HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-09-27OREGON Web Address: www.springfield-or. gov Building Permit Residential Structu ral Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO1883-STR IVR Number: 81 1077558720 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54L-726-3753 Ema il Address : permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov SPRINGFIELD {fi Permit Issued: September 27, 2OL9 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Submitted Job Value: $119,000.00 Description of Work: Remodel and 2nd floor addition Type of Work: Addition JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite Address 918 C ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 170335 13 10200 Owner: Address: CHASE EMILIE & ROUFS DANIEL 918 C ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN FORTIIATION Business Name KINGS CARPENTRY LLC - Primary SEE PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION License ccB Owner (Property) License Number 214997 OWNER Phone 541-510-8389 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 1999 Final Building 1110 Footing 1120 Foundation 1530 Exterior Shearwall tO2O Zoning/Setbacks 1410 Underfloor Insulation 1430 Insulation Wall 1440 Insulation Ceiling 1260 Framing Inspection Group Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Permits exPire if work is not started withln 180 Days of issuance or ifwork is suspended for 18o Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances goveming this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not, Granting of a Permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION: oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon utility Notification center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-oo1-OO1O through oAR 952-Oo1-oo9o, You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (503) 232-1987. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 7o1.o1o (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010-O2O (plumbing). Ptinted oni 9127/19 page 1 of 2 C:\myReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO18a3-STR Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www,buildingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 8LLO77558720 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Plan Review - Minor, City SDC: Improvement Cost - Storm Drainage SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Drainage Fire SDC - New Res Construction Sq Ft fee - enter sq ftg Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (l2o/o of applicable fees) Curb cut fee - enter # of cuts P.inled oni 9/27179 Quantity 1 263.07 22.21 181.2 2L7B 1 Total Fees: Fee Amount $102.40 $141.00 $263.07 $22.21 $181.20 $130.68 $1,080,04 $702.03 $129.60 $12s.00 $2,877.23 Page 2 of 2 C:\myReports/reports//production/0 1 STAN DARD PERMIT FEES SPRINGFIELD tt Transaction Receipt 81 t-19-001883-STR Receipt Number: 472540 Receipt Dale:9127119 City of Springfleld Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@springfield-or. gov OREGON www. sp ri n g field-or. gov Worksite address: 918 C ST, Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel: 1703351310200 Transaction date 9t27119 9t27119 9t27119 9t27t19 9t27t19 9127t19 9127t19 9t27119 9t27t19 Fees Paid Units Description Account code Fee amount '1.00 Ea Structural building permit fee 224-00000425602-1030 $1,080.04 1.00 Ea State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12% of 821-00000-215004-0000 $129.60 applicable fees) '18'l .20 Amount SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Drainage 617-00000-448029-8800 $1 81 .20 263.07 Amount SDC: lmprovement Cost - Storm Drainage 617-00000-448028-8800 $263.07 22.21 Amount SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee 719-00000-426604-8800 $22.21 1.00 Qty Curb cut fee - enter # of cuts 201-00000428060-1069 $125.00 1 .OO Ea Plan Review - Minor, City 1OO-OOOOO425OO2-1 039 $141 .OO 1.00 Automatic Technology Fee 100-00000*425605-0000 $102.40 2,178.00 SqFt Fire SDC - New Res Construction Sq Ft fee - 100-00000424005-1091 $130.68 enter sq ftg Fee Notes: 720sq ft of new habitable space above the garage/78O square feet of garage/678 sq ft of new covered patio and atrium porch Paid amount $1,080.04 $129.60 $181.20 $263.07 $22.21 $125.00 $141.00 $102.40 $130.68 Payment Method: Check number: 531 Payer: Emile Faith Chase Payment Amount:$2,175.20 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:$2,175.20 Printed: 9/27119 4:18 pm Page 1 of 1 Fl N_Tra nsactionReceipt_pr Ir Cnv or SpruucFmI.D, oREcoN Structural Permit Application Hffi225 Fifth Street t Springfi eld, OR 97477 t PH(541)726-3753 . FAX(54 I )726-3689 This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days suspended for 180 days. 7 P\WL b1- or if work is ZPo 6r-v1v! t Last edited 5-5-2019 BJones DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit "'.,$17 - lff oate, f/7//r9 LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Date: This project has final land-use approval Signature: Date: This project has DEQ approval Signature: Zoningapproval verified: E Yes fl No Property is within flood plain: E yo n No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUGTION E CommercialBResidential! Government JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Jobsiteaddress: qiB C 5+ State: rJlL ZIP:,| 7f itc Lot no.:Subdivision: bloTocReference:rulot:\?0339' PROPERTY OWNER Name:C Address: g5/6L L-,iC a^ /l(State:4)'L ZtP:f '71$ Phone: l?/ '' 3l7-OOA2-Fax: c {*ilh c @ho 4,rt*', 1 , . at \E-mail: Building Owne; or Owner's Sign here:'lf.h"rf*- authorizing this application : [l rnis instahdtion is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a member of my immediate family, and is exempt from licensing requirements under ORS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name: Address: City:State:ZIP: Phone:Fax: E-mail: CCB license no. Print name: Signature: Mechanical FEE SCHEDULE l. Valuation information (a) Job description: Fr-ru,od " I ks; )zno<- Occupancy Constructionrype: e*;.1 Square € Cost per rqbr" foot, l9A/ .' LlaO Other information Type of Heat: 6/t 5 For,-z/! 4.) r Energy Path: ! new FFalteration E addition (b) Foundation-only permit? fl Yes E No $! tC(frTotal valuation: 2. Building fees s lrffir$(a) Permit fee (use valuation table): tD ZDy- s(b) Investigative fee (equal to [2a]) (c) Reinspection ($ perhour): (number ofhours x fee per hour)$ (d) Enter 12olo surcharge (.12 xl2a+2b+2c)):$ $(e) Subtotal offees above (2a through 2d) 3. Plan review fees --n$ilaw(a) Plan review (65% x permit fee [2a]): COZU, (b) Fire and life safety (65% x permit fee [2a]):$ (c) Subtotal offees above (3a and 3b):$ 4. Miscellaneous fees $(a) Seismic fee, 1%o (.01 x permit fee [2a]): (b) Tech fee,5Yo (.05 x permit fee[2a]+PR fe.e [3c])$ {ntrryTOTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3c+4a+b): SUB.CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name CCB License #Phone Electrical Plumbing -D.o. 54t -?t5 -6tZS Frz, Mdr Dtfttt-at 77a4fez ?rrrr U{t SPRINGFIELD {6 Transaction Receipt 81 1 -19-001 883-STR Receipt Number: 472062 Receipt Date: 8/14119 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@spri ngfi eld-or. govOREGON www.spri n gfi eld-or. g ov Worksite address: 918 C ST, Springfield, OR97477 Parcel: 1 703351 31 0200 Fees Paid Transaction date 8t14119 Units 1.00 Ea Description Structural plan review fee Account code 224-00000425602-1030 Fee amount $702.03 Pald amount $702.03 Payment Method: Check number: 530 Payer:CHASE EMILIE Payment Amount:$702.03 Cashier: Chris Carpenter I Recelpt Total:$702.03 Printed: 8/14l19 4:03 pm Page - vr 1 Fl N_TransactionReceipLjr L *-,+k-,tl SHEAR WALL NUMBER: SW 103 NAIL SCHEDULE A (STRAP): (aeMSI,!-4 (BLOCKING BETWEEN STUDS): 2X (END LAP): 30" FASTENERS: 10d NAILS - END LAP: FILL ALL HOLES - BLOCKING: FILL ALL HOLES B c MARK 8d COMMON 10d COMMON 16d COMMON 16d SINKER L (LENGTH) D (DIAMETER) H (HEAD DIA.) 2-112"3'3-1t2"?114" 0.131"0.148',0.'t62'0.1.18" 0.281'0.312"0.344"0.344' c STUDS SILL PLATE DBL TOP PLATE A &- ANCHOR PER \PLAN B HEADER STRAP CONTINUOUS AT FULL HEIGHT WALL SECTION - EDGE NAIL FULL HEIGHT OF KING STUD DOOR OPENING NOTES: 1. STRAP BOTH ENDS OF HEADER, U.N.,).2. STRAP TO BE INSTALLED OVTR SHEATHING.3. SHEAR WALL EDGE NAII II.IG PEQ AT 3LO'KiI{G, SILL, HEADER NOTE: DETAIL N.T.S. E-g**m.-.**EEEAEEE Proreen EuclueeRtNc LLC 19-366 D1 KMV CDB Checked Don Chase I Pier Design (Door 918 C Street Springfield, OR Project Nurn. I Date Drawn by 1717 Centennial Blvd. Ste. 9 Springfield OR,97477 54t-746-584t pioneerengr.com 9/18/2079 4:55:39 PM SHEAR WALL NUMBER: SW '106, SW 107 (STRAP): CS1G (BLOCKING BETWEEN STUDS): 2X FASTENERS: 8d NAILS - END LAP: FILL ALL HOLES - BLOCKING: FILL ALL HOLES p]{er.ro rne)'13' A B MARK 8d COMMON 10d COMMON 10d cot\rMoN 16d SINKER L (LENGTH) D (DIAMETER) H (HEAD DIA,) 2-112"3',3-112"3-114', 0.131"0.14t1'0.162',0.1la" o.281 0.312"0.344"o.344" L HEADER STRAP CONTINUOUS AT FULL HEIGHT WALL SECTION ,+E=/'$-o EDGE NAIL FULL HEIGHT OF KING STUD DOOR OPENlNG NOTES: 1. STRAP BOTH ENOS OF HEADER, U.N.1.2. STRAP TO BE INSTALLF[T OVER SHEATHING3. SHEAR WALL EDGE NAIL|IIG R:Q AT OLOCKI,{G, SILL, HEADER c STUDS SILL PLATE BA & ANCHOR PER PLAN DBL TOP PLATE * ,r n * *'n * E *. i' t* * u Proreen ErclnerRtNG LLG GTKChecked 19 J56o"%3' D2 Don Chase pier Design (Door) 918 C Street Springfield, OR Project Num. Date 171"7 Centennial BIvd,Ste, g 54t-746-584L Springfield OA, glqi pioneerengr.com Drawn by 9lL8/2019 4:55:40 PM NAIL SCHEDULE L ,+$-o EDGE NAIL FULL HEIGHT OF KING STUD NOTES: 1. STRAP BOTH ENDS OF HEADER, U.N.O.2. STRAP TO BE INSTALLED OVER SHEATHING 3. SHEAR WALL EDGE NAILING REQ AT BLOCKING, SILL, HEADER DBL TOP PLATE HEADER SILL PLATE NOTE: DETAIL N.T.S. WINDOW OPENING STRAP CONTINUOUS AT FULL HEIGHT WALL SECTION WINDOW SILL SHEAR WALL NUMBER: SW 108 NAIL SCHEDULE A (srRAP): (wrNDowStLL): (BLOCKTNG): cs16 u 2X FASTENERS: Bd NAILS . END LAP: FILL ALL HOLES - BLOCKING: FILL ALL HOLES (END LAP): 13" B c D MARK 8d COMMON 10d COI/tMON 16d COMMON 16d SINKER L (LENGTH) O (DIAMETER) H (HE D D!{.) 2-112"3'3-112',3-'14' 0.131',0.148',0.162"0.148' 0,281"0.3r2"0.344"4344" D A c STUDS B ****= ** E.- *=*** DOnChaSg Pier Design ndow Proreen EnclxeeRtNc LLG D30e/ 19-366 KMV 918 C Street Springfield, OR 1717 Centennial Blvd. Ste, 9 Springfield OR,97477 54t-746-s847 pioneerengr.com Dat€ Drawn Ol i Checked by 9/78/7aL9 4:55:40 PM E t 1 . Project Num. NE\^J REr{oDEL It - acc -t l: LI { Y,lrndyrgy/. ( L.x-v,tar4 L_ €-Rt,t Rror € iot Rroz -)202 I *- R,,, * Eg I l- Rrol {-_- Rrog EI B titI1 Rrog 203 Rrot aoq** R Rroc Rro.l * # t, ( tnelXsrs only tc5 S e,.*,. Sbc D a Sbs = O.SIC : 2.oR r - o.sqc o.zl E fe = t'o (=t ) y,o,,o= = (o.:rr) (eo psf ) ( so')( zc') : GerS tb Y,or. (o.at8)(rS 1"f ) (zc,) (,o,) : trGSlE Ylostoq : Vro,,oz * V,o. - 6r1o lL Y ,,1 V,,,., -, r rGS lb vrolro6 . (o zrr) (ao pr{) (,a") (rc,) r lt6o lb v,os ,oo . (o'.ng) 1r, prr ) ( Ba') ( ,c,) : tq6o ts v,o. = (o.zr8)(rs psr) (zcr) ,f,) = t3o lu I I a 11 - 3G6 Sersr.,,c Coh*rr,qc,d (o.zia) (ro p"f ) (r') (..r'): llto tL LZ V roctfi V ,og,o1 = (r.als ) (eo psf j ( 8'l (1,) o S gs V,'0.,,n I fo.zgt)(eops€) (r,)(ra,) = lGs lb tb Vroqr,,ga) =YrolroS : l8GO lb Vroq r,, (u) ! io.r! r'J rn{ Y,oa ,ra r' 1ao tL B ,l1C o tb Y +ro6 Lxp Fio,,o. = (zo')( 9')(,. eoF) + (ac') ( *') ( 13 psf) -' t{oco rL r,o, = (u')(r')(r,.s psf ) = lso tL F,o.,o, = (3o')( ?f (repsr) + ( 30'X r:') (,,.s p"r) , 6,rto tL FLr,o"' (,.')(+')(rso"r) + (,2')(ro')(,r.s psf ). z,Go rL F,osroc = (se')(,*')(repre) + (rr')(,o')(,,.Spsf): Sl60 F.o,o, ' (8')( f')(,:psf) r fr')(B')(rr.S p,9J . tz1o It tb r ,o8loq F rog 1sq f rc1 ,,r " (8'X 9') ( rs pof) + = (,c'X 9')(!.c rsr) + = (.c)(9) ( ,s psf ) + ft')(t') (rr.S psr) = r7-co lb (rc')( *')(q.. psr) : l 31 o lb t.a')( s') (,, s p*f) = ioJc {L t.o, " (,r)( t) (,s esr) : f !o rt Fr.r = Fz., ' Gb rL f:oszo, : (3o') (,z.') (,,-s prf) ' t'llt'to lt SPRI TYPE II HISTORIC OYERLAY REYIEW STAFF REPORT & DECISION Case Number: 811-19-000117-TYP2 Proiect Location: 918 C Street Springfield, OR. Assessor's Map & Tax Lot: 17-03-35-13; TL 10200 Zoning: Low Density Residential Application Submitted Date: May 20,2079 Historic Commission Notice: lune 4,20t9 Public Notice: fune 5, 2019 Decision Issued Date: August 6,2019 Appeal Deadline Date: August 2t, 2079 Associated Applications: None PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes to extend the existing enclosed porch to the west and north to create a larger enclosed porch area that is visible from C Street. ln addition, the applicant proposes to create a bonus room above the attached garage, accessed from the alley, by addinga second siory and pitched roof to match the existing historic bungalow home. All finish materials proposed will be Lf historic nature to match the existing trim and finish materials. BACKGROUND: "This one-story bungaloid residence, built around 1914, has a full-pitch three gable roof and wide vergeboards with braces. An interiror brick chimney has a corbelled cap. i4odern addiUon -windows, front door, and metal chimney, now finish the house. The front door now opens onto a small entry stoop' The owner was Ohlsen from 1913 to 1928,'Historic Resource Survey. mlllUr l[Elirtahl H Ot F.tr.l LUEF brl :IEfrffi C STREET I TI - E I n I r t - I f E APPTICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Applicant / Owner: Dan Roufs & Emilie Chase 918 C Street Springfield, OR97477 Representative: N/A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION REVIEWOF NAME PHONE Planner Planning/Historic Regulations Drew Larson [541)736-1003 81 t-19-0001 r7-TYP2 Type II Historical Review Page I of5 ,t,; ! r REVIEW PROCESS SDC section 5.1-130 (The Development Review Process) states that Type II applications shall be distributed to the Development Review Committee and the Historical Commission for comments. Type II decisions are made by the Director after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed. Comment: The Historic Commission provided comment on fune 