HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2013-06-25?1" S/f ?ar3 - ez tl r Pacific Environmental Group, lnc. "Not Biggest, Just Besf" P.O. Box 22306 Eugene, OR 97402 (541 ) 767 -0822 PH. (541 ) 767 -377 5 FX. OHD License # 1025 DEQ License # FSC-560 CCB License#66770 LRAPA SmallScale Permit #P-26704 Federal Tax !D # 93-1001896 E-mail: Kel lvW@PacificEnviro nmentalGrouD-com Rod Dunlap Dunlap lnsurance 5120 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 June 25,2013 CERTIFICATE OF ASBESTOS ABATEMENT in a CommercialStructure at 5120 Main Street, Lane County, Oregon 97477 This transmittal is to certiff that Pacific Environmental Group, lnc. completed asbestos abatement at 5120 Main St. Springfietd, OR 97477 on June 24th,2014 All of the asbestos containing materials removed and disposed of by P.E.G., lnc. were identified in a sample analysis exercise performed by Northwest Hazmat, an independent third party laboratory. These asbestos containing building materials were identified as floor tile in the work area(s) designated as the kitchen. Allwork was completed under the Lane RegionalAir Protection Agency Permit "Notification of lntent to Remove Asbestos in Lane County Oregon" that was filed with L.R.A.P.A. prior to start of this project. L.R.A.P.A. is the county agency equivalent to the EPA in the state of Oregon. Asbestos wastes generated from these activities are to be manifested on the DEQ ASN-4 "Asbestos Waste Manifesf' form and disposed of at Short Mountain landfill which is a DEQ and EPA Title 5 approved landfil!. Short Mountain Landfill is located at the end of Dillard Access Road, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon 97405 Pacific Environmental Group, lnc. provided labor, materials, insurance, permits, disposal, licenses and fees and completed this project according to local, state and federal regulations. Keb q,lfi,itfocd Kelly Whitlock President Pacific Environmental Group, lnc. trlorr,ffisl * l{af#at Asbestos Bulk Sam ple Report 36 West Q Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-988-9823 fax. 541-988-9833 information Date: 06,O5.2OL4 Sam le No: 1 Sa eNo: 2 Lab ID: NWH14BR-L3972 Lab ID: NWH14BK-13973 Client:SKOTDAL BUILDING SERVICES Client address: Client project No. 5120 MAIN ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Attention:DOUG SKOTDAL Project location: 5120 MAIN ST SPRINGFIETD OR 97477 Method of analysis: PLM No. Samples received: 7 No. Samples Processed: 7 Turnaround:2 BUSINESS DAYS Site sampling agent: BRIAN ]OYCE Samples analyzed by: BRIAN JOYCE Repoft disposition:FINAL Location KITCHEN SMOOTH WALL-PLASTER Asbestos Analysis:NAD Physical Description: WHITE AGGREGATE Non-Fibrous Materials: 99o/o Other Fibrous Materials: 10/o CELLULOSE Comments: Location:HALLWAY.PLASTER Asbestos Analysis:NAD PhySical Description: WHITE AGGREGATE Non-Fibrous Materials: 99o/o Other Fibrous Materials: 1% CELLULOSE Comments Note: NAD means No Asbestos Detected. lf submitted samples are non-homogeneous in nature, then subsamples of the components will be analyzed separately. Because of equipmenUmeasurement limitations, asbestos fiber content will be unable to be determined in some samples. Those samples determined to contain asbestos fibers, will have the following measurement percentage ranges (1% = 0-3%, 5o/o = 1-9Yo, 10o/o = 5-15o/o, 2Oo/o = 1 0-30%, 50o/o = 40-600/o) as specified per EPA method 600/R-93/1 16. lf samples are not collected by NW Hazmat lnc.Personel, then the accuracy of results will be determined the and of the collector. L279 EVERGREEN DR EUGENE oR 97404 ,Me* * Haflat Asbestos Bulk SamP le Report 36 West Q Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 54L-988-9823 fax. 541-988-9833 Sa No: 3 Sam le No: 4 Sa eNo:5 Sa No: 6 Lab ID:NWH14BK-L3974 Lab ID : NWH14BK-13975 Lab ID: NWH14BK-13976 Lab ID: NWH14BK-L3977 Location:NORTHWEST OFFICE WALL-PLASTER Asbestos Ana NAD Descri PINK AND WHITE AGGREGATE Non-Fibrous Materials 99o/o Other Fibrous Materials:1olo CELLULOSE Comments: Location BATHROOM FLOOR-SH EET VINYL Asbestos NADS M U LTICOLOR WH nE WITH GREY BACKING Non-Fibrous Materials: 30o/o Other Fibrous Materials:70o/o CELLULOSE Comments: Location ATTIC-INSU]ATION Asbestos NAD PINK FIBERSon Non -Fibrous Materials:0o/o Other Fibrous Materials:1000/o Comments: Location:ATTIC.INSULATION Asbestos Ana NAD DARK GREY FIBERSDescri n-Fibrous Materials:Ao/oNo Other Fibrous Materials:100o/o FIBERGLASS Comments: dfillest * Haflat Asbestos Bulk Sample Report Sam No: 7 36 West Q Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-988-9823 fax. 541-988-9833 Lab ID: NWH14BK-13978 Location KITCHEN-FLOOR TILE Asbestos LSo/a CHRYSOTILE MULTICOLOR GREEN WNH BLACK MASTIC Non-Fibrous Materials: B0o/o Other Fibrous Materials:5olo CELLULOSE Comments: NorthWest Hazmat lnc. Asbestos Survey Report SKOTDAL BUILDING SERVICES EUGENE, Oregon 97404 I. Summary On JUNE 4 2414, BRIAN JOYCE AND AARON SPECK of NorthWest HazMat lnc. conducted an inspection for suspect asbestos containing building materials (ACM) on the property located at 5120 MAIN ST SPRINGFIELD Oregon. Customer specified this was an inspection prior to