HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2019-09-20SPRIN6TIELD lr I t3 OREGON Web Address: ww.springfi eld-or. gov Permit Issued: September 20, 2019 TYPE OF WORK Category of Constructlon: Commercial Type ot Workt None Specified Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Sign (5) with electrical application Nova LJrgent Care .,OB SITE INFOR]I{ATION Parcel 1702334103500 Owner: Address: CARRINGTON FRANCIS L PO BOX 1328 EUREKA, CA 95502 LICENSEO PROFESSIONAL IN FOR]TIATIOI{ License Number 163470 Phone 541-485-5546 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspestion 5999 Final Sign 6940 Sign Attachment SCHEDULING II{SPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www. building perm its.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: A!t00749A749 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store PERMIT FEES Fee Descrlption Technology Fee Permanent sign - 0 to 35 square feet, per sign Sign plan review, per sign Quantity Permats erplre if work ls not started wlthin lEo oays of lssuanc€ or ifwork is suspended tor 18o oays or longer dependtng on the lssuing agency's pollcy. 3 3 Total Feesi Fee Amount $20.10 $264.00 .$138.00 $422.rO Building Permit Commercial sign Permit Number: 81 1-19-0O2104-SIGN IVR Numberl 81r007498749 City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Sp.ingfield, OR 97477 541-7 26- 37 53 Ema il Add ress I perm itce nter@sp rin gfield - or.9ov worksite Address 5781 MATN ST Springfield, OR 97478 Business Name ES&ASIGNCORP-Primary License CCB Inspection Group Signs Signs Inspection Status Pending Pending All provisions of laws and ordlnances goveming this typ. of work wlll be corrp,lled with wh.ther specifi€d h.retn or not. Grantlng ot a permlt does not pnesume to giv€ authority to violate or canc€l the provl6lons ofany other state or local taw regulatlnC constructlon or tlrc performance of construclron. aTTEt{TlO : Oregon law r€qulrG you to follow rules adorted by the Or€gon utillty l{otific.don Center. Those rutes are set forth ln OAR 952-OO1-OOlO through OAi 952-001-OO9O. You may obtaln copi€s of the rul.5 by calllng the Center at (503) 232-!987. All personl ot €ntides performlng work und€r thls permlt .re r€quir€d to be licens.d unless exempted by ORS 701.O10 (Structurauilechanlcal), ORS 479.540 (Electrical). and ORS 593,01O-O2O (Ptumbhg). Prnt€d on: 9/20/19 Paq€ 1 of I c:\myReports/Eportt/production/01 STANDARo SPRINGfIELD O REGON Web Address: www.springfi€ld'or.gov Building Permit commercial Electrical Permit Number: 81 1-19-oo2104-ELEC-01 IVR Number: 8r1019107867 City of Springfield Development and Publlc Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54t-7 26-37 53 Email Address: permrtcenter@springneld or.9ov Permit Issued: September 20, 2019 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction; Commercial Type of Work: Alteration Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Sign (5) with electrical appljcation Nova Urgent Care ]OB SITE INFOR,TIATION Worksite Address 5781 MAIN ST Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 1702334103500 Owner: Address: CARRINGTON FRANCIS L PO BOX 1328 EUREKA, CA 95502 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business Name ES&ASIGNCORP-Primary License Number 163410 Phone 541-485-5546 PENDI G INSPECTTO S Inspection 4999 Final Electrical 4610 Electracal Sign Inspection Group Elec Com Elec Com Inspection Status Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determane required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www, building permits.oregon,gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811019107867 