HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-09-20web Addr€ss: www.springfi eld_or.9ov Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: 811-19-OO2103-STR IVR Number: 811063944833 City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 *1-726-3753 Email Address: permitcenter@sprhgfleld-or.9ov SPRINGFIELO 'b Permit Issued: September 20, 2019 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Commercial TyPe of Work: Tenant Improvement Submitted Job Value: $419,000.00 Description of work: Tl (old fedex space to military recruitment office) JOB SITE INFORMATION worksite Address 810 BELTLINE RD Springfield, OR 9?477 Parcel 1703153000900 Owner: Address: SYCAN B CORP 840 BELTLINE RD STE 202 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 l'ICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN FORT,IATION Business Name DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC - Primary License CCB License Number 68801 PENDING II{SPECTIONS Inspection 1999 Final Building 8999 Final Fire 1250 Framing 1540 Gypsum Board/Lath/Drywall 1600 Ceiling Grid In3pectlon Group Struct Com Fire Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Inspection Status Pendang Pending Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuinq jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www. building permits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811063944833 Schedule using the Oregon ePermittinq Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store permits expire if work is not started withln l80 Days of issuance or lf work ls suspend€d tor l80 Oays or long€r depen.llng on the issuing ag€ncy's Policy. AI provisions of taws and ordinances eoveming thls typ€ of work wlll be comPlied urlth whether speclflcd hereln or not. Granting of a p€rmit does not presume to glvc authority to vlolate or cancel the Provlslons of any other statc or local law r€gulatlng construction or the performance of constructlon. ATTEITION: Oregon taw requtres you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utillty flotltlcatlon Center. Those rules are set lorth in oAR 952-OO1-Oolo tftrough OAR 952-OO1-OO9O. You may obtaln coples ol the rul€s by calllng the center .t (5O3) 232-t987, A persons or enttttes performing work under thls permit are r€qulrcd to be llcens€d unlcss exemPted by ORS 7o1.o1o (Structural/ilechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrlcal), and ORS 693.01O-O2O (Plumblng). printed on: 9/20/19 page I ot 2 c:\myReports/reports//podlc-ton/01 STANDARD O REGON i-t-r. Phone 541-984-0012 Permit Numberr 811-19-OO2103-SrR Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Address assignment - each new or change requested externally, per each SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: lmprovement Cost - Local Wastewater Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12olo of applicable fees) 1 330.84 4433 2L43.74 Quantity Fee Amount $226.94 $54.00 $330.84 $4,433.00 $2,143.74 $2,718.04 $r,7 66.73 $325.16 $12,039.45Total Fees: c:\myRepo.ts/Eports//productio.y'01 STANoaRD PERMIT FEES SPRINGFIETD ,b OREGON www.springfi eld-or. gov Worksite address: 810 BELTLINE RD, Springfield, OR97477 Parcel:'1703153000900 Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 s41-726-3753 permitcenter@sprin gf ield-or.gov