73,2019 and below is the bulleted talking points (Attachment A). . Any remaining features and finishes, siding, trim, eaves, overhangs, windows, doors, facia and barger boards, present in 1935 must be maintained and preserved. After discussion and reflection our commission members decided that the lean-to porch addition does not meet this criterion and did not meet Maior and Minor Alteration Standards, o The existing SW corner of that house must remain where it is to maintain existing historic characteristics that include eaves, overhangs, barger boards, siding, and trim. However, we could imagine that you might still be able to get approval for the B foot extension if you treated is as a bay addition, used another roof style, and recess the front face of the addition back 8 or 1 2 inches to not interfere with the existing roof details at the SW corner. By treating the addition as a set- back bay you will be able to express that it is a modern addition to a historic house, which is what our Design Guidelines ask for. o Window replacement should occur only where there are aluminum windows that are coming out. Existing siding should be conserved and not be removed to install bigger windows or new window openings. o We don't like to see the bulk of an alteration or addition that is the same size or larger than the primary historic resource. It reduces the primacy of the historic house and confuses and conflates what is new and what is the actual historic resource. We want to see that distinction between old and new, and we want to see new construction scaled as a minor element of the overall house, or a separate element. The remodeled garage wing you show appears to be the same size, if not larger than the house itself. o As preservation efforts in the Washburne District go, we are not trying to recreate historic details on new construction. We advise that new construction be in the style of wood finish construction as practiced and performed today. We want to be able to visibly distinguish the old from the new. New is not bad, it's just new. Old is to be preserved. Staff Response: Staff has incorporated the Historic Commission's comments into the staff report and provided direct responses below. o Staff agrees that the distinguishing characteristics of the historic home must be maintained and not removed. Staff has conditioned the application to ensure the remaining features and finishes are maintained and Preserved. o Staff has spoken with the applicants and we both agreed with the Historic Commission's recommendation for a setback bay addition and alternate roof pitch to distinguish between the new and old features of the home' . All historic windows proposed to be covered by the porch addition will be maintained on the original fagade and repaired as necessary. Any other window replacement will be made of wood. . The garage appears to have been constructed in the 1970s with an appearance oflap and board siding *hi.h do"r not complement the existing historic home. The proposed roof addition, lap sidin[, and window replacement is in keeping with the design guidelines and review criteria. o Staff is requiring all door, window, and trim replacement be wood finishes and the addition be distinguishable from the historic home. gt t-tg-0001 t7-7'yP2 Type ll Historical Review Page 2 of5 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Comment: Kenneth & Diana Eilers, 449 gth Street. "While we're not well enough versed in all of the minute nit-picky details of Washburne regulations to speak to them, But, it appears that Roufs & Chase are investing a Iot of time, effort and money in an effort to comply with the overall intent of Washburne District and their proposed changes will make the house much more similar in appearance to the period when it was built. We commend their effort and strongly encourage approval of their application." Staff Response: The project was reviewed and conditioned in accordance with the criteria. DECISION Type II Historical Review approval as of the date of this letter, subject to the conditions and recommendations described herein. CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL (SDC Section 3.3-945 Maior and Minor Alteration Standards) 1. Any proposed use shall minimize exterior alteration of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment; uses that require substantial exterior alteration shall not be permitted. Finding: The existing and proposed use of the structure and site does not change from detached house. Finding: The applicant proposes to expand the existing enclosed porch area eight (8) feet to the east and approximately 30 feet south along the eastern edge. In addition, the applicant proposes a pitched roof above the garage to match the existing roof pitch. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 1. 2. The distinguishing original qualities of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment shall not be substantially altered. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features is prohibited unless an immediate hazard to public safety exists. Finding: The applicant proposes to expand the existing enclosed porch area eight (B) feet to the east and approximately 30 feet south along the eastern edge. In addition, the applicant proposes a pitched roof above the garage to match the existing roof pitch. Finding: The Historic Commission provided comment stating that maintaining the original form of the home, classic bungalow, must be maintained including the eaves, overhangs, barger boards, siding, and trim and that the proposed lean-to roof would alter the original form. The Historic Commission suggested an alternative design and roof style that would demonstrate a modern addition while maintaining the classic double gable fagade could be supported. Lastly, the Commission stated that proposed addition would eliminate the bottoms of the gable barger boards. Finding: The existing detached house has two sets of windows on the west elevation that appear to be original; there are three small sash windows toward the back of the house; and under the lide gable there is a larger pair of sash windows. These windows shall be maintained and repaired as necessary as opposed to replacement. Finding: The distinguishing original qualities of the Historic Structure shall not be substantially altered. However, a revised addition to maintain the original qualities could be approved. 8l l-t9-0001 17-TYP2 Type II Historical Review Page 3 of 5 Condition: Prior to Building Permit approval, the applicant shall revise all elevations to maintain and re-use the distinguishing original qualities of the Historic Structure includingthe windows, eaves, overhangs, barger boards, sidingo and trim, subject to review and approval of Development Services. Conclusion: As conditioned, this proposal satisfies Criterion 2. 3. All Historic Landmark Sites or Structures are recognized as products of their own time. Alterations which have no historic basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance are prohibited. Finding: The applicant proposes to alter the flat roofgarage, accessed from the alley, to have the same roof pitch as the existing bungalow home. In addition, the applicant proposes to match the existing wood lap siding, trim and finish materials. Finding: It is unclear when the garage was added to the subject property but it construction appears to be in the 1970's era. Finding: The proposed garage alterations do not intend to create an earlier appearance than the existing detached house. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 3. 4, Changes that have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a Historic Landmark Site or structure and its environment. Where changes have acquired significance in their own right, this significance shall be recognized. Finding: As discussed above, the applicant proposes to alter the shed two-car garage to match the primary roof pitch and finish materials of the main detach home. Finding: The garage appears to have been constructed in the 1970's era with a shed style roof, batten board siding, and a newer era two-car garage door. Finding: The shed style garage has not acquired significance in its own right and therefore can be altered to match the primary residence. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 4' S. Distinctive stylistic features and examples of local or period craftsmanship which characterize a Historic Landmark Site or Structure shall be retained' Finding: As conditioned above, the distinctive stylistic feature and examples of local or period craftsmanship shall be retained. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 5' 6. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced. In the event replacement cannot be avoided, the new material shall match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and visual qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architectural features is based on accurate duplicate features, substantiated by historic, physical or pictorial evidence rather than on coniectural design, or the availability of different architectural elements from other buildings or structures' 8t t-19-0001 l7-TYP2 Type II Historical Review Page 4 of5 Finding: The applicant has stated that any deteriorated features will be repaired to the best extent possible but if they cannot be repaired then replace with similar materials will be used. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 6. 7. New design for undeveloped Historic Landmark Sites in the Washburne Historic Landmark District and for alterations and additions to existing Historic Landmark Sites and Structures are permitted when they complement significant historig architectural or cultural features and the design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material and character of the property, neighborhood or environmenL Finding: The site is developed, no additions or significant alterations are proposed for the historic structure or surveyed site conditions. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 7. 8. New additions or alterations to Historic Landmark Structures shall not impair the essential form and integrity ofthe structure. Finding: As demonstrated and conditioned herein, the building's form is not affected by the proposed reconfiguration. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 8. DECISION Type II Historical Review approval as ofthe date ofthis letter, WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE Upon completion, the applicant shall call Drew Larson at [541) 736-1003 or by email at alarson(Dspringfield-or.gov to photograph the building for City archives. APPEAL: This Type II Historic Review decision is considered a decision of the Director and as such may be appealed to the Planning Commission. The appeal may be filed with the Development Services Department by an affected party. Your appeal must be in accordance with SDC 5.3-100, Appeals. An Appeals application must be submitted with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to the applicant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. In accordance with SDC 5.3-115.8 which provides for a 15-day appeal period and Oregon Rules of Civil Procedures, Rule 10[c) for service of notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00 PM on August 21,2OL9. 8t t-t9-0001 17-TYP2 Type ll Historical Review Page 5 of5 JOURNAL OR JOB NTJMBER: NAME OR COMPANY: I,OCATION: TAX T,OTNUMBER: DEVEI.OPMENT TYPE: NEW DWELLING UMTS IMPERVIOUS AREA DIRECT RUNOFFTO CITY STORM SYSTEM A. REIMBURSEMENT COST IMPERVIOUS S.F. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET I 9-00 I 883-STR DAN AND EMILIE CHASE 918 C ST 17033sr3r0200 Residence 602.00 B. IMPROVEMENT COST COST PER S.F, $0.301 COST PER S.F. $0.437 COST PER Dzu $170.50 COST PERDFU s83.99 NUMBEROFUNITS 0 NUMBEROFUNITS 0 COST PER FEU $ l 3s.93 COST PER FEU $1,620.85 COST PER FEU $22.82 ADM. FEE RATE 5% AREA DRAINING TO DRYWELL 0 $444.28 $0.00 COST PER TRIP I 9.86 COST PER TRIP s377.40 s0.00 $0.00 s444,28 CHARGE l)) )) CHARGE $181 .20 CHARGE $263.07 NEW TRIP FACTOR 1.00 NEW TRIP FACTOR 1.00 x x x x x ITEM l TOTAL- STORMDRAINAGE SDC 2. SANITARY SEWER. CITY A. REIMBURSEMENTCOST: NUMBER OF DFLIS 0 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU'S 0 ADT TRIP RATE 9.57 x B. IMPROVEMENT COST: ADT TRIP RATE 9.57 ITEM 2 TOTAL. CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: xx x ITEM 3 TOTAL - TRANSPORTATION SDC 4. SANITARY SEWER.MWMC A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's 0 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S 0 C. COMPLIANCE COST: x x x x MWMC CREDIT IF (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATTVE FEE ITEM 4 TOTAL. MWMC SANITARY SEWER SDC SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3, & 4') 5. ADMNISTRATIVE FEE: SUBTOTAL s444.28 TOTAL STORM ADMINISTRATION FEE TOTAL SEWER ADMINISTRATION FEE: TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMIMSTRATION FEE: TOTAL MWMC ADMIMSTRATION FEE . I,OCAL 0 NUMBER OF FEU'S 0 T.OT SIZEISIZE MAX 45o/o $181.20 $0.00 s22.21 0.00 $0.00 $466.50 l09l t092 1093 1094 1054 r 055 I 056 1078 g.looU ql Fq1 oql -u PREPARED BY Steven Petersen DATE 8/2,/2019 TOTAL SDC CHARGES t-iiffiffi J 602.00 x DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTTIRES X TINIT EQUIVALENT = DRAINAGE FfiTURE UNITS FOR CAI-CU]-ATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL NO. OF FIXTURES I.INIT NEW OLD ALENTFIXTURE TYPE MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NLMBER OF EDU'S TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS IEDU isa toa 20 DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS 0 0 1979 MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED oN COUNTY AssEsSED VALUE unit set at 157 IS LAND ELGIBLE FOR ANNEXATION CREDIT? (Enter I for yes, 2 for No) IS IMPROVEMENT ELGIBLE FOR ANNEX. CREDIT? (Enter I for yes, 2 for No) BASE YEAR CREDIT FOR LAND ALUE $0.00 x $5.29 $o.oo