HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Submittal 2019-10-01CITY Of SPRINGFIEL,D' OREGON PRINGFIELD --t #225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR97477 PH: (5aI)726-3753 FAX: (541) 726-3689 OR EGOia Public lllorks and Development Supp Date:D q To Staff Member: From: Gontact Phone Numberr Permit Number/Journal Number:11 - bbtiL\ST{L Project Address:L\ of Submittal Material:s !nstructions for Gity Staff: Accepted By: r\\\K P,383 SSWTNoTNEERS,,Niles Hansen SHEET NO.COVER TIVIT SIRUCTURAL BUILDING DESISl'| SURVEYING I.AI{D USE PTAI{}II}IG 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 485-8383 Fax (541) 485-8384 Expansion - Oven Anchor Rosen Sunvisor PROJECT NO.1g-7555 Euqene, Oregon BY MAC DATE 1011t19 STRUCTURAL DES'GN Desiqn is qoverned bv: 2014 State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code Seismic - Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure Ss = 0.745 St =0.392 Material Spec lncludes: Concrete -- Slabs on grade --- F'c = Structural Steel -- ASTM 4-36, or A-572, Grade 50, Weld electrode -- E70XX, 3,000 psi in 28 days, uy-L0 lr lt? $s >t ,( \q,- I RENEWS:lZl 755S-Oven Anchors.xlsx @ SSWrNorNEERs,,Niles Hansen SHEET NO.1or % SURVEYIIIG LAND USE PTANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite '105 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 485-8383 Fax (541) 485-8384 citIIL STRUcTURAt BUILDItlG OESIGN Rosen Sunvisor PROJECT NO.19-7555 Eugene, Oregon av MAC Expansion - Oven Anchor DATE 1011119 State of Oregon 2014 Structural Specialty Code Based on the 2012lnternationalBuilding Code Latitude = 44.03596 Longitude = -123.0280 SMS = FaSs = SM1 = FvSl = SDS = 2/3SMS = SD1 = 2/3SMl = Ct' (tbl 12.8-2) = x, (tbl 12.8-2) = hn, height in feet above base Sos/(R/l) = SD1/T(R/l) = 0.03= W- \u/ = flo = VQo = Uniform Load = Risk Category = (tbr. 1.5-1) Seismic Design Category = (tbr 1613.s.5(1)) Site Class = (Per ASCE 7-10, Chapter 20) To = .2Sot/Sos = Ts = Sot/Sos = Ta = Ct hn^x = Cu, (tbl 12.8-t1= T=CuTa= Sa = 0.6(Sos/To)T+0.4Sos = Sa = SD1/T = Sa=SDS= r,(tbr 1 1.5-1) = R, (tbr 15.4-1,-2) = TL (Fig 22-15) = II 0.745 1.202 0.392 1.608 0.895 0.630 0.597 0.420 0.020 0.750 18.00 0.48 1.37 0.03 3000 1433 2 2866 72 324 0.14 0.70 0.17 1.4 0.24 0.86 2.40 0.60 1.00 1.25 16 D D All other self-supporting structures, tanks, or vessels not covered above or by reference standards that are similar to buildings Seismic Desiqn Requirements for Nonbuildinq Structures ASCE 7-10 Chapter'15 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (ASCE 12.8) Seismic Base Shear, V = CsW .Cs= Sos/(R/l) cs(max) = sD1/T(R/l) Cs(min) = 0'03 V = 0.48W Heigth width Length tb tb tb plf plf 10.00 ft B.B3 ft 40.00 ft 755S-Oven Anchors.xlsx 0.2 Sec. Spectral Resp. Accel. Ss, (Fig. '1613.5(1)) = Fa, (tbl. 1613.5.3(1)) = 1.0 Sec. SpectralResp. Accel. 51, (Fig. 1613.5(2)) = Fv. (tbl. 1613.5.3(2)) = SSWrtrorNEERs,, CIl/IT STRUCTURAT BUILOIIIG DESIGN SURVEYINC TANO USE PLAI{NI1{G \r^*:l5w-\SHEETNO. ? OT B Q.r r,.r-\ S*^0..--li PROJECT NO.te--7ss.f 6^l*^re O BY l',4AL2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 485-8383 Fax (541) 485-8384 12 !dlfrrF f-*na.*)g. sA - O{ji,4 Ar). l.'DATE tol r lrct =- r[ \.\a3t+ rq3:B<- i, 11.111\> e -|l' 3sntE 1\1 '- 3qs\t 3qs F ? t?lt s9s F tr'>n €Ar.SFI N-! LI-?B' 9l,r* qt3 tt ultg F L\lS s r.t-? B * \rrP r-.c "r €\zu \ozBE €tz* \htlz \uz3- grz" aA G c D €, r -._*-> lot Rr 8'oa' B=- C.H,Sc.tc ,,r5guG.t\/9" Frur-1gT' @ -rrle -M o ' ?r-l* (t.\ : "l-19 c\\ ?..; ?r..ls0lr:/e,$1" = gl?F u,PL.r'? V a t\{aait {.