HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-07-17hre cuinty I".4, NE C O UNfbsfiHisBiltilil,B[ ililGrre ArsEt MI T , ,0NSTRUCTI0N PTRMIT # LC 1805-80 JOB ADDRESS: 1561 Mallard Avenue, Eugene, 0regon TRS, TL: 17-03-22,1.3, 14100 SUBDIVISI0N: First addition - Game Bird Vi11age, lot 13, block 13 C0NSTRUCTION APPR0VtD BY THIS PERMIT: Garage/workshop - 680 square feet CONDITIONS 0F APPR0VAL: Private use only. Do not drive over the existing sewage disposal system at any time. Keepall structures a minimum of 10 feet from the existing dra'infield. Minimum structural setbacks: fncrn center line of road, front, 45 feet; side interjor property 1ines,5 feet; rear property 1ine,6 feet. p.U.E. PTRMITTEE: Li sa l,/oods DATI ISSUED: July 17, 1980 laaga nc64t<k/4/ BY: /Candi Hart l^IP 28305-5E.2 *************** ****** SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAt^l. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION (see attached) call 687-4065. Have the followinginformation ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when i[ willbe ready, your name and phone number, and any spelial direclions to site. OTHER QUESTIONS? Call 687-4394. t N i,'l li(.,ifivlt:N I/rt. MA NA( i I tv1 EN I DIpARTMENT 6llr- - E I EUGENEAV'SN 97401 I Job Locatlos Permlt f Permlt # Perroit Perrnlt #- Perrdt # ForFor For Permit For, ForFor c7' L^ A I \ \, trt- a 0t(\t1l I 't) e I vn ,,t o{l(i''''cn t- i T <, d rl'' ' C)o CI t Ex, rl 0 sf t ''? U9 ? i', Ca r fott o s{ rlot Plan rsaon Block Vle.lnltY ItaP I I i \o ( I 2 3 4..*. 5 6 t l0 t, la l6 l!. r n 2a t6 _?! t 3t 1 36 38 4o 12 ta 16 4E 50 52 LANE COUNI.Y SEF,T [:NV HGT Ii:ETEIF,T + 1Sssfl}s DATE O?03.3erlf"'t''L.rf,ANT tJ{lr:}Ds, LIsA,/t;Lr:rs,f ,qDDft t&{0 trj" sTl-t AvH" EUIENH, {JR].L* { 703??1314100 SUBT'IV FIRS"I' ASI} GAHE BIRD VILL.AGE I.T]T 13 BLI( 13NEIJ rtLDG TYFH f,AR usE n Nn BIRHs 0s N0 uNrls os1 Hn ifrnttrEs Nn sLDGs,c)$1CCIDt: AF,F'L NO ACTION T}F:SCftIT..'TION SQ FT UNIT TNST VALUATION FEE DAY.Bl-' {;ARAGE 6r}0 s . Et:t 601 rl t{ F' HF. ttF' BF' f.r F' BP Pl_. i'1F:{lH SIJR PIK rt t'l L_(] NS" CATG: APF' SE.QU : { TAKEN EY TH { $05s0 i{t.t-tFt f: I XT'LIhIH,9 :CI.}NNIIT]TOIIS : HHCI-IANICAI.- F'E:E: STtil'H ,it,RCHARGE riLAN T:HECH F'EE s01 fl 40.0s EAIH :: 1.*O ?A alrjr q /.1f' tl ,/- 50?; 0Tt-r r s,t.? d Til'fAL. FEExt+ FF, l:f'rL'Jl^ SDS SI d. I]OI"1F,I..ETION DATE F'CH ? 51 60 56 5E-l IO 9r t.- EL f 6 5 1 3 62 64 -.i1 "$* cti r t t Appl ication for Structures now on the Proposed use of property:/ / Resjdentia l Affidavit: I,*/ "o 0wne --: auty r of record; au thori ac the owner con trac t pu S i gna tu relAddres s t,Jhen Owner Contrac tor DEPARTIlENT OF ENV i RON14Ei.ITAL PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Ci ty Block /_/Commerc i /-/ Industri /-/ Public ,he reby certify that this information is true and accurate. Job Address sh ( Lot re I ication is for an agricul tural ilil-If this app building it will be used for rposes allowed by the State Building Code andpu theLane County Code Chapter '10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have folIowing iegal in the property: option to purchase;rchaser; lessee; ho , who is knowledgeable of this appl 5td 'l der of an ication i nteres t excl us i ve z1 Te1 ephone or t is ready notify /_/ App /-/ }wner T /11/4ontractori can Contractor's 0sR# /O tl'l;..Plumbing by te /'/ mail 2- /_/ pr,,rne Prron: _ I'horre _ , Tax Lot Assigned Numbers If Commercial Residential: # of stories : of bedrooms _ # of employees ----- # of SDS: units Existing, BP /_J Proposed, SI # Unit Cost SI test holes ready orSq. Ft. #ofSiFee Code ti Val uation Fee $ Total Valuation: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ each $_ each $-- $ /-/ c?