x $5.2e TOTAL MWMC CREDIT $5.29 $5.1 I $5.12 $4.e8 $4.80 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 $3.22 $2.7s $2.2s $1.80 0 CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION)VALUE/ IOOO CREDITRATE $1.59 $1.45 $1.25 $1.09 $0.92 $0.72 $0.48 $0.28 $0.09 $0.05 BATHTUB 0 0 3 0 DRINKING FOUNTAIN 0 0 1 0 FLOOR DRAIN 0 0 3 0 FORINTERCEPTORS GREASE OIL SOLIDS ETC.0 0 3 0 INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND /AUTO WASH / ETC.0 0 6 0LALINDRY TUB 0 0 2 0CLOTHESWASHER / MOP SINK 0 0 3 0 (EA)CLOTHESWASHER - 3 OR MORE 0 0 6 0MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER)0 0 12 0 ATER STARECEPTORFORREFzuGw TION ETC.0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0DISHWASHERFORCOM.SINK ETC. SINGLE STALL 0 0 2 0GANGOF0020 0 0 3 0SINK:COMMERCIAL BAR 0 0 2 0 ATORYSINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAV 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 VATOR Y/RESIDENTIALSINGLELA BAR URIN STALL / WALL INSTALLAPUBLIC TION PRIV ATE INSTALLATION 0 0 3 0 YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT TE/$ I ASSESSED V ALUE BEFORE I979 1979 I 980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 I 986 t987 1988 1989 I 990 l99l 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 t997 1998 1999 2000 2001 a H SI mE tr Z1 D B u E tr t2 E 9t ax {. Check to see if there is a living area above the garage, if so, make note of 5/8" type X gyp board fire separation requirement Check for mechanical equipment protection (bollards) in the garage lf DETACHED garage is being built less than 3ft to existing structure it needs to have t/2 gVp board on the interior walls lf Garage is elevated, make sure columns supporting underfloor of garage are continous to footing (make note on plans) Check fire/sound separation assembly on 2 family dwellings Check for smoke alarms/Carbon Monbxide alarms (look on electrcial sheets if there aren't any shown on floor plan) Checkwall bracing ."liy1}ffiEb g>Gsrg1rl : :.. i ,.. . ' r:'! ri Check minimum room size Make sure that minimum bathroom fixture distances are met Check to make sure stairs meet code Check roofing materialt6ffi?1tj"r-in[EG€pqli:h lil,., metal, etc.) : _ . . Check for attic access and underfloor access on plans - CheCk beam SizeS EFr€-rJfrqg O€StaNJ 'r'r '' rP ; rr '* | I " Read over all the general notes to make certain that nothing was missed and there are no conflicts lF new SFD or ADU, make sure that Willamalane form is attached. Transfer all notes made by other work groups until there are two identical sets of plans (jobsite and city set) lnclude standard attachments : Exterior Wa ll Envelope Self-Certification Form Moisture Content Acknowledgement Form High-Efficiency Lighting Systems Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC) Noise Ordinance Notice Smoke Alarm Ventilation Requirements for Kitchens and Bathrooms Green Approved Plans Cover Sheet (Found under "Cover" in file cabinet) t on all new square footage, that a Fire SDC is charged. AddallinspectionsandfeesintoAccela(includinge) Stamp plans with the "Reviewed for Code Compliance" stamp, sign the approved by line and perforate Approve Building Review line in Accela & call or email application with fees due and attach placard to jobsite set Signed electrical application received rintouttheFeeScheduleandputitwithth@ntheoutsideofthefolder Put any inspection notes into Accela that need to be there before the plan is issued. Check off Project Log and enter today's date. ,.. . ; Make sureE 8 ail 'Iil t,,, 1tx a ADDRESS:.9\B C €rre.e<Plon Review Checklist mnp a mxlor , 17 - oB -3S -\a- \C)Z-CO PEnmr+: 8tl - lq- OOtBE3 - .<(tr* E Et ts tg E EI llt Eil E tfr Jt Enter data into project log Check address on plans is correct Check to see if LDAP has been issued. LDAP Permit # Read allcomments from otherwork troups to see ifanything needsto be considered during structuralreview. Check Setbacks on Site Plan Check RLlD to make sure taxlot matches what is shown on drawings, that topography lines are on the plans and that owner info matches Check to see if lot is sloped or flat - lfsloped, will back deck meet setbacks lf a new home is bein8 built at Mountaingate or River Heights, check the subdivision books to see if a Geo-Tech report is req. Check soils to determine whether or not a Geotechnical evaluation should be required r.F r.3uG 9 lfproperty is on septig check for proper setbacks from buildint to tank, distribution box, and leach field Make sure that property is not in Flood Hazard A affected property accordint to Mapspring (if it is we need 3 engineers surveys) re- r3-.o r Check that evefihing required to be engineered has engineering and that the stamp is current Check the truss packa8e and make sure it matches the plans (qty oftrusses, type, attachements)- lfthe numbering doesn't *match butthe uplift and reactions look correct it is OK. Falls underfield verify *Make sure that ifthere is HVAC equipment in the anic, the trusses were desitned to support it lf rafterframing, check spans Check to see ifanylhing over4000lbs.is bearinE down on strip footings. lf so this needs to be enlarged. check Hold Downs; hishriirit ti6rd ai*n, ioitr'" inip"ao, -par.-r*gB GGs I Grv Check Foundation Ventiry E <rg(GE- i.alrGranq, 6rroi$ - l{ol.ls 6 Checkfor propane tanks; Iook fo r setbacks, siesmic attachments, and protection of the tank. Make notes on plans with stepped foundations howfar back they need to be from the edge ofthe cut and the uphillcut, Check header sizes Check footin8 sizes F.rari{Fi-r..a- ,4-la--> r.A} Frbr J' Makesurethatif reb:ar'i, iri"a in"tii h"l rnini.ur"iorel. aeptfrs. l.rEi!.F \Lrtu F (y' Check energy code requirements ZC- *Make sure that insulation called out meets the eneagy code and ifnot make note ofthe required R value. *On additions/remodels where existint conditions come into play, see code section N1101.3 & table N1101.2 Check tempered tlazing (hazardous locations, windows in stairwell, within 24" ofdoor, etc) Check bedrooms for e8ress (window sizes, make surc that tarage door to house doesn'tgo into bedrooms) I a -t-I \il, ut aIa 8 .Et-@ SUNTUF' _ lnstallation Releren@ Appendix B: Load Support When designing the underlying slructure for your appli€tion, be sure to account for the following loading data: Suntuf Panels Support the Following Loads: Appendix C: Ll/arranty Suntuf Polycarbonate Panels carry a limited lifetime waranty not to lose more lhan 10% of their light transmission (when tested in ac@rdance with ASTI\.'|B-1033-77). They are also warranted for ten yea6 against impact damage (induding hail). For complete text of the Suntuf warranties visit the following internet page or contact Palram Americas Technical Support. http://M.PalramAmericas.com/Downloads 't1 H Cross Support Bracing 36"30"24"'16' Pounds Per Square Fool 20 30 40'50 ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE N1101.1(2) ADDITIONAL MEASUBES For SI: 1 square foot = 0.093 m2, I watt per square foot = i0.8 Wm2. a. Appliances located within the building thermal envelope shall have sealed combustion air installed. Combustion air shall be ducted directly from the outdoo$. b. All duct joints and seams sealed with fisted mastic; tape is only allowed at appliance or equipment connections (for service and replacement). Meet sealing criteria of Performance Tested Comfort Systems program administered by the Bonneville Power Administration @PA). c. Residential water heaters less thaa 55 gailon storage volume. d. A total of 5 percent of al I{VAC system's ductwork shall be permined to be located outside of the conditioned space. Ducts located outside the conditioned space shall have insulation installed as required in this code. e. The maximum vaulted ceiling surface area shall not be greater than 50 percent of the total heated space floor area unless vaulted area has a [/-factor no greater than U-0.026. f. Continuous air barrier. Additional requirement for sealing of all interior vertical wall covering to top plate framing. Sealing with foam gasket, caulk or other approved sealant listed for sealing wall covering material to stnrctural material (example: gypsum board to wood stud framing). g. Table Nl104.1(1) Standad base case design, Code UA shall be at least 8 percent less than the Proposed UA. Buildings with fenestration less than 15 percent of the total vertical wall area may adjust the Code UA to have I 5 percent of the wall area as fenestration. c[w w K"r(s Nuud-l fif C sl )r^ C[,** S,/ l- 7/ F e ti 5 435 oo oEo =b9 5696!o Eaul- 0) CL -9o tr.l 1 High efficiency walls Exterior walls-U-0.045 IR-21 cavity insulation + R-5 continuous Upgraded features Exterior wa11s-U-0.0571R-23 intermediate or R-21 advanced, Framed fl oors-U-0.0261R-3 8, and Windows-U-0.28 (average UA) 3 Upgraded features Exterior walls-U-0.055/R-23 intermediate or R-2 1 advanced, Fiat ceilinge-U-0.017iR-60, and Framed fl oors-U-0.026/R-38 4 Super lnsulated Windows and Attic OR Framed Floors Windows-U-O .22 (Tiple P ane Low-e), and FIat ceilinge-U-O.017/R-60 or Framed fl oors-U-0.026/R-3 8 5 Air sealing home and ducts Mandatory air sealing of all wall coverings at top plate and air sealing checHis{ and Mechanical whole-building ventilation system with rates meeqing M1503 or ASHRAE 62.2, and All ducts and air handlers cqntained within building envelope" or AII ducts sealed with mastico 6 High efficiency thermal envelope UA9 Proposed UA is 87o lower than the code UA o @6^oo =cco .=o 6 ..:g>-o 6 lLtEIoo A High efficiency HVAC systema Gas-fired furnace or boiler AFIIE 94Vo, or Air source heat pump HSPF 9.5/15.0 SEER cooling, or Ground source heat pump COP 3.5 or Energy Star rated B Ducted HVAC systems within conditioned space All ducts and air handlers contained within building enveloped Cannot be combined with Measure 5 C Ductless heat pump Ductless heat pump HSPF 10.0 in primary zone of dwelliirg D High efficiency water heaterc Natural Electric gas/propane water heater with UEF 0.85 OR heat pump water heater Tier 1 Northern Climate Specification Product 2017 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE Er.+c.rsrrch-f;ra- dALr . ILS( lcr1rs lq - 3G G I ProxeeR ExcrxrrRtNc LLG P.O. Box 232 Springfield, OR97477 Phone (541)746-5641 Fax (541)393-265r Lateral and Vertical Calculations for Remodel of Historic Residential If ome Location:E697OPE 918 C Street OREG Springfield Oregon E)PIRES: l2l3llt9 DATE: 9l20ll9 Design Criteria: Sheet Index: 2017 ORSC &2014 OSSC I cover Seismic Design Category Dl Dl_D3 Details Wind Speed: 120 mph Ll-LtO tateral Calculations Wind Exposure B Vl-Vl I Vertical Calculations Roof Loads: DL: 15 psf / SL = 25 psf Floor Loads: DL : 15 psf / LL: 40psf / Ll.(attic) :29 Ou, Attic & Bonus Truss: DL:30 psf Wall L,oads: DL = 8 psf. Bonus Trusses Not Reviewed By This Office Rtol = vrolroz 3{qO lb (Se,1y-,.1 2 Rroz VrGlr02 I Vroa q G70 lt (S.,.^,") a R to{ :Vror lo.l + Yro.t + 2 v losloo t Vroc, + 2 lq - 3qc Vrot ros :Ssqo lh (se,s*."1 z L3 R<oc{.ons 2 Bros - v.orto.l t{olo ( s" rs*, ") Rros f,roryos +f ,oS,rc 3j6O lt (wt",l) t- fl,oc Vroet(r? z 3qq O lh (."o*," \ R,q . frocro?G3o lL ( w,hd )z Rror : + 2 Rrro'Rrot l33o tb (*."4 ) Ftr,rr f ,F,oq,,o (w,,a )t 330 tL 2 R. ro1 = V rot ',' ( b)v,;: 3,{ {o tb ( s",r-,") R,,, s vrsg,,, ([)zq 80 tb (ser1rr,") 2 Rro, " ?r., ' G1o lt Rro> ' Fzoz = Gg6 lb Rzo3 : Fzo3zoul = 2cr|O lL R.ao\ = Rrol : )olo lb lq-:qc lY\S\1tu6 coNDrT[o|trs Rro,r R,oS Se,s p't, a (E) sDc D V,o",oo ' (o.z7g) lzo prr) (sa')( zc') : v,oc,o; " (o.ze{)(2"psf) (a.)(,q') : W,^{ (e )E*p E F loSi toc = Slco tL : laGo lEt ractot Reos{sc,6s ( e) Rtoa = Fros,.,c * frocro-r 3s to rb L1 I I t11I Rroc Rtor R,oo(p-p) - R,,oc (E) e.,o. ( e) 11c o tb 77o tL z 't [au"^" wall rcvrsroh rsqur r",.l ] I I I n -TGG Ls: Desiqn of Shearyvalls Okn: Ht. D..kn: Sh€rhLgi i,ldho: C. 0.57 0,c0 leM Op.'l Ht Dc.d Lo.d 15.0 4.0 94t8FT g LS#T $ Fs! H.hht 33 *DruE! o*tunhe 4,7mL8iFT LEfT Rcnh! 6.345 L!'FT IBfr urli NffE ffid Flnd: t il, AdJusted Sh€r;201 LBrFT irar, Haight:Wldti Raio ?.8 Ehs. tlax. AdjurH Shun 5t l.B fT ire Helohtwldlh Ra6o 1.0 L6nrU OF6Ht h.dL6d %Fu[Hohhr 16.0 4.0 qLa/FT B g L6FT rcvrcr ftci Xu. Adjusbd Shor: 1t8 LBrFT llal Hsightwdth R.do 2,3 LngG opaHt D..dLoJ *FuaH.tir 1r.o 5.0 gtB/Ft tm gLBtrT *OMSI WASHER 12OO0.88 1.00 ilA itA 0.6e 1.00 s: 9!E F xt sw: SG Ht NA 8.! 6"o.c. Edges, Unblocked 156 LB,FT 0.00 0.5? Auld Sh.frtE: ffig: C. Prrni Snchhg: Nrln i Co UrA iloN: O@fthc a,740 Lg.[ Bfr M0 !,l37l"BrT LBfr wAsHa 1200 *rr, [ffi------,Tf NtA Cr.n R.b o-71 ofi Ed 6"o.c. Edgo3, Blocksd 250 LBFr mmhg RdE Uri Lm 14.40018.Ff 3.4I2LB.FT 1.007!9 MSTC4{' 3600 Lr ?tirA 1.00 L8'FT LBTT rcU&]I-CA il 25 LBil ti [ *;ct 3 wxD: ,t(4a ncREAcE . r..?ao . rs LBiFrfauot.@ E E 2 2i8 LEtr-----= fxA *--.-l3 -=TNA -2 7.(8t 7trF €A LG Deslan of Shearwalls B!!: tlu. Adiustad Shoar:173 LEIFT lla. HelghEwdth Ra[o 1.6 \ q- 3GG 8,q 9"o.c. Blsi3f Bocked 260 LBFr 3W: qlEs HI, F & % Fut H€tht 8€ rw0 IS LB'FT PeriB Shdlhhg: Nrhg: oF.. tue & o-58 !.m ktumhs R.GUng 41,8m LE.FT 4,87s LB'FT LB.Ff LB'FT Up16 iloN= PMtr! LqgS Op€n Hl had Lod 6.0 1.O 2S L8F *LAtrT Llil $..r: Lonan OosnHt oEdLMd &.5 7.0 '50 LB/IT sstrT Uil E ar: WASHER 12OO 1r2'X10" 1it50 LB' t{AIrfA0.00 100 ttracHoF w,p,""r..o.c. Fdn. Llr sw: *"b F6. Lh. 8l{l gEs fdr lh EWl gis L.notnlE lr*AdJmtEd Shffi AB LBrFT tls, Hetghclvldth Redo 3.0 Sh.iSh!: Mhgr Co *-l * Ful HdSnt OPd Rib 0i 0.58 fDrviol 0.m ,D5 IEIFI Ed 6'o.c. Elgsa, Blocksd 260 LB,FT Mfrhg n€.iel}9 US o.r3 $.t40 LE'fr 52.eEg L8'FT 127 LB WASHER{2OO LB'TT ll.FT *tlv/ol NA I zxrm wl Plr*p:CUSTS sta, L. = #, lE 8d ?'o.c. Edg.a, StaggEted, 4x Baocked, Soth Siides !&CE9IS Mmhs Rlsry UdE r1J4LB 4,H!3'r #lBft {3.stLg xBFl mvol LBTTT 1,00 E!4 trail. AdJustad Shear: 1,163 LSrfT Lsgh OFnHt, OFrL.ngs -ffipl,""r.so.r. o.tu: $dEbgl k0iH! idn. aw: ? xt. F Br h6aq k 1.33 FT 1-33 5 ,,16 L&F i6 Fsl Hsirnt #01vr'0! 302 L3rT Drd Load &s/r llou14 PAB7,dGE8.5,F=13 L3^FT ffi&I I| TRSIUIRE Y ior REOI;RS ":1 2 g-lEu 8.0 IT 18.O FT Ll& Sh.r; Hil, Ad.,usted Shffir; 357 LBrFT it* Seighawidtn Rafo 2.7 6 SCHOn W/9'p'Xr(_Wreff S PSNG: r ffl,*"n."o." i6rorAl) lEiE Sh.!Shg: khg: ft 0.