HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1999-11-15POHGE ENGINEERING Fax:541-485-5624 Nov 30 '99 15:54 r. ur t POA.GE ENGINEERING&SI]RVEYING,INC. CIVIL/ MT,IUCIPALENGINEERIT{G . SEWEN&WATIITSYSTEMS . SUN,VEYING November 15, 1999 Fa:r Transmittal (541) 726'15t9 City of Springfiold Building Department Attn: Dave Puent Building insPector Rc: I havc madc an inspection of the absvc referenced site to assess the need for fotrndation drains' The soil type is mapped as oxley. gravelly silt loarn, but a site investigation revealed that the charactcristics more closely rcscmbre srrui, gr*etly silt loam (which is mapped near this site)' The so, is wcu drained and the pcr-meability iJrnodei"tu to rapid; the percolation,rate is estimated to be ovcr 4 inehes per hor,. Fo,ndEtion drains are not n..*rury on this site to assue the protection of the proposed stnrohrres' Another consideration is the grotrnd water table elevation. oxley soil formations normally have pcrched wat6r tables that are near ur. r;;i;;;.. salem soil formations have water tables that are greater than six feet deep. In eithsf case, high grourd water should not be a problem because the drainage channel to the'north would allow a purohed Water table to "dtrairl"' storrr DrainaoeA.unoff for thc Fairhiven SqbCiv'sion doveloo-1g'tt Please call if You have anY additional infonnation- Don B. Mogstad, P.E. # 172s5 2690mem2.wPd 4305 . FAX (s4l) 1t5 - 5624 Y tu. P.O. BOX 2327' EUGENE' OR 97402'990 STREET . (541) {t5 - \ -)b \ lct r hau&1 t