Transaction Receipt 811-{9-002103-STR Receipt Numbori 472467 Receipt Date: 9/20/19 City of Springfield Fees Paid 9t20t19 9t20t19 Transaction date 9t20t19 Units 1.00 Ea Description Struclural building permit fee Address assignment - each new or change requested externally, per each Technology Fee Account code 22 4 -OOOOO - 425602 - 1 030 1 .00 L00 1.00 4,433.00 2,183.74 330.84 Ea Ea Automatic Amount Amount Amounl 82'1-00000-215004-0000 Fee amount $2,718.04 $326.'16 $s4.00 Paid amount $2,718.04 $326.16 $54.00 9t20t19 9t20t19 9120t19 9t20t19 SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: lmprovement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee 1 00-00000-425605-0000 61 1 -00000-448024-8800 $226.94 $4,433.00 $226.94 $4,433.00 $2,183.7 4 $330.84 $2,183.74 $330.84 Payment Method: Check numbe.: 27361 Payer: SYCAN B CORP Payment Amount:$10.272.72 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:$10,272.72 Printed: 9/20119 9:55 am Fl N_TransactionReceipt_pr [r -r- I State ofOregon Surcharge - Bldg ('12% of applacable fees) 61 1-00000448025-8800 71 9-00000-426604-8800 22 4 -OO OOO - 425602 -0000 l, Structural Permit Application H.**{125 Fifth srreef. sprinsfietd, OR 97477. pH(541)726-3153. FAx(s4.1)126-3689 This permit is issued und er oAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire ifwork is not started within lg0 days ofissuance or lf work is suspended for I80 days, VJ- DEPARTMENT USE ONLY eemt"o.: rfr-ff\O3 Date: l tr \t1 LOCAL GOVERNITENT APPROVAL FEE SCHEDULE This projcct has final land-use approval, Dal€ u" Date (^ oQ Si l. Valurtiou information Constlxction lype Occupancy Zoning approval verified: I yes ! No (a) Job d€scription: - Property is within flood plain: ! Ycs E No Squa.e feet 5 CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCT|o n Govemment Other informationlC0mmercial JOE SITE INFORMATION AND Type of lleatiLOCATIO Job sit. address Energf P.th: zP (i fl no t"4qSubdivislon Ci (b) Foundation-only pefmit?fl yes E new Ealteratioh 84O Beltllne Road Sulte 202 Sprlqrield, OR 97477 Pattl Lundeen, Agent for Owner 541,284.(812. FAX 5 47.7 46,25lW plundeen@sycan.com Refer encc I $ $ s -:c - I authorizing this applicationor (b) Investigative lbe (equal to 12^)) (d) Enter 12% surcharge (.12 x [2a+2b+2c]): (e) Subtotal of fees above (2a throu h 2d): 0(t Total valustioni 3. Phu reylcw fee! 2.8 fee$ Name Addre Ci E-mai Building Sign hc PFOPERW OU' ER Sycan B Corp (c) Reinspection ($ per hour) (number ofhours x fee per hour) $ $ D This installarion is being ,DaG on residential or famr property owred by me or a memb.r ofmy itnmediat€ famity, and is cxcmpt from liccnsing rcquirements under ORS 701.010. (b) Fire snd ,ife safety (65% x pcrmit fec l2a l): (a) Plan review (55% x permir fee [2a]): (c) Subtot{l of fces sbove (3a and 3b):s CONTRACTOR II{STALLATION 4. Miscellaneous fec6 (a) Seismic fee. l% (.01 x permit fee [2"])$+j5 5 (b) Tech fee, 5% (.05 x permit fee[2a]+pR fee [3c])Address:a $ City:tC JOTAL fe€s end surchargcs (2e+3c+4a+b):Atz-7ZIPState Fax.9l s Phone:51 e ir,t? A, E-mailr CCB Licerise no Print name Signaturo 6V DL LNq ak- vo rr-- \Ar-ta-r'z s - -f L-J 7 5 Name CCB Licens€ #Phon€ Numb€t P6 tXt3 {+a*5za Jcil -ll,t-37' 5co t|qAo\,r/l-7zlb-b Fro.rrical J S €t cd".'c- Plumbing R.Y\ t- \^J I-ast edited 5-5-2017 EJones Ctty r-rp Spnt:,tcrtr.Lo. oRECon- l/h'. This proiecl has DEQ approval. Cost pcr square foot:(/w-' E Residential \ir,., - "-,4 State: (\,P -! addition Lot no.: $ 4/q.