HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2019-09-17OR'GON web Address: www.spriogfield or.gov Building Permit commercial Electrical Permit Number: 811-19-O02148-ELEC IVR Number: 811055228r35 City of Springfleld Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfleld, OR 97477 54t-726-37 53 Email Address: oermitcenter@sgrinqfi€ld-or.qov SPRINGFI€LD 'b Permit Issued: September 17, 2019 TYPE OF WORK Category of Constructioni Commercial Submitted .rob Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Kitchen remodel Type ot Work: Alteratjon IN FORMATI ON Owner: Addressi BREILA LLC 3289 WINTERCRE€K DR EUGENE, OR 97405 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business Name DAVID STUCK ELECTRIC LLC . Primary License CCB License Number 1581.77 Phone 541-485-8855 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspeqtion 4999 Final Electrical 4999 Final Electrical 4500 Rough Electrical 4250 Branch Carcuits Inspection GrouP Elec Com Elec Com Elec Com Elec Com Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pend ing SCHEDULING Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.build ing permits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811055228136 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Perhits exptre it work is not Etart€d withlh 1aO O.yE of issuance or it work ls suspend€d lor l8O DaYs o. longer depending on the issuing .gency's policy. Alt pmvisions ot lawE and ordinances govemlng thi5 type ot work will b€ complied with whether speclflcd h.r.in or not. cr.nting of . p€rmtt does not presume to givc authority to viol.te or c.ncel the provislon6 ot.rly other 5t t or local l.w r€gulatin9 constructlon or the pertormance o, construction. ATTEttTIOi: Or€9o. taw req'rires you to tollow rules adopt€d by the Oregon Udlity Notlflcrtion Center. Those rules arc 5et torth in OAR 952-OO1-OOrO through OAR 952-OO1-OO9O. You may obtain copiGs ofthe rule. by calling thc Cc.ter at (503) 232-L947, Att pcrsons or €ntitiE performing work und.r this psmit a.e requircd to b€ llcens€d unl.tt €xemPted by ORS 7O1 OlO (structural/ltlechahical), oRs 479.540 (Electric.l), and oR5 693.o1o-o20 (Plumbin9). x6te4 on: 9/t7 t79 p.qe ! ot 2 c : \myReport5/reports//producno./o 1 STANOAR O worksite Address 521 MAIN ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703353110600 Permit Number: A1r.-19-OO214a-ELEC Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Branch circuits without service or feeder Technology Fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (12o/o of applicable fees) Quantity 10 Fee Amount $ 161 .00 $8.05 $ 19.32 $ 188.3 7Total Fees: C:\hyRerorE/reoorB//oroducnoo/Or STANDARO PERMTT FEES t =z6 = I { o (o oa t6 a6' ii',=o=1 P @--5 6adu!dL,o4E9!rri5q:ise{ T< o6 o= z (/, -+ (r, q ba { -,1..1 s$o 6o2- -{ t, Jo 0,oao) 7ooL!, v,Pd)3 !{.=OE!16 F3F @:!Co:am-.,1 { r:NM@so(o o o U'' l. q- -n oo !g. o- lot ao: N*aii !oli o.i;o oN 't d3oo3 !-.t _ ^c o o o I oo @oE3 :!:6'Ef {. ?, o oo. *c -o o-' o*ts u9a {do md s o .'l o3 I No ! 3 e F3cr o- o :,N _o o oa-lCox mt-mo-.t 4o o _o l 3o --l o o x o v 9.E I -.t I d I t- 6'c l q. t i>o 3 I q .r| CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Electrical Permit Application 225 Fifih srreet a Springfield, OR 97477a PH(541)?2G3753. FAX(541)726-3689 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY .",,,,,no.,1q-00 2l'18 Date qtrr 1"1 $; This permit is issued under OAR 9lE-309-0000. Permits are nontransferable. Permits expire if work is not started within 1t0 days of issuance or if work is suspended for lt0 days. LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zoning approval verified? n Yes E No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION ! Govemment ElCommercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: S?- I ,,4.i/H sz-- City: SPpt/./E t-'tEz Z State: C;f?ZIP Q1a 77 Reference DESCRIPTION OF WORK l2E5 r4-?a.r4 ktro/{*-rz/ t2z-zzoarz 1412141 l:atl ctr2L,,/7s .l€ /4eaPss4r27 PROPERW OWNER Address Cily ztP Phone Fax: E-mail This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a member of my immediate family. This property is not int€nded for sale, exchange, lease, or rent. OAR 4?9.540( I ) and 479.560(l ). Signature: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name: A.tutg S"fUC< Elletlp. L Lk Address: /)o 6LF Zt'a'Z Cttyt EOeE-lg Starc: OY?ztY?7402 plrons {|tt s-?J -c-g t I Fax E-mail s;*c'<-lc 2SEi2 6 octflq,k-c c:t-t CCB license rc.: /1817 7 BCD license no.: B 2,- -ft?c Signing supervisor's license no.: 4.f ?z S Print name of signing supervisor: .?fl,A .d ';ft4 Signature of signing supervisor: f T--*-/s& FEE SCHEDULE Number of itrspectlons per item ( )Qtv Totrl cost Residentirl. per unit, serrice included: l,U)o sq. ft. or less (4)s186.00 $ $ Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion th€reof $-16.00 Limited energy (2)s44.00 S Each manufactured home or modular dwelling service or feeder (2)$89.00 s Services or fecders: lnstallation. alteration, relocalion $l r2.00 $200 amps or less (2) $201 to 400 amps (2) $401 to 600 arnps (2)s221.00 601 to 1,000 amps (2)$285.00 $ SOver 1,000 amps or volts (2)s654.00 sReconnecl only (2)$E9.00 Temporrry services or feedersi installation. aheralion. relocation s89_00 $200 amps or less (2) $r22.00 $201 to 400 amps (2) $177.00 s401 to 600 amps (2) Over 600 amps or 1,000 volts, see services or feeders section above Branch clrcuits: ,rex,, aheration, extension per panel a. Fee for branch circuits with purchase of a service or feeder fee: s8.00 sEach branch circuit b. Fee for branch circuits witiout purchase of a service or feeder fee: s89.00 s97.."First branch circuit (2) s 72.tu,/$8.00Each additional branch circuit Miscellsrcous fees: service orfeeder nol included s$89.00Each pump or irrigation circle (2) sEach sign or outline lighting (2) sSignal circuit or a limited-energy panel, alteration, or extension (2) $102.00 $Erch additional inspection: (l ) DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtotal of above fees (Minimum Permit Fec $102.00) $(B) Enter l2% surcharge (.12 x [A]) $(C) Technolos/ Fee (5% oflAl) 9Bg. 3'TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through D) Last edited 7/l/2019 BJotres E Residential Taxlot.: Name: State: Cost ea. $131.00 $r02.00 st 02-00 $