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permits etplre it worl ls not start€d within 180 Days of issuance or it work is suspended for 1aO Days or tonger dependtns on the lssuing .gency's policy. All Provisions of laws and ordlnances govemtng thls type of work wlll be cotnplied with wh€ther specm€d hereln or not. Granting ot a permlt aro€s nol presume to ClvG authorlty to vlolate or canc€lthe provlslons ofany oth€r state or local law regulating constructlon or the pertormance of construction. ATTE TIOi: Oregon law requlres yot, to follow rules.dopted by the Oregon Utillty ltotlfication Centcr. Those rutes are set forth in oAR 9S2-O0l-oo10 throuoh OAR 952-OO1-OO9O, You may obtaln coples ol the rules by calling the Center at (5O3) 232-L987. all Persons or e.tltles P€rformlng work under this permit are r€quir€d to be llcens€d untess erempted by ORS 7or..olo(Structural/it.chanlcal), ORS 479,540 (Electrtcat), and ORS 593.OlO-O2O (plumbing) Pi nted o.: 9/20/19 rEg€lof2 c:\myF.eports/epo.tt/prcdu.tro./or STAN oA Ro tn License ccB Permit Number: 811-19-002104-ELEC-Ol Page 2 of 2 Fae Descrlption Balance of minimum permit fees - electrical Sign or outline lighting Technology Fee state of oregon Surcharge - Elec (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Fee Amount $13.00 $89.00 $5.10 $t2.24 $ 119.34Total Fees: c:\myReDorts/Epoftt/prod!ction/01 STANDARD 1 PERMIT FEES 225 FIFTH STREET o SPRJNCFIELD, OR 97417 . PH.(541\726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 cio,rou ru.u".fl!fL-G)3_.!4{ _ Sai nt Site Address 5781 Main St. Springfield, OR 97478 'r 702334't03500Assessors M8p Tax Lol Ou'ner:McKenzie Crossing Psnne.ship Phoner PO BOX 1328Addressr s,.'" CA zio 95502Eureka t4ti 0 rFl +J d 0 tFl r.l g g ( City Nova HealthBusiness Name, Firm, Description of Proposed Sign(s); (Pleas€ check and complete all appropriare infornation) l- Wutt Freestanding projecring - Roof - I-- Single Face Double Face Billboard x Orher Square Footagc 33.8 'I ol8l Height above Crade:17',8 7t8 Vertical Dimension of Sign or Enclosure: 3'8 7/8" Dimension from Grade to Bonom of Sign Enclosurc 14' Material Sign is Constnrcled oi 187 White polycarbonate Sltn Horizontal Width of Sign or Enclosure: 9' 1n' Electrical lnstallarion:_lYes -No(lf yes additional elcctrical pcrmit rcquircd) Valuc of Sign .750.00 a P.Fl E 0 A Wall front Wall srde Sq. Ftg 46.47 Wall side Sq 34 (d) Type Wall rear Sq. Frg 34 Contractor/[nstaller:ES&A Sio and Awnino Phone 5,41-868-2385 Address:89975 Prairie Rd Cityi Euqene State ,OR Construction Contracrors Regisrrsrion Numlsr '163470 grr1rc. - 97402Ltpt - 03/16t2019 OFFICE USE a dll times during dre installation oft I funher agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested al lhe proper lime, that projecl address is resdsble from the Sign Dislricr Zoning hA Pl.,rr".*.", lslateandagree, lhat I have carefully exanrined rhe comptered application and do hereby ceniry thar 8ll l[ll informa.lion herein is rue and correct, and I funher ceniry thar any ani all work performed shall be done in accordaflce with'tW the Ordinances of the Ciry ol" Springfield, and the Laws of the Shre of Oregon penaining ro rhe work described herein. I t Fl funher ceniry that only conlmctors and employees who are in compliance with oRS 70i.055 will be used on this projecr. street, thar the permit card is located at the front ofthe propeny. and rhe approved ser ofplans will remain on rhe site al all DaleSignature s) ShuNd Oflrc(l I Burltjrn8lomb'Srln P!rn! ADp!.trr'ont-O2d* CITY OF SPITINGFIELD. OI(EGON List ALL existing signage and rtarch r photogrrph ofesch rlgn: Sq Ftg.33.8 (b) Type(a) Type (c) Type 225 FIFIH STREET . SPRTNGFIELD, OR97471 