:Group: For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and S:00 DEPABTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 6l!'.-Z By p.m. Type of Construction: lnstructions: Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-1 3 lane county I SITE INSPECTION Appnov r o Rruenx s D r slppRovro o o* A - *!49 r *r r r * o*-$1g(- FOUNDATION INSPECTION APPRov Eo Drr e 8:tL-z?I ruspEcton 0< REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION Ap pRov r o Rruenx s d Drsappnoveo D Dar r 9-/L-?? --r- 7-/4-7? LI\TH OR SHEETROCK Appnovro N Rruanxs 4 I NSPECT I ON DTsAPPRovE o 77 oarc lB oct6a I xspecton vJ,A FINAL INSPTCTION APPRovEo N DrsAPPRovEo D Reuanx s Dart!) ori fr lrusprcroR %tr* CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Reeov ro lssue Rruanx s D Nor Rraov to tssue D Dare I rspecton d DTsAPPRovE o V f *arraror-)4/- a POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS:2544 Manor Drlve' SprlngfleLd, OR CONSTRUCTTON pERMtT +r LB-L2O4-79 TRS, TL: l7-03-23-33 tr t+00 Subdivision; McKenzle Manor Iot 2) Bl-ock I This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Violation can Applicant/Address: Dan C, snlrh, 2544 Nlarror Drlve, Springfleld, oR 97477 x Owner/Address: Daalel C. and Sonia A. Snl.th Contractor/Address: contractor's os + Total construction Value: $4848.00 Construction approved by this permit Telephone: 726-0932 Telephone: Telephone: Enclose patlo for family room @ 2OZ sq ft" Structures now on property: residentlal dwelling. Water Supply: orr6l tc +r Bedroomsr na + Plumbing Fixtures: na + Employees na PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: RA Partitioning + na Parcel +r na Parcel Size Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 4Sl ; centerline of road, side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 5r ;rear property line: 5r pUE Special lnstructions: B0x114r For information call 687-4394, Susan KeLler WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection # na lnstallation specifications: na gal. min. septic tank capacity; na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special lnstructions: Keep new addltion 10*r from all parts of the enlstlng Septic Tank dralnfLeld. Reserne a repLaceuent area for the dralnfield.10- 10' 5', 50' Setbacks Inteiior property Iines-Cge of road right-of-way ,;uilding foundation Wells, other water sources Drainf ield -T0- 10' 10' 100'For information call 687-3g6abetween 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Greg Gray CONSTRUCTION PE RIVIITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction lnstructions: 5N Group: R3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification sFD/Addlrlon F : : i,l il:# :""'f, :::T.:fl '",,,{8 ?e?illt) gl%?Tf;33 l,h:!l 3;33 i il ;, d 5{m Lamb p.m. Directions to Site Date lssued: c55-1 3 Ilarlow Rd fron Coburg Rd, Left to llianor Dr, 2nd house 05-21-79 DEPARTMENT OF ENVTRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 lane county o6r..!ef t (green).rry' Hans Ettlln/Uf il!'\r- I I 1 Job Address 25++'DrivE DEPARTI'IENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I,IANAGEMENT --- PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I i,et!itui S'rnlr,,, iil+f;iii e :*$:U$Xi ELD CO lder of an exclusive option to purchase; icati veS rD z1 v+7 /_/ phone Phone (, r., 5\+r$, )r{ 7L Appl ication for Structures now r on the property /_/l_-u ilr rr,$'tl*f$$111 /_-/ itfi.ullif$iii fir _, hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. lication is for an :l:Slt#*fi trilili$li*in*.I:agricultura'l building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code andr I0 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: Affidavit: If this app I, Lane. County Code ChapteX owner of record--7-duly authorized tract purchaser;I esseeis knowledgeable ;hoof this appl S i gna tu re/Addres s t5 Te1 ephone 'azb- 0q 3A or Date Hhen permit is ready notify: & Applicant 12{ Owner /-7 Contractor !y: ilnai u,ner _DAN rEL C, t^L :5owt A A . .s{{lIH (zip) Contrac tor (zip)Phone Contractor's 0SR#Plumbing by DO NOT WRITE BELOI.J THiS LINE If Commerciai Residential: SI test hoies ready i,E$eii r94p i::::::::::::.:: :::::::!:::: ::l:::l::::::. : : ffi3-SffrgLlss. : ,#,!,!:Ef!,!.!,$08[il,gt.! ,,.,',:::,:i::::::::::::::::::::.:::,::::.:::::::::::,::|,.1 -- .:#i::i:i}f::::D0di ,, _ # of employees _j.t$#iiiliittsjiii .;g$$iii 4f Exist.ins, Bp # / / Proposed, SI # iUtr,is$sr$.tI..,,:rEt..,,,.oIr#xcf -t+f.Val uat i on Fee $ $ Total Valuation: $_--.