HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2019-09-17OREGON Web Address: www.sprangfi eld-or.9ov Building Permit Residential Mechanical Permit Number: 811-19-OO2l42-MECH M Number: 81r082191398 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Flfth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54r-7 26-37 53 Email Address: permitcenter@springfield-or.gov SPRINGFIELD '!f Permit lssued: September 17, 2019 Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Submitted Job Value: $0-00 Description of Work: Relocate kitchen vent & new hood Type of Work: Alteration worksite Address 3858 LONG RIDGE DR Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 1802061310007 Owner: Address: PLUEARD ]EFFREY J & WENDY K 3858 LONG RIDGE DR SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Buslness Name OWNER - Primary License CC8 License Number 000000 Phone lnspection 2999 Final Mechanical 2300 Rough Mechanical Inspection Gaoup Mech Res Mech Res lnspection Status Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work- Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project, Schedule or track inspections at www. build ingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IvR number: 811082191398 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permlts exphe It worl is not started wlthln l8O DayE of lssuance or lf work ls suspended for l8O oays or longer delrendlng on the lssulng agency's policf. All provblons of l.ws and ordinanccs gov.mlng thls type ot work will be cornplled wlth whether sp€cllt€d h€r€ln or not. Grantlng of a p€rmlt does not prcsume to Clve euthorlty to violate or cancel the provlslons ofany oth€r state or local law regulatlng construction or t re pcrlorm.nc. of consEucton. ATTET{TIoI{: or€gon law requlres you to tollow rules adopted by the Oregon Udllty iotiticadon Center. Tho5G rulcs.t€ set forth ln OAR 952-OOt-oo10 through OAR 952-OOl-OO9o. You ftay obtaln copler ot the rules by calllng the C.ntcr.t (503) 232-L9A7, All pe.sons or €ntities performlno work under thls p.rmit are r€quircd to be llcens€d unless exemPt€d by ORS 70l.0lO (Structural/ltlechanical), ORS 479,54O (Elcctrlcal), .nd ORS 593.O10-020 (PlumblnC). prnted on; 9/17119 page I of 2 c:\mYRepods/r€port5//prcdlction/01 STANDARD TYPE OF WORK ,OB SITE I FORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIO AL IT{ FORMATION PENDING INSPECTIONS SCHEDULING INSPECTTONS Permit Number: a 11- 19-OO 2142-M ECH Page 2 of 2 Fee De3crlptlon Technology Fee Balance of minimum permit fees - mechanical Range hood/other kitchen equipment Ventilation fan connected to single duct State of Oregon Surcharge - Mech (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Fee Amount $5.10 $70.00 $19.00 $13.00 $12.24 $119.34Total Fees: c:\myReports/pports//prcductiorv01 STANoARo 1 1 PERMIT FEES -t,g t EF I E g Y ,q (.) oF o t o E o E (L = E o_ Y oz LIJ B L!t LL LLt! ot LIJf o- o o- (E i['.) (J€ oto o o <_JO O O Crl9d d ci 6i E r, s) a q P o. FOdr(9(.,ooooo sc) $t$soooo@@@ororolr):CI N N51 Y Y qoo o o o -o o o o =3 3 3 36q g I I!frfqN<N C{ N @ ,9 (! E60 '=(! o l: lrJ LrJ < ur ooooqqqq =Go o6'ol! o o To 8ooo Ed .EEil clg'=ho6Y\5; E= '= o) H t se =rD-9 E= oo-c O .= -- o) .; E E E$ '-€E 5 b 6e 3.3; E g Efi E3P E E EE 5otErDr!:jdclE > d) (,o F E c !, o5Ho, o, o) o)9S S r = Fo) O) o) (') s ;6hrscs.zHi-goNn o6!;ol qNE H i,./)9, ! ,= (/) o F F. do E ol g) tro uJ on ozo -o ,9:EE Bd 6 o a t5sellJ N l- =ts$ETNFi!e=o+e.';$J CL oo(,t .9 (, TUotro z,o(9 ooJLrJ iL(9 z. d4 co o o {to o o cll 9oi d ci 6i ; (, @ s, 6 lt { a t- Mechanical Permit Application GATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION Besiden tial E Govemment E Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: 3^59 )!r*- R. )-" -D r City 1j 6^$1 I Vor", fi nYq?L)+V (J Reference Taxlot. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Ro )n"n*" X.'+L.. )^r'n1 t,re.,^t PROPERW OWNER Name t City: Phone: E-mail This ins member tlon made on o wned by me or a o f m v immed iate famil v from I I !^ens ln c requrremeots R 010. Signature &HihAcron TNSTALLAnoN Business name T__-\ City:ZIP Phone Fax; ) Print name: Signature FEE SCHEDULE Residential Qty Cost ea. Totsl cosl First Anrrliance i102.00 $, Furnace/burner including ducts and vents Up to 100k BTU/hr s2-1.00 $ Over l00k BTU/hr s26.00 s Heaters/stoYes/vents Unit heater 523.00 $ Wood/pellet/gas stove/fl ue s5.1.00 5 Evaporated cooler s19.00 $ Vent tan with onc duct/appliancc I sll.00 $ Hood with exhaust and duct t s19.00 $ Gas pipinq One to four outlets i9.00 s Additional outlets (each)$5.00 $ Air-handling units, including ducts Up to | 0.000 CFM $ 15.00 5 Over I0,000 CFM t26.00 S Comoressor/absorotion svstenvheat DumD Up to 3 hp/100k BTU s21.00 $ Up to 15 hp/500k BTU 5.11.00 $ Up to 30 hp/1,000 BTU s61.00 5 Up to 50 hp/1,750 BTU s78.00 $ Over 50 hp/1,750 BTU s 132.00 $ Incinerators Domestic incinerator $26.00 $ Commercial Enter total valuation of mechanical system and installation costs $ - Enter fee based on valuation ofmechanical system, etc $ Miscellaneous fees Items Cost ea. Totsl cost Reinspection i 102.00 $ Specially requested inspections (per ;t 02.00 S Regulated equipment (unclassed)ils.00 $ Each additional inspection: ( l)i102.00 $ DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtotal of above fees (or ent€r set minimum l'ee of $ 102,00)s (B) [nvestigative fee 5 (C) Enter l2yo surcharge (.12 x [A+B])5 (D) Seismic fee, l% (.01 x [A])5 (E) Technology Fee (5% oflAl)s TOTAI, fees atrd surcharges (A through E):$1(1. jt cn, ) 225 Finh Sue€l . Springfield. OR 97477 . PH(541)726-3753. FAX(541 )726-3689 This permit is issued under OAR 918-440-0050. Permits expire if work is not started wifhin 1E0 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permitno.: n-1Tl ,1 )-Mlt Date:q rtr{ tq trsl edired 7,1/2019 BJoncs Crrv oF SPRTNGFTELD, OnBcoN Address: ? ? (9. L,s- I so'4,,ryp ZlP:qaq?V Fax: Address: (")- CCB license no.: ProPefi Owner Statement Regarding Construction Responsibilities Oregon Law requires residential construction permit appiicants who are not licensed wilh the Conitruclion Contractors Board to sign the following statement before a building permit can be issued. (ORS 701.32s (2)) This statement is required tor residential building, olectrical, mechanical, and plumbing pormits. Licensed architect and engineer aPplicants, exempt from licensing under ORS 701.010 (7)' need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit' Please check the apPropriate box CCB#Expiration Date X lwill inform my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the slructure must be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. or I will be performing work on property I own, a residence that I reside in, or a residence that I will reside in. lf I hire subcontractors, lwill hire only subcontractors licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I change my mind and hire a general contractor, I will Select a contractor who is licensed with the CCB and will immediately give the name of the contractor to the ofiice issuing this Building Permit. I have read and undeEtand the lnformation N and I hereby certify that the information on th otice to Homeowncis About Construction ResPonsibilities' is homeowner statement is true and accurate. l.^r ,"-l Print Name of Permit APPlicant Sign rmit Applicant Date 4A\q{A- 36sB tqlssued by Date \q -o6\q k|)- ql,t Permit # Address This Copy for Permit Offices I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed struclure and my general contractor is: Name L_l x* Homeowners acting as their own general contracto6 to construct a or make a substantial improvement to an existing structure, can prevent by being aware of the following resPonsibilities: lnformation Notice to Owners About Construction ResPonsibi I ities (oRs 701.325 (3)) new home many problems a a o Homeowners who use labor provided by workers not ticensed by the Construction Contractors Board, may be considered an employer, and the workers who provide the labor may be considered employees. As an employer, you must comply with the following: oregon,s withholding Tax Law: Employers must withhold income taxes from employee wages at th-e time employees are paid. You will be liable for the tax payments even if you don't actually withhold the tax from your employees. For more information, call the Department of Revenue at 503-378-4988. Unemployment lnsurance Tax: Employers are required to pay a tax for unemployment insurance prrpo"e" tn the wages of all employees. For more rnformation, call the Oregon Employment Department at 503-947-'l 488. oregon,s Business ldentification Number (BlN): is a combined number for both oregon Wthholding and Unemployment lnsurance Tax. To file for a BlN, go online to the Oregon Business Registry. For questions, cail 503-945-8091 . Workers Compensation lnsurance: Employers are subiect to lhe Oregon Workers Compensation Law, and must obtain Workers Compensation lnsurance for their employees. lf you fail to obtain Workers Compensation lnsurance, you could be subject to penalties and be liable for all claim costs if one of your workers is injured on the job. For more information, call the Workers Compensation Division at the Department of Consumer and Business Services at 800452-0288. Tax Withholding: Employers must withhold Social Security Tax and Federal lncome Tax from employee wages. You may be liable for the tax payment, even if you didn't actually withhold the tax. For a Federal EIN number, go online to www. irs.oov. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD PO Box 14140, Salem. OR 9730c.5052 Telephone: 50+378-4621 - Fax: 5o!37T2@7 V\iebsite Address: www.oreoon.oov/ccb a a Other Responsibilities of Homeowners: Code Compliance: As the permit holder for a constructron project, the homeowner is responsible for notifying building officials at the appropriate times, so that the required inspections can be performed. Homeowners are also responsible for resolving any failure to meet code requirements that may be found through inspections. Property Damage and Liability lnsurance: Homeowners acting as their own contrac"tors should contacl their insurance agent to ensure adequate insurance coverage for accidents and omissions, such as falling tools, paint overspray, water damage from pipe punctures, tire, or work that musl be redone. Liability lnsurance must be sufficient to cover injuries to persons on the job site who are not otherwise covered as employees by Workers Compensation lnsurance. Expertise: Homeowners should make sure they have the skills to act as their own general contractor, and the expertise required to coordinate the work of both rough-in and finish trades. a I This Copy for Permit