HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-02-19..RESI ENTIAL.. 225 North sth sttteeaPPLrcArroV/PERltr?Sptingfield, Oz,egon LZ4ZZBuildtng Diuision 7 26-37 5s SPFIIAIGFIELD Job Location: Aesessors Map #?as Lot #d Subdiuision: Atter: Addtess Phone 4p zak27'fuzf ffe'4 Descz"ibe Hotk:n VaLueDate of App Licatian Ad&tticn RenoCeL Date: # p ')\l/ u6F' l, {rl Iqo I OR Sanitatg seuet, eapped at properfil Line Septic tutk Vatrped a",d fi,Lled rrith gra:sel Final - h1ten abctse itens are eanpleted and uhen danolition is cotnpLete or stiac- ttue moued and. pretrLses cleaneC up. Le Hcmes X Blocking od, Set-up Plutttbin4 cottnectiane -- aeue? otd. uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Blockittg' set-up and plwnbing connections rntst be apprcxed before requesting eleelrical inspectiott Accessory BuilCing ' pcrches, skirting' decks, Leted. Piral - After etc. are comp Page 1 of 2 I^t ia the tesponeibi-LilA of the permit ttolde* to see that aL'|, inspections ee nade at lhe p?ope? time, that eaeh address is z,eaCnbiefran tlu atpeet, and tlnt the pernrtt catd id loeated at the ftont of the prooetkt.*Buitding D.Joicion appro"^ed pLan slull remain on tha Building site at aLL' tikes." PROCEDUPE P1R INSPEUI1I'| RE?.WST:CALL 726-3769 (yecordet) state yout City designated job ntmbez,, job aCitess, type of inepec=icn eadyforin,spection,coill,actoisoiou*n,,",*n.Lnd.ptn7enwnbi..biquestso"Lnl,i;Lat2fcri7:00a1lt"iLL be nade the eane d.cg, ?equests nade after ?:00 an ttLL be nade the nect uoz,kingl dag. Iout,Desigr.ated rob Nwnbet,r", 5|727aA SI?E INSPECTION: To be trude after fiTl eacao&hru but oytor tc set. uo of I ,} I 1orns. f&. hl*n Atry&S' : IJNDERSLAB PLUMB]!!G, F!,EqTRICAL & Construetion Lendet WCHiI|ICAL: To be made befoz,e any BARRIER IIISPEC?TON: L required oapor baruiers @e in pl.a.ce but before otg Lath, Wpsum bootC or tmLL cotsez,ing is applied, cttd. before ay irnulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECIION: Tc be nadedfter-ZT@iiTt s in place, ffi'li-iStseted.\2 PoorrNd> FouNDfircNm E tr trTo be nw.Ce after trenches are eacauated anL forns are erected, but prior to ccnc?ete. but prior to any tapittg. IIASONRI: Steel Location, bond Gffilgz,outing or oerti,cals in accovdozce LlLth U,B.C. Section' 2415, lw | ilo)psr)vE: Ll\ I ecnrpleted. )(. tq DRAIIIAGE: FT.D.EPLACE:;a;ia; ?. FINAf PrLor to placirg and. befot,e franing to @-66nches. .,-> UIIDERFLOOR PLAT,ETNG & MECHANTCAL : oy floor insulation or decking. ?OE! 4!!P qE4!,1: To be nade priot to ffit&ffilan o1 floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLT]IIBII'IG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH-. ANICAL: No uork is to be co-*ered ffii'those inspections hnue been made ond appz,oue.d. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP,ON: After fonnsax,ea,ectAEt pffi to pour"r-ng colE?ete. SLDE\\ALK & DRI"EWAI: For aLL con- crete pa1rfu-;lffin stteet right- of-uay, to be nade after aLL e*ca- oating annplete & forn wrk & sub- base rnaterial in place.facing inspec-tion. W FRA.I.|ING: ltust be requested afte? apptooat of rough plumbing, electti- cal & mec?nnical. ALt roofitt4 btaeitrg 8 chtnmeys, etc. narct be . eonpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspectian lns:been made anC approted. FTNAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL t4 ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street ttees, eonpletion-of the rnqiirnd Landseeping, etc., tm,rst be satisfied before the BUfLDING FINAL can be nequested- 7INAL BUILDnN1: The Final Bui-Lding Inspection nast be requested aftet the li,ral Plumbing Electrical, otd Meehanieal fnspections hqDe been made and approtseC' EINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL \4ANHzLES AND cLEANoars Ltusr BE A11ESSTBLE, ADJasr!{Ettt To BE M4DE /1.? No ccsr 70 cr?v .? ?ENCE: h4ten conPLete -- ProtstCe @es- or notsable- sectians tht'ough l--lb.u.e. I I \ tr r T @ Z SOLAR ACCE^S REQ.-JOB NO ;*lJL-co Bedtooms:/e Building Volue & Permit This permlt is granted. on the eq)ress con&Lti'on tlwt the said-consttwction shall, in all t'espeets'" io"'loi 7o the ot'dtnazce edop.ted 6iy the f'ty of Springfi-eld, including tL.\o*l'ng Crdinanc-e' regulatZng.the ccnsttacl:":.,^-ird r"u'n of -buildinas,"utd may be suspenled or reuokec at cny t.'me upon olc- lation of ana prctsisions of sai'd 1tdirwtces' Access. SQ. FTG TOTAL VALUE H' xI?EM -o Signed: S.D.C. 1.5 c P.L House Total Height Lot Faces - Building PernrLt ?otal Clnrges State Date Paid t- IopographY LCT TWE Interiot Co?ner Panttardle CuL-de-sac Iat Sq. Ptg. % cf Lct Cslenaqe # of StorLes No person sLnLL cqnstract, inetall'- altet ot elange -GrlA neu -cY esisting - il*fuA,g o, dtainage syetan in ulnle or in paxt, unles_s such person is tlp iegal pbssea"oo oy"a uLlid pl*rbnr,s Lic,ens_b, etcept that a p?!sor,, ^"A 4gptiiAri"g uork to prope"tu uhi.h is ouned, Leased on operated by the appli- cant. PlumbingCHARGEN0.FEE * amr tI ITEM Ftbtutes Resil.enti.al (1 bath) Sa'ter PLumblng verdiLt State Electricql Permit Wete State Lau nequires tVnt the electrieal uorkbe done by an Eleef ical Contractot,, the electrical portion of this permit slnll not be ualil until the Label lus been signed by the Eleetrical Contractor. 1State 2 O Nau/Eotend Cinc*Lts Sez'uice aa I?gM FEE u7Z ? Mechqnicol Permit Eoltanat EooC llcodstotle Vent Fot ea 6A MecTnnical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- tgqln tg Deposit Storage Plaintsnance Penrit Cvzbcut Si.da'talk lence @ Mobile Hotne T *tYlfZZ.//* , $f,.oa ,( Zr'*86 - f EAW CAREFaLLy EXAI,IINED tlw completed applieation fon perrntt, cnd do hereby cettify that aLL information hereon is tnue anl correct, and f fuz,ther certify that any ard. aLL aork perforned slnll be done in accoy- dance urtth the 1ydinances of the City of Springfield, and the La:;s of the State of 1regcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, en"d. tlnt NO OCCU- PANCY ?,nLLL be nade of any strwcture without pemnission of the Building DL-oision. I fuz,then certify that only eontractor.s and. enplcyees uho are in eazpliance uith 1RS 701.055 ui-LL be used on this ptojeet ?otaL qr 7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *€tgq ?,Signed L Date lJalan h)1.nace BTll's I / Penrrut fssuqtee