o PH:(541fl2e3753 . FAX: (541)726-36t9 CitY Job Num Site Address 5781 Main Sl. Springtield, OR 97478 1702334103500Assessors Map T8x Lot: O*.oer: Ad&ess McKenzie Cro6sing Partnership Phone PO BOX r 328 Cr.,- CA 95502Eureka Ali 0ril lJ d 0 rFl F{g g ( Zi Nova HealthBusiness Name, Firm, etc Descriprion of Proposed Sign(s): (Please check and complctc all appropriatc informstion) l-- W"tl Freestsrdirg projecring - Rcof - Marquec I- Siogle Face Doublc Face - Billboard Othcr Rsrnove €xisting 23.7 Total Heigit above Grade Venical Dimensioh of Sign or Enclosure: 2' 4L(/ Dimension from Grade to Bonom of Sign Enclosurc '10' Material Sign is Constucted ol While acrylic, aluminum ar|d led's Horizontal Width of Sign or Enclosure: l1'10' Electrical lnstallation:_l_Ycs -No(lf yes rdditional elecu"ical permil rcquircd) 1500.00p rFl E 0 A e List ALL existiog signag€ and rttrch I photogreph oferch rlgn: (a) Type Wall front Sq. Ftg. Sg. Ftg. 33.8 (b) Type Wall side Sq. Frg. 34 Sq. Ftg 34(c) Type Wall side 46.87 (d) Type Wall rear Address 89975 Prairie Rd City Eugene ORState Expires _. 97102Ltp: - 03/16t201sConsiruction Conractors RegislratioD Number 163470 OFFICE USE flH | fuflher agree to €nsure thst all required inspcctions ar€requesled 8l the proJr€r time, thal project address is readable from the Sign Dislrict: hA ll tlqy,*'. I stare and agrcc, that I have cargtully ga6tnined &e complered 8pplicarion alld do hereby cediry thar sllw i:&-#ii1:Li:ffiTl.Tffil"lf i"t[1"i:*'.e, H:'#tTf6]:I""Jifif:ff l'm'#i"i::ffi T"?:H: I* t F( tunher ceniry tha! only contractors and employees who are io compliance;i& oRs ?0i-.05s wi be used on rbis projecr. street, that the permit card is located at the front ofthe property, sDd the approved s€t ofplans will remain on the site at alltimes during the Dale q I (A Signa llation of the si s) st.Ed rtn(r ) Buit.!'r! f oms,s,an p.mit Appttdih t {2 do. ( ll'\'ol, sPI{t\(;t,il:L[). ()lit (,( )\ Square Footagc: Value ofSign: Contracior/lostaller ES&A Sion and Awnino phone. g1-858-23a5 Zoning: 225 FIFTH STREET . SPRINGFIELD. OR91477 t PH:(5/.1J726-3753 o FAX: (541)726-3689 Site Address 5781 Main St , oR 97478 1702334103500Asse,ssors Map Tax l-ol: orvrer: Ad&esg McKenzie Crossing Partnership Phone: PO BOX 1328 "..,- CAEu16ka E 0 rFip d 0 rFl F{ g g ( City NoYa HeallhBusioess Narne, Firm, eIc D€scription of Proposed Sign(s): (Please check and comploto all appropriate infornstion) x Wall Freestandiag projecting - Roof Marque€ I- Siagle Face Double Face - Billboard Other Remove existing 23.7 Total Height above Gr.de 't2'5 Vertical DimensioD of Sign or Enclosure Dimension from Grade to Bonom ofSign Enclosure 10' Material Sign is Construcred of:White acrylic, al,mlnuft arld led's Horizontal Width ofSign or Enclosurc: -L1-!!1- Electrical lnstsll8tion:_!Yes -No(lf yes additionsl electrical permit required) Value of Sign 1500.00 List ALL existiog signage and.flrch r photogrrph orctch rign (a) Type Wall tront Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg.(c) Trpe Wall side 46.87 338 (b) rype Wall side Sq. l't8 v (d) Typ€Wall rear sq. Ftp. & and AwninoContraclor/lnslal ler:ES&A P .F{ EIt It 0I t1 l,i b0 Address 89975 Prairie Rd Euoene OR 97402Starezip Constuction Contractors Registratior Number 163470 Expi.es 0316/2019 OFFICE USE I further agree to ensure thal all required in strc€t, that the permit card is located spections are rcguesled 8t lhe proper li fronl of tle profrerty, and the approved me, lhat project address is readablc from lhe set ofplans will remain on thc sile at all Date q q Zoning 'Fl By si8nature. I stale and agrec, that I have carefully cxamjned rhe completed applicarion and