#: Shoslhhs: uho: & 8d {"o,c,:does, Blochod 380 LE/FI Lcryh Ops il hsd L6d 26.5 7.A dL&rT Op.r Rae Otrtumhg tud6tint 67.0m LErFf 10.m3 LB.FT l,rplh 1,'S LB sLB/n HTT4 3610 LB 0.& 0.,e 100 : ENcHoRwrsm.wsERspsNc: LB''T L8T] #DMrcI il/A ffi,*"r.uo.". Flndr ilax. Helghtwldt: R.tl. t,3 ?nr sa 8d 4'o.c. Elscs, Blockod 380 LArFT WIXD: 40* I&RSSE. 1i5S = 532 L3rfr {2) MSTCllrGO, L. = l7'lr8', fiten 2 - co'ror fm- ---I trIA Lrn8h Oge H!. Ds€dLora 7.5 94 !B/rt *FurHlbht Op€nee 1@ 0.00 10Nrc! 0.m c2a rE Ft tu&nhg s,600 6.fr LAfr ReSg 1,S6 LBfr LE'F'gLA/FT Llne Sh.tr: 1-m udfi 5,0a5LE 1.0c Fdn.Lln! Irnllti:'r'iiijiiirin irrl"intii: weJxii srlisd* I f]],*"*ru o.^ 75 1 4.5 LB H ?6C@ 2C.O 24 3-5 3.5 ,flf, BE 50 s,5 ,Ei 7.4 7.5 EI #i*'r--I f NA -..**..*-: &r-*= f * -***-3 1,|il. Holghtwldth f,3flo 2.3 ^t TB l1- 3ae L7 Desion of Shearrvalls sE, E GM: Ht aw: F Ht HT olaE Sh{filB: e}{: Alrhs ShSltrg: lffis: Fd., Lln. 8wr CI@ Fda. Ltr 3Wt Se Fdn.Lh. sw: gi!4 Fdn. Lln. aw: gaa 1r NCXfrWTlIO, Ia!ft OpoHt OpnLarO 20.0 7.0 fr 3,0 FT 86rdtr hL 1.S FT 1.s FT a5lsr &d Lsd gLBE g LBM Eb4 I'ls, AdJustod Shear:347 LBrFT lla. Hdght:Wldth RaUo 3.5 ft{ Uac Adjuatrd Shs 252 BrFT lla. Helghl:Wtdth RaUo 2,8 I-raffi p,*"resoc. Tttr;;Q PlorS[ipr CS,BShp, L. ! lr, E 8d 'l'o.c- Edges, Elock.d 360 LSFT 8IILEE OEeds Ro*tE Urri 1,60L8 39,mIBTT 1128018'FT 1/a!r LB MSTCMTO, Le = l7-lr8', Trten 2 ,ovrot B'fl LA'FT ,Drvrol tdf nfOUnO --. ,MITREOURE -:i Aiq &ahn: $ahh!: tlalbg: ffidd r.s I 1.€r A2L#T Ds.d Ld UWT g LBF PkFG odhh EI LB 6.OOLBfT ,ONNI LBE tursn p:CCI!ltq br t3'.U 8d 5"o.c. EdSar, Blockrd 28{, LE FT HTT4 35IO LB ssTsl636t0LB ' LBfT 'DryEI tOTR&LlRB v TOTRBIURE) try6 Ops Hr Opm tegb 2.5 7.0 FT 3.0 [ R.sO Urlh lru LEfT "& LE Elrdi [& AdJusted Shoar: 3t3 LBrFT ll&. Holghtwidtft Rado 2.5 L{gh Ou Xt Chs tryh H.dor DB 8.0 5.0 m 4.0 [ 1.33 FT p,n"*."o.". 8d 6-o,c. Edges, Bockod 260 LBFI PhLErc Odmins R.ddn0 Ublt Hotsos MM, 05.LB ,!,3@18.fl 1,a6B.Fr ia?E HTT,I36lOLB , SSiAtSrStOt_g _ ,DV/ot LB'FT LBE t0v/0t t{oT REIIIRED -T{)T RECIURED .:J fl,*cn." tur Sbp:Cgltstq. L.- lr, & rr c-o PLY 8d 5'o.c. &gos, Aock.d 280 LB,FT ---3 E4 EtrT g L8F 333 LgF Era ll.L Helghtwldtfi Raoo 3.3 L6gfr OpnHl &dlod *F!!8dgnt {.0 7.0 sLffi ti!4 Hil, Adjusted Shear: 266 LBrFT lru. HalghtHdth Ratto 2.0 o.c- HT 96hq Stotrbci Nrho: Co Ps! *!hlng: Na*E: Co gt3/FT SLe i tr;wffiNrsiFrcnmrE] f!,*.x*o". a lavtrr 9ffi OF Rdb 0.70 0.@ OdrhhC g.rm 18fr Rrffig €.I4IEfr LBfi uFn ME WAS}ER 1l2'r(0" 1iL50 LB ' iwrcr t{/A v tgA f-rr@ jl mXD: e*lilCRffi!! ,.426r!d L&[ 8d S'o.c. Hges, Blocted 260 LB/FI 0.t€ 1.O 18fr F HI 1.n9fr OFn HL DEd Lod s.0 e Bil q LBFT Lle oiE; ,aFuI H.hhl 1@ fDv/0! 2BLffi OpRe om 0.s i s,3@ L8.FT BTT upfr 2.616 LB tN/orr.00 76 U.FTro0 095 HTT4 36.t0 L8 :l l-ssrur63oioLBl f r{A ------- .II t{rA "rh rrsci<iiriirm.iilrensprcrrc, _;1_r fl,*.n."o". L8'FT ffft 8d 6-o.c-Etlses, l,.hblocked 15€ LEIFIHt ti!{ flu. Adjlsted Shff ll8 LE/rT iru. Hetghl:Wldth Rstio ,l,8 PEtse $o$ine: i&!6C: CoLanlh OEnHr D.rdld 19.0 to tsBm 5.3 150 LtfT OFtub os BM i8,7s3 18fi 0,sr tB'Ft 10,2€ LB.FT 1.S1LB'FT i. Ful Hdg}r 89 Uplft 131 lB wAst€R 1200 013 LA 1200 Lr-,. . adchq i- ia;lr rlso LB f | ^ la-'x10'^1r50 rb w I L! . 1!0 i.00 2_O 30 17 LA ? c@E 2.4 2.5 TA 2.O 2.4 n 10.0 3.5 6_0 LB fl 50 !8 n 7.5 ,.5 2d.5 10' Lffi Itr ACBOR f]11,n",,"o" '""h z ? Sw ro3 f = lolo lb G cl,pr \,aphrejm / ,*r, Cauccloo L8 .lrps e G" o-c. , *op plalc to *rr^*t futl -}uor.,lnl locolr'-s cl,F e 'l[o o's' , {op 7le}c to J^ass notr {r^tl - l^arXln* losatroor l1 - 3cc [^.. [, G:.0 trf4,, L'3S S\ry toy F : Ss16 tb l le ^36 ' ? clrpf [nSS d,? e :z1" 0.c., tup pl.tc {. t*rrl Ctrt '71,, L= lE s' sw los Sw loG : t{ scrawg F = 3t1o tU ( r so>(rp) G cl rp 6 t3 bo lL t A3S cl,p r, @ -r " o..., (rrt(f.) t .1o,st/Lt"ct,r1 F = grco('7.) : lrqg r!HSrczE St'op, b.au lo {op plrt"] 7.1 x t'/"" sDs @ tC'o.(. , grrt(U) t. Jo,sl /hlo.I-r. I t t 3l t(r-pso- l',tR.F p 4htL.ors (z) sp...a - **.,,, _ ]- , .. 21 " o.. , {tf pr.u" t t*i l,(;) srtl +, (g).,-for,rd LstA 30 S|.rp a{ '/1 rti ,/ar, sD6 jo rst , tu? plolc (E) *o +f flr-ll dr*r.i-1 l eru tb/r1,, f = 3i1o f = 3tto A3S .lrps e and a* t I (*)' ,1 [ Sr:xpscen qRFP arrtlngs (:) eiu-ll5 € ar"o..-, s,ll (rv) *o Lbol",.3 l I l (:so 161 o 1 : J schrws s pacad lq - 3GG C"lle cfor Co'\l"r'^s4 L1 Dto Y?r,Lvt sw toE f : l33o lU Z clrpS cl r pt e 21 'o. c - *,-,^sr {. +rp pl.r.l; fnrs TR 36 Sfr.p , t-ao. +o;.Irs Gto tLf6,u L=\, Sw reX (o".1) F ' t3to tb f,rrF (+:(t)( ra psf ) , qlo ,u 5w loq Led )Sw 16 z 0.a l"F pt-t" [nca - fnuu - tgre p.,$+ cap ] *5f" fs| h*] I r".' +U* hor.6ov {o to ? p,d.l I J ) L= to'Wu, (rspsr')(:)' rS 't/r+ W o " ( zs psr) ti )' rzs r%t R = fwo r w.l (g) : zro rL ;. [r r o ttt f, 2 p,T. wt2,, *l (r) soszszrz oF ( r) sDs?.5 300 IJ0lL' o. < 11 - 3GG D*C"l leclot Gntr ",.reJ F ' 3't ro (*) " tz'10 lL Sw ro1 (u."u ) F=3yro L 2C : llio lL tt'a p +,ip p la{e *o U"o* I Lto Draph 5W tog ; [r-srn ao fup ( * )(q')(r.ps()' s\o tb Ir" tr' p"s{ ."p J 7,ul b{"1 Ir*'n,r +" &p fl"Fl ().'. Lr.- +Jr. .: [nru - t Lr4S' SW ttO F . t330 tb 0ro lb/.1,, L* 8' F 3 Jlro r5 Z sl rps G olrps :,,[-na5 ctrps g \!'o.c-r*r,^ss +"1 [ +". ptal. ] swroQ/s* rrr ( sW^, coMrRoLS)\ 3s ct,ys e ),t ' o :. CE) -:,tl ta I E) r,rr^Loc.-l t ( s) n'r, I o-d r i Ia'lr 9 Cl'? F ; J.rto (lsoXrp) 7 scr-.r^,s tl1" * 1'/>" sDs C z-.\,,o.. .{n) s,tl to l t f = 3jro f t=: uerp ctr'- L t -' -' 5 ! t -'tPs sP"od ur*.uu ,l L' e.s ' .2H" wL : luolb,FtT [f.t DFfl2 h.^dr4 (z) 2x f*,--", ] Sl,rp ff1 Aaoluo*c lq- 3GG Wu-- (2'X3opsf) + (rz)(rf"f): tco tt/o ws " (z')(zspsf) " to 'b/fi WD = lcO tb/E1 ws = so tLfet V' rllot R I t * Z 27o lb l Hrn 2 L = 3.o' H = hL' : lyo lb.ft 6 R=wL = 3La It 2 [,, t Dr .ry -z t -,] [,,> f s+', 24 ttrr-"r] f Ft: - RJc-1*,'tc] -Hro3/xro{ H L: 3 s 1260 rL Ft R. . vrL t.l.lo lt [r-t Drtz h.ad..] .zhL s wb = ( ?') (t" pst) * (rz) (t psr ) ' lqo t)"/€r ws " (*')(zs psr) , 33o rL4+ 2 I (z) z" *'rn rwor l [ .+., p fil - ede,1,^o]" H ros [ = l8's' 3 l.,l . wL s looo lL.fl T' 3.s' x lz GLB V&l \..4*] R= wL :t{so lL z l ll- sae InlD = f.'Xso psf) + (rr.Xa p.r) , tCo trh ws ' (z')(zs psf) , Eo 'r{e+ Yz t (z)*r trvrr'voY2r o6 t t ttr St',p f+3. Aa"quale] wo. t6o 'bl€* wr = so'b4+ ' Ir,> j, f s+,,* L= 3S H=t' t -- 3to tl" 'g* I 'lr6 Df I a t*"{rt ] R hA z : 3?6 rb Lx ttrno*.r] flt- n4'1*alc] tl rm HtoX l: 3.S H' !!' : l2co tu Ftt [l.f bF f,: h.*.i"'] R *: : ll"|{O [c L rr: ?x t.,r,.*."1 wo = trolL/a, ws=ble, 13" f st., p fil . ad..quq,lc llro 1 L. S.S , 1,1=d" 8 lq - scs v3 Wo. (*')(s" esf) + (cltrpsf) : Zso tb7* yyr. (r'* ,')(.s prF) ' ?s rL/r* wD = {!')trs rur) + (e'Xrpsr) + (*,)(rsrsr) . z1otbkl Y{s : (i )f zspsf) u ({}tas pr€) -- .r3o ,r/o wr = (yr')(rs'psf ) o (41(,s prr \ t (:.)rspsf ), roorb/f* v'Js' (%')(rsprr) + 6-3 1(rsrf) = r2s ,rtrn R' wL ., ft4 zr *.,-*,r ] ': [s+.,p f+r, fid"{"r}e] Hllo rz 3o ;t fI ['{rt bF az h.,a",] qoo h L'G R = vll ; zt3o rL 2 fl , wLt = 3zdo tb.f+T {r lo Df # z }*.J*,Jt L 12)t l Zx *rtnnnnclr ftr. "d.1 ,r*$a] l Str,3 l'lill L, C" M = wL" : loao lb Fr I [',-o br *2 h.-d""] f,: wL : 6io lb z " Ir.: zx *.,,...or] , f s{', p ffl. .d.1,*o*" J tq -3ce vq [rrt DF *z u..,rer) R=tt . ggo Wb= tut%* Ws = too lt/el wo' (*'\(,sprr) + (?j(srnsr\ + (rr,Xsrsf) , sro ru4 w.'(3')(.sp.r) * (*')1.g pof) " 11o tol.. wo = (r') c rspsr) * (F'X3o*r\ + il .)(tp'r) = ,lr .rifrrt; ws = (''l(.spsf) + (*')f rs r.r) = 110 rrr* Htt3 L= 3 S 14 = Ult , z.16 tL-f I B H tt1 I 'lrt bF fiz hra4*l f,: trL 3Bo lL2 (")t L ?n *rr *.rv,c r l st., p f+3 . ^do1,"o*e ] 1.4 t wL1 :l?o rt. 6t - L ' 3,S ) I IL ft.: zx *r,16*,6.y l I s]"1 p tl llo C*, aJt,lrote ] L:3,s' H' wLt =CGo tb ft E tr*g DF #z \=od".] B = I L ' 'lG6 rb2 ; ftr1 zl t,,..-cr] .: [5f n p f*J edel,dc ] 11- scc Vs Httz P1 L' 5.s 'toa lL/cr lts lo/r* Ws' !{t',e \^, L R 8so lr Fr 6 In "l DF fle hc^dc,] =WL: GZolt ? I t a) 24. st"rp ftg ttr**"rg ] ,d1..ok1 3ro tt €l Htl t l'{ ' wL' 8 [rr, br Hz ],..d-,] lL't: : 33o rb 2 i, LLz) 2t trrrnrncr , sl"lr fi utrt f *tts / H 'c Wo = (z'+,")(u n"{) + (s')qrpsr\. lo ,rG+ W: = (,' t r')( zs psf ) = 75 lL/gr l.r.l.1r.ol..] \{D = (+')(rs orr) + (r')(t nsf ) . ts 't/r+ Y{s = f+')(rs orrl , too rL&+ L=\.s' l4 = xlt = glo tt .fr B R-:\L = {zo 2 I r, f bf fr .z [,*r"rl "'Lst.,p f{3 cdq,^nf.l H lts l: tl.s' IL Hrzt L'3s' 4 RRrot L= l'l H= wL',t\Io6 tb ft It) 2x tr,*t"r] f s+., p f{1. cdrlro}" ] H'r! " 3so lt f+ ltrg bF tz 1,..a..] R--tL = too tb $-3GG Y6 Wo = too lL/r+ Ws ' l=S tt/Cl wD = (r.)( rs p,r) + {}l(rc err) s zro th/r+ wr : (,') tr$psf) + (.|i,)[es psF) : r10 rul* w u = { t')(zoprf ) .(# )(ro rnt\ . tso tblfi W)*(f Wro+*l = .lcS tL/O wo = (1')('s err) ' ro tt/et ws'(*'Xrseof) : nS ,b/et 8 [,t" x t..-" GLa v,r &= wL SzOo rt E .? ''Lt ) z* I s]., r f*S t"rrxfr.<"r I o4.1,roto ] R Stor L= lo' H.*Lt : 23zo lL 8 f+ Ir'r fir tsr p,r. ,r,n,] * =Lt : qes rb z '.fl*r HF *2 f.T. h,.] Isr.r. (E) 4dr1u4+-€ ] ,l- r ao30 tb.['+ Ir*r Hr re p.r. *,^1 !.!)1oo lu f+ [1- 3cs wo. (?')( ts ,,r) : ls 'o/pt ws = (91(zs osf) ' lzs ,l/* ,,lo = (i') (,u p.f) = 1ot\lg+ w,-. (g')(ro psf)' lxo tt/e+ VI l.l Rero3 RBlo L"'l F L= 1 t F Z P.T. ,,.1 '. lt,t hr Bz ?.T r,,,.1 I st"u (E) ^a.o-1*o{,I Dg tor DB IOZ H=gtt: ZSlOtb.6l ['r"r Hr Bz Pr. n,^] R: wL = n3O fb z Y,('{ HF f S+,,. ft3. ad.1o^t ] \Tror L- 1' H..,L" z JtO tL F+ v :. lz, c c*d,r ;ors|1 al6.o I w5 w I ' ({'t 1ro psr ) ' = (g)(ro e.+) :L ,s lu/e+ 5s '%r \ ft: w! " 3,s lL [r-us - +3e.h".6-. 'l' l.ayv I h=wL' . G3o ltF+ l{ - 3ce Wtr = H)7ro ys(\ , ts rb/et uVs = (#1("s rrf) ' 3s rb4! V8 Rsrorl RJ,oe L= lo' t L Rs irL 1 ZSo,b Hr tz P.I nfters ot^9] Pr,lr ^1 ol,"g 1 I Z* C t xY ,r f t us - br [,o^g., {d l-40""] Hzo 1 t JX8 DF flZ t*-dr--] 31o 'b zx *.,-*.,.] 11 -zcc v1 Wo = (:'+ ,')(,s r'r) + t{)(trrr) = ioruftr {Vs' (u't}) [zS Fst)' rs lt/* wo = ('*')(rs psr) r (r.)(r prf) -- 2zo tLle+ ws ' ( T)t zs plr) = 3zs "'/g L= S' 14=WL': {Go lt.f} 8 R y! z [.. tl20z aL= to H* \[t. 6 CAz-o rL Fl f I s" ^ 1" v.{ 6LB oy G r lz DF d z t...dn]l R. = wL = 2730 tb t Irrl zx tr,r,r""rl 2 fr Hzo fl zo [: q.s 'Wb = lo tt/F+ \Nt* 7S,L/fr M= wtiT - [.,,, = 31O 15.9 NF t+z t.'..*"] +'33orr (2) zx {.rr...rr,ovt l H zo5 t--- 3S' h' "rL" = 83SrF 'Fl 6 ,[f 'r Dr fz t*i*,f &.wL It ' 3qc \ = zzo rbTr* vrs ' 3aS l\lft Wo . ('oZ) ( rs prr) n. w; : (16lo)(arpsf) r vlo : lco lr z Rf tos L' t3' i,t , wLz lsco tU.6l { L zxE [trl rr tv,r'*" ] R? !L = fgsrb [g.r' 6^ 'u/o2o 3o 't/r* z nf 4z r,n.] -t"p pleFc - or - boor', - ir - Uso LUS - l5r. r,,o"gu ] l)-36(VIr RArreP.5 ui C-tsu-r^,(, Tt55 L: 26' ( lL) z>.+- € Z+" o g- + Ra t K. RAFTER W/ COLLAR TIE CALCULATION INPUT: .UTPUT: WALL TO WALL DIST. TOP OF WALL TO ROOF PEAK DIST. COLLAR TIE TO ROOF PEAK DIST- SIIOW LOAD ROOF DEAD LOAD POINT LOAD AT PEAK SPACING OF MFTERS 26 FT. RAFTERCLEARSPAN r5.8 9 FT- UNIFORM EQUIV, VERTICALLOAD 76 9 FT, ANGLE BETWEEN GRAINAND COLLAFTIE LOAT 35 20 PSF. HORIZ.DIST,BETWEENCOLLARTIEANDWALL O.O,I5 PSF. HORZ.DIST.BETWEENCOLLARTIEANDPEAK I3.O O LBS. 24 INCH. VERTICALREACTIONATWALL AXTAL LOAD tN COLLAR TtE CTENS|ON) IT,OMENI IN MFTER FI. PLF, DEGREES PER }IDS 8.3.' THETA FT. FT. 994 LE. 718 LB. 1479 [A..FT. 5r51cK (e) Q Z-*" 6c- Q. =e^ ov- zx-l- RlrFrc.<t "/ Zxa Sc <-t,x-c 10 (Ef z_x + 5\ {r66c {€D D13 }+A*l ro RA}TCRS Q<.)^^^{(),\./) €- <C.rl-r.p( L-< v<t- (aJ to) e;ALu €nzr: tvtiu "st an u./ALr- |tsuzcx a (\J r") A-t:f2 2J( ? (-(rtLr jvc 'ttr 2;r ro IL.AI3T€'P- <A^/A/CCT TOGCT L\C}L EActr €/vD I I l60 tr\-rs )t 7-x '*i C -.r L,nNL Tre BCAY. *r ()N ?.25 3 'st 6 Dr*z- € M (=ry) = O".s'.',-t) ( r+=:1 ( Lc Z+n oL or.fr ) Job J't042Sll Thr Trus Co., Plate Otrsets (X,Y)- LOADING (ps0TCLL 25.0 (Roof Snow=25.0)TCDL 8.0BCLL O,OBCDL 7.O LUUBER- TOPCI.IORD BOTCHORD WEBS OTHERS Tru9s A TGR Eugff. ORgr4m Truss Type GABLE Oly P, crse. om 2 ,too 14 14-14 lnc. Thu X 10'.24:52 -2{4 244 &r0-4 1104 8-5-2 4$-14 13{O 44-14 17+14 4$-14 21 264{ 444 28{)4 2{4 t1294fl.87 Scato = 1;65.1 1.5x4 ll 4x6 .- 4.Oo [it 4x12 . 1 5x4 I 3x4 j.5x4 li I g .t0 11 12 4x12 : i.Sx,t l4x16'- STS :i u .o ; i, *k J srrrorrre t sriss^r2 sxs I s l tJ . si{ -- srl?.sl)2 ;''-.j 17. 15 iS re sxs I , r. I rilu - ." rr, *lt u.-'.'" fu .6rrr ..': ,o'|r,tru,,L. , w: . W5 r' _ . . - W,: sTr td 1.514 = 3i 3s 30 42 gz 2E ,:i40 ilrir *o r 1.sx4 r 416 ::::: 1.5x4 I 4x,r Jr 1$(4 ll. s#7 ;, ^ _^ ,,4rt0 ll ' 5L t.sx4 1.sr4 I t.sr4 saleut, 3rJ2 ll w, \*w3 i:11 li g*o ev,.' {ji il" ,,osr, *'" - sttg 1744 4r ' ,ro:-l t u.t \3Jr6 25 Sxl 4 9q 9 o I PI.ATES MT20 MT18HS GRIP 220t195 220t195 4 : 24 8x'15 MT16HS = in (oc) 4.40 23-25 4.52 23-250.01 21 {.34 23-25 23 6xl,l ll !q l104 21-t-12 26{4}10-4 17.9€ 4 4 , [1'l:0'$1,0'$12]' [I5:G&12,0-2-a], [16:e$1,0-0-121, tr7:0-s-1,0+121, I1B3.s-1;0'{r2r, iigo-iii,G1-12J;t2r:o-3-s,0-1-Bl, i2i o-i+,0-r+1, E3:0-r-o.0,s,1-12J, l2s:0-9-12,01{21, t26S-3{,0-1{j, F9:0.1-12,0-1.0i, iarO-z-o',o_o-tiljaao_r+.0+-t4- sPACrilG- 2{-0 Phb crip DOL ,.15LumberDOL 1.15 Rep StBss lncr NO Codo lRC2015/TP12014 2x4 DF No.z 2x12 DF SS 2x4 OF No.z 'Excepf W8,W7,W6,W4.}1/9,Wt0,wt 1: 2x4 DF Stud 2x4 DF Stud 'Excspf 5T16:2x4 DF No.2 t&,atnM NO - lr.r{y ffi1 4,rffi .r lor MiIek and cst. TC BC WB Vort(CT) lloz(CT) AtticMatrix-SH 0.45 0.90 0.86 DEFL. Vort(LL) BRACING. TOP CHORO BOT CHORD WEBS JO'NTS Udsfl Ud>775 360>589 240nla rda623 360 Welght 798 lb Fl =2O% Structural wood sheathlng dirgcuy applied or 6{{ oc purtins, except end v€rtc€ls. Rigid ceiliqg dirEcfly apptied or 104{ oc bractng.l Rowatmldpt 2-21,19-21 I Brac6 ar J(s): 30, 31, 32, 34, 38, 3S, 43, ,t8 Pro rrc.er Jv "{es REACTICNS. (tb/size) 2r=2237n-SA (min. G2"1 r ), 2i=2224!0-54 (min. 0-2-l 1) Max Ho?z 27=2i(LC 9) Max Grav 2J=0I(LC rz), 21=asE!Lc 1t) !9!C-!.Sj _ Jlb) - Max. Comp./t ax. Ton. - Ail turces 280 (tb) or lsss sxept rfien shown.roP cHoRD 2-3=-2286tO,3-4*28300, +5=-27S0lO; 5:6-1946/13, b-50=-1924/15, 7-50=-1884/19, 7{:1rt54/SE, 8-9=-.t428l63, S-10=-j,108/68, 10_1 t=_1408t/1, 11_1?:1428t66, 12-13=-14661s1,13-14!