HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2019-09-30CITY OF SPRIN Gtr'IELD, OREGON Electric al Permit A ation 225 trift[ Streeao Springtietd, ORyr477r.?n(gr)?2G37sjt e2A|!:qFtELD rAxts{r)z6J6se Lb Thir permit is issued under oAR 9rt-3094000. Permits are notrfreDste."ble. permits expire if work is not srarted within rEodays of fusuancc or if work is suspended frr iiO arys. n6 E-mail: l,ast eilited 7/l/2019 Elones DEPARTMENT USE ONLY \-002 JoDate: LOCAT GOVERNIIENT APPROVAL Zoning approval verified?lYes lNo OF CONSTRUCTION Residential E Govemment E Commercial BJO INSITE FO RMATIOSI AND LOCATION Job site address: State: Taxlot. OF UVORK PROPERTY OWNER Name: Address:I r1 State ZlP 1L1 Fax: This insallation is being made on residential or farm properly owned by me or a member of my immediate farnily. This propeny is oot intended for sale, exchange, lease, or rent, OAR 479.5,10(1) and 479.560(l ). Signafure: CONT RACTOR INSTAL LATION Address: ZIP:.-t Fax:L4Phone: E-mail: CCB license no.BCD license no.:\30 tnsPrint narne Sipature of signing supcrvisor: Number of inrpectiola per itcm ( )Qty.Cost EL Total cost Residentiel, per urit, service included: 1,ffiO sq. ft. or less (4)s186.00 $ Each additional 500 sq. ff. or ponion thereof s36.00 $ Limited energy (2)s4{.00 $ Each manufactured horrp or modular dwelling service or feeder (2)s89.00 $ Services or feeders: inslallation, al!eralion, relrcalion 200 amps or less (2)$l12.00 $ 201 to 400 amps (2)$131.00 $ 401 to 600 amps (2)$221.00 $ 601 to 1,000 amps (2)$2E5.00 s Over 1,000 arnFs or vohs (2)$654-00 s Reconnect only (2)sr9.00 s Iemponry cervicei or feeders: inslallation, alleralion, relocation 200 amps or less (2)$E9.00 S 20 I to 400 arnps (2)$r22.00 $ s177.00 $401 to 600 amps (2) Over 600 amps or 1,000 volts, see seryices or feeders section above Branch clrcuits: netq alteralbn, extension per panel a. Fee for branch circuits with purchase ofa service or feeder fee: $r.00 $Each branch ci-rcuit b, Fee for branch circuits wiihout purchase ofa service or feeder fee: $89.00 $First branch circuit (2) $8.00 5Each additional branch circuit Miscellancous feesz sen'ice orfeeder not included $89.00 sEach purnp or irrigation circle (2) $19.00 sEach sigo or ou0ine lighting (2) s89.00 $Signd circuit or a limited-energy panel, alteration, or extension (2) $s102.00Each rddidonal inspection: (I) DEPARTHEITIT USE $ (A) Enter subtotal of above fees (Minimum Permit Fce $f 02.00) S(B) Enter l2% surcharge (.12 x [A]) $(C) Technologr Fee (s% ot[A]) $ l\q.itTOTAL fces and surcharges (A through D) Z'd 686t69' t19 cvn H lorluoc eleLurlc eto:80 6 L 00 das FEE SCHEDI Cif',(,nrr iynh p.zrP:q1\17 Refererlce: I tPal I t'114/lt Tt*Business name: (' I Statz: f)k lA,t\Ln fDr,r t-|ly Signing supen'isor's Ucenss no.: Mechanical Permit Application CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION fl Residential EI Government E Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: State: p I zrP:q1Lt11 R"f*il; I Taxlot, DESCRTPTTO{ OF WOBK PROPERTY OWNER Name: Address: 2.5JO J. }irp o1 State: nP_zrP q1411 Fax: E-mail: This installation is beiog made on property owned by me oI a mernber of my immediaie family, and is exempt from licensing requiremetrts under ORS 701.010. Signature: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION (1,lrT\IJt' Address: 4^t1 E. b% fu r( state: otp aP: Q1L41q Phone:Fax:l.u,v E-mail: vtJ,ly Print name:2>2y'^ l.ast edited 7i l/2019 BJones SPFI:{G:'iELf FEE SCHEDULE Residential Qt!'.Cost EL Toad coct Finl Annliance $102.00 s Furnace/burner includinp ducts and vents Up to l00k BTU,/hr,s23.00 s Over l00k BTU,ftr $26.00 S ff el lers"/sloves/vents Unit hearer $23.00 $ W'ood./pelleUgx stovdflue $s4.00 s Evaporated cooler Dl9-00 I Vent fan with one ducUappliance tl3.00 $ Hood with exhaust and duct u9.00 $ One to four outlets 59.00 s .A.dditional outlea (each)$5.00 $ Up to 10,000 CFM $rs.00 Over 10,0O0 CFM I26.00 s Comuressor/absorption systeru./hert purnp Up to 3 hpllfl)k BTU $23.00 $ Up to l5 hp/500k BTU 041.00 $ Up to 30 hp/1,000 BTU 161.00 $ Lip to 50 hp/l,750 BTU s7&00 $ Over 50 hp/1,750 BTU st32.00 $ Incinerators Domestic incinerator i25-00 $ Enter fee based oo valuation ofmechatrical etc.$ tiscellaneous faes Cost€-To,trl cost Reinspectioo lr02.00 $ Specialts (equested inspections (per n02.00 $ Regulated equipment (unclassed)il9.00 $ Each sdditionrl inspection: (1)s1(n.00 $ DEPARTMENT USE (A) Eot€r subtotal of above fecs (or entcr set minimum fee of $ 102.00)$ (B) Investiguivc fte t (C) Entcr 12% sucharge (.t2 rlA+Bl)$ (D) Seismic fee,TVo (.01 x [A])$ (E) Technotogy Fce (5% of [A]) .-S TOTAL fees rod surchrrges (A tbrough E):$ Eoter total valuation of mechanical system and instaltation costs $ 225 Fifth StrEet r SpringfieH. OR 9747 o PH(541 )72G1753 . FAX(54 l)72636t9 This permit h issued under OAR 918440-0050. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for lto deys. ,,b, S DEPARTiIENT USE ONLY -002731Permit no. lqDateqo ;d 686169' t19 cvnH lorluoc aleurlc eeo:80 6l 00 das ) Air-handlins nnits- includins dgc s Cammercial Business name: CCB license no.: