HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Encroachment 2019-07-02SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS ENCROACHMENT PERMIT OREGON o TTEI CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON APPLICANT: Emeratd Excavating tnc LOCATION: 820 M Sr PERMIT: 81 1 -1 9-0001 69-PW DATE: July 2,2019 ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center. (Note: The administrative telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is (800)332-2344. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Contact Craig Fitzgerald (541/726-3616) a minimum of 24 hours prior to beginning work, for scheduling of all other inspections, and for all construction related questions. Refer to City of Springfield Municipal Code 3.208 for information on Encroachment permit requirements. Work within public right-of-way shall only be performed only by contractors and employees certified pursuant to ORS 70L.o26. All materials and workmanship shall, at a minimum, meet city of Springfield, Department of public works "Standard Construction Specification s, L994" as amended in 1998 (or current edition). The City has the right to require additional work not shown/described here in but necessary for the restoration of the City's ROW infrastructure. A spill kit is to remain on-site for the duration of all construction activities. The spill kit shall, at a minimum, contain absorbent, spill booms, and spill pads. The spill kit is to be ptaced in an area where it is easiiy visible and accessible in case of a spill emergency. Applicant shall maintain oversight of all contractors and sub-contractors performing work authorized by this permit and shallbe responsible for ensuring all work is performed in accordance with City of Springietd Stail;rJ Speiificatibns jnJ i6,specific conditions of approval contained in this permit Traffic Contro! During construction or maintenance or performing utility work in the ROW, the work area shall be protected inaccordance with the currenl MANUAL ON UNFORM TIIAFFIC CONTROL DEVTCES (frrf U1CO). ' Flaggers must have a current card or current certificate indicating their completion of an approved work zone trafficcontrol course. All traffic control devices shall be maintained according to the American Traffic Safety Services Association(ATSSA), Quality standards for work Zone Traffic control Devices handbook."As a condition to receive and retain this permit all temporary traffic control shall conform to the Oregon TemporaryTraffic Control Handbook with Errata, dated Septemoer zot e. rne permit holder is sotely responsiol! to prorioe anomaintain appropriate temporary traffic control for the duration of the work. Failure to prouiae and maintain temporarytraffic control is grounds for revocation of this permit. The handbook is available for download athttps://www.oregon.gov/oDo-T/Engineering/Dbcs-TrafficEng toicn-v2g1 1.pdf. printed copies of this manual canbe ordered from Chemeketa Community C-ollege Center torliusiness & tndustry, 503-399-51g1 ." USE A 4" PVC TO 8'CONCRETE INSERTA.TEE FOR A TIGHTER FIT GRAVEL ALLEY MUST BE RESTORED TO OBIGINAL CONDITION Gtyof springfield . 225 Fifth steet . springrfield,oRgT4TT . g4t,726.3753 . 541.736.1021 Faxwww.sprirsfietd-or.sov OFFICE COpy I ogree for myself, my controctors, ond employees, thol the opprovol of the right of woy permil in no monner presumes or implies the opprovol or terms of opprovol of ony other future permit required by the City for the site ond indemnifies ond holds hormless fie City regording ony future opprovol of q future site plon, portition, subdivision, or ony other required permit thot moy couse ony work completed in complionce with the right of woy permit to be oltered lo conform to the finql permit opprovol. I understond ond ogree the City moy inspect the work sile described in this permit ot ony time during o one-yeqr period following the receipt by the City of notice of completion of the described work qnd specify, ot the City's sole discretion, ony odditionql restorotion work required to return the site to o stondord occeptoble to the City. I will be notified in writing of ony work required qnd will hove 30 doys from the dote of the notice to complete the work. Work not compleled qt the end of the 30 doys will be performed by the City ond the costs will be billed to me. I furlher qglee lo ensure oll required inspections ore requesled ot the proper lime ond the opproved permil qnd sel of plons will remoin on lhe sile ol oll times during conslruclion qnd until removed by the City. I sholl defend, indemnify ond hold hormless the City from ond ogoinst oll liobility or loss ond ogoinst oll cloims or octions bosed upon or orising out of domoge or iniury to persons or property coused by or sustoined in connection with performonce if this Controct by the permittee except, pursuont to ORS 30.140, for losses, cloims, or qctions resulting from the sole negligence of the City. I sholl qssume oll responsibilities for the work, ond beor oll losses ond domoges directly or indirectly resulting to the permittee, the City, or to olhers on occount of the chorqcter or performonce of the work, unforeseen difficulties, occidents, or ony other cquses whotsoever. I sholl ossume defense of, indemnify ond sqve hormless the City, its officiols, ogents, ond employees from oll cloims, liobility, loss, domoge, ond injury of every kind, nqture ond description, directly or indirectly resulting f rom octivities in the performonce of the Conlroct, the ownership, mointenonce or use of motor vehicles in conneclion therewith, or the octs, omissions, operotions, or condua of the permittee or ony Subcontroctor under the Controct or ony woy orising oul of fie Contrqct, irrespective of whether on oct, omission or conducl of the City conneqted with the Contrqct is q condition or contributory couse of the cloim, liobility loss, domoge or iniury ond irrespective of whether oct, omission. or conduct of the permittee or Subconlroclor is merely o condition rother thon o couse of o cloim, liobility, loss domoge or iniury. I shqll not be lioble for, nor be required to defend or indemnify, the City relotive to cloims for domoge or domoges resulting solely from octs or omissions of the City, its officiols, qgents, or employees. The permitlee's qbsence of or inodequocy of the liobility insuronce required by the City of Springfield sholl not negote permittee's obligotions in this ogreement. PERMITTEE: Printed *"..J' d e(k k* v^ - f*rr*l"l *ra*u4 "a frc Signoture: Dote:0 Gty of Springfield o 225 Fifth Street r Springrfield,O(g74Zl . 54t.726.3753 o 541.735.1021 Fax www.spri ngfield-or. gov By signoture, I stole I hove corefully exomined the opproved permit ond do hereby ogree to comply with the requirements of the permit ond I certify ony ond oll work performed sholl be done in occordonce with the Ordinonces of the City of Springfield, opplicoble City Stondord Specificotion ond Drowings, ond the lows of the Stote of Oregon pertoining to the work described herein. I further certify only controctors ond employees who ore in complionce with ORS 701.055 will be used for this prolect.