HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1977-08-24CIITTT SPFTINGE-IEIJD FIELD. OREGON 974'17 August 24, 7977 97 477 OF SPRING 346 MAIN STREET '7 47 -4221 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFIED LETTER 0ccupant 4950 DaisY Street Springfield, 0r. Dear OccuPant: I am writ.ing regarding my visit to your home on August.22' L977' BeCause your pool is deeper tfian ie 'i-nches uni-ii-Vo.l Plal. to k6ep it, a fence or wall must be erected around the pool, u, .ipiii"t.a in the attached copy of a Springfjeld Ci ty 0rd'inance. Therefore, be advised that by 30 days from the.date of this letter or September 24,1977, a fence surroundirg yori-'pooi inafl be erected, or the pool shall be removed. please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division, at 726-3753' Si ncerely, Sal ly Johnson Env i ronmental Control I er SJ:rj I 7-1-1 Springfield Code 7 -L-3 CHAPTER ViI. PUBLIC PROTE CTION ARTICLE 1. DANGtrROUS BODIES OF WATER 7-1-1 Swimming Pools;Shallow Bodies of Water- -Enclosures (1) Every person, firm, or corporation in possession of land within the city, either as owner, purchaser under.contract, lessee, tenant, or licensee, up on which is situated a swimmi oo1 or other outside body of water e of more than 1B esa ES gne oru e or sw m1 di 1n or lmrners on, s all ma n h a C p e SU r oo1 or other n wa er wl oven wlre or ve ICA ood parts, such as toa discourage children from climbing the fence or(b) A wall not less than four feet in height, above the underlying ground or baffiapable of being crawled under and sufficient to make such body of water inaccessible to small children, with openings, holes, or gaps therein no larger than four inches in any dimension except for doorsor gates. (2) In the event a prcket fence is useci to errciose the pooL oi- bodyof water, the openings between the pickets stia1l not exceed four inches inwidth. (3) A dwelling house or accessory building may be used as a partof such enclosure. (4) A11 said fences, enclosures, and walls shaI1 be acceptable tothe building inspector of the city.(5) A11 gates or doors opening through such an enclosure sha11 beequipped with self-closing and self -latching devices installed at least 40inches above the ground or base, designedlor and capable of, r.""fing-"r"r,door or gate securely closed at all tirrres when not in actual use, exceptthat the door of any dwelling occupied by human beings and forming any partof the enclosure need not be so equipped. 7-L-Z . No swimming pool shal1 beconstructed without a building permit. No buildinfpermit sha1lbe issued until the plans filed with the"buildinj inspectorrs office show fullcompliance with this artlcle. No swimming p"oo1 shall be used untit a finalinspection is made by said building lnspectlr after construction is com-pleted in accordance herewith. 7-1-3 Decorativ e Poo1s(1) Every per son, firm, or corpor.atior-r in possession of landwithin th e city, either as owner, purchaser under contr act, lessee, tenant,or licensee, on which there is a fishpond or other dec orative pool of a depthof LB inches or more shall construct and maintain a n acceptable enclosureand securely close off or block any and all entrance s thereto'n (2) An ac ceptable enclosure shal1 be one of the following: t ffi I l(u.s.p;s;ts =.98: U.S.PO SI Au[;* :t =.?4:Cf1FY ()F SpR.IlirctFIEiIJD FOURTH AND NoRTH ..A,,gTREETS SPRINGFIELD. clREGON 972r77 rl 0' nfiro Bscsrpt Beluesud StroffitrgAddI6-frilli o"uvomddgt- DELlvt*HurE Ar At prElsg ufiau ro roRwARg nxtliR U. s3s7s6nxE!EX lJ, s3ei56 ! AUG 24'77 Ng24'.l7 No. L2 599 CERTIFIED MAIL j i 'TEFI R \ \ ,z"iri"\ r#ila :a -=--r--