HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-09-18CitY of Springfield Develo9ment and Public Works 225 Fifth Stree( springfield, OR 97477 yL-126'3753 SPRINGTIELD ni OREGON web Address: www.sprinqfield-or'9ov Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: 811-19-OO1560'STR IVR Number: 811053961153 Email Addressr permitcenter@springfield-or'gov Permit Issued: SePtember 18, 2019 CategorY of Construction: Commercial Submitted ,ob value: $245,000 00 Type of Work: Alteration TYPE OF WORK Descriptio n of Work: 4th Flr pediatrics- reconfigure offices to exam rms worksite Address 3377 RiverBend DR Springfield, oR 97477 Parcel L7 03220004102 Owner: Addressl PEACEHEALTH 1115 SE 164TH AVE VANCOUVER, WA 98683 JO B SITE INFORMATION TIONFORMALINAt{PROFESSIOSEDNLICE Business t{ame ANDERSEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON LLC . Primary License CCB License Number 2ta297 Phone 503-283-6712 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 1999 Final Building 1260 Framing 1540 Gypsum Board/Lath/Drywall 1600 Ceiling Grid Inspection GrouP Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project' Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits oregon'gov call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811053961153 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store permits cxpire if work Is not srarted within t8O Days of issuance or lf !{ork is suspended for 18O Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy, All provisions of laws and ordinances govemang this type of work wlll be complied with wheth€r sp€cifled hereln or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or csncel the provisions ofany other state or local law regulating construction or the pertormance ol construction, ATTENTTO : Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility ltotificatlon Center. Those rules are set torth ih oAR gs2'.oor'-ooro tt rough oAR 952-OOa-OO9O- vou may obtain .opies of the rules by catting the Cellt€r at (503) 232-L9A7. all persons or entities Performing work und€r this permit are regutred to be ticense., untess exempted by ORs 701.oto(Structurat,/M€chanicat), oRS 479.540 (Etectricat), and ORS G93-Ot O_O2O (ptumbiDg). c : ln y Re po tu/ re @ fts// p rod udi o n / 0 1 Sf A D A R D Permit IVumberi al 1-19-OO1E6O_STR Fee Description Technology Fee Seismic Review - Essential Facilities Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12o/o of applicable fees) Page 2 of 2 Quantity Fee Amount $89.28 $17.68 $1,758.00 $212.16 $2,0a7.r2Total Fees: C :\myRepo^steports// prcduction/o 1 sra N oa Ro PERMIT FEES ( ll\ ()t st,t \(,t lt ll).()t (,()\ Structural Permit Application 225 Filth Str.a. Spnngficld, OR 97477. PH( 541 )72Gl7Sl . IAX(51 I )7?6-1689 This permlt is issucd under OAR 9lE-460-0030. Permirs explr. if suspendcd for 180 drys. nork is not strrtcd within 180 days of uan or fwork is 2at1 rz L-""."."ro{ 0 OEPARTMENT USE ONLY Datc: Qf,S11\ LOCAL GOVERNMEMI APPROVAL Ihis projcd has finalland-us€ appmval SiBnature:Dale: This proj€ct has l)llQ approval signaturr:l)ate Toning approval vcrified: IYcs ENo Propc(y is within flood plain: EYes DNu CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION D Residential I Govemmc'nt fi Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address:3377 Riverbend Dr Ciry: SPringfield slale: OR zlP97 471 Subdivision: N/A tot no.: N/A Reference: N/A 'l'axlot:04102 PROPERTY OUT'NER Nanlc:PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center Addrcss: 3333 Riverbend Or Ciry: Springfield Surc: oR ?.lP9147i phone:514.954€843 )rax /nrf,'sBuildillg(hrrEr or Sign hcrd; irntappl peacehealth.orgE-mail E f-tris insrrttrrtnr iJ uiig 'nla. .,'*ii;jr;6 by mc or a nrcmber ofnry immediale lbmily. shd is exempt liom llicensing rcquiremcnts u'der ORS ?01.010. propeny Busincss nanrc:Andersen Construction C ompany of Oregon, LLC Addfc"s 309 West 4th Ave, Suite 201 c ity: Eugene SrareOR ZlPt97401 Phone:541-231.0520 I.'ax CCB license no.: 218297 ng Signature SUffi ( ( B t.i..r..,Phoor Eleatricsl OEG, lnc 203 541-7 47 -0a11 PlxmblnS Alliant Systems 153420 541-246-1633 M.ctrnicrl Alliant Systems 153420 541-246-1633 -.l! FEE SCHEDULE l. Vslurtion ioformalion (a) Job dsscriptiur cs I Occupsncy B. A-3 Corrstruction typc: ll-A Square feet: 1400 Cost pcr squarc firct: $175.00 Othcr informationr l ypc ofllcst: ! ncrv ffialteratiorr E addilioD (b) Foundation-only permir? E yes E No 'l-otal ralustion:r $245,000. 2rBriilditrg fecs (a) Pgnnit Ge (use vslualion lablc)t tTbv (h) Invostigative fee (€qual to l2al):I $ (d) l.:nter l2% surchdrge (.12 x [2a+2b+2clt $ (e) Subtotol offees.bov. (2s thlough 2d):s (a) Plin review (650/o ll grcmrit fee l2au $ (b) Fire md lifc safcty (65010 x pennil fcc [2a]):$ (c) Subtotsl of ties rbov. (J! ,nd 3b):t (a) Seismic fee, lolo (.01 r pcrmir fee [2al):t /nrt (h) Tcch fcc, 5% (.05 x pernil fcc[2al+PR fec [3c])la JOTAI, fe.r snd sufthsr*ei (2e|3c+.h+b)r La$ ediEd 5-5-2019 Bjoncr Pe,-irno.t_: lci 16Gd CONTRACIOR INSTALLATION E-mail: ablessing@andors€nonst.com Prinl name: f,n.r$/ Prth: (c) Reinspecrion (I per hour): (nu,nbcr ofhours x fec pcr hour) 3. Plrrr revlew fccs 4, Miscellancous fees sm