&y (a) Permit fee (use valuation tab,c): 5 Taxlot: ]P: Phonc Busincss narnc: , rvt . C'-n-P\a^^i-* 31115 Electrical Permit A lication ,25 nnn $'t r. s9rrogfi.td, oR 97a7, I FII(5a r )r26r75J. r^x(sa07r6.36{t Signarure ofsignioB L{il Ttlt pcrmlt It lttucd u[dcr OAR tlE\n]9-0agl. PGrnltr rre lonlrailfcnbh- Pcrmlts rtph lf verk h not rtrrhd wlrhir lto dr}t of h.Illlc. or if worl t[ $rpcrded for I t0 dryt. OiILYDEPU8E ,.,.u""., \?ooa lo3-E Dn* q\r^\tq LOCAL,Ti Zoning approvel verifi ed?DNo req lbi o E Rcsidcntial 0 Government Re.lde[lhl, p{r urit, r.rdc. liclrdrdl ial I.000 sq. R. or lcsts (4)$r01,m $ Job sitc rddrcss:ru E .i .ddltioool J00 sq. 0. or pfiion trlcaEof t !5.00 ci Linircd .oa&/ (2)t a3.00 Referencer e^*.(TaxloL Elalt mdoufechfed homa or modulai dwclling $rvicc o! f.rdcr (2 )s a6.00 s S.rvL.. or fc.dots: irrlarla ti1,!t, all.relion, rek czahrl ?m &nps or lcss (2)3 i0e.00 I 201 (o 400 aslP3 (2)$12f.00 $ Namel Syrlr I Corp &[O Ba[hs fo.d g/ltc 2O2 Sprlnlrl€|4 oR 9747 Patt lundacn, AFnt for Ownet s41.284,061e FAX 5't1.r46.2590 plundern@:vqr,sont 401 to 600 imF5 (2)12tS00 s Addrcss:601 ro 1,000 unp5 (2)s Ovcr I .000 am$ or yolts (2)185.00 s Phonc:R.conncct only (2)$ 8a00 s E-mailr T.I|Iror.iy rawic.r or f.all.I,tr irrtoll{tion- dhcration. rc}o!'otion This inslrllatioo is b€ing made ofl rr$idcntial or &Im pmparty owncd by mc or a rncmb€r ofrry immedi8tc fEmily. nris property is oot intended for sale. exchEngc, lcasc, or rcnt. OAR 479.540( l) ard 479.560(l). 200 lmFr or lcrs (2)x 16"00 201 to 4U) rmps (2)t fi8,00 s 40I b 6m lmpr (2)tl7200 $ s Orr.r 6(x) emAr or I ,m0 !'olti 6cc s.rvicls or Hdt r.ctiol lbovc BrEoch dnultsr,sw a/t!t/rion, ertensio p.r panel Business llamc c-- d*<-n. f.a for bidrlch circuits wilh pur$.s! ofi srn ice or fc.d.r fea: e,urcrs;3..1751 E. E l,.brrr E-Esdr br&ch circuil $ ?.42 s City: 6444;-Stste: DrQ*ZIP:b. Fec for bnndr circlir withollt pll]lh.rr ofa scni.c or faadar Ga: Phoic:Fax Firfl brrnc.h circuir (2)$ t6.00 $ Eedr rdditional brdrdr circoit 42 S 7.,12 s CCB liccnre no.: / Oq 91q BCD licenic no.:.2 Mb..lhEoa! f!a!! Jarvlta orlade| not itclud.d si lsor's licansc no.:7a-E.ch ponp or inigetion cir.h (A $ ia-oo $ Prin( namc of Elch Eign or outlhe ljgh(ng (2)s 99.00 $ Sign.l cir.uir or ! limikrlcncryy FnGl, ion, or at.nrion (2)$ Erclr rddlatonrl lnrpcaalont (t)lgr.00 $ (A) Enr.. Nbro&l ot$oE tc6 (Mtnlmrm P.ro{a Fac l9r-m}5 (B) Enrlr l2% surcho,sc (.12 r [Al)5 (C) TcchnoloSy Fcc (5% of [A])s TOTAL feca aod gurchsBq (A &rowh D):s Lrrt ediled 7/l/2018 BJoner CITY ()}' SPRI NGF I EI-I). ORI](;ON IVAL Ii, FEE SG}IED s st,l'2K ae47,ft7 | DI -? TOR E-mail: s 9t.00 tt rr- II Plumbing Permit Application This permit is issued under OAR 91&780-0060. Permits are issucd only to the peruon or contractor doing thc work. permits expire ifwork is not started within 180 days ofissuance or ifrvork is suspendei for lg0 days. 225 Finh Sred . Springf cld. oR 97477 . PH(541)726-1753 . F AX(s4l )?26-1689 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY -@atcg-Permit no \q LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL FEE SCHEDULE Zoning approval