do hereby ceniry rhal allinformalion hercin is true afld corect, ard I funhci ccnif that any and'all work pcrformed shall be dooc in accordance withthe.ordiDances.of lh€.City ofspringfield, and the Laws offie state oforegon p€naioing ro the work dcscribed her.in. trunner cenlry thal only contrsclors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. limes during the SigDatu llarion oflhe si s) Sh.r.d t)rir.ll I auikd! fm.ls'gn pmit tptiqliot42de C II\' OIr Sl'!ltl\(il'lt:L[). ( )Rl'C( )\ Citv Job Iiumber- zi1 w- Square Footage:ab) Phon",3li131-- City: Sign Districtl a 225FIFTHSTREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 91477 o PH,(5411726-3753 o FAX: (541)726-3689 Site Address 5781 Main Sl. Springfield, OR 97478 1702334103s00Assessors Map Tax Lot Owner:McKenzie Crossing Partn€rship Phone PO BOX 't328 Address: 95502CtaleCAEureka frl.l 0ri tJ d 0 .Fl t-t g g ( Citv Nova HealthBusiness Name, Firm, Dcscription of Proposed Sign(s): (Please check and complete allappropiate infomEtion) x wall Freestanding Projecting - Roof -Marquee L Single Face Double Frce - Billboard x other Remove exlsting Square Footage:23.7 Total Height above Crade:A 4"-t Venical Dimension of Sign or Enclosure: 2' 10' Material Sign is Constructed of:White acrylic, aluminun and led's Wall front Sq. Ftg.33.8 Wall side Sq. Ftg.46.87 Horizontsl width ofSign or Enclosure: -11191- Eleclrical lnstallarion:;!_Yes -No(lfyes additional elecGcal permit required) Value ofSign 1500.00 (b) Type Wall side So Fro 34 (d) Type Wall r6ar Sq. Ftg 34 ffiList ALL existing signage and rftrch r photogrrph oferch lign: Coniractor/loslaller:ES&A S and Awnino Phone 541-868 2385 Address 89975 Prairie Rd Ciry:Euoene Slare ,OR Construction Conracbrs Regisrration Nu[ber: 163470 Expires: _. 97402Ltpi - 03/1612019 P rFl EH! 0 A i b0 .Fl n OFFICE USE Sign District ZoninE By signature-. I slale and agree, thal I have ca-rcfully examined the completed applicarior and do hereby certi& rhal allinformation herein is true and conect. and I funheiceni! thar any aJ a wori-performed shall be done io accordarrce withthe ordinanccs ofthe city ofsPringfield. and the Laws of the Staie oforegon penaining ro the work described herein. Ifurther ccrtiry thal only contractors and employees who are in compliance iith-oRS 70I.055 \r,ill be used on o;" proi"",. I funher agree to ensure that all required i nspeclions are requested al thc proper time.frat projecr address is readable fronr thestreet. that thc pcrmit card is located at the front ofthe proprty, sDd thc approved set of plans will remain on lhe sile at alltlnres Date qSign during the ln tallarion ol lhe \ Sharld DnrnI taliBinE tonnsSiSn pwn Anpli.ario l-o2 dr CITY OF SPRINCFIELD. ORECON Cltv Job Number- 12', Dimension from Grade to Bottom ofSign Enclosure (a) Type (c) Type 225 FIFIH STREET o SPRINGFIELD, OR 91411 . PH.(5411126-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 Citr Job Num Site Address 5781 Main St. Springtield, OR 97478 1702334103500Assessors Map Tax Lot McKenzie Crossing Partnership Phone PO 80X 1328Addressl CAEureka t4)i 0 rFlp d 0 rF{ tt g g ( ci Z Nova HeallhBusiness Name, Fi.m, etc Description of Proposed Sign(s): (Please check and complete all appropriarc inforrnation) _ wa[x Freestanding Double Face Total Height above Grade Projecting - Billboard x 16', Roof - Single Facc Squrre Footage:61 Venical Dimension ofSign or Enclosure:16', Dimension from Grade to Boflom of Sign Enclosure 0' Material Sign is Consrrucred of: Horizontal Width ofSign or Enclosure: Electrical lnstal lation:_1_Y es -No(lf yes additional electrical pcrmit required) 700.00 ExiRetace umenlsting List Al,L existing sigruge and attsch a photogrrph of crch rign (a) lWe Wall front Sq. Frg 338 (c) Tylpe Wall side Sq. Ftg.45.87 (b) Type Wall srde (d) Type Wall rear Sq 34 Sq. Ftg u Contractor/lnsta! ler:ES&A Sion and Awnino lJ rFl d FH lr 0 L frF Address 89975 Prairie Rd Phone:541-868,2385 City Eugene Stale OR Construction Contrsctors Registralion Num6"r' 163470 gxp;ps; -. 