-1951/0, 1+,tS=_1982O, iS-16-_2673/0, &tl=-ZSatn,, 17-18:2833O, i8-19:2308rc, Z-2t:5101t},1s_21=rts06/oBOTCHORo ?4-254t2r$5,29-24=Olz1ooWEBS 2$28:456rS00, 5-28+308i947, 23-29=a507638, r S29=-41 9i665, 3.r -35:950i45S,3C35:9il/4S8. 3042=A5St4Zr, 9242=4*1421, tO_30=0/678, 2-.O=0/O968,39'ao{/6534' 2s-39=0/6661, 2347=0/6289, az-4s=06829, 4s4g=01s860, i9-4g=o/s382, 7 -34.443t12, 33-A4={4S/17, 3O{3=€50/20, t -31 =41 t2TT, S-SA:|SZ l4iOt,31-38L14Tt392, 30-{1=70SO, 41 43:7OAO, 1$43:200/0, 13IZ2=-}U4OO,' 32454221360,-15-45=-79 1 /364, t4O=-172810, 2640:2345/0, 1 f.47 q t4;d1, 1 8-49-1 6run, 2249=-?2:OO(O ,{oTES- 1) 2-dy truss to be connocbd bgether with 10d (0.j3i.r3.) naits as bilorls:Top chonls @nnsct€d es lblhws: zxl - t row Lt O-gO oc. Bottom dtords conn€cted ss fo[ow6: 2x12 - 2 ,ows stagg€rEd at o€-0 oc.Wsbs connected as follows: 2x4 - 1 ft,w at 0-g{ oc. 2) All loads are aonsldorBd equally.applied.to all pt8s, except lfnoted ss.Font (F) or back (B) face h the LoAD cAsE(s) socton. ptyto ^. ply connecuons havo be€n povided to ttistribute only toaas noieu as 1r) or {B), unless othsrwise lndicated.3) Wlnd: ASCE 7-to; vutFlz0mph (g-secmd gust) vrio=g5rp-n rCor=i sr;t'BCOi=a.iorr,';:r;0, car 1; Exp B; Enctossd; }}Yi,tlir.;f"*) saue end zone; cantlteier tinand ;sht;[*"d: ""J r"rt*ir"r ""i-iigntixpoaeo; Lumber DoL=1.60 ptere 4) T'uss designed br wind loadsh tho plane of ths wss only. For studs expore ! yld (normar to the face), s€e sten ard hdusry -. cabls End o€tars as appricabro, or consurt q.orifiad buir<tiirg ttecgner as'per ANstnpi i. - ' SJrISrL[tt"pEs';13iPr=2s'o psr(rrat toor snow); c.eg"tv ii;t6e-: parriariv exp.; CCr.ro GxG Df t P.d at t* z Forl: v,l z.F ,,r e S rr e L7 4.,d Q .l ,,aGsi! REHEYUST 1z3t,2o August Zg,2O19 A A of of Madign,thel?USSco.ruc. Job J104293'l The Trus Co., Plate Otrsets (X,YF LOADING (psflTCLL 25.0 (Roof Snow=2s.o)TCDL 8.0BCLL 0.0 . BCDL 7.0 Truss AOsGR Eugere, OR 97402 Truss Type GABLE oty Ply chse, oon r A t129(6/,89 Z Job Relerence lopUonal; 8.2,t0s Jvt tl 20,t9 MtTek tndustriE, trc. Thu Aug 29 102,1:SS2019 pige ilD:Yl.FhpnwgueHTnLfqTxREMvytym-wxt_MxNrhmrariioGn_eGk'vd,pryi Cbilt C-OirytiiS"175-14 2144 26-0_0 28{_o4-6-14 !e6 4-7-.t2 2{.4 4x6 = s6b-1;81.6 -2{{ 244 310+ $.1o'4 4 I r:i, 29 STI 0-5-2 #-14 4S-14 134-0 9 101J 4.oo p 4\12 t' 4t16 -- '1.5x4 1.5x4 1.5x4 ll 3x5 12 wll vug .8 r4'. G 38' ,srr34; T t T3 s?6' E?l tt'o 3fu wf ,'1:141vYI ' r: W7'w{i1" w5 39 w12 .lx5 T5 13 25 4xg = 6xo \ 14 w16 wto :,,:i .i 24 28 15 33 32 716= 26 ,J3xlo I rryt. o ql 37 sr3 1.5x4 ll 1.5x4 ll 1.5x4 Il 3xB 5x5 ll qq w3 A d sI2 rv& 3G &10 Il l' Sl't wl3 1t Udefl >876 >652 nla 1144 44-8 lJ! 23 22 21 20 19 16 7x8 = 0.52 0.77 0.87 17-24 DEFL. Hoz(cr) Attic BRACING. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS JOINTS dti :r tE \ I.:BI 4x5 ll 3x12 ll$104 744 13{-0 20-2-12 25{-4 25r}O$10-4 t7_12 564 ?_2_'12 $.5€ oil ' [14:0-3{.0-2-81' 116:G3-8.0-1-01, 117:0-8-12,0-1-sl, I20:G3{,G241. t21:03-8,0.i-s], 122:o-3-8,0-i€1, l23o-34.G1--sl: pz:o-ni,o-z-ii1, 1za:0-2{,c2-ai SPACTNG- 244 Plate Grip DOL '1.15 Lumb€r DOL 1.15 Rep Stress lncr NO Code lRC201s/TP12014 Ud 360 240 nla 360 Verl(LL) Vert(CT) csr. TC BC WB Matrtx-SH ln (toc) 4.25 17-19 -0.33 't7-19 -0.00 16 {.r8 17-20 PLATES MT2O GRIP 220t195 LUMBER. TOP CHORD a(4 OFNo.2 BOTCHORD 2xl2DFSSWEBS 2x4 DF Stud 'Except' w3,w t0,w't,w2,w13,w5:OTHERS a4 DF Stud 2x4 DF No.2, w15:2x6 OF No.2 REACTIONS,(lb/siz€) 23=803/G5-8 (min.0-1{), 16=1656rt-$B (min. O-1-19), 19=2031/0-5{ (mtn.0-3-4) Max Horz 23=221(LC 9) Max Uplifl 23=-183(LC 6) Max crav 23=999(LC 3), 16=3368(LC 17), 19-=607S(LC 17) FORCES, (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - AI forces 250 (lb) or less excspt wh€n shown. TOP CHORD +6=-169480, 6-38-i706/a3, 7-39:1686rt7, 7€*161 2t1o', B_9=-177V5, 9-10=-1818/11,1O-11=-1764118,11-12=-1B1tn0,t2{,9:3257t0,.13-39=-3311/0, 1 3-1 4={ 54310, 2-23--4A4 | 226, 1 4-1 6=-2590/0WEBS 2O-N=-1279f30,5-29:1214t43,27-334t1s44,32-33=O/1606, 2ffi2=0/1506, 2+254no75,24-28=013075,2s-28=0/6097, 1+26=0/6102, t r-2&0/859, 2_32=_16JDS7 36-37=-166290,20-36-18Or275,17-26=Ot2t45,A-3'4:2tOlZSg,31_34=-166/343, 30-31:2331262, 25€0=-209/316, S-35s0/t 323, 27-3S=0/i 28il, 12-Zf:1ATA1O, 12-28411 462, 13-28:3362/0, t$26=0I2490, 9-31-_263n, t-2t4r275 NOTES. Weight:690 tb FI =20% Structural wood shaathing dlrecdy appllod or 4-7-5 oc purlins, ercept end verticals. Rlgid ceiling dir€ctly spplisd o|t0{{ oc bracing.1Ro^,atmidpl 2-23,1+16 1 Brace at Jt(s): 25,26,27,28, 31,32, 36, 37 Hone c-r N*t s ('xC. bFfiz 1o p"d @ ,c P"st *l c^d € lq 3.S x 2.5 ( 2-ply truss to be connoctd togelher with ,0d (0.13113) nails as follows: Top chords connected as fullows: 2x4 - I row at Gru oc, 2x6 - 2 rGvs staggered at 0-g{ oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x12 - 2 rows slaggered et O-9-0 oc. Wobs connected as follows: 2x4 - I row at 0-9{ oc. All loads ere considared equally applied to all plies, except if noled as hont (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. pty toply connections have been pmvided to distibde only hads noted as (F) or (B), unl€ss otherwise lndicated.w]q:ISCE 7-10; VulFl2omph (3-s€cond gust) Vasd=gsmph;TCDL=4.8pst BCoL=4.2psi h=25ft Cat. il; Exp B; Enctosed; MWFRS (envelop€) gable end zona; cantilevor left and right expos€d ; end vertical left and right €xpos€d; Lumbor DOL=1.60 ptate grip DOL=1.60 Truss deslgned for wind loads in tho plane ot tfle truss only, For sluds exposed to wind (nomal to th6 face), se€ Standard lndustry Gable End Details as applicable, or consutt quafifi€d building designer as perANSlffpl 1. TCLL: ASCE 7-10; Pt25.0 psf (fat roof snow); Category il; Exp B; partielty Exp.; CF1..l0 LJnbalanced snow lo€ds have been consider€d for this design. This lruss has been designed for greaterof min rooflive load of 16.0 psfor 1.00 times flatroof load of2s.O psfon ovsrhangs non{oncun6nt with olher live loads. 8) All plates are 3,(6 MT20 unless otheMise indicated. 9) Gable studs sDaced at 1 -4-O oc. Confinued on pade 2 1) 2l 3) 4) s) 6) 7\ @ssoN RENEIYS: 12t31tzo August 29,2019 A ,r#adtr*r'vtwd.&1p.rer.r..s€id,gr4afl6w ot7,.dBArfi Nd,,uo@un14iqar$ryNc€p/€€ rthxn BEFfiE tJtE.ADesign v€lid lorose dly with MiTek @nneclo6. -rhis design is b€sed only upon parameters 3hom and is for ao individual building @mponenlAp,pf@bil,ty of des gr-pammenetr and proper in@rporelion ol comporeit is respolsibiltty o, building designe, - not uuss oeslgnei B@iaf i[Mis lor lateral$ppon of individual Eb members onV. AddiUon!, tempoEry bEcing to inilr€ sbbiltyauring mnst udon G the ;esponsibrltii ot theeredor. Addrlionalpemanenlbracingollh€aversllstructureis$ercsponsibrlrtyofthebuildlngdeshns.-ForoeneBtguidanereqardino Fqtjaa.ijol, quality 6nrol 6bEge, delivery ecclon and bEcing, @n$n AXSfrft Aiffy Crtib, BSB€0 sd Bctlf 8rtrdtt! Cof,rorutSq UiEfiffm ryailablg lrom Tru$ Pl6le lnstitule, 583 O'Onofno D.iE, Mad6gn, Wt53719.thefRU$Sco. ulc. IJ 7t^.L"82 ?K sr+,-or-+ Yex*NbAT ro\) t2Ev ts(ol-l:,0A,rf-r- LATERAL NAIIING SCHEDULE NOTE WALL SHEATHING NAITING STUDS AT ABUTTING PANEL EDGES EDGE SLOCKINGNAILSEDGEFIELD 0 v2" PLYWOOD OR 7/16',OSB 8d 6"o.c. 12"o,c. 2x NONE 1 6"o.c.2x 2x (FLAT) 2 4"o.c.{2)2x 2x (FLAr) 3 3"o.c.{212x 2x (FLAT) 4 2"o.c. STAGGERED (2)2x 2x (FLAr) 5 1/2',PLYWOOD OR 7/16" OSg BOTH SIDES OF WALL 6"o.c.{2)2x 4x 6 4"o.c.4x 4x 7 3"o.c.4x 4x 8 2"o.c. 5TA66ERED 4x 4x SUB NOTES: A. V2' ANCHOR BOTTS W 7" MtN. EMBEDMENT, 48,'o.c. MtN. B. 112'ANCHOR BOLTS W 7" MtN. EMBEDMENT,36,,o.c. MtN. C. V2'ANCHOR BoLTS W 7' MlN. EMBEDMENT 16"o.c. MtN. D. V2. ANcHoR BoLJs w/ 7'MlN. EMBEDMENT, s,'o.c. MtN. E. {3)STMPSON URFP ANCHORS, (E) S|LL TO (E) CONC STEMWALL SPACED EOUALLY F. (2) STMPSON URFP ANCHORS, (E) S|LL TO (E) CONC STEMWALL SPACED EQUALLY SYMBOL frlNorcXY!\ -\-sua NorE GENERAL NOTES: . STUDS @ 16"o.c. (TYP, U.N.O.). 8d NAILS: 0.131" x 2 1/2" (ALTERNATTVE: GAIVANTZED 0.113" x Z U2") 1 3/8" (MrN.) PENETRATTON. 3" x 3" x .229" WASHERS. 1/2,'ANCHOR BOLTS W 7" MtN. EMBEDMENT, T2''O.C. MIN, (TYP, U.N,O.)c (2) 2x @ PANEL EDGES NAILED ToGETHER W (2) 16d @ 6',o.c. POST SCHEDULE MARK DETAItS (lnteriorl DETAIIS (Exteriorl PO (2)2x5 DFs2 POST N/A P1 4x4 DF#2 4x4 HF#2 P.T P2 4X6 DF#z 4X5 HF#2 P.T. P3 6X6 DF#2 6X6 HF#2 P.T P4 6X8 DF#2 6X8 HF#2 P.T P5 GLB3.5x6,24F-V4 P6 GLB5.5x5, 24F-V4 l1-36G GENERAL SCHEDULES USED IN CALCULATIONS NOTE: 1) NOT ALL POSTS lN SCHEDULE MAY APPLY IO TH|S PROJECT NOTES: 1) EXCEPTW HERE OTHERWISE PROTECTE D FROM FROSI FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE EXTENDED BELOW THE FROST LINE OF THE LOCA Ltry BUT NO LESS THAN 12' BELOW FtNtsH GRADE 2) NOT AtL FOOTINGS IN SCHEDUTE MAY APPTY TO THIS PROJECT FOOTING SCHEDUTE MARK DFTAI$ F-2.0 SQUARE By 8" THTCK (MtN) w/ #4 AT 8" O.C. EACH WAy,2'-A"x2'-O" 3" CIR FROM BOTTOM F-2.5 SQUARE BY 8" THICK (MtN) w/ #4 AT 8" O.C. EACH WAy, 3'CLR FROM BOTTOM 2'-6"x2'-6" F-3.0 3'-0"x3'-0" SQUARE By 8'THICK (MlN) w/ #4 AT 8" O.C, EACH WAy, 3" CLR FROM BOTTOM F-3.5 3'-6"x3'-6" SQUARE By 12,'THTCK w/ #4 AT g" O.C. EACH WAy, 3" CLR FROM BOTTOM F-4.0 4'-0"x4'-0" SQUARE BY 15" THICK w/ #4 AT g" O.C. EACH WAy TOp BOTTOM AND 2'' CIR FROM TOPAND BOTTO M,3'CLR FROM F-4.5 SQUARE By 15" THTCK w/ #4 AT 8" O.C. EACH WAy TOp BOTTOM AND 2" CLR FROM TOP 4'-6"x4'-6" AND BOTTO 3'CLR FROM F-5.0 SqUARE BY 18" THICK w/ #4 AT B', O.C. EACH WAy TOp5'-0"x5'-0" D 2" CLR FROM TOPFROM BOTTOM ANANDBOTTOM,3" ctR A t6 LJ g L t '.(\ S$rntHrve I.}otsT I t-acn^,e [H*r.*'. l-Ao-,-) ,,l+^Prz 5Ds €]fuc. (, Fuaax, z1 o, L. t) A3s e (z)fl narr5ffx.l URtr 6nvc"!vx15 pe.Kr f [-nxr I €) fruc-PLAST CCl1v{* StFq,.-.\,^"rALU /o5trqs(roR S AIr( - SfiI t l ,1,-l- (F) t\)r\FJG 51165\Nrr'rt l/+x*'ia sr:s e 23 'o.c, (E)F\'"\rkn?.F A15 c-L\y{ e ?1 "o;r. E>frCp.,.cs.- S H s*IJ+,ALL *'l 5N sA1$r,^,c lu:-r- ($s\n,..vr.rr., L)f\F r LurYf Yc-n* P LA*-r aovL STCnnwAL{- o^r t vi IPE Fh e"€ x X ,A..--an \ A,- 5 Jt- SKz 11 - 3cG Jcxp,,tata l+.ryf ttj ,- ) J o\, ili ,Lftuo2 1Cf{F ) iaU -3 v Ju +A)l0* io#i 5I Ssiv- o -li F\.Fl'-l -. rl si 5#$u g .,\d l,^l xl 14)I Ibl cl tr f \, ll 0 r/ ,* ? t0r$( { l "'l,*t U/l ? 0 / ? U z J t, A !) trIi1 i3 0, 3lt J) t0nZ loU2 a.ll +f'.! i;}I A, #* F ooJxlJNt +lFt {, 12 oat-J ! I s FJ +(! 0o x tl \,I 3 ?il -\- I o I r-l tr iC I r') +t /; + t ? \o N +, b t- v: ) -u J F {)j 2 OLJt "vltj t"p ?l\, .t.J Ci; rOvn ) c Fe-s P3 '1.tr /i' P,., fDoo'), $et '52 rn cqls pec L f,, {c}ols I :- -lls' * o .6) L t^) t- \-) p o\ J \UAof u-.1 DI \l:) sl I 5 edERrll LJlTrl S$\ fou(lrl Prc, (w'-do- S-r' D3' ," pock &, dak ), I c^1. I ,t, J PRoPO.E O ctluFl( a) A3s CLIPS @ 48" O.C., TRUSS TO DOUBLE TOp PLATE b) A3s CLtpS @ 24" o.c., TRUSS TO DOUBLE TOp pLATE A35 CLIPS @ 6" O.C., TRUSS TO DOUBLE TOP PLATE @ FULL.HEIGHT LOCATIONS MSTC28 STRAP, BEAM TO DJU.]LE TOP PLATE LSTA3O STRAP, DOUBLE TOP I,I, ATE fI ) DOUBLE TOP 'LATE LSTA3O STRAP, DOUBLE TOP P,I.ATE T,) R""F BEAM . 4 x 6 HF #2 pT LEDGER W (2) SDS25212 OR (1) SDS253O0 @ 16" O.C. PCZ-TYPE POST CAP AND ABU-TYPE POST BASE LUS-TYPE HANGER, BEAM TO T,)P PLA1E . P.rts crllc{ al .r? hnrtb{irl . Stn; ffC. t fropscd tl+L3 *lcqu+}t q.N.O kl/ Yz PLyt JcaD p) aoYr:e[l, s/ Dg!-*fieL bo conpoi lrt6N R66Flh(\-( Fac*rrr N.'Sts ; c) d) e) f) c) h) i) . ge,o 'po:t /f-+,15 s&clrlc' ' FoEls un&' hcc& rr to bG .$,rcl*d (a) Zr t:rrrra,.rr U.oN Izx I jo,s+r at aHrc tc"o'c] t PtA6flc P^n[tt ?o* f I ,l ="?r( )do QnJds L9 ) 816 1?(]oLJlI ""'e)QQb r, 1B (rD .C ] T r',& a J .3 T J ! 03 a 3 Ivl \' 3 7o 4 OJd d t iJ a+ t r,J d d3t 03 o+ ,(}I !i,{ialri {n, dt t 5t '1 '{ ccz a 7 6a -so L, f V td JV s,.a o+ ; 3 ro 3,/) ,t x t o\r. ,f)!o aLal rllfl !e sg I t P t,{ =t 7,r a 7 o {, o-:rlts x 3 G 19 * , aJ+i, Jt, = 3 t/l I .6 ,,.}o t: { Iea !E , o.9 I r)t!- t-r1 El6 EIrL CL ' =5a = \9, di F: vrt, I -+! r PPt @ t, "o Jo vr c!o!ot I t aE ItJf ta+s oo ,t. N oIL E .lf L! 7 ! E ryaL+ , t no t"& E, .a Ir t T 3 Itrl {:r J.L -tt I .l E La o ,' q z:t . 5 ta!" +E.,{ j taqa E\\|, r, rQ'.i 6 ir>ji i tl Z* tn, .4 r = rE1 NEJ c t tl cI d ! t)r9 '; d ab1 o ,,1 -',t rl 3 t6 {,q T r - -:l i I a !e t o d .C qo{ J-i1-tjd o o& ,l tIod $lI${ rt t{o a-,6 r9 ; 14o a 6t,o u I .J6J.df 0Jq o J E s or a o 4d. a,i g 5- 2 $ i,n, I44 rt 0a .\i ? o/- : E do u Fa*. E La I I I I I -.1 U ,l=../t to a1)a5 ts ) g 16 z>uaily,,qJoel .!s I E 4 s U !t a G! 3 !-- n \^\a5 F { 3 'r.l J; !':* il\ ) ir_] & E il Ug.rl \*- z.* )r {5. ,:. J}E (1 .{6E9 L =.JF d u.)Z: 4 !-1 ll' = d t {o ad D 9 d IIo( ,J l v.:3 i I I I .l N -r h -T-- I I il. ! 1 I -T- i J ! Ft--1 u IooF= t aJ i I '+ j .lJ P =62 -e d 5 r)a a .; .ta2 Jd, !t uJ.A tr .) & -t -'* I x.\g'; 4.4Es)o*7lUr g ,,\d JJd \A t_ I { -l J11: DI \t\ e h -it941 \1 clIJ F I i I I I Il-- I I -,1 t_ L iYV> I I I i I i I I I i I I I I I I i rr, J,tJJ 3 B{ oZ. T--- o a iJl-v, E @ .{Ur,3B E O' lLFoovA i x i+7tr.l t t(r,lt+$f; 5.{t'i i - r.l x ;a -gov, tIt d r) IJo6 ,t !OJo -T- ua d utI/v 2 $ H :.,- i HikJl FJ tsE do UJ fgz d rg^o4 tidog .g I x ,€ t,t: I.r E] ,l .>1 I 1 't _-_"_ o l !o; ti-lr lr I Bolfoor. {o,.,. - 0") z* O Q ttr'o., 30-00-00 12-06-00 + 1 @O iIoooIs I oo (oo F. ROOF NOTES: COMPOSITION ROOF ROOF PITCH: 9/12 & 4/12 OVERFIANG: 2{SOO 404(6) TOP CHORD LIVE LOAD: 25 p$f TOP CHORD DEAD LOAD: I ps{ BOTTOM CHORD OEAD LOAD: 7 psf WIND LOAD & EXPOSURF: Vufi 120 mph - Exp. B TRUSS TO PLATF CONNECI ION BY OTHERS LAYOUT NOl TO SCALE OEiEfu NTES oooo (o N oo (oo F. oo (3 (o N fts DMWre mOt4oESItu$ BWN$SS NO L@INS ONLYND 6M[[WAYS gE USED ff CN&NfrIONWTEPPR(reARSIIECTU& Arc 5TRU6O& RWNGS 2 ru CEEru @IRATORSruL VEflryALL DIMENSIONsIImflre&o aE RESPONS|& aOR REMnre SYB$@MS TO tE WFACTWR mtG rO F&l*noN. t ruSSAft EruELYAffiLE UMt AL! F@S G BCIXCre N rc AND fASTEEO. FG ERE@X ANO 8rcNORrc@E&MNS, SEE Iffi SCIGEO 6181 iffiI.B3SMRY gTEfS. BE'fiE IMI&UG IF6ES. reFq TO NWN{ ENGMEREDMU83 &WINS. T@TE THE IOP ANO BOTOM CHORDS, &DreE RWSES EffiANOY, AEE NdATED ON IHE ' Sre@ TRU$ &MGg IS WETSY ND PEMM J FOLLOW MqECT ENGINEERS / ESNEAS NSreNOX ON TEIm,Hffi MmULLSW Y&Orc. 6 DO NOT OUT, mU. S AtEt TRUSSES rN Ny WAy WnOmW]B ruBORAB FrcV Tre TruW E EUDINO SPPIY,rE cmcffi EsffSSEL ESffiIBILfl SAY{EMNd OF A N6 WIroI WRINLN FROVA M6M il'nusga&LIMSIEY SERTFOSEO torcS: oo (oo @ I oo (oorf A NO MThL S&L BE STSED @ A MU$ SYSTEM UNTIT AI IMHffi &ONg HF A€EN COMSEIY NSf{tEb 8- CONCENRIO ' WfS! IOAOS DUE TO CdSTRUCNONAOM OCCUPANCY MLt ilOT EXCEEO BO$' SECIFIEDBYTffi IRUS*9IGgA IOW&HTdD !