verifi ed?fl yes nuo Oescription Total costSaritation approval verified? f] yes ENo New residential CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION I bcthroom/l kitcheD (ircfuderj frur 100 feet o1 watet./iewer lues, hrise! Residential ! Govemmeut ! Commercial underJl,.00 s JOB SITE INFO ON AND LOCATION ) Job site address qe-s521.00 $ ciry:o State ZIP 3 badrooms/l kitchen Reference: Each additional barhroorn (over J)132.00Taxlot.:Each additional kitchcn (over l) DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.12.00 ResidentiEl fire nklers nclud€s rcview) 0 to 2,000 square feet 1t02.00 S 2.001 to 3,600 square f€et s163.00 s PROPERry OWNER 3,601 to 7,200 square feer $243.00 s Sycan B Corp t4O Beltline Rd Ste 202 sprncrield, OR 97477 Patti Lundeen, Agent tor Owner 5 47 -2*0612. F a\ 5 47-7 46-2590 plundeen@sy.an.com 7.201 square fect and .00 Ad&ess Manufectured or re-Irb circle otre Conn ections to bu din d 102.00CityZIPcoInmercial, industrial, and d1vellings oth€r than one- or Phone trrv o- E-mail Mirumum fec This installarion is being made on residenrial or farm property owned by me or a member of my rmmediate farnily. and is exempt from licensing requireminrs under OAR 9'j3-695-0020 Signature: Each fixtlre 5.00 Miscellaneous fees I00' storm. sewer. waler line 106.00 Each fixturq appunanance, and PrP'ng 5.00 s CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Stolm water rctcn tiorrdetention facili ry $106.00 s Busines Right-Way Plumbing & Backflow Service, lnc PO sox7os26 Springfield, OR 97475 5414U-3787. Fax: 541-7 46-72@ rwp Iu m bine@ wild blu e.net CCB: 213077 P81813 on systems/Backflow P 'p lrlg or oatvate storrn Address the first l0 feet Ciry Specialty fixtures Reinspcction (no. ofhrs. x fee per hr.) Special rcqucstcd lrlspections (no of E-mail:hrs x fee lrr.) CCB II Each additional in$pedion: (t ) Plumbing lrcense no Nledlcel gas 825.00 $ s25.00 s t25.00 s 1102.00 $ 02.00 102.00 s Minimum fee s Print name r EDtcr value of installatior and equipme S _. Enter fce bascd on insrallarion and equipmcnt value S Signature DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtoral ofabove fees (Minlmum Permit F.e $102.00) s (B) lnvesdgadve fee (equal ro [A])s (C) Effer 12%(.12 x [A+B])s (D) Technology Fee (5% oflAl) TOTAL fees and surcharges (A th h D):s Last €dited ?/l/2019 bjones Da,e: q[rr I rX3@ Name: 5 Phooe: s h*I E, [-I6,.ro Flor"oo l I s t- E- t" lsr-l5 L- s Mechanical Permit A lication KT225 Filth Srft€r . Sprirgfield, oR 9747? . pH(5a r)726-l7il . r^X(i4t)?26-1689 I)a!e q tt Thl! permit is issued urdcr OAR 9lt-440-0050. Permits crpire if work ls not sa.raed withln t80 drys of issuance or if work ir susperded for lt0 days, CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residcntial E Government Commercial JOA S.]TE INF ATION AND Job site address .