{,o . tq 3lo $ \'s R t= \ U23tF v/,; = 3'ltt ({'9ae\:7'. = I lP56 - xzt'* y,,.a"( oL trsd L 3xz r'/q x n Zo' 3.8i A a D IZo ( SIMPSON 9e -tt '.i i, Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.6.6703.46 @ l.Proiect information Customer company: ES&A Customer contact name: Customer e-mail: Comment: 2. lnout Data & Anchor Parameters General Design method:ACl 318-'l 1 Units: lmperial unils Anchor lnformation: Anchor type: Concrete screw Material: Carbon Steel Diameter (inch): 0.500 Nominal Embedment depth (inch): 3.500 Effective Embedment depth, h"r (inch): 2.560 Code report: ICC-ES ESR-2713 Anchor calegory: 't Anchor ductility: No h,in (inch): 5.42 c"" (inch): 3.88 C.in (inch): 1.75 S-i" (inch): 3.00 Project description: Rosen Oven Location: Fastening description: Base Material Concrete: Normal-weight Concrele thickness, h (inch): 6.00 Stale: Cracked Compressive strength, f" (psi): 3000 Vc.v: 1.0 Reinforcement condilion: B tension, B shear Supplemental reinforcement: Not applicable Reinforcement provided at corners: No lgnore concrele breakout in tension: No lgnore concrete breakout in shear: Yes lgnore 6do requirement: Not applicable Build-up grout pad: No Recommended Anchor Anchor Name: Titen HDIO- ll2"ATilen HD, hnom:3.S" (89mm) Code Report: ICC-ES ESR-2713 lnput data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility Srmcson Sir,rlq-i;. tlr:nipan)., lr:c. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www'skonglie.com Company:SSW Engineers lnc Date:'t0t1t19 Enqineer:Michael A Cox, P.E.Page 1t5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail SIMPSON Ale .'.i :l r l @ Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.6.6703.46 Load and Geometry Load factor source: ACI 3'18 Section 9.2 Load combination: not set Seismic design: Yes Anchors subjected to sustained tension: Nol applicable Ductility section for tension: D. (d) is satisfied Ductility section for shear: D. (c) is satisfied Oo factor: not set Apply entire shear load at front row: No Anchors only resisting wind and/or seismic loads: Yes Strength level loads: N* flbl: 1623 Vu", [b]: 717 V,"y [b]: 478 <Figure 1> 7L7 lb tb623 z I I I I 1 I I L I 478[b--\_ -Y x' lnput data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Sirrrr-.son Strcn!-Ti. Corlpany lnc. 59s6 W. Las positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.stronglie.com Company:SSW Engineers lnc Date:10t1t19 Engineer:Michael A Cox, P.E.Page:2ts Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: ss \c; Date:1011119Company:SSW Engineers lnc 315Engineer:Michael A Cox, P.E.Page: Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: s/s @ ..::i:' ,, -"":..' .-'.i'.' - , -i].iiriil;r,r ;r: @ Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.6.6703.46 <Figure 2> lnput data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Sirylrson Sfian!-T:. Ctr]lp:r:;- ir:c. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie'com {"{g Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.6.6703.46 SIMPSON Company:SSW Engineers Inc Date:10t1119 Engineer:Michael A Cox, P.E.Page:4t5 Project: Address Phone: E-mail: 3. Resultinq Anchor Forces Anchor Tension load, N," (lb) Shear load x, Vr", (lb) Shear load y, V,"y (lb) Shear load combined, {1v,",;,+1v,"r1, 1lb; 1 1623.O 717.0 478.4 861.7 Sum 1623.0 7'17.0 Maximum concrete compression strain (%d: 0.00 Maximum concrete compression stress (psi): 0 Resultant tension force (lb): 1623 Resultant compression force (lb): 0 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in x-axis, e'n' (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in y-axis, e'r.ry (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in x-axis, e'v, (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in y-axis, e'w (inch): 0.00 4. Steel Strenqth of Anchor in Tension (Sec. D.5.1) Ar", (b) 0 0N* (lb) M 5. Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Tension (Sec. D.5.2) No = k"tru{foh"ls (Eq. D-6) kc l" f" (Psi) her (in) A/b (lb) 17.0 1.00 3000 2.560 3814 0.75QN* = 0.75d (Au"/ Auo)Y"a,uV",uY"p,arNt (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-3) Aru" (in2) Au* (in2 ca,nin (in) Yea,u Y",u 478.0 861.7 Y"p,*No (lb)0 0.75dNco (lb) 58.98 58.98 1.000 1.00 8. Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.1) Y", (lb) fis,*t 0 fiq,,t$Va (lb) 4790 1.0 0.60 2874 10. Concrete Pryout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.3) SVap= SkcpNa= @kcp(ANc/Arua)Yea,NYc.uYcp,uM(Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D40) krp Aiv" (in2) Ar'r* (in2) Yua.n Y",N Y"p1,t 1.000 3814 0.65 1859 ruo (b) 0 tv"p (tb) 2.0 58.98 58.98 1.000 1.000 1.000 381 4 0.70 5339 11. Results lnteraction of Tensile and Shear Forces (Sec. RD.7) lnpul data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility' SirncscnSti.rll.r-TieCcnrp:nyli:t. 5956W.LasPositasBoulevard Pleasanton,CA94588 Phone:925.560.9000 Fax:925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com 1l* Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.6.6703.46 Tension Factored Load, N* (lb) Design Strength, oN" (lb) Ratio Status SIMPSON Company SSW Engineers lnc Date:1011t19 Enqineer:Michael A Cox, P.E.Page:5/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Steel Concrete breakout Shear 1623 1623 1 3085 1 859 0.12 0.87 Pass Pass (Governs) StatusFactored Load, V,a (lb) Design Strength, oV" (lb) Ratio Steel Pryout 862 0.30 0.16862 Pass (Governs) Pass Statuslnteractioncheck (N,J0NQ5/3 (v,Jtv*)t3 Combined Ralio Permissible Sec. RD.7 0.80 0.13 93.2% 112"4 Titen HD, hnom:3.5" (89mm) meets the selected design criteria. 1.0 Pass 12. Warnings - Minimum spacing and edge distance requirement of 6da per ACI 318 Sections D.8.1 and D.8.2 for torqued cast-in-place anchor is waived per designer option. - Concrete breakout strength in shear has not been evaluated against applied shear load(s) per designer option. Refer to ACI 3'18 Section D.4.2.1 tor conditions where calculations of the concrete breakout strength may not be required. - Per designer input, ductility requirements for tension have been determined to be satisfied - designer to veriff. - Per designer input, ductility requirements for shear have been determined to be satisfied - designer to verifo. - Designer must exercise own judgement lo determine if this design is suitable. - Refer to manufacturer's product literature for hole cleaning and installation instructions. lnput data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility Sini;scn:;i.c..j-T:i;Conrp:nyir:c. 5956W"LasPositasBoulevard Pleasanlon,CA94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.stronglie.com 2474 5339 SSWTNcTtlEERs,Nrr Ec. \-ia*t.o"*t SHEETNo. % or B CIVIT SIRUCTURAL BtJIl-DIIIGDESIOI,I SUR\,EYI},IO UI],lD USE PUINllII{G 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 485-8383 Fax(541) 485-8384 -r\e 3-*r.r Rost'r-{ Su^sr-)r s.o fL PROJECT NO.l€.- 7Ss.s- €u t,rN f, t)?-r41.ot\,J BY AA,4C- FYaeJs,o..\- Z)r.r6N Aser-r DATE t o/t ltn €N fRA$^(,N --^PNcrlocc ro BE ?tAce o F) eY-i-ic-roft- crF DVEN t/ ^tv L 3xZXVc{ x 2'l o/ srrxesostzJ' {rtEr{ H > ,Zgllr" E}^EEB SCaue: $r'= l'-str 3'ov€N trf<AMe N ye xY.r xZ'' 91.1 HDr 2?r"" er'rse> G" CoNc (LAB P 1*Le RENEWS:I i I \'/;' Axtet,,.,. E-LE,*-'c)N\