- each $ each $ ;(u bto ia I d! $ $/:t Recei ved Water Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led Existing _ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy .) $ $ $ $ PERI.4IT PROCESSiNG Minimum setbacks: Zonet, front Part. #Parcel #_____ Parce l Si ze TOTAL int"-;{ /-*- ; 1?,28 , side rea r Comments To be typed on permit CP&I Type To be typed on permi t B,V Group Fi re Zone _ ijse Class:ficatiorr Ey 0a te PhoneFor plans information call (area inspector.) Direc.tions to s ite l5 AI. Lt lro Plans to' lj::' [16u EIAPc /7 Plannjng /-/ Public l^/orks i_./ Elevation \ n/a ' r Acdress ( I FacilitY Permit l/ Environmental Health -I:set( s ) set(s) 0a r,e lra aF Date to PCl.Re Hold 5) iptc PC(l ''a,Jrr., i ei:ed *12-_ '#.t F0R INF0P.IIATI0N about prrgress 6f y:r:r.ir a;r2l i cation cai 1 c74-i7 L 9 -*- /04q1 Permit Control Centrir. 687-HELF {687'4357) D*ru r/ui/,DEPARTI1ENT OF ENV I RONI4EiITAt IlANAGEI'1ENT -_ PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Job Address rV Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Subdivision Appl ication for Structures now r Proposed use of Affidavj t: I, Residential l7 Commercial Ci ty S?nrurr t ELD Lot B l ock f7 Industrial /_/ Public , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate ng it vrilI be used for purposes alIowed by the State Bui1di ng Code and roperty: on the property property: /-/ c Dnu C. Snarrp If this application is for a na 9ri cul tural buildi Lane County Code Chapter 10 zon i ng ) and for no other purpos e. I have the following legal interest in the p tract purchaser;I essee;holder of an exclusive option to puFqhase; ac the owner,IS Rnow-teageaUte of this appl ication : ow[€F of record;--..,..--duly authorized (7S i g na ture/Add res s Te1 ephone or Da te When perm'i t is ready notify: ! Appl icant /_/ Owner /J Contractor !y: /-,-/ ttaii /-/ phone Owner Contrac tor (z1 (zip) Phone Phone Assigned Numbers' 7 Appl ication # Contractor's 0SR#P1 umbing by # of employees _ Va l uati onDescr i pt'ion ,0, Subtotal Existing TOTAL Fee# of Sites $ $ $_ $ $ b SI test holes ready t^later Supply Sq. Ft. orFee Code Total Val uati on : $ P1umbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn, at $ each each 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy # of units SDS: /, Existing, BP # /_/ Proposed, SI # Unit Cos t /-/ Cash /-/ cnecu #===.-- Received by_.-==- If Commercial: # of stories Residential: i of bedrooms Proposed _ Year Installed I PERl4lT PROCESSING Zone Part. #Parcel #Parce l Si ze Minimum setbacks:, front To be typed on permit t t, side / I-)a te Comments By WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal.lation specif ications 'I . tank;ft. of drainfielol inax. depth of trenches: To be 0n Te1 ephone Da te Dd te Conrpl eted Date t PCC Directions to site C /_/ srF1 /, / CP&I /-/ \,tPc /7 Planning /-/ ?ubljc l.lorks / / L levatron / / Address /_/ Facil it1' Permit /-/ Lnutronmental Heal th Pl ans to: CP&l SE (s) (s)I^]PC set Da te Requ i red t Hold Slip to PCC 4 /_l n/a *i u + FOR INF0RiIATI0N about progress of your application call (-*I 1 Permit Control Center 687-HELP (zip) s $ ( By I ) rl ) ) il ) XX $A'6t *x33J 'lvttll HANS .CJ ,tS {3til"t.:r[.lfr3u0CIv /13'13 xos 33J xc3H, NS"rdxv 39rvH3uns Stvts 33C "MrN?HS3l.l NU"ld 3dfi Id3 tlcl$ 0 o 0 o 0 ) ) 0o CIo"?l$[' t x3,j Hns & HSVA OO'k r $uor3tsilNtl3 'tlN H3i I SSHniXXC 'ON '14 ) t s0'8[ 8tE] n 4: !) Ioo :. o 3 t: ) ,::ll.{ rJtI srE? [ ]r'19 ;: I0-r NOIlVnlV,\ LS$3 rINn f.:i B$ NtlIJ.dIUtSS{I NOITSV0N sSruors 0N loo s.txNn oN o0 sl.luoE oN I 3sn 6le0ss Slvo s Nv(t 'Hlrl.ls lNvxrlddvLdr303x r3r.t AN3 .t"dlfi AtNn0S ilNv"I "TAV(I 33J }OO STfi'IE 00h toff,aa.tol l l0-lxvr 6ih0e r * ) _) n : !I )I sI.Lvd :I$$'13N3 TRS, IL , 17 13 23 3 _3 Plot Plan ? subdivj.sion Block Job Location Pernlt il PermLt Permit trrrrr 5 OR. DRIVE b-rt<-* i For Permlt /l Permlt Permlt For For Lot (\t trl\n ot tlf€ tuI ae\ \ ( 7rrl o1 otrtr -r(, AI c74-L50 Vlclnity lIap For For For - Tf .f .L -T tI IL- ItI t-t N