HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1990-04-16Tos Lot ll Job Loeaticn: Aesessore Map # Subdiuiston: A,mer: S Addtess: 3405 Baldy View l,ane Phone: 146-8444 City #.. RESIP-\TIAL.. 22 s No,th strt streeAPPLrcAl"'t)N /PERMrr Springfield, 1r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIIT{GFIEI..D- The demoljtion permit fee is waived on the condit'ion that the structure will be burned by the Springfield Fire Department for Training purposes. If the Fire Department refuses to burn, the property owner wi 1 1 be responsjble to obtajn demol itjon peimit. Date: Date of nppticatian ADTLL 16, 1990 Add.iticn for Spfd JJt-l L VaLue tract S ft, T6 *1Lh-3i1iL General Plumbi I.lechanical Electr Elec t r t-a nSrre 0R !40wDDEIlOLTT- Sanitary seuen capped at Pt:oPertA Line Septic totk pmped and fi,Lled uith grattel Final - l{hen abooe itens are cctnpleted and uhen Cemolition is eomplete o! struc- ture moued and premiaes cleaneC up. Homes Blocking ord set-uP Plunbing eonnections " aaue! qtd uatet' Electtical Connection - Blocking' set-uP and plunbing connections rast be apprc'^ed befoie requeating electrlcal inspectiot Pinal - After pcttchee, skirting, decks, etc. ate conPleted. Acceasor-i Building Page 1 of 2 It ie the froot the s*eui?-ding to aee that aLL inapections aye nade at the proper time, that eaeh cdltees is v'eaCabiereeponaibility of tle penrtt holder 'treeb, and that the permit eatd ie D.iuicior. appt'ou-ed plan shcll z'enain Lxated at the front of the ProPet'tYon the Buildinq Site at aLL tines. PRoceDUpE FoR TNSPEglleIt E?!EE!.'CALL 7 eadY fot't'iLL be made the sane dcy, r'equests made 26-3769 (recordet,) state yout' City desigrated job nwnbet', job aCdress,of inspeclictr inspection, Contvactot's on Oumers ncme and p?nne nunber.befcre 7:0C an aftez, 7:00 @t bttll be made the nest l,nrking day Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber Is STTE INSPECTION: TO bE made after escau;rlo;but prLor tc set up of fotms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHA,^IICAL: ?o be made before any 6Fi-i.E-iooered. POOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be rmde afiei-tiencies ate ercaoated and forns ate erected, but prior to pour.Lng ccncz,ete. No these itapec t'Lona hnue been nade cnd. cppr:oued. UNDqRCROUIID PLUMDINC, SEWER, W.ATER' DRAIIIAGE: ?o be nflde PrLoP to I1,L- Tfi-d-erches. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EING E MEC!|A\ICIL:of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Priot' to ffitfrTill6{of floor insuLation ot' decking. INSI]LATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION : i;-be ,naEZFe" aLL insulaticn and required uapor barriers ave in place bui belore any Lath, gApslm boarC ot' tnLL couering is applied' and before ony insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECTI)N: Ic be made fite" aZT@;;tTia in place, but prior to any taPing. LIASINRI: Steel Location, bond Gffilgrouting or oerticals in accordatce Lrith U.B.C. Section 2415. WO1DSTOVE: After installation i-s ccntpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APRON: or.; e"ecte{6t pnot' After fornsto pouring concrete. SIDEWAil< & DfrIVEWAY: FOT ALL CON-;""t. p"ofrnEfr; atneet right- of-tny, to be made after aLL erca- oating complete & fonn uork & sub' base matev"ial in Place.FTPEPT'ACE: ^"$;ZaL"- FIIIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Pri.on to Plaeirq