\e R City a (State: O ztP,'l'14?7 Reference Taxlot DESCRIPTION OF WORK PROPERTY OWNER Name Sycan B Corp 840 Beltllne Road Sulte 202 Sprlndleld, OB 97477 Patti lunde€n, Atent for Owner 541.284.0612. FAX 541.745.2590 plundeen@sycan.com Address City Phone S ignature CONTRACTOR INSIALLATIOT{ $ealxru,.'ABusiness name: -JC_C,'t-'61er*nlJ Address:ll'l-Q t^atvr(! u YZ3-b ciry zIP:'l-1.f"8 Phone tp-7ota{Fax -5rtb \-L Z CCB license no o Signaturc DEPARTi'ENT USE ONLY Permirno.lQ -@2lO3 - (ll FEE SCHEDULE Rasidentlrl aty Co.t ea. Tord coat First AoDliancc $99.00 $ Furnrce/burier i.cluding ducts sod vents Up to l00k BTUftr $22.00 $ szs.oo I s Hcaters/stoves/venls Unit heater $ s52.00 $ ${8.00 5 Wood/pellct/gas stove/tlue Evaporated cooler Vcnt fan \rith orlg duct/applience $r3.00 s Hood with exhaust and ducl s18.00 $ Gas pipinp One to four outlets $8.48 $ Additional outlets (each)$5.30 Air-handlir[ units, itlcludirI ducti uP ro 10,000 cFM $ Ovcr 10,000 CFM $ Cumoressor/absorolion system/heat DumD Up to 3 hp/I00k BTU $22.00 $ Up to l5 hp/500k BTU $i40,00 $s9.00 sup ro ro hP/I,000 BTIJ Up to 50 hp/1,750 BTU s76_00 $ Over 50 hp/|,750 BTU sr28.00 $ Incinerators Comm6rclal Enter total valuation ofmechanical systam and insmllalion costs S -.]gJ O€) O Enter fee ba6cd on valualion ofmechanical systcm, etc t; Itenutliscellaneous fae8 Con CL Tortlsrt Reinspection $9S.00 $ Spccially rcquested inspecriohs (per $99.00 $ Regulated equ ipmcnt (unclasscd)s Erch sddition.l inipcctlon: (l)$99.00 t (A) Enter sublotal ofabove fees (or enter set minimum fcc of S 9g!4)$ (B) lnvestigative fee $ $ $ (C) Enter 12% surcharge (.12 x [A+Bl) (E) Tecinology Fee (5% of IAJ) (D) Seismic fec, l'Z 0l x [A]) $ TOTAL fees end surcharges (A through E)l $ llst cditld 7/lD0l8 bjoncs Crrv or SpRlucrrc,LD, OREGoN Over | 00k BTUAT. s22.00 E-mail: This installation is being made on property owned by me or a member of my immediatc family, and is cxempt fronr licensing rcquirements under ORS 701.010. SDomestic incincrator s25.00 state: Otz- U-nrail: s18,00 Print nanre: fsraoo ts-r ls I I---l $15.00 I25.00 SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTE STREET . SPRINGFIELD, OR 91471 ' PH:(541)126-37 53 ' FAX: (s47)72G3689 ADDITIOi{AL ADDRESS REQU EsT Property Owner: Mailing Address: h City: Perso State: norAg ency requ esting ch e if other than owner: Phone number w you can be contacted between l:00Pm and 5:00Pm: Address of ProPe ou are requesting to have an additional address assigned: Assessor Map #:o3.It 30 Tax Lot # Please explain specifically why you feel the location needs an additional address assigned: t\Proposed Address: -)Property Owners 5i Date: Qgna Fee: Reference Number: Planning Approval: Planning Review By: Received By: *@ Receipt#: Tax Lot #: Denial: lf denied, please explain: Approved: lf approved, new address is: Date: Denied: Date: It+{{- Reviewed By: CN SharEd DrivccD:/Building Forms/Additiooal Addr.ss Request t 1{2 doc _e -- ziP,9 J:(37 OFRCE UsE Date Received: Amount Paid: SPRINGFIELD b OREGON www.springfield-or.gov Worksite address: 800 BELTLINE RD, Springfield, OR 97477 Parceli 1703153000900 Transaction Receipt 811-19-002{ 03-sTR Receipt Number: 472370 Receipt Date:9r11r19 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@springf ield-or. gov Fees Paid Transaction date 9t11t'19 units 1.00 Ea Description Structural plan review fee Account code 224 -O OOO O - 42 5602 - 1 030 Paid amount $1,766.73 Fee amount $'1.766.73 Payer: DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC Payment Amount:$1,766.73 Receipt Total:$1,766.73 Printed: 9/11/19 2:52 pm FIN_TransactionR€ceipt_pr t h-r.,1 Payment Method: Credit card authorization: 001530 Cashaer: Katrina Anderson City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, oR 