HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2019-09-17SPRINGFIELO It OREGON Web Address: wlru.springfi eld-or.gov Building Permit Residential Plumbing Permit Number: 811-19-O02142-PLM-O1 IVR Number: 81 1046438928 City of Springfield oevelopment and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 941-726-37 53 Email Address; permitcenter@sp.ingfield or.9ov Permit Issued: September 17, 2019 Category of Construction: None Specified Submitted Job Value: $0.00 D€scription of Work: Relocate kitchen vent & new hood Type of Work: None Specified Worksite Address 3858 LONG RIDGE DR Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 1802061310007 PLUEARD JEFFREY J & WENOY K 3858 LONG RIDGE DR SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Owner: Addressi Business Name PLUMBINGWORKS NW INC - Primary License ccB License Number 192449 Phone 360-772-2254 lnspection 3999 Final Plumbing 3500 Rough Plumbing Inspection Group Plumb Res Plumb Res Inspection Status Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for thas project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IvR numberi 811046438928 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store pcrmlts explre lf work ls not 5larted wlthln 1EO Day3 ot lssuancc or if work i5 susPanded tor l8O Dayr or longor dcpendlng on thc l$uinC .C€ncy's pollcy. All ,rovisions of laws and ordinences gov€mlng thls type ot work will be comPli€d wlth whather spcclfl€d hcreln or not. Grantlng of a permit docs not presume to glve authority to vlolate or crncel the provlsions otany otlrer stat€ or local law r€gulatlng construction or the pcrlotmance ot aon5tructlon. ATTET{TIO : Oregon taw requlre3 you to follow rul€s adopted by th€ Oregon UdlltY iotitlc.tlon Cent€r. Those rules ar€ set fonh tn oaR 952-ool-oo10 through oaR 9s2-oo1-oo9o. You may obtaln coples ot th€ rules by calllng th€ ccntcr at (5o3) 232-L987. All persons or entiues p€rformlng work under thls p.rmit are required to be llcens€d unless exempted bY ORS 701.0lO (Structural/ilechanlcal), oRs 479.S4O (El€ctrlcal), and oRs 593 OlO_O2o (Plumblng). ftinted on: 9/17119 page 1 of 2 c:\mYR€pon5/relD.t /produdron/o1 STANDARD I TYPE OF WORX JOB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION PENDING INSPECTIONS SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Permit Number: 811-19-002142-PLl.l-01 Page 2 of 2 Fe! Description Technology Fee Balance of minimum permit fees - plumbing Dishwasher Sink/basin/lavatory state of oregon surcharge - Plumb (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Total Fees: Fee Amount $5.10 $s2.00 $25.00 $25.00 $12.24 $119.34 1 1 C:\myReports/repo(s//prcd!ction/o1 STAxOARo PERtllT FEES _l,s .e EF I E oF t E g oi o E () E o- o ! ()s o (j o (r) Eo o o \r:O O o NPR R $ };(, 6 e o P o. EO O O <'!o o o NI !.j lr) c.i N E{, s, tJ, @ lr .c o E..OE. . 550 o < uJ ooooqqqq oo o oo E I rlt\toa7)C)(.)Ooooo Fc) (o(totoooo@@@o.CR R R P3Y Y 1 q iro O O O -o o o o =a q a IOY Y Y Y (, a!<N N N 'O .E o- oooII cD6 6;<Ea{ o. -o.E Bd EPd)(!o.{cY>lft=A (s c ^A d)> '= *O .e.P E b 6o nt :q$ $ p iE E-! I .9 :o ttb .2 .= o i:d d)OO A @ U) ao F t- s :!?i\da) e€cXtsEONN o6!+ o Eago8 ! o, o U) o o N F E i ,- a to UJ ot zoJ lr)Q ui(o :o3A gE B'i 'i; $ e8= $ Etr+i:b 'EE I fio?zl3?8ilE; a CLI I o. I z.o(, oo.J:! Iz.a4L o ,C Y .q o oz Lr,.l E LIJEt! lJ- ll-l ot Lr]l)I ii o) (! .6 o = E o- Eco Ho o o, o)es = : s Foi O) O) O' { Crry or SpRrucr.rtlu, OntrcoN Plumbing Permit A pplication €h,n\ 225 Fiffh Streei .SprinSficld, OR 97477 . pH t54t\'726-37 s1 . FAX(54t)726-3689 This permit is issued under OAR 9lg_7g0_0060. permits are issued oexpire if work is not started within 180 days of issuanc;;; tf;;;1. nly to the person or contractor doing the work. permits suspended for 180 days. DEPARTMENT USE ONLY t\q2PemI Date PPROVALOCALLGovEMRNAENT Zoning approval verified?!Y"" nuo Sanitation approval verifi ed?! yes !No TEGCA ORY OF oc N STR U cTto N ! Residential ! Govemment E Commercial RMATBJOTSIEINFO toN DAN LocA oTI N Job site address City el'I Sta te ZlP Reference:Taxlot ESD c RI PTION OF RKwo PROPERry OWNER Name: {}+ l)'&A \--r-€ aAddress City State Phone Fax E-mail:d or farm property family, and is AR 918-695-0020 made on resl 1'tmmc atdimy This insta tion is ts under O owned by me or a oxempt fro Signatwe: R INST )B ustncss name Address City State ZP Phone Fax CCB license no 7 Plumbing license no Print name FEE SCHEDULE Description ary Cost ea. Total cost New residentiel underloor lowqoin .fit"bathroorn/tcki h 00 offeet -tbibs, J in .00 $ 2 bathrooms/l kirchen r.00 s 3 bathrooms/l kitchen 13.00 Each additional bathroom (over 3)132.00 s Each additional kitchen (over 1)132.00 s Rcsidential fire ncludes lan revielr )nklers 0 to 2,000 square feet 102.00 2,001 to 3,600 square feet t63.00 $ 3,601 to 7,200 square feer 43.00 S 7,201 square feet and greater 24.00 s Manufactured dwellin or re-fab circle one Ing sewer anComections to water supply 102.00 uind stCommercial,dan dwellinrial,crolh than orne-gs Minimum fee 102.00 5.00 Miscellaneous fees l00 storr\ sewer, water liDe Each Iixture, appurtenance. and plprng $5t> Storm water retention-/detention facility 106.00 Inigation systerDs/Backfl ow 00 age 00 feet P lprng pn exceedD]S firstthe 5.00 S Specialty fixtur€s 25.00 s Reinspection (no. olhrs. x fee pcr hr.)102.00 Special requcsted hrs. x fee per hr.) lnspectlons (no. of 102.00 Errh additional inspcction: (1)102.00 Medical gas piping Enter value of installation and equipment g _, Enter fee based on installation and equipment value S DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtotal ofabove fees (Mi muln Permit Fee $102.00) $ (B) lnvestigative fee (equal to [A])S (C) Enter 12% surcharge (.12 x [A+B])s (D) Technology Fee (5% oflAl)s TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through D):s I ZIP: <d I -'9 l.t =<tz t^ E-mail: BCD license no.: Signature: s s Each fixture S Mtrt-.- f*T $ $ ft $ ]Fo6r)o_l t$ $ $ ls ls ls Lan edired 7/l/2019 bjones