HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1998-01-22SP. /GFIELCD zonirig, and pfoJec,a tubmluod hec thodoG,€-not rsqulre apocfic hod INSPECTION REQtIESf,: 726-3769 oPEICE: 726-3759 1. I'CATION OB INSTALI{TION'k'OO C_arzHe_Az.t*L S 7 IJGAL DESCRTPTION ./ 707 s //70D600 Perolts are non-transferable end explre lf vork ls not started vithln 180 daysof lssuance or if vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. COIITRACTOR INSTAJJATION ONLT Electrical Contractor Weiland Electrtc Address 870 }t|. 2nd Sp.D cl fuoene Phone 485-3ffiq Supervlsor License Nuaber 25605 Explration Date.1/1/s9 Constr Contr. Numbe Expiration Date of Nane Address cLW 4tz-a<- Phone OSNER TNSTALIATION u96 ET.ECTBICdL PERI{IT APPITC.ATTON Nurnber {2- COHPI.ETE FEE SCEEDT'I.E BErcg Nev Residential-Single or Hulti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost ai.tprovaJ. 225 ETYfg STREEf, SPRTNGEIELD, OREGON 97477 Date Authorlzod 3. .4. Sum .8. C. Temporary Services or Feeders . Installation, Alteration or Relocation 'or less /40.00 4d,c.a 55.00to 400 a^ups to 600 aEps 1000EfTs 80.00 'B' aEffiamps or see D. Branch Clrcults 1000 sq.ft. or less gach additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf'd Eone. or -Hodular 'IlneIIing' Service or Feeder Services or Feeders fnstallation' Alterations or Relocation: 200 anps or less 201 anps to 400 anps -401 anos to 600 amps 601 anps to 1000 aups over 1b00 anps/volt; -Reconnect OnIy s 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 ss0 s60 00 o0 00 00 00 00 $100 $130 s300 $40 sH4tt $ $ $ The installation is being uade onproperty I ovn shich is not intendedfor sale, lease or rent. Ovneri*Signature: , Alteration or Extension Per Pane1 One Circuit S 35.00 Each AdditionalCircuit or vith Serviceor Feeder Pernit _ $ 2.00 E. Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not lncluded) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/OutIine Light Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Cann 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL lng $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 DATE: RBCEIVED '.e7 '4 .t Addrega z p.oA s.r, r sb Permlt Expkatlon Datoi+ c;.lrlvrldL G phone: ({og)zag-u 0orrtr^r. state:r. Sprlngflel Dats ol Property Slte 18 Owner Aoc{ 3(A GuuCe|>L A)t- i oCty f Sptin Journat number appllcable Land Uae ,zl TaxLotz ZTcztr uGB Tax Map DRAINAGE, POLLUTION AND EROSION CONTROL tr tr tr tr tr tr REPTANTING ADDITIONAL PLAN, and It d Areas t clldes, cRoss sEcTtoNs, SOILS & GEOLOGY STA] STAT PH0N@)ayl2fi Tttc CITY ctw ADDRESS COMPANY PROJECT SUPERVISOR: P,o, Er*2-rl o PHONE 31+ - t4&lJ- Zo ) o CITY: 7 Num Explratlon Date: CFI OFFICE PHONE zI FN<_AZ1 EMERGENCY PHONEz _?qz /$S CONTBACTOR NAME: MOBITE PROJECT PHONE 71?.N* STATE: Qi , Reglstratlon ADDRESS: FEr M LLIo-zo -tF- M, IJJFJ <Mc oz ozs LU U z -t cc TUz =o al-z, trJ o t- out ttr5otr, TE U)F-z 50f,azoo OEoFo fEt-:z,oo CI' Z, 5(L tutE:fFf !5 ut TEfF a(, U) lrlF U) Zo IEu, 5 o 4 5 / I flfty Source Locatlon_ O^l I ,Tts , 3<1q 3 Materlal - EXCAVATION, Profect dr,r,. uJ3 PI.AN A -I COMPANY R S.rc- PROJECT SUPERVISOR: hrvc futurc ttt rtt whlch tny on /*-=i-f/ , ) I a I I I I a ! a, a I a I a I t Smn t Date: W wETr-ANDs,u)lr'u/ tr',lrrt Zone:_, FEMA Communlty panel No. tr FLoODWAY, FEMA Communlty panet No.: tr DRAINAGE, Ct Storm, E Dttch, Et Cutvert, o tr FLooD PLATN, t20.00 a30.oo t40.oo 04O.@ For thc tlrat.l0,O0O cublo yudr, plur I2O.OO for cach ddhlond 10,00,0 cublo yardr or frostlon tficreof. 0220.00 For the flrrt l@,001 cublc yardr. plur l2O.(X) lor oach addltlonal l O,OOO cublc yardt or ftactlon tlreroof . S34O For tho la..t 2OO,OO! cublo yrrdr, plur 16.OO for oach rddhlonal IO,OOO otrblo yardr or frastlon thoreof. t30.oo 030.00 For the first 100 cublo ycrdr, plur S 1 4.00. lor coch addltlonal I OO crblc yrrdr or ftactlon thercof. C166.00 For tho flrt t,O0O cublc yardt, plur t 1 2.00 for coch rdditlond t ,O00 anblo yardr or fractlon ttrcreof. 1264.00 For thc flrn lO,0O0 cublo ycrdr, plur t54.OO for cach eddhlonal 10,000 cublc yardt or ftacdon thereof. t760.00 For the flnt 100,00t oublc yardr, ptur $30.00 for cach addltlonal 10,000 anblo yrrdr or fno{on thcrcof. c. l, L/4t20'u /2 rtV.z9 = rcq /{pqE- Recolpt No: 0tr""" 100,001 To 200,000 2OO,OOI CUBIC YARDS OR MORE t0,000 To tq),000 cuBlc YARDS l00,ool To 200,000 Estlmated Volume: Gradlng Permlt fee: Recelved by: Plan Check Fee:,lptNoz-&%,ek >/= u PLAN CHECK FEES: UP TO IOO CUBIC YARDS r01 To t.000 cuBlc YARDS t,oot To to,ooo cuBrc YARDS to,oooTo to0,ooo cuBtc YARDS GBADING PERM]T FEES: UP TO TOO CUBIC YARDS lOt TO 1,00O CUBTC YARDS t,ool To tb,ooo cuBlc YARDS Q-z rt-l o/u Date: Date:_ D"ter%tr tr tr Date Malntenance: , Date: Date: Date Date Permlt Number ?OjOO'Z- tssued BcrI rlrerl,Flnal lnsncetlons' Dato Plannlng: Englnoerlng: Bullding: tr ifsir?l,1rflt;[Tpinu""t;lg;l outllned ln thls pormlt has been completed ln accordance with tr hfiffi,flYfr601gffi,"..&t$Uf.t p.,tltn"a ln thls permlt has not been complattid ln accordanco Eli Una and Dratnage aoflvlry was performed prlor to apptlcatlon for thls permlt. Acceptsd by Date: - ThisleTo IJe Filtect out Qc ity Staff ulut!l. a2o F62oo aut ts lrJ UIE azotror!o-a2 tuo2 fl[Lluo C) ! a a a a I 1/611998 ! t I Natural Date: Recelved c .;,lua 2t CEo