@AIION C. LOAOSA&LNOT BE SS%NM FrcM T* BONd CHODS OF TRUS6ES INEsS THE TRUSSES H^E BEEN ESIqEDMSELY CAMY THE @IO LO&, 1, SE&SIB1 SUMMffiY STEEI FOR MNDLINO,INST&LING.resBINrc NIE@NYfuNG EQIffiTS.' ? sE€ ENOINffiEOhUSS mawrcs &o sumEomg-B3F@ PERNES MCNG R(OUNEWFS Bollo.5 f.rne - (a\ zx 6 (D t;n o.r-. }|TI'{NUL+J ON TBUSF tNJ., INDIC+iI,LEFr END oF TRUSS oN coRREsPoNDING ENGINEERING sYeEr n + sEs sE< oE E E,lf o;o Eea EaE E.-c i(oo- #5 n z (L P 6 x 3E Ir;9- E;Eii 65i F!llill F,9; : \ \"." e t3 t5t< I I i 402(6) I rl I T?als 7/r.r 4=3 1:_1,--__- /{:--^=a TSE Engineering Re: J1042931 Chase, Don Tri-State Engineering, Inc' 12810 NE 178th Street Suite 218 Woodinville, WA 98072 425.481.6601 The truss drawing(s) referenced below have been prepared by Tri-State Elgineering under my direct supervision based on the pararneters provided by The Truss Company (Eugene)' Pagesorsheetscoveredbythis seal: 112946485 t}l.tlll2946491 My license renewal date for the state of Oregon is December 31,2020. €. r1822PE oEEgoN August 29,2019 TerryPowell The seal on these drawings indicate acceptance ofprofessional engineering responsibrLty solely fo. the f;uss components shown- The suitability and use of this comFonent for any parlicular building is the - - responsibility of the building designer, per ANSVTPI 1. 1t16t82 lrruss leor ee lTruss TvDei'' IcABLE lQty lPIyl,l1Job J1042931 2-O-O 91G4 g.oo F2- gx& // 1.5x4 ll 41G.9 lD:Yl +1G9 '10 3-9-3 8x8 14 15x4 ll 8xg \\ r.sx4 ll,, ra 1.sx4 ll 3x4 \\ 17 '18 22 21 2019 4x5 ll 1.5x4 ll Scale = 1:88.8 .t1 12 1.sx4 Il sTl 43x4 // 3 2 Jd 1 od 2726 25 24 4x5 ll 1.sx4 ll 1.5x4 ll 1.sx4 ll 1.5x4 ll 302928333r'. 3-1G4 Plate offsets (X,Y)- [2:0-1-8,0-1-8], [17:G1-8,G1-81, [19:0-]8,0-1-81, [20:0-3-8,G1-81, [21:0-3-8,G.1-81, [22:0-]0,G2-01, [24:0-3-0,G2-01, LOADING (psi) TCLL 25.0 (Roof Snow=25.0)TCDL 8.0BCLL O.O PLATES MT2O LUMBER. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD \A/EBS OTHERS BO'r vh(>Frlr \A/EBS -' 2x1 0 DF SS *Except* T1,T4:2x4 DF No.2 2x12 DF SS 2x4 DF Stud *Excepl' W4:2x4 DF No.2 2x4 DF Stud BRACING. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD .IOINTS GRIP 2201lgs Weight:312|b FT =2O% Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals.. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-G0 oc bracing, Except: 1 o-o -o oc br acin g: 22-24. 'l Brace ai Jt(s): 28, 30, 31, 34, 36 recommends that Stabilizers cross be installed during truss erection, in amordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS. AII bearings 2&0-0. (lb)- MaxHoz 27=337(LC7) Max Uplift All uplift 100 Ib or less at joint(s) 24, 22 excepl 27 :178(LC 9), 'I s=- 1 s 1 ( LC 8), 2s:1 s I 4(LC 1 s)' 21 --1 2,24{Lc 1 5) Max Grav All reaciions 250 Ib or less at joint(s) excePt 27=999(LC 1), 24=161s(LC 1s),22=1322(LC 15), 19=sss(LC 1), 1s=955(LC 1)' 26=sss(LC 15),20=586(Lc 15) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOPCHORti 2-3:714t166,*4:665/166,4-5--5921185,5-6-7561225,6'7-4991128,74:415132, 8-9:368i143,9-1O--A75t144,1o-11:4221133"11'12:5081129'12-13*7431236, 1s-14:51512o3,1a6:j5j/-zr)7,1$16:657i18'1,16.17=-7131180,2-27=-1031h75, 17-19=-.C88/185 2&121:g2r-t21r3,25-26:I.22293,24-25=-32i,293,2T24=-1021535,22-23:1021535 $24=-39'01168, 1T22=-ttt,!L42,2-32:86/638,31-32=-9316e1,24-31=-1o1t7s4, 22-3s-1 191791, 35-36-1 071675 36-37=-1 00i652, 17 -37 :97 1622 NOTES- 1) Vvind.ASCE 7-10; Vun{2odph (}seco!d gu-st) Vasd=gsmph; TCDL=4.8psf: BCDL=4.2psfi h=25ft; Cat. ll; Exp B; Enclosed;' UVifnsiinv"fopelg:tle e-rd zon"; ".niil"r"i Un "nd right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gripDOL=r.60 : ---- 2) irsc Cesigned for iind l6a-ds in the phn3r:t:6.truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard lndustry Gable Errd Details as appticable, or mnsull qualified building designer as per ANSIiTPI 1' 3) TCLL: ASdE 7-10; Pf:25.0 pif (flat roof in-ow); Category ll; Exp B; Partially Exp.; Ct=1.10 ai 1.rt omi nas been dcsgnr+{or greatcrdrrflifi rcof live load of 16.0 psf or 1.00 times flat roof load of 25.0 psf on overhangs nSryto3cuTent with olher live-loads. 5) lJ plates."e 3x6 MT?lalnles'c otheMise indicated. 6) GaDE stilds spacedall--4iqdc. 7i This truss has been dJsigned for a lO.o psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. ai . This truss has been deiigned for a live load of 2o.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2{-0 wide c;rfti{,Iu&EPffdbtbe bottom chord and anv other members' with BCDL = 7 opsf'RENEYU$: 12t31t2o August 29,20'19 Matrix-SH CSI. TC BC \/B 0.30 0.20 0.39 . in (loc) 4.06 22-24 4.O9 22-240.00 22 Ydefl >999 >999 nla Ud 360 240 nla DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Hoz(CT) SPACING. 2-O-O Plate Grip DoL 1.15 Lumber DOL 1.15 Rep Stress lncr YES Code lRC201s/TP12014 1t16t82 A theTRUSSco. tlic. 112946485 7 6 lnstallation ouide- connectors. eteclor.Compon6nt Job J'1042931 lTruss loo,o. lrruss rype IGABLE |l* NOTES. 9) Provide mechanical conneclion (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable ofwithslanding 1 00 lb uplm atjoint(s) 24, 22 except (jt=lb) 27=178, 19=191,25=1514, 2'l=1224. 10) This fuss has large uplift reaction(s) from gravity load case(s). Proper connec{ion is required to secure truss against uPward movemenl at the bearings. Building designer rnust provide for uplift reactions indicated. '1 1) Attic room checked for U360 deflection. LOADCASE(S) Slandard 1fu WnnUWA -Ve,itydoslsn paEmBbB ild READ NOTES ONTHTSAND TNCLUDED MnEK REFERENaE PA9E Mtl-7479 BEFORE USE Oesign validfor use onlywith MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon paEmeteE shown, and is foran individual blilding @mponent Applicability of design paramenteE and proper incorpoEtion of component is respoNlbility of building dBsignor- not truss deslgner, BEcing shown is for lateEl supporl of individualweb hembe6 only. Additional temporary bEclng to insure stability dudng @nstruction is the respoGibillity of the eEctor AddltrbnalpemanentbEcingoftheoveEllskuctlreistheresponsibilityofth6buildlngdesigner.ForgeneElguidancercgarding tabdcarion, quality conml, storage, delivery, ercctjon and bEcing, consulr ANSUTPII OualityCdisda, DSBJg and BGSI1 Building Component Safety lnbmadon available frm Truss Plate lretitute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wl53719. A theTRUSSco.wc. 112946485 Job J1042931 lTruss l*, lTruss Type l^* lotv t,' Ply 1 s7 402 2x1 0 DF SS 'Except' Tl,T4: 2x4 DF No.2 2xl 2 DF SS 2x4 DF Slud *Except' W4:2x4 DF No.2 2-S0 t1G4 4-3-3 41G9 +10-9 8xg = BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD JOINTS 4-+4 2-0-0 S@le = 1:83.1 g.oo FZ- 3x6 6 gxg //8x8 \\ 7 4x5 2 2 4x5 \\ 14 3xo ll 5x12 Il 't2 10x10 =5x12 ll 3x6 ll 10 o PLATES MT2O GRIP 2201195 RENEWS:12131120 August 29,2019 LOADING (psf) TCLL 25.O (Roof Snow=25.0)TCDL 8.0BCLL O.O LUMBER. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD \A/EBS Weight: 272 lb FT = 2Oo/o Structural wood sheathing directly applied or +8-1 1 oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. 1 Brace at Jt(s): '15 Mffek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during lruss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation quide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 14=1506/G5-8 (min. c2-0), l0=1496/0-s-8 (min. G2-0) MaxHorz 14:337(LCO) Max Grav 14=1884(LC 17), 10=18s3(LC 18) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-171410,34:1378158,4-5=4811219,5-64831237,6-7--1352161,7-8=-17'lolo, 2-1 4:2441 l0 , 8-10:228814 BOTCHORD 13-14=-316/303, 12-13=011331, 11-12=011331 \A/EBS 3-13--2271650,7-11:2171666,515:1455to,&15:1455/0,2'13=011802,8-11=011703 LOAD CASFjS) Standard NOTES- 1) VMnd: ASCE 7-10; Vult=12omph (3-second gust) Vasd=gsmph; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=25fl; Cat. ll; Exp B; Enclosed; MWiRS-(envelope) gable end zone; cantilever Iefl and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 Plate gr?5Cl-=:1.60 2) TCLL: ASCE 7-10; PFzs.o rrsf (flat roof snow):tategory ll; Exp B; Partially Exp.; Ct=1.10 3) tiisir:tsslas beeriC-e:iircilfor greateiof min roof live,oad of 16.0 psf or 1.00times flat roof load of 25.0 psf on overhangs nortrroncunentwilhotherlive loads. - -' - - - 4) Jhjs-t]ts-sjas been designed for a 1O.O psf botlgm chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. Si .-fnis;rusi nas beenJesig,tod for a live load of 2o.Opsf on ihe bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-G0 wide wifl tlt between the Eojtgrn chj:rd and any other members. 6) Celhg dad load (5.1i p-sf) on membe(g. 3.4 &7, +15, 6-15; Wall dead load (5.0psD on member(s).+13, 7-11 7) bottom chord live l.f o r4o.o osF) and dddilo-naltottom chord dead load (10.0 psf) applied only 10 room. 1 1-'13 8) Attic room checkedjor U3e9 deflection. 15 1.sx4 ll 13:0-9-0.G2-81-1-12.0-1-81. t8:0-1-12.0-1-81, tl0:0-3- SPACING- 2-0-O Plate Grip DOL '1.1s Lumber DOL 1 .15 Rep Stress Incr YES Code lRC201s/TP12014 cst. TC BC \A]B Matrix-MSH 0.67 0.61 0.58 Verl(LL) Vert(CT) Hoz(CT) Attic in (loc) 4.32 11-13 4.45 11-130.01 l0 4.24 11-13 Udefl >975 >683 nla 895 Ud 360 240 nla 360 DEFL. 7116'82 $ WeAAnrc - Vu,iry deitgn paahebB and READ NaTES ON f4ls AND TNCLUDED MmEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 BEFORE USE A theTRUSSco.ntc. I12946486 5 4 B of slructure is the Madison, W 53719. Compon€nt 112946447 Don 2 The Truss Co., Eugene,201 3x4 -- 1.5x4 ll 5xl2 -- ST15 23 5x14 ll 27 26 STL 50/ +6-14 1.5x4 ll 4x12 '- 1.5x4 ll lD:Yl 13-0-0 4-O-14 4x8 = 1.5x4 ll B 9 .lO 11 12 4x12 -- 13 'n scale = 1:85.1 4.oo l, 4x16 // 25 5x14 ll 6 5x5 ll 23 4x1 0 4 15'to 5x5 ll 17 19 20 LI d, 24 8x16 MT18HS = ,1 ll 32 ll 4x4 ll ll 1.5x4 ll 1.5x4 = 31 35 30 42 1.5x4 ll 4x4 ll 1.5x4 ll 4x8 = 1.5x4 11.sx4 ll 1.sxa ll '1.5x4 ll 2x4 ll 40 !! (x,Y)- l2:o- 3-1U4 [4:0-5-1,GG12],[8:G+1,0-C12],[11:Gs1 ,G.s,12l , [14:0-s-1,+0-121, [1 5:0-5-12,0-2-41, [1 6:0-5-1,0-0-12], [17:G5-1,G0-1 2], [1 8:0-]1'0-0-'121, ['19:o-1-12,0-1-12], [21:0-3-8,0-1-8], [22:0-3-8,0-1-81' LoADING (pso TCLL 25.O (Roof Snow=25.0) TCDL 8.0BCLL O.O BCDL LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD \ /EBS Weight: 798 b Ff = 2Oo/o Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-G0 oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. 1 Row at midpt 2-27, 19'21 1 Brace at Jt(s): 30, 31, 32, 34, 38, 39, 43, 48 GRIP 2201195 220119s RENEWS: 12t31t20 August 29,2019 BRACING- TOP CHORD OTHERS BOT CHORD \A/EBS JOINTS REACTIONS. (lb/size) 27=223710.*8 (min.0-2-11),21=222410-5'8 (min. G'2-11) MaxHorz 27=218(LCg) Max Grav 27=5O41(lC 17), 21=a999(LC 1 7) FORCES. (b) - Max. Comp./Max- Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOPCHORD 2-3=-228610,3-4:2830/0,4-5:278010,S6=-1946/13,6-50=1924115'7-50=-18841'19' 7 -8=-1 4Ut55, 8-9:1428163, 9-10: l408/68, 10-11-140817 1, 1 1-12=-1428166' 12-13=-1466157, 13-14--195110, 1*15:19820, 15-16=-267310, 16'17=-283710' 17 -18=-28331O, 1 8-1 9:2308/0, 2-27 :510410, 19-21 --450610 BOTCHORD 24-25=U2535,23-24=A12535 ! /EBS 25-28=-455/900, *28:368f947,23-29:5071638,1$29=41 9/665, 31-35:950/458, 30-35=-950/458, 30-42=-8581427, 32-42:8581427, 1 G30=0/678, 2'40=0/5968, 39*40=0/5534, 25-39=0/666'1, 2T47=016283, 47-48=015829, 4849=0/5860, 1 9-49=0/5387 7 -34-6431 17, 33-34:6451 17, 30-33:650/20, 7'31 =-57 1277, 5-38=-7371400, 31 4a:7 47 1392, 304'l :7 lslo, 41 -43:70210, 1 &43:700/0, 13-32=-81 1400, 32-45=-822360, 1 545:781 1364, ?40:17 2810, 2640=-234510, 16-47 =01497, I I - 49:1 67 3 I O, 2249--2200 I o NOTES. 1 ) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 10d (0.131"x3") nails as follows: Top chords connecled as follows: 2x4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows:2x12 - 2 rows slaggered at G.9-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 - 1 row at G9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (D or (B), unless otherwise indicated. 3) lMnd: ASCE 7-10; Vult=120mph (3-second gust) Vasd=gsmph: TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=25ft; Cat. ll; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 4) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard lndustry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualmed building designer as per ANSI/TPl 1. "tl.fi3h!att?="nt120; Pf=25'0psf (flatroof snow); catesoryll; ExpB; PartiarlvExp'; ct=1 10 2x4 DF No.z 2x1 2 DF SS 2x4 DF No.2 *Except- \IE,\/w,\ 6,W4,\ ig,Wlo,Wl1:2x4 DF Stud 2x4 DF Stud'Except" STl6:2x4 DF No.2 csl. TC BC \/B Matrlx-SH 0.46 0.99 0.86 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Hoz(CT) Attic in (loc) 4.40 23-25 452 2!25 0.0'l 21 4.U 23-25 Ydefl >775 >589 nla 623 Ud 360 240 nla 360 SPACING. 2.GO Plate Grip DOL 1.15 Lumber DOL 1.15 Rep Stress lncr NO Code lRC2015/TPl2014 \ Weattwa - V.ny dBEn paametrJg ild R^D NoTEs oN THts AND \NaLUDED MTTEK REFEREN,E PAGE Mll-74n BEFoRE USE- Design valid for use only with MiTek dnnectoE. This d6sign is based only upon parahete6 shown, and isforan individual buildlng component. Applicability of design paramenterc and proper incorporation ofcomponent is responsibility ofbuilding designer- not truss desloner. BEcing shown is for lateral suppon of individual web hembers only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stabllity during construction ls the responsibillity of the erector. Additional pemanent bccing o, th6 overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For genecl gurdance reg?rding fabricadon, quality ;ontrol, storage, d;livery, erection and becing, consult ANSUTPII Ouality Cdt€da, DSB49 and BCSII guilding Conporent Safuty lnMadon available iiom Truss Plate lnstitute,583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, wl 53719. A theTRUSSco.INc. lTruss l^*o* Job 5 PLATES MT2O MTl8HS iii us2 lrruss Type IGABLE tov t, I TUSS 042S31 2 The Truss Co., NOTES. 2019 2 lD:Y1 6) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 7) This truss has been designed forgreater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 1.00 times flat roof load of25.o psfon overhangs non-concunent with other live loads. 