HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1974-09-27'7.1.18tJ83 TRAILER PERMiT COI,IPLIANCE AGREEI,IENT The undersi gned,Cora Vaughn !]ty of Springfjeld-1920, dCity of Springfietd that he acknourledge notice of the fin subsection (a) of Sectjoof the City of Springfield_ (i ) (i i ) (iii) n cons erat onoft e r ssuance of aof the C omprehensjve Z oning Code of theoes here by covenant to and with th e/ she/ th ey will compl v wi th and do herebyol I owi ng cond j t'i ons of use as set forthn 29.26 of the Com p rehens i ve Zoni ng CodeI 970 as fo1 1 ows: (n pertinent part)I "...Use (of such mobjle home-or_tra.i1er)... shall be terminatedand discontinued upon any of if,. fotlowing-.iunt' Ovrnership of the lot or trailer or mobile home ischanged Occupancy of the_trailer or mobile home .is changedafter September l, .l970. Substitution or replacement of the trairer or mobirehome unless the substjtut.ion or replacement-is ofgreater value than that being so located and useaprjol. to September I , 1gto, Erov"iaej ifrit-iny-ir.f,substjtution or replacement must be orn.r-oliupiedin order to be allowed under this provision. - ' If the use or occupancy of the trajler or mobile home is djscontjnuedfor more than six (6) months, the use or occupancy may be resumed --- only by a speci a1 permi t by the Ci ty Counci'l . i' These conditjons apply to the real property (upon rvhich a permit tomaintajn a mobile home or trajler has been granted) described wjthparti cul ari ty as fol I ows: Property Descrjpt'ion: Address: 3515 corrnercial Lot 69, Adams Plat, as pLatted and recorded in Book I-4, page 3, LaneCounty Oregon Plat Records, in Lane Cannty, Oregon. Except the South75.8 feet and the West 30 feet. There is no monetary consjderat'ion for this transact'ion. Dated this 27th d ay of September ,1914 PROPERTY OI/INERS STATE OF OREGON COUI'ITY OF LAI'IE ) ) SS: Persona)1y appeared before me Cora Vaughn and acknowl edged that she executed the same freelY an d voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein named. Septernber 27 197 4 .;$t. i.r';: i;. r\o-r,' :. .:a f.'t tt c /'(' t/.( ,//(t ))- ),: i res: ..iLi.-, laL .}? q ^/J n r-\ t' / r':''.,:' oF (cf'.,rrr.rrrr,,,. l,1y Conimission exp -17 u 777