97477 sFtll{ott:LD Planning Division Information Sheet for Building Permits Commercial/Industrial/ l.lulti-Famlly R€sidential The Planning Division requires the following information for all building permit submittals on properties zoned Medium Density Residential, High Density Residential, Commercial, or Industrlal, including new construction. expansions, and changes of use. New construction, expansions, and changes of use to any building, parking, or development area in these zoning districts requires either Minimum Development Standards-MDS review (SDC 5.15-100) or Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17-100) by the Planning Division. Overlay District Development review ApDlicant l{amei t )"'"rr'o",. Lo aSL:c-r-t-,V:' o n ptrone: 5{/ I -?flr/-czrt\ Company:r"rr54 I -?t'too\ ASSESSOR'S IrrAP IIO: | 1o3 t53ogco te Addressr 3o3 tj)o 17./77 t5^-1?,i i"TAX LOT NO s 4,, \q?4?-1Address:P 1 Description of thc proposed work to be completed u_nder thls-puilCing pemlt: 4:l:.:"',f#,"r:a?'of":2?i)3.,iff k'",1i',.)2";t2'?agfta.a*. t+;ltn7u,tx iled /,yian1 .t Zt.i,tr/ - fieT)e2 {;.u :/)/a n{c. Ettltur< ,tnlcr JtA Has thls development proposal been revlewed by the Planning Divlsion through an .ppllc.tlon process (1.e, MDS or Srte Plan Rcview)? If yes, Case #: If no, iB this a changG in usa? E ves E no Prior A roved Use:Pro osed Use: Does the use n€cessitate the us€ of any chemicals or substances that are hazardous or on site?Yes l{ouir€ Material Saf to beand Data sheets MSDS Zonin TOfzl Overl s Thc proposed proJect requlres submittal and approval ofthe following Planning application prlor to bulldlng prrmlt approval: D oWp Overlay District Dcvclopmcnt E Statement LettGr Regarding DwP Excmption E uos I ttOS Land UsG Compatibillty Statement Site Plan Review Other: Reviewed Date3 Required Project Information (Applicant; comptete this section) Required Property Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) NOTE: It is prudent to make sure your use is permitted in the applicable zoning district. Building Permit, Police or other permit approvals or inspections are not Planning approval. 5 Evcs Dro E ci9EXISTING DEVELOPED AREA {S,F,) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURTACE (S,F,) MWMC MWMC 820 ITE - IrE 3.00 LOT SIZE S,F,) 820 E20 NEW DEVE TOTAL STOR]\I DRAINAGf SDC: S 0.303 PER SF TOTAL LOCAL WASTEWATER SDC: (see revcrse side)\\.ER IT\ s0.00 s4,413.00 s0.00 s0.00 I, S IMPROVEMENT COST Cost PERVIOUS SQ, FT IMPERVIOUS SQ, FT 0.437 PER SF 0.740 $ I7O,5O PER DFU $ SF= $ $ 83.99 PER DF(J s 254.49 EW IMPERVTOUS SQ. Fr. , REIMBURSEMENT COST IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU'S A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU'S LDG AREA TCSF x TRIP RATE X COST PER ADT X NEW TRJP FACTOR EW: . REIMBURSEMENT COST: 2.553 x 125.6 x S 19.86 PER TRIP x ($2,228.89) ($42,355.56) $ 397.26 0.35 NTF 0.35 NTF 0,35 NTF TOT-AI TRANSPORTATION SDC:I srrin s0.00 mm TR.