8) All plates are MT20 plates unless otheMise indicated. 9) All plates are 3x6 MT20 unless otheMise indicated. 10) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. '1 1) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. 12) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 2o.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-GO wide will fit between the bottom chord and any olher members. 13) Ceiling dead load (5.0 psf) on member(s). 28-31, 31-35, 30-35, 3G42, 32-42,29-32; Watt dead toad (s.Opsf) on member(s).25-28, 23-29 14) Bottom chord live load (40.0 psf) and add'rtional bottom chord dead load (10.0 psO applied only to room. 23-25 15) Attic room checked For U360 deflection. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Snow (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.15, Ptate Increase= l.1 5 Uniform Loads (p[) Vert: 1-2=-66,2-10=-66,'t0-19=-66, 1s.20=-66,25-27=-69(8:SS),23-2s=-89(B:s5),21-23:69(B:55),28-29=_10 Dr ag : 25-28 -- 1 O, 23 -29 : 1 0 -; \ WnnUWO - V"rtty dostg| pa@mebg and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MTTEK REFERENCE PAGE Mlt-747i BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with Milek connectoc. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component- Applicability ofdesign paEmenters and proper incorpo€tion of component is responsibility of building designer - not buss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral suppoft of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insura stability during conskuction is the responsibillity of the erector Additional psmanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabdcation, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consull ANSIfiPIl Ouality Critolia, DSB-89 and BCSI1 Building Componont Safety lnlomatlon available fron Truss Plate lnstitute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wl 53719. A theTRUSSco.rxc. lTruss lo* lTruss lype lcommon ly l* 1 Job J1042931 8.240 s Jul '14 201 I tvlilek lD:Y1 2$S0 2-0-a 6,2-14 n.oo @ 4x5 ll BRACING. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 1.5x4 // 18 Scale:'1,/4"=1 7 1.5x4 \\ 17 53 2 l,AN $ 10 3x4 = 9 3x6 = I 3x4 =3x5 --3x5 -- Offsets LOADING (psf) TCLL 25.0 (Roof Snow=25.0)TCDL 8.0 BCLL O.O 'BCDL 7.O PLATES MT2O LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD \ iEBS 2x4 DF No.2 2x4 DF No.z 2x4 DF Stud Weight:102 lb FT =2oo/o Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. recommends that cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer GRIP 2201195 RENEWS:12t31t2o August 29,2019 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=11721G.*8 (min. G1-8), 6=117?J0-5-.8 (min. G1-8) MaxHoz 2=71(LC 10) Max Uplift 2:227 (LC 6), 6--227 (LC 7 ) FORGES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-240'lB5A,3'17:20871276,4-17:20161294,4-18=-20161294,5-18='20871276, 5-6=-240 1 /350 BOT CHORD 2-10-317 122'18, 9-'l 0:1 39/1 502, 8-9:139/1 502, &.8=-25412218 \/EBS +8=€9/687,5-8:5371187,4-10:89/687,3-10='5371187 NOTES. 1) \ /ind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=12omph (3-second gust) Vasd=gsmph; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf: h=25fl; Cat. ll; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and righl exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL: ASCE 7-10; Pf=25.0 psf (flat roof snow); Category ll; Exp B; Partially Exp.; Ct=1.1 0 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for lhis design. 4) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 1.00 times flat roof load of 25.0 psf on overhangs non-concunent with other live loads. 5) This truss has been designed for a 1 0.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-G0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Provide mechanical conneciion (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift atjoint(s) except (jt=lb) 2=227,6=227. LOAD CASE(S) Standard DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Hoz(CT) in -o.17 -o.29 0.07 (loc) 8-1 0 8-10 6 lidefl >999 >999 nla Ud 360 240 nla SPACING. 2,4.O Plate Grip DOL 1.15 Lumber DOL 1.15 Rep Stress lncr YES Code lRC2015/TP12014 cst. TC 0.80 BC 0.56 \ its 0.23 Matrix-MSH $ Wlanne - U.riU d4slgD paan@teE ed READ NOTES ON TH1S AND TNCLUDED MtfEK REFERENaE PAGE Mlt-742a EEFORE USE Design valid for use only wilh MiTek connectore. This design is based only upon paBhete6 shown, and is for an individual building component. Appli6bility of dasign paramenteG and proper incorporation ofcomponent is responsibility ofbuilding dasigner- nottruss designea. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web mambeE only. Additional tempoEry bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity ol the erector AdditionalpermahentbracingoftheoveEllstuctureistheresponsibilityoflhebuildingdesigner.Forgeneralguidanceregarding fabrication, quatity 6ntrol, storage, d;livery, erection and bracing, consult ANSUTPI 1 Ouality Critoria, DSBJ9 6nd BCSII Building Comporent SaIeV lniomalion availabl6 fiom Truss Plate lnstilute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Ivladison, Wl 53719. A theTRUSSco.rxc. 4 6 7n682 E Truss Tvoe 1"o".= " I lQty lPlyl,lJob )1042931 2 Ihe Truss Co.,s Jul 14 13,0-0 2-GO 3-1G4 4 23 3x1 0 4-6-'14 4x6 =S€le = 1:81.6 4.oo F2 4x12 -- 4x16 -- 91011 6""7a 3x5 -\ .12eg 4x5 -- 6x6 -- 14 23 2 2't 20 4x5 ll 18 7x8 = 130-0 3x12 ll 4G.8 t.sx4 = i.sx4 Il 33 32 25 416 =/xu -1.5x4 ll 1.5x4 ll 1.5x4 ll 1.5x4 ll 17-2-A 24 28 26 3x8 ll 5x5 ll l SPAC|NG- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1 .15 Lumber DOL 'l-15 Rep Stress lncr NO Code lRC20l5iTPI2014 cst. TC trU \A/B Matrix-SH 0.52 o.77 0.87 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Hoz(CT) Attic in (loc) 4.25 17-19 -0.33 17-19{.00 16 4.18 17-20 Ydefl >876 >652 nla 1144 Ud JbU 240 ola JbU l2:o-2-1 2,O-1 -81, [3:0-5-1,0-0-1 ,0-0-1 21, [7:0-5-1,0-0-1 2],[1 1 :0-2-8,0-'l -81, t13:o-2-4,0-1 -121 7:0-8-12 LOADING (psD TCLL (Roof TCDL BCLL BCDL 25.0 Snow=25.0) 8.0 Weight: 690 lb FT = 20% Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-7-5 oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ce,llng direclly applied o|l0-0-0 oc bracing. 1 Rowatmidpt 2-23,14-16 'l Brace at Jt(s): ?5, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 36, 37 7t16t82 GRIP 220t195 RENEWS: 12t31120 August 29,2019 PLATES TTT2O 0.0 LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD \ /EBS BRACING- TOP CHORD2x4 DF No.2 2x12 DF SS 2x4 DF Stud 'Except* \ 8,W10,W1,\42,W13,W5:2x4 DF No.2, W15: 2x6 DF No.2 2x4 DF Stud BOT CHORD \AEBS JOINTSOTHERS REACTIONS.(lb/size) 23=803/0-5-8 (min.0-'l-8), 16=1656/0-$8 (min. 0-1-13), 19=2031/o-5-8 (min, o.3.4) MaxHorz 23=221(LC9) Max Uplift 23:183(LC 6) Max crav 23=999(LC 3), 16=3368(LC 17), 19=6075(LC 17) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 5-6=-1 694/80, 6-38:1 706/83, 7-38=-'1 686/87, 7-8=-161?1105, 8-9=-177215, 9-10=-1818/11,10-11=-1764t18,11-12--1817120,12-39=-32571A,13-39=-3311/0, 13-'14=-6543/0, ?-23=-4041226, 1*16:258010 \ /EBS 20-29=-1279130, 5-29--1214143,27-33=011544,32-33=0/1 506, 25-32=0/1 506, 24-25=08075,24-28=013075,2G28=016O97, 14-26=016107, 11-25=01859,2-37=-1631257, 36-37=-1 66/290, 20-36--180t275, 17-26=o12745, 8-34=-2701233,31-34=-1 66/343, 3G31 =-2331 262, 2$30:209/31 6, $35=0/1 323, 27 -35=ol 1 283, 12-25:187310, - _ _ : - - 12-28=011462, 13-28=-33-6?O l3-26=01249a,9-31:263/7. 7-27=01275 NOTFS---- ,--- : 1 ) z-ply trdss to be conneclet rogether with 10d (0.131"x3") nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: zxa -- ir6il itlz-o oc, zxo - 2 rows staggered at o-9-o oc. EJtc,r.c;rords connected as follows: 2x12 - 2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 oc. Vtb,bs donnected asjollo\rfl{r4 - 1 row at G9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considercdequ.ily applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to pryEormddlions have heen $ovided to jli-st:ibulepnly loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicaied. 3) VllrJ:"ASS.E 7-10; Virltd20nph (3-se(,)nd Ed-t) Vasd=gsmph: TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=25f1; Cat. ll; Exp B: Enclosed; MVVFRS (envelope)lablgetd zone; cantilev-er lefl and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate ,, +ng?5ht"ta for wind toads in tne ptlne otine iruss onty. For studs exposed to wind (normat to the face), see standard tndustry q"be EnA oetails ac iR2lseEe, or cor:s,jllq.relijed building designer as per ANSI/TPl 1 . 5) TCLL: ASCE 7-10; Pf=25.0 pri (flat roorsnow): Category ll; Exp B; Partially Exp.; Ct=1.10 6) Un EalanceS snow loa(F-havqbeen consiAdredf6r this design. 7) Thi- '-1,.s has been Jesig"ed{or greater of min roof live load of 1 6.0 psf or 1.00 times flat roof load of 25.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with ofi gr li\,'e loads. 8) All plates are 3xO MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 9) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. Continued on palie 2 I wenunrc - viliry d*lgn paambB ild PiEAD NOTES oN fHtS AND INCLUDED MITEK qEFERENCE PAGE Mlt-7473 BEFORE ugE Design valid for use only with MiTek connecloF. This design is based only upon paramete6 shown, and is for an individual building component- Applicability of design paramenteE and proper incorporation ofcomponeht is responsibility of building designer- nottruss designer. BEcing shown is for lateral suppon of individual web membeE only. Addilional temporary bracing to insure stabilaty during construction is the responsibillity of the ereclor. Additional pemanent bracing of the overall skuclure is lhe responsibi,rly of rhe building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality conrol, storago, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSyTPI 1 Quality Cdbria, DSBJg and BGll Building Compooont Safotylnfomalid availablefromTrussPlat€lnstitule,583D'Ono{rioDrive,Madison,Wl537lg. A theTRUSSco.rxc. 5 lt 2 lTruss lo*n* lTruss TYPe lnor.u Job J1042931 97402 lD:Y1 NOTES- 10) This truss has been designed for a 1O.O psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. 1 t i . mis truss has been deiigned for a live load of 20.0psf on lhe bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-5-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any olher members, with BCDL = 7.0psf. 1 2) Ceiling dead load (5.0 psD on membe(s). 27-29,27-33,32-33,25-32, 2528, 26-28, 14-26; Wall dead load (s.opsf) on member(s).20-29, l 7-26 13i Boto; chord tive toaOiaO.O psD and additional bottom chord dead load (10.0 psf) applied onlyto room' 19-20, l7-19 14j provide mechanical connection iby others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1oo lb uPlift at joint(s) except (it=lb) 23=183' 1 5) Attic room checked for U360 deflection. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 'l) Dead + Snow (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.15, Plate lncrease=l-'15 Unlform Loads (ptf) ysX; 1-i=-66, Z-i1=-66,11-14:66, 14-15=-66,20-23=-69(F=-55), 17-20=-89(F:55), 16-17:69(F:55), 1+29=-10 Drag: 2G29: l0, 17'26:10 A theTRUSSco. tl.tc. laty lPlyl,l is the responsibility This and of the erectot Compon€nt 1042931 Truss Co. LoADING (ps0TCLL 25.O (Roof Snow=25.0)TCDL 8.0BCLL O.OBCDL 7.O LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD \I/EBS BOT CHORD \ /EBS lD:Yl s Jul '14 2019 0-1 2&0-0 2&0-0 0-3-12 2-0-0 4x5 -- 7 2019 Scale = 1:83.2 8-1-7 2-0-0 3-1 0-9 8x8 -\ 4.oo 112 s.oo lit 3x4 -- 3xoi= 4 18 8gxg // 3 3x5 // 2 14 3xo ll 13 4x5 ll 11 7xB = 3x6 Il sx6 ll 2x4 DF No.2 "Except" T2:2x10 DF SS 2x12 DF SS 2x4 DF Stud -Except' W4,\ E: 2x4 DF No.2, \Ar9: 2x6 DF No.2 BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD \A/EBS JOINTS Weight: 275 lb FT = 2oo/o Structural wood sheathing direclly applied or 4-4-3 oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling dhectly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. 1 Rowal midpt 7-9.10-17 1 Brace at Jt(s):'15, 16, 17 Slabilizers and cross be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabllizer PLATES MT2O GRIP 220t19s RENEWS: 12t31t2o August 29,2019 REAcrloNs' (lb/size) 14=647to-5-B (min.0-1-8),9=1187/G.s-8 (min. o-1-B), 12=1zzzo-5-B (min. G.2-6) MaxHorz i4=_344(LC B) Max Uplift 14:131(LC 6),9:54(LC 7) Max Grav 14=647(LC 1), 9=1a05(LC a), 1Z=ZZZ7(LC 21) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 2SO (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=- l 66/268, 3-4:4881140, 4-18=-1a17 h06,5-1 8:951/.1 33, 51 9=-96A/1 36, S.19=-1036/1 18, 6-7 =-17 17 1105, 2-14:321 t335, 7-9:949/1 39 13-14=-2081294 3-1 3=-1 060/231, 4-1 5=-36/869, 'l 5-1 6=-80/1 s31 , 1 6-1 7=-80/1 S31, 7-1 7=-80/1 53s, 2-13=-3321257, 5-1 5=0/3'1 3, 6-15=-797 175, 6-16=-72t312 NO;ES. , 1) Wnd ASCE 7-10; Vu5:l20nlh (3-seqp-ndg:u-sqVasd=gsmph; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=25ft: Cat. il; Exp B; Enctosed; N\"f,i6ienvelope)€abl&end zone; carnilever lefl and right exposed i end vertical lefi and right exposed; Lumber DoL=1.60 plate grie DoL=1.60 2) TCLL: ASCE 7-10; Pf=25.0 psf (flat roof snow); edegory il; Exp B; partialty Exp.; Ct=1.,10 3) ljnDarancgd snow loads have-been considered fbr this design. 4) ThE 3ss has been'Jesig;tedfor greaier of min roof live load of 15.0 psf or 1.Oo times flat roof load of 25.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with omer livsloads. 5) fii-s tnii 6as beenJesjgncd for a 1o.c is: botc.'n chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) * Tiistnr3r has been designed for a live loasoI 2o.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a reclangle 3-Go tall by 2-o-o wide wll_fit_[etween the b-ottorn-c]rord and a3y_ca-*rJlembers, with BCDL = 7.Opsf. 7) ceiling d',rad load (5.0 psD on memberpf 3-r,4-15, 15-16, 1G11,7-17; wail dead load (5.ops0 on member(s).$.13, 1G178) Bottom chdrd live load,(40.0 lsf) and addrtional bottom chord dead load (1 o.o psf; apptied oniy to room. 12-1a, jO-12 9) PcJi.ie mechanicaljq'}')Gc;Gl (by olh"r.)-.rttur.s to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1oO lb uptift at joini(s) 9 except (jt=lb) 14=131. 