HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Encroachment 2019-05-14 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICANT: Monkey Hero, LLC LOCATION: 5550 A Street PERMIT: 811-19-000115-PW DATE: May 14, 2019 ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center. (Note: The administrative telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is (800)332-2344. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION: Contact Craig Fitzgerald at (541) 954-6477 prior to cutting or core drilling pipe and to schedule inspection of pipe connection(s). STREET CUT AND RESTORATION: Contact Todd Thompson at (541) 912-1389 a minimum of 24 hours prior to beginning work, for scheduling of all other inspections, and for all questions related to street construction. Refer to City of Springfield Municipal Code 3.208 for information on Encroachment Permit requirements. Work within public right-of-way shall only be performed only by contractors and employees certified pursuant to ORS 701.026. All materials and workmanship shall, at a minimum, meet City of Springfield, Department of Public Works “Standard Construction Specifications, 1994” as amended in 1998 (or current edition). The City has the right to require additional work not shown/described herein, but necessary for the restoration of the City’s ROW infrastructure. A spill kit is to remain on-site for the duration of all construction activities. The spill kit shall, at a minimum, contain absorbent, spill booms, and spill pads. The spill kit is to be placed in an area where it is easily visible and accessible in case of a spill emergency. Applicant shall maintain oversight of all contractors and sub-contractors performing work authorized by this permit and shall be responsible for ensuring all work is performed in accordance with City of Springfield Standard Specifications and the specific conditions of approval contained in this permit. Traffic Control During construction or maintenance or performing utility work in the ROW, the work area shall be protected in accordance with the current MANUAL ON UNFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD). Flaggers must have a current card or current certificate indicating their completion of an approved work zone traffic control course. All traffic control devices shall be maintained according to the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA), Quality Standards for Work Zone Traffic control Devices handbook. “As a condition to receive and retain this permit all temporary traffic control shall conform to the Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook with Errata, dated September 2016. The permit holder is solely responsible to provide and maintain appropriate temporary traffic control for the duration of the work. Failure to provide and maintain temporary traffic control is grounds for revocation of this permit. The handbook is available for download at https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Engineering/Docs_TrafficEng/OTTCH-v2011.pdf. Printed copies of this manual can be ordered from Chemeketa Community College Center for Business & Industry, 503-399-5181.” General Requirements Restoration work shall conform to City of Springfield Standard Specifications. All planted areas disturbed within right-of-way shall be fully restored. Backfill shall consist of a minimum 2’ (two feet) of CDF and asphalt paving shall be a Lane County approved mix design applied to match existing thickness (4-inch minimum). A 6” (six inch) minimum “T” cut is required around the excavated area, additional clean up cuts may be necessary and will be determined by city staff. Seams shall be sealed with a polymerized crack sealant. Permanent paving shall be applied within five working days of completing utility repair. City staff shall determine the limits of restoration. Cold mix asphalt shall be applied to all temporary patches within roadways and the contractor shall be responsible for the monitoring and maintenance of the patch until permanent restoration is achieved. Temporary stabilization of any excavation during the CDF cure period shall be steel plates or any other method approved by the City of Springfield. Plates shall be properly sized and secured in a manner that does not present a hazard to public travel and proper advanced warning signs shall be utilized. Impacts to sidewalks shall require removal and replacement of full panels. All slurry produced by saw cutting shall be prevented from entering the public stormwater system. All slurry shall be properly collected and disposed of. By signature, I state I have carefully examined the approved permit and do hereby agree to comply with the requirements of the permit and I certify any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, applicable City Standard Specification and Drawings, and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used for this project. I agree for myself, my contractors, and employees, that the approval of the right of way permit in no manner presumes or implies the approval or terms of approval of any other future permit required by the City for the site and indemnifies and holds harmless the City regarding any future approval of a future site plan, partition, subdivision, or any other required permit that may cause any work completed in compliance with the right of way permit to be altered to conform to the final permit approval. I understand and agree the City may inspect the work site described in this permit at any time during a one-year period following the receipt by the City of notice of completion of the described work and specify, at the City’s sole discretion, any additional restoration work required to return the site to a standard acceptable to the City. I will be notified in writing of any work required and will have 30 days from the date of the notice to complete the work. Work not completed at the end of the 30 days will be performed by the City and the costs will be billed to me. I further agree to ensure all required inspections are requested at the proper time and the approved permit and set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction and until removed by the City. I shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against all liability or loss and against all claims or actions based upon or arising out of damage or injury to persons or property caused by or sustained in connection with performance if this Contract by the permittee except, pursuant to ORS 30.140, for losses, claims, or actions resulting from the sole negligence of the City. I shall assume all responsibilities for the work, and bear all losses and damages directly or indirectly resulting to the permittee, the City, or to others on account of the character or performance of the work, unforeseen difficulties, accidents, or any other causes whatsoever. I shall assume defense of, indemnify and save harmless the City, its officials, agents, and employees from all claims, liability, loss, damage, and injury of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly resulting from activities in the performance of the Contract, the ownership, maintenance or use of motor vehicles in connection therewith, or the acts, omissions, operations, or conduct of the permittee or any Subcontractor under the Contract or any way arising out of the Contract, irrespective of whether an act, omission or conduct of the City connected with the Contract is a condition or contributory cause of the claim, liability loss, damage or injury and irrespective of whether act, omission, or conduct of the permittee or Subcontractor is merely a condition rather than a cause of a claim, liability, loss damage or injury. I shall not be liable for, nor be required to defend or indemnify, the City relative to claims for damage or damages resulting solely from acts or omissions of the City, its officials, agents, or employees. The permittee's absence of or inadequacy of the liability insurance required by the City of Springfield shall not negate permittee's obligations in this agreement. PERMITTEE: Printed Name: Signature: Date: Monkey Hero LLC Monkey Hero, LLC by Kathy Thomas 5/14/2019 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 5550 A Street This is an area of low traffic volume, in a cul-de-sac, and will close one lane for a work area of 5 feet in width, which extends to the centerline of A Street. 1. The work zone is marked on the map below with an X. 2. Three Road Work Ahead signs will be placed where marked with the RWA. This is at the approach to the work zone from N 55th, at the exit from the apartment buildings, and at the approach to the work zone from the far end of the cul-de-sac. 3. Orange cones will be placed around the work zone and its approaches. 4. Those working in the right-or-way will wear high visibility vests. X RWA RWA RWA