and before frarning faeing inepec- tion. FRAI.'IINC: l4ust be requested after appioval of rough plwrbing, electni- cal & neclnnical. ALL t'oofittg bracing & ehinmeys, etc. rntst be . cornpleted. No uotk is to be con- ., cealed unttl this inspection lns :been made anC approoed. ?ENCE: h4ten comPlete -- Pt'ooiCejdi6i or nouable sections through P. A. E. ALL p?oject conditions, such as the instal-L-at;-on of stteet t19e-1-a coneletion-of the requited Landsceping, Ltc., mtst be satisfiid toio"e the BttfLDING PIf4L can be requested' FINAL BUTLDING: The Final Buildin| rnspection mtat be requested after the Final Plwnbing El";;t";;;1:''ari uechanical rnspectliono hqun been made ard approued' *ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJI)STMEIIT TO BE IIADE /"? IIO COS? TO CI?Y )I" w n h'ot k: \- Fire Dept) rcgc L Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Ccuerage # of Stoz"Les lotal Height TopograPhY TotaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- \, LOT TYPE _ fnterior Cov'ner Panhandle Cul-de-sac L-co d Bedt'ooms: P Lan !:&gnlne/'UAYE r HAW CAREFULLy qXAMINED tle completed appltcation for pennit, and do iniuty i"it.t.fA that aLL infornatibn hereoi- ts t,ue and co,rect, and. f fu,th"e, certZ-yy that any ard aLL Dotk perforned sLnLL be done in accot'- "dan e vLth th'e-Otdinanc"es of the Ctty of bpringfield".and th-e La'ts of the State of Ot,egcn pettaining to the uoik desc"ibcd herein, end tlnt NO OCCU- plnCy *ttt b"e na\e of any" sttuctu,e ui,thout pemissi-on of the Building Di- uision. f further cet'tify that otly con-tractot's and enpLcyees Dho are Ln Liplnance uith oRS 701.-055 aiLL be- used on thia proiect JOB NO. Accesa.DT House Lot Faces - -- Fees -- ValuesQ.trc xI?EM r,bin C,saqe CarDort Accessot'tt TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. l. -< r Fee Date Paid Signed: Reeeipt #: Building Volue & Permit ?his pemrt,t is gnanted on the ea'press condition ttat the, saidr-eonstzaction iiitt', .;n all ,Zspects, confortn to the ,rdinance adopted iy the City 2f sp"i"bfl"fi, +icti.tding'ti" zrii"g CYdinane-e, regulating .thn t1\"-t:.:l::,^ i',.d ,"n"" of -buildings, and may be, suspended ot' reuokeC at cny ti'me upon DLc- tation of any prcttisiona of eaid 0t'dinances' ,t Buildtng Pet'mlt ?otal Cltztgea State Plumbing Permit No person sLnLL constract, inetall", alter or clange -any net-c? eristing ;ilr;b;A ";'it'ainage syaten inuhoie of in part, unleas such peraon ie the iijit'por"rrro, oT"o rllii pi*i"r"a Licena'e, eicept that a pe?aon nav 49 plhttig uot'k to prop"ity ,htch is ouned, Leased o? operated by the appli- cant. CHARGTNO.FEE Ei.rtures Plunbing Penrit State Resil)ntial (1 bath) Electricol Permit wheye state Lan requi!6 th,at the electz,ical uork be done by _an Eleettt)cal Cinttactor, the el)ctticaL po,tion of this _petmtt slall not be talid tmtil the Label Lns been signed yy the Electtical Contraetot". * CIIARCENCTLLITEM Mechqnicol Permit Naut/Efierd circuits Service State ?otal Eclwnet HooC BTU,S Vent E@r llcodstooe Petmit fssucnee Meclnnicel Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- SecurLtu Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit C\Ebcat Sidanalk Fence E|.ectrical Label Mobi'Le llome Signed 'IOTAI, AI,IOIJTI? DUE: A \5:tr Manager, Sycan B A *r ls,6y,satdtaru Seuel '1Wfir,\llate-n t1 t )I l>,(I) .')) \B.rl5?otal Clnrqes State Sutclnme 4a*a7 Fhnnnan no/; -ll I r.-