97402Ltp: - 03/16/2019 lfl er signarure. I state and agre€, thal I have carefully examined the complered apptication and do hereby ceniry lhat all Lll I lnlormalton hereln is true and correct, and I funher cenify that any and all work performed shall b€ done in accordance with'7!tf t}e Ordinances oflhe City ofSpringfield, and the t ws offie State ofOregon penaining ro the work described hcrein. I t t!{ funher ceniS that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with oRS 70i.055 will be used on this project. I funher agree to ensure thal all required ins1r€ctions are requested at rhe pmper time, lhar project address is rcadable from the srreet. thst the permil card is located a front ofthc proprty. and the approved set ofplans u.ill rcmain on thc site at all limes during the Dalc q n SiSnar llation of thc si s) Sho^{Dnr.1I } BuildrnS }o@r'Sr8n P.mr I! li.d'o. t.{,2 dr CITY OF SPRINGI.IELD. OREGON Owner: White acaylic, aluminum and led's Value of Sign: OFFICE USE Sign District: I Zoning: Electrical Permit A lication DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no Date 4 [to \>",t1 This pern t ls issued under OAR 9l&309-0000. Permits src nonlrrnsfersble. Permits crpire if nork is not sarrted withil 180 drys of lsuence or lf work is suspcnded for lt0 drys. FEE SCHEDULE Qty Totsl cosl Reridenlirl, per urlt, rerrlce Includedi 1,000 sq ft. or lcss (4)s Each addilional 500 sq R. or ponion thcrcof s 33.00 S Limired .ncrgy (2)S ,ai.00 S Each manufacturcd home or modular d$clling s€ icc or fecder (2)s 8't.00 s Sarrices or feedc]!: i,stollotion. aItuotitrr rebcotio 200 smps or les.r (2)s 103.00 5 201 lo 400 llnps (2)5 401 ro 6fi) amps (2)s203_00 601 to 1.000 amps (2)s261.00 s Ovcr 1.000 amps or t,ohs (2)s599.00 s R€connect only (2)$ 81.00 s Tanrporar! t.rr{a6 ot iaedcrtt ittstallution. ohc,ation, rel&ation 200 amps or less (2)5 8't.00 S 201 to400 amps (2)3 't 1't.00 $ 401 .o too amps (2)s162.00 5 Over 6m smps or l.0m lohs. s€€ serviccs or fe€dc6 scdion abov€ Brrnct clrcul.3: rexl , hetalio,t, e\k sio pet po el a. Fee for branch circuir$ \r.ith purchase ofa sertice or ll.ader fae: Each branch circuir s First branch circuit (2)$ 81.00 s Each additional branch circual s 7.00 s llllscellrn.oua faer: r"rr..ice or fccdc,.t,ot in(htdcd Elch pump or irrigation circlc {2)s 81.00 S Each sigD or ou inelighling{:)5 s s3.00 s465.00 Signal circuit or a lim,ted-mer8y pancl altemlrcn. or extansion (2)193.00 S s93.00 s DEPARTMENT USE lA) Enter subtolal ofabore f€.s (ltllnimun P.rmit F.. 193,00)s +6s.oo (B) Enter I29'o surcharge (. t2 x lAl)S 55.80 (C) Tcchnology Fee (s% of IA])t 23.25 s2.s0 TOTAL lecs.nd surch.rge. (A through D):s LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zoning approval verified? E yes E tto CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residential ! Covemment Dl Comrrrercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: 5781 Main St City: Springfield Srate: OR ZIP:97402 Reference: 1702334103500 Iaxlol DESCRIPTION OF WORK Make connection botween existing electrical and new signs that we jnstall PROPERTY OWNER Name: McKenzieCrosslngPartnBrship Addrcss: PO BOX 1328 Cily: Eureka ZIP:95502 Phone Fax This instrllation is being made on residsntial or farm properry owned by me or a member of my immediate family. fhrs property is nol inrended for sale. exchange. lease. or rent. OAR 479.540( I) and 479.560( l). Signature: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name ES&A Sign and Awning a66rss5. 