HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-06-10LiiiE Cgt'B I iIATI 01 AppL I CATI0i{/pERxtT 7?6-37 53 Job Address EIIERGY SOURCES Hea t l,later Heater e lec h"i i Ranqe Structura I Lesal Description / T- () 3- 2 7- R 1 Po,t,cn= bl hL toi ic/* ADI I ue of l.lorkcA q. Ftg. l.lain_ Sq. Ftq. Access._ So. Ftg. 0ther__ l.lew_AddJ1 ter_llep. _Fence_Demo Change/Use 0ther owner / ;)IL) q Re Bui ltli n Farni I y Pernli t Info: Describe l^lork( sidence l'lith Attached Garaqe e., Buiid SingleAdrrress 7a b* / ris 74*1"bb9 (---F- h Ph DCA "> .\.ld re s s Construction Lender I lics. no.exoi res phone noDES I G:i TEAI.I nare ( addres s "/1 T?. Prima l' dre {LrtD-. )C) ELE CTR I CAL MECHANICAL : .HAPT:FFFF lr^UlnCr N0_FFEFEEC I.lARGE NO fur'nace/burner to BTLI ' s Residence of SQ FT l'lew ci rcui ts al ts or extensions Fl oor furnace and vent Relocated building (new fix. additional ) STRVICES Recessed wal I SDace heater and vent S. F. Res'idence ( l bath) Duplex (l bath) each Apol iance vent s e oa rat-eTemporary Construct'i onAddi r.ional bath res i dence Change i n exi sti ng Stat'i onary evap cool erlr:a ter Serv i Ce Vent fan w'ith sinole duct multifamily, I ndustr.ia I comrn.0rSewer Vent system apart from heatino or A.C.Ut amPS. I Storm Sewer Mechanical exhaust hood and ductC()I4I'1./IND. FEEDERS llood stove/heaterinstal I /a l ter/rel ocate distrib. feeders 0f E ISSUAI.ICT OF PFRI',iIT TOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CI1ARGES , .. l,lHERE STATE Lli,l REQUIRES that tlte Electrical rvo shail not be valil until the label has been signed rk be done by an E by an Electrical S 'lectrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit upervisor and returned to the Building Division only subcontractors and ernoloyees who are in comcliance with Oi?S 701.055 r'rill be used on this Droject' I GiIATURE DATEliAilE(please print fy ruhe re ec rt t tha a onf,trrna 0n h tsreonctaoforrmitandaI{eAVE b.y fyDEYLXAIliDcothepl')mp do an crdan e t thh 0 rd n nc of Cthefrtandat{0 r Derk 0f rmed ah be ne c0ctha tycocrretandrthUecerndanyfy n thand La il c 0 UPACC IIC tvr ma debertanntto\^lOhe k scde r edb rehe$So r ad thnd Lawse tof S teLd 0reoof on eongp g s atr L on thtr/ I het Bu der sft I U U ni S on fu errth C rt hat t reoSUCtrrethouwithtsnoothBm.y ganypermn9 on S ednot reonhe a thnd tathatfebatheSf,S exor t055xemptemprdBoasnfufoarcednetffecaedrORS0req u by Fl ood PI ai n , .' - Stori es i 0cc.v Group Il'-.':- So FFI 4 Tyoel Con s t dtLoa d al Val ueits ,' so,_t TOTAL VALUATION F ire Zone-1"..Z. Bedrooms l'1a i nFtg Ftg Ft9 Zone ',-' Acce s s 0the r o pment Qt?,:' ;rqe ( 1.51 Svs CIra tems DevePl an Ck. Comm/Ind 65illBldo Per Fee #E*"XnPlan Ck. Res 30:1/Bldq Per Fee BUILDING PERTlIT Charges anC Su rcha rge s 't ,i t Fen ce Demo PLUI4BING PERI'lIT Charges and Su rc ha rges Sidewalk Total Cornb. Permit ELECTRICAL PERIlIT Charges and Su rc ha rges A/C Pavi ng Curb Cut TOTAL MECHAN I CAL PEP,I',IIT Charges and Surc ha rges { F'oclt iz r t i'jeclia;ri:..'. i Electrical PLUIlB I IIG Each single fixture ! 'I ics nn trYnt rcq thonc nnil r:T0RS n ana Nechanical i alIfie 1ii ) I. c.)iample - construct si 1\ COI'18 I i'IAT I OII APPL I CATI ON/PERI'1I T ( CAP ) Appl i cant to furni shA. Job AddressB. Legal Description 1. exarnple- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Refer N-T3-T: ?. examole- Lot 1. Block 3, Znd Addition to i SprlngTield Estates CITY OF SPRINGFIEI.D Ciry Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of public WorksOFFICIAI. RECEIPT No. B Is717 PFRI.4IT VALIDATION I9 ( t, C. Name, etc. of ovrner and constructionD. !nerly -sources1. exanole- heat/electricai ceilingr?. examcle- waterheater/electrical/oE. Square iootage or valuation, etc. I ender or'folced 1. examole- i250 sq. foot house, 500 sq2. effilef if new project, check-i-ew - check add, etc.F. Buiiding permit informat'ion: ngle family house attac6-ea garage rso ar ole S R ved For: foot if ad .al F l' Ir B ) ) L fiim i.t i anl ) -) remodel existing garage into 3 convert single family res'ide nce restaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) 61 Structural Specialty Code I I examol e - exa,lip Ie - +/1o O0 ,"1:!DESIGN TEA|'I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Build' Division Staff must be able to contact appropr persons regarding design information or job sl corrections, etc. @9,o3 -f &.q9 II. Abbreviated Plumbing, l"lechanical, & Electrical SclA. Except vrhere blank spaces occuli n the descri g portion of the Mechan.ical and Electrical Scher the appl i cant need fi l l - i n on1.y the No. BoxeS to the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. Ful l P'lumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Sch are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be inltalled are not co the abbreviated schedules you should cons ful I schedul es C. BUILDIIiG DIVISION STAFF I^IILL FILL OUT ALL FIE CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES D. As ncted on the CAP, the label must be deli electrical contractor for signature by his supervisor. The general contractor is not to sign the electrical label. App l icant to sign and date l,Jhenever possible, the initial application will a r.rorksheet on1y. l,Jhere possible, Building Div wi'11 prepare a type written copy and return it applicant aL the time the actual permit is issu s i gna ture. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the appl ication, and no pians will be processeci untiI these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable vrhen the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY EJe.irl<- 3s,,'e * i-//o? lc,1. ir\L 17"/,19 Et<top.gtvVlc. s D."iq -?7 ) )l t Amounl Received R36,ol C-i4rzc-Q e a BY III. iV, AUTHORIZEO SIGNATURESHELTOA.TURftBULL PRINIā‚¬iS EUGENE OR 97'OI Permi'L C'lerk ) PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI'{CY: perm'i t appl i cant exempt f rom reg i strati on wi th the Bu'i l der' s Board because : (f:->{-':-L/-i,,/*&.*.-, 1;=*--*v< .tL-<--Cl*<+''*'1"; - ., ,,i PLANS REVlEWED BY: da te !,' * ,t 7' ?jns i gnaturename l' {--tl- ) ) ) Additional Proiect Information: --c-