\\S IMPROVEMENT COST 2.55 125.6 S 377,40 PER TRIP TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT SDC TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SDC EXISTING: A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: -2.55 x 125.6 B, IMPROVEMENT COST: -2.55 x 125.6 0.35 NTF s0.00 6,616.745 s198.29 s2.364.59 REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S -2.55 IMPROVEMENT COST. - NUMBER OF FEU'S -2.55 COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S -2.55 wMC CREDIl IF APPLICABLE (sEE REV-EEE;- (s19E.29) 2.55 255 2.55 S'I'7.6'7 PER FEU 5926.20 PER FEU SI3,O4 PER FEU SANITA EXISTINC B TOTAL N{WNIC SDC: 511.6'7 PER FEU 5926.20 PER FEU S13.04 PER FEU RTIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S TOTAL MWMC REIMBURSEMENT FEE TOTAL MWMC IMPROVEMENT FEE TOTAT MWMC COMPLIANCE FEE MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1. 2. 3, & 4 re - rere CITY OF SPRINGFIfLD SYSTE]IIS DEYELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET JOIIRNAI- OR JOB NI]MBER NAME OR COMPAN\': LOCATION: MAP & TAX LOT NUMBf,R: DEVELOPMENT TYPE: t9-002i03-sTR SYCAN B CORP 8IO BELTLINE RD 1703153000900 COMMERCIAL 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES: 6.6t6.74 STORM DRAINAGE ADMINISTRATION FEE SEWER ADMINISTRATION FEE TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE LOCAL MWMC ADMINISTRATION FEE 5v"s330.84 330.84 0.00 0.00 $ 6,947.58 BASE CHARCE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) $ 9,l71201s 2.553.00 26 26 $2,228.89 $42.155.56 x $ 19.86 PER TRIP x x $ 377.40 PER TRIP x s33.29 l-r..ffiil s2,t E3.74 l-;i-67T s66rt?4 s-t0.00 s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 TOTAL SDC CHARGES DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUMLENT = DRAINACE FIXTURE UNITS \I Y THE NFT ADDITIO\AL FIXTURFSI #REFI FIXTURES NEW OLD UNIT VALENT DRAINAGE FIXTURE I,,INITSFIXTURE TYPE BATHTUB DRJNKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR DRAIN, FLOOR SINK INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIUSOLIDSi ETC, INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASTUETC. LAI.NDRY TUB CLOTHES WASHEPJMOP SINK CIOTHES WASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP ( I PER TRATLER) RECEPTOR FOR REFRIGERATOR/WATER STATION/ETC. RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAL SINII/ DISHWASHER/ETC SHOWER. SINCLE STALL SHOWER, CANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: COMMERCIAL. RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR SINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY SINK: SINGLE LAVATORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR URINAL, STALUWALL TOILET. PUBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PRIVATE NSTALLATION MISCELLANEOUS: 0 3 0 t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 l0 l2 () 0 NUMBER OF EDU'S* *EDU ly dwelling (20 DFU ) set at I 6? gallons per day CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFIER ANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE, CATCULATE CREDITS SEPARATELY YEAR ANNEXED RATE PER $ I.OOO ASSESSED VALUE $1.45 s1.25 $ 1.09 $0.92 s0.72 $0.4E s0.28 s0.09 $0.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 s0.00 s0.00 t so oo RATE PER $I.OOO ASSESSED VAI-T]E YEAR ANNEXED 't979 1980 t98| I S82 1983 1984 1985 t986 r987 1988 1989 t990 t99t $5.29 $5.19 s5.12 $4.98 $4.E0 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 s3.22 s2.73 s2.25 $1.80 or before 1992 t993 1994 1995 1996 t997 1998 1999 2000 200r 2002 2003 2004 CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) CREDIT TOTAL 1 I 3 3 6 3 6 t2 I 3 2 3 2 2 I 5 6 3 0 TOTAL DRATNAGE FTXTURE UNtrs = E