89975 Prairie Rd Ciry: Eugene Srare: OR ZIP:97402 Phone. s4 r4855546 Fax.54l {a55E l3 E-nrail: mar-cia(.qblaze s igns. com CCB license no.: 16347O ]Gsor's license noSigning Signature of signing supen isor: L$l cdited 5*5.s20t7 BJoncs CI1'\' OI.- SPITI NGT'I T,LD. OITEGON 22S Flfth Sr..€laSpriogrield. OR 9717? r PH(5.11)72G3753. FAXa,a r )7rc3589 Shte: CA E-mail: BCD Iiceose no.: 2G543 CLS Print name gfsigning supervisor: Gor/y Roggborg Nrrnb.r ofin.pectioni pcr h.m ( )Cos( ea. s t7t.00 st20.00 s ! 7.00 b. Fee for branch circuits without purchasc ofa s€rvicc or feeder f.e: Erch rddiaion.l insp€clion: ( t ) (D) Condnuing Education Fee 52.50 E = I ,I -t E I I a - tilI aIttrq - I Ilgt?iiitil: ry r Sign 5 $efage monum.ent I I IISign 1 $sn ? I I I I t-I IITl, T IIIITT T I II DATE RECEIVEO lo8 No o ZONE OCCUPANCY GROUP UNIT OCCUPANCY LOAD STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION TEGAL DESCRIPTION aoonrss 5lO OWNER THE CONTENTS HERE ON HAVE BEEN REVIEWED' WITH ALTERATIONS NOTED ON THE PI-ANS OR BY ATTACHMENT CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS MADE TO THE APPROVED DRAWINGS OR PROIECI AFTER THE DATE BELOW SHALL BE APPRO\T,D BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. I a"Ll I O 3SO(E\'1D2 vAo\n S{I I I NI crTY OF SPR!t't95lE}.D, OREGON Rear elevation APPROVED BY DATE -L 4 r lillgil )l!!l I -l ll I ,t t -_! rli. , r / \\ r I \ra l JI \ I / (@Gh'i- - -l 'L._ gn3 I -.] t j T_- 33.8 s0uare leel (,*f }.1N" FACE TRIM 3rE,7/E' FACI T8[{ CABltltl' ?-9-3/A , 9- t' v0.315-3/8" x A.9,EXtSflttG 'ir'.c6s f0 8E qaNOVED a OISCAfiOED PROPOSM FROIIT EI.EVATIOI' " SCAI.ED PBOPOBTIONALLY GABIi{ET: E[sting 16,, deep W 2', retalners to remarn: Cabinet & retatners to be repalnted pMS 323 C Teat FACE: .187 Ftar whtte potycarbonate GRAPHICS: Surtace apptled diqita[y printed iranstucent teal & aqua vanyt Oraphtcs Otl^taTlfY: 0 ) OIe lace replacemenl requrrsd lor lront elevalion eoloR Prlqrf a a 6 oa URGENT CARE txlsTlI6 c0N0trr0 s s MC 5l$laxnovo HEALTH 07,t|/1,03 t-tdad h ary I lr6t L{10 d,rt,.ldno.rnbi h,.9. 08 440.209.5200 aoo.527.aa50 2 group tlllldlrie !.ta. a..tdr theMCgroup.com il\iov xtaLli?or9\oa,5pnlllcflEtl). triilsr E!MaD.o.ltrF,!...r..06 FACE REPI-ACMEIITS 24lNCH t5 H 0 upcerq EE tt 3Ee 1 oi I I EXlSIfi0 5r<pr) 2 caS tETS t0 Bt RENOVEO t ato PA fi f0 !0! Eased on eristing 24 rNCH custo$ nEru t OEPIN 311 tgn C ?9:,/," xg-r. s x-s.tE t walls wlu 8E0ul8t P0wEn waus t ^REAS WXenE ExtJIne 1u 3lt.l- c./l .3'l c,t :3'-l'c^ RICHI SIDE ELEVAIION ITF| SIDE ELEVATIDII MC 44o.209.6200 eo.5ilr,a{60 0rnr1903 Utdl.o to !* !l(i *{tG 17 2a.Htarsrxnovo HEALTH *\lrovtrif^UH\2olE\0ilspRtr{cntLD-llr st 9roup tutlah9 !.n- l.gldr theMCgroup.com sPR[r6r[LD.rA sr sPn[rcfltlo 0i t7.It 3 xom* mumrsinmr6nN^ub.an*rw6riDro f ouiarrs l. 1 !-! IR0P0St0 st0t Et EVAItot{S :Z? -6 AREtt \ it 'l*l*+;..-F tb (A rACT I-IT CHANN€I. I-IITEAS Scal.: 1/2'=1'.0' 23 7 squaro leet 24 tNCH r 1'- 10" s-3/i" Enovci 2'-0 URGENT CARE 16 14" SIMULATEO IIElil VIEW racts SO!qLPllEIf .lli.il;i]il,",..., .r;;;ff:,:Y,"",, TllTCUI.OUILITTIRS URGENT CARE o, MC x novo HEALTH oc6/r9o! l4a.- dun a.'rli.5 4/(}.209.62O0 aoo.52 7.4450 r tov hEl0Ht019{sspB icattlo. {ArN sl OB9roup llllrlin! !.n, E d.theMCaroup.com sPi[Grfto . Illt{ sr sPn[rcfitu tn ,7arl 5 cusfo nEfuqt 3-1/2' 1, 2,_6" L0G0 3/16- r2a4I Wn !.cryrrc*/dE,taltyOnntr! lrans vrnylovsnayio maiah cdors sno{i: Wnn .llrsro!. lhcrollNrnn.$r|t.U tof N.i: ll0vrf LEIITRS 3/t6_ r?aal Wnm.crytrc r/ d{rtatry onnhd l.ans vrnyrorenrrs to match Aquacolor cnown.