demolition of the.office building. lt was inspected and samples of suspect asbestos containing building materials were taken. The samples were analyzed for asbestos content using polarized light microscopy. Please see attached Asbestos Bulk Sample Report for a list of sampled building materials. THE BUILDING WAS OCCUPIED at the time of the survey and access to all customer specified areas was given. ll. lntroduction Purpose: This survey was requested by Doug Skotdal to uncover potential sources of asbestos containing materials (ACM).The survey was requested pertaining to the demolition of the structure and disturbance of potential asbestos containing building materials during these processes. Spegial Ierms & Conditions: No prior inspection by NorthWest HazMat lnc. has been performed on the property and all owner specified investigations are to be conducted at the time of the initial survey. A minimum number of samples were taken to ensure full accounting of potential ACM, while keeping sampling and analysis costs at an acceptable level to owner. lll. Site Description Description: Offices in former home !V. Environmental Records Review: No regulatory records were reviewed for this survey and no prior asbestos surveyor environmental site assessment records were requested for review of theproperty. V. Sampling Methodology Asbestos Samplino plan protocol Tnlt survey was performed using a sampling protocols adopted from theAsbestos Hazard. Emergency Response Act tAHennl ano mooified to meetcustomer's specific areas of concern. A full AHERA inspection was not requested. 1. Areas in the structure were grouped into homogeneous areas based on use orsameness of building materials used in that areal e.g. roofing same texture andaggregate, etc. 2. Each specified area was sampled for those materials which was suspect asACM. 3. When sampling, all samples were collected to the maximum extent possible(taken to substrate) to ensure all components were present in sample whichmight include asbestos. 4. Samples were numbeted using sequentidl numbering system to ensure quality control and replication of results for further surveys it neeO-eO during demolitlon of structure. Asbestos Labgratorv Analygis All samples collected were analyzed in our laboratory using stereo light microscopy to prepare samples along with polarized light iricroscopy -to petrologically analyze samples. The samples were anagzLd with dispeision staining methods in accordance with EPA method 6001R-gglttO as specified in 19qFI Chaptel.l (7-1-93 edition) Part 763, Subpart n Aprendix A, pages 499- 504. Polarizing light microscopy can quantiff asbestos concentrations betnveen 1 and 100% detection levels. All levels below 1o/o can only be stated as trace'. All asbestos concentrations in samples are determined by visual estimation. For- each sample, 3 separate slides were prepared to ensure accuracy and prior to analysis; blind quality control samples were selected and analyzed to ensure accuracy in sample analysis. Vl. Regulatory Compliance The intent of the asbestos survey is to comply with federal and state taws pertaining to the release of asbestos from structure renovations or demolitions. Currently, the state of Oregon requires a full written "good faith inspection" to determine the presence of friable and non-friable asbestos containing building materials on all structures wtrich are to be renovated or demolished through any means mechanical or fire. This requirement was adopted by the Environmentat Quality Commission (EQC) on January 25, 2OO2 and all related rutes became effective on February 4,2002. During demolition work, it is the responsibility of the owner and any contractors performing demolition work to make this survey document available to all concerned parties who may handle the building materials. The copy of the survey report must include documentation of ail samples collected, locations of where the samples were collected, and results of laboratory analysis. Vll. Limitations: Asbestos surveys are non-comprehensive by nature and subject to many limitations including those presented below. While areas specified by customer were sampled, areas behind walls and covered by structural members or materials requiring destructive means to access which could not be found with reasonable diligence were not sampled during the initial survey. ln addition, any areas not specified by customer to be sampled cannot be assumed to be free of asbestos as no survey to determine asbestos content was performed in these areas. NorthWest HazMat lnc. performed this survey in accordance with the generally accepted standards of care that exist in the environmentat industry in the state of Oregon at the time of the survey. This suruey report is not intended for use as an asbestos abatement plan, specifications of work scope, or management of risks associated with asbestos. No part of this survey is intended to be used as renovation, addition or demolition plans and specifications. Laboratory report attached. Brian Joyce and Aaron Speck NorthWest Hazmat lnc. 36 West Q Street Springfield, OR. 97477 541.988.9823 bjoyce@nwhazmat.com