1 O) \iii ri,drc checked_frrJ_36G deftection.- - LOAD CASE(S) Standaid- - - 6 4-0-8 / d 17-2-a 4x4 ll 16 1.5x4 ll 1.sx4 ll ):0-3-8,0-1-81 [14:G3-8,0-1-8 SPAC|NG- 2-O-O Plate Grip DOL 1.15 Lumber DOL 1.15 Rep Stress lncr YES Code lRC2015/TP12014 cst. TC BC \A/B MAtrix-MSH 0.55 0.53 0.97 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Hoz(CT) Attic in (loc) 4.21 10-12 4.32 10-12{.00 9 {.15 10-13 Udefl >999 >687 nla 1418 Ud 360 240 nla 360 1t16t82 WARNING - vedfy deslgD paamebe 4d RFAD NoTEs oN rHE AND \N,LUDED MITEK R?FEREN1E 1AGE Mtt-74n BEF1RE usE. Design valid for use only w,th Milek connectors. This design is based only upon pa.ametere shown, and is for an individual building component. lotH.llY^:l_r_"-"SLf-"ramenleE and proper incorporati;n of compone;t is responsibitity of Duitding designer - not truss designer. Bracing shownlslorEteralsupponoflndividualwebmembereonly. Addilionaltenpo,arybracingloinsuresubilitydurinfconstructionisthe;esponsibiiliiofthe 1::1"-1-1d9lli111lETanenl bracing,of lhe overall structure is lhe responsibiliry of rhe buitding deiigner.ior generat guidance regarorngEDncaron, q ualw control. sloraoe. delivery,. erection a nd bracing, consulr ANSUTPI1 Quality Critrria, DSB49 and BCSI I BuIHing Compof,entSafety lntumadon avaiiabte fim Truss iitate tnstitute, 583 D'6;ofrt; Drive, Madtson, Wl S3719. A A theTRUSSco.rNc. E- lTruss Type l*'. lQty lPlyl,l1 112946490 lTruss looro= I lTruss Type loe,".e IJob J1042931 Ply 1 112946491 Chass, Don Job Referen€ (ootional) lD:Y1 FhpnwgueHTnLfqTxREMvylYoc-svFlndP 2&0-0 200-0 &10-0 e.oo F 6-2-6 0.1 16 Scale:1/8"=1' 2 l I l{ 2x4 ll u4 ll I 7 6xO -\ 9 10 11 ST1€T12 4.oo 112 2-O-O 1€T14 3x5 -- 17 12 3x4:- w,tz 2x5 42 6 lx9 lz ST'1 5 3x4 // 4 2524 23 22 3x6 ll 7xO = 2x5 ll 2x5 ll 21 7x6 20 2x5 ll 3x6 ll /'v 6 t_.1 4-0-B 35 37 27 / 30 29 26 4xa ll DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) in (loc) 4.07 20-22 4.09 2G22{o0 19 Ydefl >999 >999 nla Ud 360 240 nla SPAGING- 2-O.O Plate Grip DOL 1 .15 Lumber DOL 1 .15 Rep Stress lncr YES Code lRC2015ffPl20l4 cst. TC O.74BC 0.20 \ /B 0.61 Matrix-SH 1-81, 2x4 DF No.2 *Except* T2:2x10 DF SS 2x12 DF SS 2x4 DF Stud'Except" W4:2x4 DF 24ooF 2.0E, V1E: 2x6 DF No.2, \ E: 2x4 DF No.z 2x4 DF Stud [8:0-2-0,G0-01, [9:0-4-8,0-3-0],[20:0-3-8,0-1-0], LOADING (psoTCLL 25.O (Roof Snow=25.0)TCDL 8.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 7.O PLATES MT2O GRIP 2201195 RENEWS:12t31t2o August 29,2019 LUMBER- TOP CHORD BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD \A/EBS JOINTS Weight: 311 lb FT = 20% Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. RigU ceiling direclly applied or 6-G0 oc bracing. 1 Rowatmidpt 17-19,20-28 1 Brace at Jt(s): 26, 27, 28, 30, 3'1, 34, 35 MiTek recommends cross bracing be installed during truss ereclion, in accordance with Siabilizer ,,r.6,82 BOT CHORD \A/EBS OTHERS REAGTIONS.All bearings 2&Go. Max Horz 25:340(LC 8) Max Uplift All uplift IOO lb or less at joint(s) 20 excepl 25:330(LC 61,22:268(lC 10), 19:217(LC 7),23--1612(Lc 171 Max Grav All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 25 excepl22=2534(lC 21), 1e=s18(LC 1e), 19=457(LC 1), 20=1048(Lc 2),24=553(LC 17) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less excepl when shown. TOP CHORD 3-4=-1591253,4-5:160/354,5-6:369/172, 6-42=7411172'7-42=-6811184' 7 -8=-7 1 41205, 8-9--731 1227, *10:6851223, 1G.l 1=72512?2, 1 1-12='737 121 5' 12-43=-7251203,1343--7461199, M4:8171222, 14-15=-8491222, 1$16:818/197' 16-17 =-8441 17 5, 2-25=-2a1 1293, 17-19:5441 178 BOT CHORD 24-25=-2os1295, 23-24:2091295, 22-23--2091295 \ /EBS 5-2?--9701338, e30:120/693,29-30:119/685, 26'29=-1181682,26-35=-1671765, 35-37=-1671765,27-37:1671765, 27-39=1671765,3*40=-1671765, 2840=-1671765' 28-41=-1671765, 17-41*1671765, 2-32:3321234, 31-32=-3so1246, 22-31=-3861272, 2&33=-88274,34-36=891252,36-38=-871254,13-38=-65/281,20-28=-4681153 NOTES. 1) Wnd: ASCE 7-10; Vult=120mph (3-second gust) Vasd=gsmph; TCDL=4.8psf; BCDL=4.2pst h=25ft; Cat. ll; Exp B; Enclosed; lvl/VFRS (envelope) gable end zone: cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard lndustry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualmed building designer as per ANSI/TPl I . 3) TCLL: ASCE 7-10; Pf=25.0 psf (flat roof snow); Category ll; Exp B; Partially Exp.; Ct=1.1 0 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered forthis design. 5) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of '16.0 psf or 1.00 times flat roof load of 25.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrenl with other live loads. 6) All plates are 1x4 MT20 unless oiheMise indicated. 7) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. CJ;lfilEJSSn BaBp2en designed for a 1O.O psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wilh any other live loads. (b) I weenno - vu,;t daslga paanet,s ild READ NOTES ON mE AND \NaLUDED MnEK REFEREN,E PAGE MIt-7473 BEFORE UsE Design valid for use onlywith MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon paEmeteE shown, and is for an individlal building component. Applicability of design paEmenteE and proper incorporation ofcomponent is responsibility ofbuilding designer- nottruss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral suppon of individual web membeE only. Additiona, tempoEry bracing to insure stability during conskuction is the rssponsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the oveEll structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For g-ene-ral guidanc6-reg-arding- .. -fdbricarion, quatity ionhl, sroEge, d;livery. erection and bracing, consult ANSUTPII Ouality Criteda, DSBJ9 and Begll Building Componenl Salety lnfomadon available from Truss Plate lnslitute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wl 53719. A theTRUSSco. nvc. 18 lTruss l^oro. I JTruas Tyee lcesLe lQty lPlyl,l1J'1042S31 t1294649'1 Eugene, oR 97402 lD:Y'l NOTES. 9) " This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the botlom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-O-O wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 7.0psl. 10) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift atjoint(s) 20 except 0t=lb) 25=330, 22=269,19=217,22=1612. must provide for uplift reactions indicated. 1 2) Attic room checked for U360 deflection. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I W*MUA - Ve,ity deslgn paam*B a\d READ NOiES ON fHls AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mlt-7473 EEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with Milek connectors. Ihis design is based only upon parameters shown, and is toran individual building component. Applicability of d€sign paramenters and proper incorporation of componenl is responsibility of building designer - nottruss designer. B€cing shown isforlaleralsuppoilofindividualwebmembeEonly. Addilionaltemporarybracingtoinsurestabilitydurinqconstructionistheresponsibillifyofthe erector Additionalpemanentbracingoflheoverallstructureistheresponsibilityofthebuildingdesigner.ForgeneElguidanceregarding hbdcation, quality con[ol, stoBge, delivery, erection and bracing. mnsult ANSyTPI 1 Ouality Cdtoria, DSBJ9 and BCSII Building Componont Safety lhiomatlon available from Truss Plate lnstilute, 583 D'onofrio Drive, Madison, Wl 53719. A theTRUSSco,ntc. a c- Numbering System | 6-4-8 t dlmanelone Bhown ln ft.ln.elxteenths JOINTS ARE GENERAI-LY NUMBERED/I-ETTERED CLOCI(\^fl SE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED BY END JOINT NUMBERS/LETTERS. ESR-131 1, ESR-I352, ER-5243, 96048, 9730, 95-43, 96-31, 9667A NER-487, NER-561 951 1 0, 84-32, 96-67, ER-3907 , 94324 @ 2006 MiTek@ All Rights Reserved O WEBS = o x.oIO tLoF o E. =O ILoF t 4 BOTTOM 8 7 o q (Drawings not to scale) 2 TOP CHORDS PRODUCT CODEAPPROVALS ICC-ES Reports: fl , Gqne,'al,$afety Notes Failure to Follow Could Cause Property Damage or Personal lnjury 1. Addi"onal stabill.y brduing for trusi sys.eml e.g. diagonal orX-bracinr, is always ri:quired. See BCS|l. 2. Truss bracing must be designed by an engineer. For wide truss spacing, individual lateral braces themselves may require bracing, or altemative T, l, or Eliminator b.acing should be,cLniid6,€J. 3. Never:xceed the des'3n'rrdingi:hcwn and never sta.ik r,,aterials on ina..;eq;ately b. acLd trusses. 4. Provide coples ofthis truss design to the building dBsigner, erection supervisor, property owner and all other interested parties. 5. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. 6. Place plates on each face oftruss at each joint and embed fully. Knots and wane at.joint locations are regulated by ANSIffPI 1. 7. Design assumes trusses will be suitably protected from the environment in accord with ANSI/TPl 1. 8. Unless otheMise noted, moisture content of lumber shall not exceed 19% at time offabrication. 9. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant, preservative treated, or green lumber. 10. Camber is a non-structural consideration and is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to camberfor dead load deflection. 1 1. Plate type, size, orientation and location dimensions indicated are minimum plating requirements. 12. Lumber used shall be ofthe species and size, and in all respects, equal to or better than that specified. 13. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided at spacing indicated on design. 14. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. 15. Connections notshown are the responsibility ofotheB. 16. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of an engineer. 17. lnstall and load vertically unless indicated otherwise. 1 8. Use of green or treated lumber may pose unacceptable environmental, health or performance risks. Consult with project engineer before use. 19. Review all portions of this design (front, back, words and pictures) before use. Reviewing pictures alone is not sufficient. 20. Design assumes manufacture in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 Quality Criteria. f--l r PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION * Plate location details available in MiTek 20/20 soffware or upon request IATERAL BRACI NG LOCATION lndicated by symbol shown and/or by text in the bracing section of the output. Use T, I or Eliminator bracing if indicated. Industry Standards: ANSI/TPl1: National Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction.DSB-89: Design Standard for Bracing.BCSIl: BuildingComponentSafetylnformation, Guide to Good Practice for Handling, lnstalling & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. L Synnbols BEARING o-1/d' 1E; PLATE SIZE 4x4 For 4 x2 orientation, locate plates 0- 14d' from outside edge of truss. lndicates Iocation where bearings (supports) occur. lcons vary but reaction section indicates joint number where bearings occur. The first dimension is the plate width measured perpendicular to slots. Second dimension is the length parallel to slots. Center plate on joint unless x, y offsets are indicated. Dimensions are in ft-in-sixteenths. Apply plates to both sides of truss and fully embed teeth. This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in connector plates. theTRUSSco. INc. oooo (oc{ o<) @o F- oo (oo @ 13-02-14 I! o )I I r t @o<l oooort oooo{ oo (oo F- oo @o \t ,04(6 TRIANGLES ON TRUSS ENDS INDICATE LEFT END OF TRUSS ON CORRESPONDING ENGINEERING SHEET 30-00-00 oooo (o N { r, il { -.4E E-P- !c95ieEEei _E; e:6' sE h;: EIE:E"s ;:E+;€Ftr=39EE;3o H 6 6.C S od *- e.E 6 .* B d 2 U g (tr =o o a o o.Co- 0) o (6 0) Eo E. efot g. o j 6Eo .E o. U) Joo U) @ o - o- B ROOF'NOTES: co[.4PostTloN RooF RooF PIToH:9/12 & 4/12 OVERHANG: 2-00-00 TOP cHoRD LIVE LoAO: 25 psf TOP cHoRD DEAD LOAo: 8 psf BOfiOM CHORO DEAD LOAD: 7 psf WND LOAD & EXPOSURE: Vult 120 mph - Exp. TRUSS TO PLATE CONNECTION BY OTHERS LAYOUT NOT TO SCALE Uz! a 5 GilEML NOES I IHIS ORAWNG PROMOESIRUSS DIMENSIONS ANO LOCATIONS ONLY ANO SfrALLAWAYS AE USED IN CONJUNCTION WTH AFPROVEO ARCHITECIUAL NO STRUCTURAL ORAWNGS 2 THE GENERAT CONIRATOR SHALL VERIryA[ OIMENSbNS IN OISCREPANCIES TOTHE MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO FABRICATION, 3 TRUSSES ARE STREMELY FLEXIBLE UM[ ALL FORMS OF BRACIilG ffiE IN PWEANO FNIENEO, FOR EREfrION AND ERACING RECOMMENDATIONS, SEETHE ENCLOSED &SLB1 & BCSIE3 SUMMARYSHEETS, BETORE INSTALLING TRUSSES. REFER TO INDIVIDUAL ENGINEERED TRUSS ORAWNGS, LOATETNE TOPANO SONOM CHORDS, ANO PUCE TRUSSES ACCORDINGLY, ARACE INDICAIEO ON THE ENGINEERED TRUSS DFAWINGS IS MANOIIORY AND PERMANENT, FOLIOW PROJECT ENGINEERS / DESIGNERS INSTRUCTION ON TIE MWNS, NAILING AND OVERALLSWAY ARACING- 6 OO NOTCUT, DRILL, OR ALIER IRUSSES IN ANVWAYWIHOUT WRIEEN AUTHORATION FROM TBE TRUSSCO& AUILOING SUPPLY, THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES SOLE RrcPONSIAI!frOF NY &TERAT6N OFATRUSSWIHOIIWRIfrENAPPROVAT FROMIBE TNUSSCO ' EUIIOING SUPPLY, SUPERIMPOSEO IOAOS: A, NO MATERhT SHALL BE STORED ON ATRUSS SYSTEM UNTILAIL PERMANENT BRACING H6 BEEN COMPLETELY INSTALLED. A. CONCENTRATEO ! UNI'ORM bAOS DUE IO CONSTRUCTION ANODR ECUPANCYSHALL NOI EXCEED IHOSE SPECIFIED W THE TRUSS OESIGilER AS TOWEIGHTANO LOCAIION, C fOAOS SHALL NOT BE SUSPENDED FROM IHE BONOM CHOROS OF TRUSSES UNLESS TAETRUSSES HAVE BEEil DESIGNEOTO SSELY CffiRY THE APPLIEO LOAD- 1. SEE G!A1 SUMMARY SHEEY FOR H&OLING.INSTALLING, BESTSAININC ANO TEMPORARY 8RrcING REOUIREMENTS. 2, SEE EilGINEEREO YRUSS ORAWNGS AND SUPPUED BCSIS3 FOR PERMANENT BRrcING REOUIREMENTS t o oN oNo U t<-9 E! E * <6,a;A }H2 Ptlltl { -. (Y! ;Is 3 \.1} ar\'- \-Da\A U p s\ N cr N \ \ l -l-l i* Is $ s ;s tl ) 3 UJ k*\n$Ix ,h e c-I I t- I I i ii* r.itl"::i l-.'t.Li I I i -l I I t.--lIlIl-i -t''l II n i : i ! J--'lI a 1 l I :. !!,!-'1 : iil iil ,llill'I ilftl I I :t l l *J I 3 -;l I i l I *j ';ii,tl-i,i I;-*i- | t', ),l Il- I..I I I I ,* .),) L { t( { rtl.\s . Lil r! -\-\-dZ I Z- r \n I \. I I l Ca. Z Jde? otr S -i-- ll >s .,. \ \-Ll tr $f ac r \ b \-l lrlt.l i I I II I I ) tl r a ,-l' t LI il11 (I il -t- t- I -1I I I I -t I ,{ _l I ., t l,l: tr"{-