HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1985-07-11. city 225 ,o n.. 6 .LocATroN 0F slcN (ADDRESS) f springfield 5th street SPRINGFTELE,I N Fo RMATTON : 726-3753 INSPECTIoNS: 726-3769 ?\\ A SI GN PERMT T APPLICATION trt2 IJAA: Attt 2f)-<PPrL( frFr Fr "D alR- q7q>7 LECAL DESCRIPTION Ot,NER OR PROP ADDRESS OI.JNER OF SIGT.I CIF OT}IER TIIA}I PROPERTY O![NER)SA frg{tr ADDRESS ../akA.,t'l 4<ap Pc:/3o><.s-1 > TA.\ LOT ?6A PHONE A s r i"?'. NAI'E 0F Busrl'lEss, FrRM, ETc. -<-1FE vvAv TrpE or .BUsrrIEss 1-,ec!.ip )/ sr.l RE . TYPE OF I,IORK: 2( unncr AT.TER . RELOCATE OIHER B STP.UCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN: _lrALL ' >(r'nresrat{ptHc _ R00F PRoJECTTNG MARqUEE UNDER I,IARqUEE OTI{ER c.. USE AI{D CHARACTER OF SIGN: X rour.rrrry INCIDEMAL ->< DOUBLE FACE SINGLE FACE I{IJLTI-FACE PGADER BOARD .BILLBOARD D CITY LICENSE }MIBER XP ADDP.[S E oem E / za;/s.q P}IONE z434 -.t r AnnDree . VENDORS, CONIRACIORS: SIGN ERECTOR SICN I.IANUFACTURER CIF OIHER TI{AN ERECTOR) ARE THERE ANY EXiSTIIIG SIG}IS? -YES ,\IIO s G. s*rsrrloc srcNs ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINISS, ETC. DU.lEltsIoNS, UISTALLATION & coNsTp.ucTIOlI TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEPJICAL DI.}IENSION OF SIGN HORIZONIAL WIDTII OT SIGN DI}IENSION TROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICK}{ESS OR DEPTII DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? I!IE,-II PRoJEcrrolr rs lroRE ,ne*F- .o_yEl lgBl.rc pRopEpry tr,-n-s-iclr' iibaionLrylI_IrLE tlrrn rHE surr,6rfic-ilrii3ioi 99!_r_E! oF Hrs/rrEn r.:esiiiii iiro-ipJi;_ERTY DA}TAGE I}ISUP.AI.ICE poiiirl.T: ..*. E YES .2l-No '2._d" r-{?,-4,, tL,t-(\6 a t q.!64 lt_ IF YES, DI}'ENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE 'IrrLL SIGN lrAvE ELECTF.ICAL wIRItrc? y'a< -rF YES, r*rrcH APPLY? ;lrrrcrnr.offixrll.t rrrNArED (rNDrpJctm-r,icniroi- ELECTRICAL CONTP.ACIOR ADDRESS LISC. p-EggE_rqq rypE oR yArERrALs srcN rsCONSTRUCTED Or. t. t . VALUE OF SIGN:)coo , o-t,K . IITE INFOF}IATION .(LATID USE) .- EXISTING USEoF BUrLDrlrc on leNo (on u,ir usi"ii naceftiJ &INDoOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR I4ERCT{ANDISING PF.OPOSED LISE 0F BUILDING 0R LANDr J STrl e s ),.-L i -t' l,-' kr\ /- U*Roc-E A y HAVE applic,further 'rify hal Icercify rhe UnieId Sign dinances adoo laws'.EyofSpfurmv redSpringfi I WTII I CAREFULL Y theEXA}IINED 1e dte a tioncomP for erm].E doand here erc a1 IthaE1tbyE,orma T on 1s t rue and correc t Iand p rh t 1aI work f,erp sormed 1ncabedoneordanewLrhtheIr1Sp.ngf:Ordin ance eCodsforrn as oftedrh1cSorint1dIEbydaaldIotheOrrciheEofrLfioferyignIdand.n8 Ehe o Et ehe tetaCregopa1erclnworl:tot d e ib he^ed r-ne rhI er er rL haL tfy Con or .Lle{tr tacenscsrle g IEheEh of.c Id ls ln I ceforfu1 cand tf c asE re et1 dI Co esdou1aL68-Spring(an 9d)7 Ey 20 2()ues alltreq re sd ].requi by dgnEionIstels:-nspec ovedonEheAPPT SIGNATU permic. NA}IE (PLEASE PRINT) ,? A.<r , -p FA. ..w irrltrEElrtf :,.:,E g!:E&rl9llllt!S('ET.!e5;:;,..i::?ii,, t:': PLEASE RE,AD 2) separate Slsn Aoolication: A separate applicatlon ls requlred.for each separate slgn as definedffiffi .Le svr'rEqLrurr !u tEqurreq IOf eacl Electricar: Anv oerurlE issucd under thls appl-ication will include wirlng in or on stgn scructure,EEe supdly wirei ho;-;;n;;;.i.."