* ffin"rx Subtota l $ $ $ Recei ved l.later Supply Proposed _ Year Instal Ied 47,1 State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $Existing _ TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Part. #Parcel #Parce l Si t t,side rea Commen ts To be typed on permit By Da te WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal lation specif ications To gal . tank;ft. of infiel d max. depth of tren Da te permi t Te1 ephone By Directions to site / / ,6tF0 (r y{t Ef" wPc /7 Planning /_/ PuOl ic Works Pl ans to: CP&i I^JPC set(s) set(s) Da te Requi red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC l-/ n/a! Elevation /-/ Address /_/ Fac:.lit-v Permit /_/ Znutronmental Heal th Permit Control Center 687-HELP $87-4357)FOR INF0RI1ATI0N about progress of your application call Appl icati on # /( ./4 \2i )r 44 1'1 ( ,/L /,/. !-/a i nt, "---t ; -z- ffi PfivB DEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL NANAGEI1ENT PSB, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Job Address Appl i ca ti on for Structures now on the rty ifi fsffi $td.iiilt0uririffi :.r'iffi $,,fii.i.i .-/i.e \^Jo,*{s ,fro ,).)fJz lt- rchaser; lessee , who is knowledgeable :Strititi.l(r: /_/ iffiHiti:lit;ri:i: holder of an exclusive option to purchase; /://_/ of-TEIs appl ication. Affidavi t: I , If this applica Lane County Cod , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate.-. ffition is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code ande Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property owne - t' Auly r of record; authori S i gna ture/Addres s tlhen pe 0vner Contractor Contractor's 0SR# con trac t pu act the owner :rta-z'l Tel ephone / f '/-q ffl{ or is ready notify / Appl ca /-/ Avtner n trac tor Da te /_/ na zi z1 -'l -f 'il /*tphone r !'t.tt.,79 ?J{ {{s<-,t Phone a'f ? - bqi\i ci+-r-) pnone /! 4^ e R(fr Plumbing by If Corunerc ial Residential: : .#..,0f..','+t.9til.d*; _ ,.#ii,iu.tlrr:u ffii:- DONOTEm_TEM # of employees :*:::O#itlrrci i:r ,iu$giii.ii /%i'ft 17 Proposed, SI #SI test holes ready iittrfii.lsffi i:lhi.ijt: if.,{fi,U,i Valuation Fee $ Total Va.luation: $$ at at $each each $ t_t Rece i ved Water Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led Existing _ $$ Subtota l TOTAL $ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy $ $ $ PERM]T PROCESSING Minimum setbacks Part. #Parcel #Parcel Si int <t t, side Comments To be typed on permit CP&l Type To be typed on permit By Da te Group.Fire Zone Use Classification By Da te PhoneFor plans information cal l (area inspector) Directions to site [t Ko prans to ,tw,ilr* CP& 1 l.JPC set(s) set( s ) Date Requ i red Hold Slip to PCC Da te Compl eted Date to PCC /7 Planning /-/ PuOtic Works / / Elevation /J Address /-/ Facllity Permit / / Envaronnental Health FOR INFORT'IATI0N about progress of your appl ication calI c74- 17 1 permit Control Center 687-HELp (687-4357) Wc rr POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE , CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC 1805-80 JOB ADDRESS: 1561 Mallard Avenue, Eugene, 0regon TRS, TL: 17-03-22.1.3, 14100 SUBDIVISI0N: First addition - Game Bird Village, lot 13, block 13 C0NSTRUCTION APPR0VED BY THIS PERMIT: Garage/workshop - 680 square feet C0NDITIONS 0F APPR0VAL: Private use only. Do not drive over the existing sewage disposal system at any time. Keepall structures a minimum of 10 feet from the existing drainfield. Minimum structural setbacks: from center line of road, front, 45 feet; side interior property 1ines,5 feet; rear property'line,6 feet. P.U.E. PERMITTEE: Li sa Woods DATE ISSUED: July 17, 1980 /aeec /72cilut/4/ BY: /Candi Hart t,.lP 28305-58-2 N Vlclntry Map TRS, TL Job Locatloa (Add PernLt #For Pernlt # Permit PermiE ForPlcrt ;rlan Pemlt For Permlt For For For Subdivision Lot c7'BIock t tA \ t li. : 0sa i Cq lV 'u' hi offist"p l 0o q.\ s<dr' 7a ht \o Ex' rf t ''? fl 0 ue e Ca r Torts. i s'\ I II , I NSPE C] ION RECORD l. Site InsPectiort 2. Foundation InsPection 3. Irarning InsPection 4. Lath or Sheetrock irtsPection 5. iinal Irtsprection Approved Di saPProvcd Da te lnspcctor /-z(- / --19_.& ,tt (-- t,(z- IZ /Z 6. 7. o (-) l[). fltt. Sl ab Fl oor, Pl umb j ng Gt'oundwork Gas Piping Groutrdwot'k Rough Pl irrnbi ng Itough Gas Piping !: j ria I P1 untb i ng F'inal Cas PiPing F.enrarks 1-/-- flb**Z* AIJ-* a K - *-8-''z*1 -- I o W \2 . Certi f i cate of 0ccuPancY: ready to 'isstte; *.--o not re'rdy; -- - ------ - -date;inspector (