-URGElil ClflL'LETItBS Ut6' r2{a7 Wn(i aaryl[ */ dq&xy rmtad 0uarcoror rearv,nvl Vtt ltuta. UNta rl ,/er L0G0a UnGEtlICARE'LtlI[FS. l"Fr.t .rrnEapro,nrtchpMS323CTld-ltovtr LtIIEBS r _ cualt! rmcao |o math plts 7.t66 c &ua 5-al., 0.10 aruo prr,tinrsiadwn 0rnsrda: L0G0t'URGEI{l CARE'LtlTtRSrT.,l6utsrd. 'NoV " rtTT!8S Aoua ourrLd. 063 ar!D .ot0.lrnrsh.dWh r,isrd. GE Wn[. LEo s a3 (qur.d oy m anltTctuat: n r./I. t a.t ,tnjiaa Ld.rsard ro9olo mtiru Do[!d usrno mn 1/,t'ar toad* nroodotoctn! i3) lira. rana!ir!,.(un?d tl)l Ooln !6a! 6 [r.i.rrt,oal RtTUnts: Blcls: rtrulltlto{ |lsTlLt. 00ltTtTt ts&A SIGN & AWNIIIG 899t9 PMrt[ m. I [U6ttt. 0t 9710) rlr.fl r8r.rJr6 rlr{r rrJ.rNrl WALL SECTION DETAIL: CHANNEL LETTER WITH REMOTE POWER SUPPLY MOUNTEO TO CONCRETE WALL CONCREIE WALL CHANNEL LETIER: FLUSH MOUNIED, FACE LII, WITH II'ITER}IAL TED ITLUMINATIO]I 114'X21/2', TTTEN SS MASONBY SCBEW (TYP} 3.4 PER LETTER LED P()WER SUPPTY L()W VOLTAGE WIBE UL LABEL MOUi,ITED TO EXTERIOB OF CHAililEt LEITER BErr B0x swlTcH 120V PoWER rACT I-IT CHANNET I.ETTTRS Scale: l/2'= 1'-0' 23.7 squarc teot 24 rNCH cusfonRErua OEPIH , t'-10" 5'3/4"|xnovci 2'- 0'URGENT CARE 16"1t4', SIMULAIEO IiICHT VIEW fACES: rfltilclP: illUlliSl ' - cqoErarEtl -. - -oil".T,:,*:-,*, .ail',,H**k,* , 3X$r5 200bdMk. FLIT Clrr.OUT Lmrst trclt. u.uf,rNiTron ItsTtLt: URGENT CARE I T I r,= @ MC IlCfflno- 9an!5a$r6 ttBl7|g FB9rlcllrlnacEPr ottlont8; oEtar ErTrol 0B $tov Na^ltHuot0\03\3plr cftu.0 - {llt s1 oa/!6/r90i t dr..,.n idrnh5-x novq HEALTH 440.209.6200 800.527.a460group &Lll.g !.n . ar.6a.theMCaroup,com 5 3.1/2'-JiF_ 2,-6,_ t0G0:3/16" r?{47 Wnlhrcrytrc f,/d{ialyU nled tans vrnylovlrLavlo math cotors shorn: wn&.l!r5 to b. Ehctolt wh{.fir1-a mf tut.l'ilovA'LtITIFS:3/16'r2aa7 Wn& r ytrc r/ dro[alry lnnl.dtilns vnytof.natsto m.&i aquacolor riotn,_UqGtNI CARt_ tEnERS. J,15. a2a{t Wh,t..cryl( */ dq,t.rry pnntao Ddr coror I.. r dyl Ult bn, Atla .t ,ltl LoGOa URGfltICABt_LtrItnS 1 . F*otrr, timclp Io ntrchpMs 323C t .l- ovrf ttITtSS 1_ F*.hr.l.imr.D ro m.rh pMS 1466 c aaur 5'a3.r 0l0 arum or!.thBh.d Wh .ri!rd.: L0G0 r "UBGttiI CAfl['LtTTEBS tuaroursdr- oVA'LE TESS Aqueoul36e 063rbm or..iri,ina,slhrt.ln.rd! G[ Whrf. LE0'5 .i r0qurnd by m anrlzctunr n.nota eor.r aurpti$ L.io6 and boo to D. th,u Do t(, usrn9 nm ra. xr lnr..d *ln *oort lbchng rJ) lhr.. rrtiniti '.ou r,, to, Oo|n!6!r 0ria..,ry.no.r spn GrEtD.Mr!{sr sPfllNGFttLo oAS7l73 8tsrd on c$sting txtsTIilG c0I0tTt0xs 2xrn!g50 URGENT CARE E[l9lltlc ?.9-3/F, 9'- t. c,,BfiEI fO BE nE OVEO O t SCAqOA) wALtS MtL BtQUff p,wFa wasfl, patc{. A}/o pant ru /,fictt wAus tN AREAS W(ERE Elt$fi,e srcts aBE nE oVEl MC .ao.209.5200 800.62 7_4a50 x DA'( 5{Sar5 01a!t.19 otBn umoar o€ x,rcvr Ht^lTNro,9on\5Pa|l6frtr0 . 9ll| sr novo HEAI.TH 0/45/190t urd.r( io rh.x rarol0/{rr9 0l 4ol!ab.nlnml.fic _qslgF$I I , t +. I group luBdhe Lta.. !...l.t theMCAroup.com 4 24 tNCH cuslotnEfont i3.6" tA tti PNOPOS6O BEAR EI-EVAIIOtI ) I J I L i I I . g' _l -i I l} q;, I fr. F t;/ sflr 7'" l-- ?17 sPn Gfr[10 ' lll t sr sPa[6r(t0 039?r73 ts&A stGN & Awt{tNG 19915 2UNI lD I tu6trt, 0t n.0) Pltflt!1,!16 r lgllt! 