-rJIc U" "o.,Li"a-;;-; elecErlcal p-errniE. Elecrrical 6onnecrtonmusE be made onrv by a stace Llcensed srecrircar-doitractor. rlluminareg "ig.: (b_orh incernarry Al3";X::'"arrv) irust co"iJ.,o ;;-a;;ri";"-g:i:+-t+i"i"i5t-;i g:i:iii*I?'tte sprinsrierd sign or- Plans Reouired: This.applicatlon ls to be submLtted with Ewo complete seEs of plans showing dt-me#i;ns;na-i'eighr "f-!lil;-;lJu"Ei"i"g ;";;;F-;; sign; locartoir-oi.-srgn on properry wirh di_oensions ro propercv linei,.sErucrural ierarli-or-""pp3ii r;;;i;;; ;;";ifi; Ii{atil5Iiivo"f'r"r"ri"r"or consErucrion' ror'sisn-iia-Jis,.,-ii;"il;;r'^;rIirii5"-i- equipmenr .ro ii!f;.il!, tli::"ffj 1o".tio,,of existing-signs.on pioperty f5r the same busienss. all as required Eo deterninq comoliance,iththe sprinsfierd sign Ordinante (Artlcre I of-ih;--s;;ingfield ciEy code).-'.ii;;;:':h;;",;f,;'follow-ing informacion on-the prot ptari (pran sto"int-'fri[iiri ii.n""-""i 16""[ro" of signs): a) show the locacion of all exisring stgn(s) as well as proposed slg.n(s).b) show the lengch of the street frontage taken up by the buslness or butldlng. For wal1signs, show the lengch of the buildiilg E;;i.;E.-c) show che locacron of entrances open to the publlc and drlveways. l{hen requlred, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and-calculatlons musE be pre-pared bv a licensed engineer oi itratt conform i;"e;;ig" stanaaiEs "ii-rir"-.r-;h;"B"iiAir,! oiri-sion 0fflce. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be reEurned to the applicanE with no permit beingissued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requiremenEs as described in Figure g of the SprlngfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. NorE: No sien mav be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or verEically from overheade-fEEtrical cSnductors i-n excess oi-zso "oii";;; i;.;-;il-5-;;;;'i;';y dlrecrion frou overheade1eccricalIineswh1chareenergized"tre"s,tt'""-75o;;il": rf a sign is noE installed within 60 days after the date of issue of thls permit, the permit sharlbe void. 3) 1) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) a) Site rnsoection - to be m-ade before the sign ls placed. usually, the Footlng rnspectionC-FFlfe5ilil ,.y u" ,"t. at the same tif;e as the site rnspectionl- rffi'g rnspec-tion'is ro be oade-afcer hole(s) rs e:rcaviiual-a"ii-pii;;;;-'d;-;iI;"#;; ii"!iii"r".".b) Flnal rnspectlon:- to be oade upon coryleilon of all work.c) lllectricar - atl electrical.signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the slgnis eiEcced and before the sign"ii E"r""a-o"l- cAIJ.F0RI}rEREQUIRxDINSPEcTI0Ns0NTHE24H0t,RINsPEcTIoNLINEAT726-3769 Inspe ctions: SIGN DISTRTCT ,.' /ZONE DISTRICT ToTAL SQUARE FoOTAGE OE SrcN _FooTING 0R lErHoD 0F ATTACHMENT l--f INAL OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORN ERECTION OF SIGN: t{u[ /.r,t'oc'{'/" ,) BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIJED:A.DDITIONAL INEORIIAIION NEEDED APPROVED BY: -'l -a- /' !/.'-t/-/ . ' (r( ['t"' 2) 7(i 4C l. ;'(r (c / ('-)tctt il / /tr. i ttr t /''ttt r7( t'/ (' ,_ ELECTRICAT PERMIT FEE: o2'g - c,|) ? /(" ( a 47. STATE SURC}IARGE: 7D TOTAL: -t SIGN ?EBMIT FEE: JoB # / -Zo- -rb SECTION:SIGN ORDINNICE p'1 (/ '{