'fl, WALL SECTION DETAIL: CHANNET LETTER WITH REMOTE POWER SUPPLY MOUNTED TO CONCRETE WALT C()NCRETE WALt CHAI{t'lEt LETTER: FTUSH MOUI,ITEO, FACE LIT, WITH INTERNAL LEO ITTUMINATION 1/4'.X2 1/2'T|TEN SS MAS0l{RY SCREW (TYP) 3-4 PER LETTER tED POWEB SUPPI-Y TOW VOTTAGE WIRE UL LABET MOUilTED TO EXIERIOR ()F CHANI'IEt TETTER BETI BOX SWTCH 120V P0WE8 I @ MC x novq HEALI}i .,1o.209,6200 80(I627.4460 5 nov t{luwor9on\srfitoi(o.I r sr e FACE LIT CHANNEI. TETTTRS Scele: 1/2'=1'-0'dctY23.7 iquare lear cusfottREfLtnN OEPTH 11'-10' 2'-0 URGENT CARE s,MUt-ATtO t{tcHT vtEW racts - co(oi tatittl - - -9i[!11',!"lX'0,*o- !ff.iliil!,,*r- $rM.,tx6s.r0r.rtuhh- {i.;'r'i'*i'ox-soiiiolr ruT cur.ouT Lmrns f::I group lrtalrt a.tr.. !,td.theMCgroup.co{n sf GELo - Ult sr sPnRcff,Lo, ofl 9ar 73 Ll 24INCH 3-1t2' --rl.r- - 2'.6,---l r5-34:Bonovci 16-t/4' L0G0 3/15_ r2{!TWhrtaacrylrc*/d.o(atypnntod lr.,ls. vrryror.iayto 6atri colors shora. Whrrr .r..s ro D. Bbcrod Whrh nrt - l t'f i l4l,.:' ova..rtITEes:t,r6 r24.7vyr^lercryrc*/dro,ta vflrnr.ol.ans y,ny ounavsto matcll Aou..6tor rn.rn_t fiGFnl cAnt_ L!rItis 3/t6. ,za,r7 $ru. arryt|. */ dorny pnnt.d ou.rcolor l.rlrrvl Vltl n. UNt.t |la}- loGO a _lJRCtxI CARt'tEIIEnS I Fsrrlr ti,mclo io mrjch pr|s 323 C loat oVA_ LtITtqS 1'E*!,,1.r,mcDlom.tciplrst.65CAqu. 5-d..r.040atfin ora-ttnrsi.dWh&ri3ri,. L0G0 t'URG[ T CAFE' ltTT€nS Tnl outid.-{0VA_ L€nEBS Aoo. oorsrd. 063 ar0,n . or0nrn[h.(,1,h[€ ni6a Gt larnr LEo s .5 [qJmd oy .naDt.clur.l i i.oot, ,rrr.r rqrrt !r Lrrla.s ind ro0o to Doihrutoltad ustnomr. l/a" ilt lttr.i ir(n mod Dhct(ln9 ,3r Iir...n.i!rtr,.qJnrOiorloln116.rthrr!.r.nont IRIllcAPi BEIUSIS] uc[8: rlLuflllll0{l lilSTALli oultTIt URGENT CARE 0&16/rt03 urdli du.i o.Do ro 5 6l MC x novo HEALTH 074rr901 t dr.ahrbs ..{r.6'/2."hrd..n ,r40.20:).6200 800.627.4a60 DtSnAalIMoN ,0 I Novl ntatrH2or9 ofispnllcflt!0. u^i sr3 EXrSfltlG ?-9-ll|:,9,-t, dr-|-tE r t?-S- WAILS WIU REAUBE POWEE 5 t,nEased on e{sting 24 rNCH cusfoxfiEfuBN OTPIH 3'r CAS|IEIST0 8E 8E$0VE0 & olscaB,,E' PA|CH. A 0 PAt f r0 Ntafctt SIGIIS A0E REIIOYED 1tfl :1316" 3E :l:r'c,t RICIT| SIDE ELEYA|IOII UFf SIDE ELEVATION 4nova URGENT CARE f ouitp"is I = ll group tsld.e !.rb, a..nd!theMCqroup com sPftrGtfL0,MltilsI sPn oatLD 0a 97at! ffiE flfI -',c o un6fiY UALLS IN ANEAS PROPOSED SIDE ILTVATIOIIS Cil rd * '!.3r..:-rs-. . -.:.''iil.- ts&A stcl{ & AwtltilG t''r, Ptll t lD. | 0GtIt. 0r 9r|0t tltartlttt46 rlnrlsttrr) WALL SECTION DETAIL: CHANNEL LETTER WITH REMOTE POWER SUPPLY MOUNTED TO CONCRETE WALL CONCRETE WALL CHAt{1{ET TETTER: FLUSH MOUT'ITED FACE LIT, WITH INTERI,IAT LED ITLUM]IIATION 1/1'X2 1/2'TtTEt't SS MAS0l,lRY SCREW (TYP) 3.4 PER LETTER LED POWEB SUPPLY LOW VOLTAGE WIRE UT LAEET MOUIITEO TO EXTERIOR OF CHAl'It'IET TETTER BEI.L BOX SWTCH 120V PoWEB s MC Illr(arro- oAtEr,oa1.5 ofn3l,3 oEBM Etlitol o! rtou ,nlrlh\20r9fi\5?nr68&D - a^! Sr x novo HEALTH 440.209.6200 800.527.4a50 orlJr19m a.rkr,rlrcjreMrmnrn d! o.l.r.r, dd triyr! rom d,g MOIIUMEI{T REWOflX ,L. n= l8-1/8"5'.r1-?/r FACE TRtlt 16" OEEP2st I E-1/4' FACE TNIM cAEr{tI EISlrng 16" desD caDlnets w/ 2-.etarnersto remam: Elrstrng otvrderoar3lo Dr rsmoyed t] dtscardad Cant,ets ll tet to.5 panlad to match ptns 32 JC teel &oMS i466C AOt. as sho*n (4) fourNEW 1E7 Pan to.med ctear lotvcarbonete tacos Severse sprayed to metcn colors siown p,ro.io lormrng pro.ess Exrslrng12) Two-F/2Tl2 CwXo butbs(UpptR CABI IT) & {5) Suve.tcrr f106It 2 CU,HO butbslt-OwEB CABrr{tTt t {2! Two 496magnctlc MIa3t3 to D€ regtac!d 6-7,?8" 2 REVEAL c0r0n PrIErIE apus,,rch O pus:.o c rq. 535s1 POIE coYtS: REVEAL: fxrsnng ro t e pa'nted aqua wrth scr€!ned togo w h apptrod oPaque whtl. v'nyl coDv Erstrng to rcmarn I palnted teal as strown ! E'.11.1/l' Ftct TRrt P80P0SED PYtolt . scrlrD Youlrallrl: t al four laca riptacaor.nt3 raqumd EItSIlflc [0[0lTt0lts REVEAL 6-1/2' 4111.1/2 r 6!0" SKIRT UPPER CMNEI: 18-314" x E-3t8, UPPEqV0: 14-314' , 5\8-3/A" LOWEB UBttGr , C-3/8"L0WERVo: ,6'.3t8 xnovct F =UJ UJ[9CE< =rJ WALK.INS WELCOME Fzluut L9GE< =L.,I walx.rrus x(novq tu e I I al 9roup &IdLg !..4.. t -it theMcaroup com 6 r^cEs: 6fflPHrCS: rLtuir.: - fr4 UNGENf CARE r\ _.i J],'tir:iffi INIIEIXA|E cual