HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1980-11-28| 6 t'C l'tc-r k>o/ UfZ- CERTIFICATION OF MAILING THIS IS T0 CERTTFI that I,Jana Johnson served notice of the proceedings to be held before the Lane County Planning Commission in the matter of a Zone Change initiated C.C. Fairbanks: ZC 80-457 by urailing a copy of the attached NTOICB OF PUBLIC HEARING to each person listed on the attached sheet, who appear as record o\.rners of real property,within at least 300 feet of the property described in the said NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, by placing said notification in envelopes addressed to each of said persons and delivering said envelopes to the duly authorized postal agent for the Lane County Courthouse' on the 28th daY of ,19r80 SUBSCRIBED AND SW1RN ?O before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, this 28th daY of November 19 80 EXPIRES Ll2l84Iff Flanning Commission P' ' lic Hearing Lane County Time: 7:oo P.M. Date I December .|6, I 980 Placg: Harris Hall, Lane County Courthouse, .l25 E. 8th Ave., Eugene,0R 97401 Applicant: Location: Proposal: C.C. Fairbanks: ZC 80-457 Harbor Drive, Springfield, next to .l450; Map l8-03-02; l8-03-02-2,Iax lots 70.l, 2603,2605 Zone Change from Suburban Residential (RA) District to Suburban Residential/ Mobile Home (RA/MH) Distirct. ts a aa z J.RA C) sz-0 ?o-z- a( Ea I a Dotz IS aaaaaaaa a td \q s a{a a0 o2 -L DP.NE PPoPoseo MOBILE HOME Ooo Aoz RA E_ I tOO' ?oo'VICINITY MAP NO SCA LE .tttlraatarattttrrrrrrrrrarrrtrtrtrrarrrrrrtarrraaatrrrrr!arrrrrrtrrtrrt!!!rtttrrtttr!ltltrlllatlltrlttrlrltr'rllr'tlltrrl'rllllllllllri""'i;"";'ti;ii:;t$;'?ili;iiti;iflldtltt:,,xtuet',Ttlibi'ihqll1i!]ti'iifui.iirllfll:' rHAr IF .rirtltltrrttltllltta!aaalttrrttrtratrtttrttrrtrrrlrrrrat.rrarrarrlrrrarrrrrrararaartlrrarllall!'llllr!llltlll"ltllllrlrltllrtlllllllr:i FOR ANY INFORI4ATION ON THE PROPOSAL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION couRTHousE puBLIc sERvrcE BUILDING/'lzs EAST BT:i-:,: :':i/EUGEr,rr, otiiorin gi+or/PH0NE (503 687-4'l86) '+r, I o I 4002500 Stre oF RE4DEST 2 200 t5aa zbozCIa{ N 2604 2 ot 70t a I S rre\ s ?!Go r ,a1 Il(;(;l'l0li(;.ti: (;(:Ul, lJ()-. lo IIo: 4/Z/grt !,.,t Lane County Llrrrlr; l)r'pt. PS]] (;oLrttI IR Willianr IlcCcorgt' 121 Dorris St. Spfl.d, 0R 97477 Domingo ,l J.R. Clravarri:r 136215 So . 2nd St . Slrfld, OR 914'17 llar1 & Frances lror113s1 201r 5 llarbor Drivrr Spfld , OR 91 471 Ilar:o.[d & J. i,. Crtl vt,r L 595 Ilartrnoor [)ri\rr: llugerne, Oll 97q01 Iteynold & liva llr i glis I'.O. Box 420 Spfld,0R 97471 i,l i I 1 nlua 1rltt r' I)r t.k & l{r'.: . 765 No. "A" S[. Spf l rl, Oli 9 j!t7 i 1)r.,,il .\ Dolisr I'liit:ltc-l l i 354 So. l2r'rd Spt-1rl,Oii 97477 O,Ci{so ttcra.\DEL B .+sA r o\L11ql7 ff q.nn(fiDS \qo N!,.I/ra.bA' N.qq,Gd oR 9-7 38lo Q.&ro.o.+A\o**s-.\ usK e^ ltro. D , cA qawb \qv\ No,r,.\om- bA Sf#d, o{l 11q1 7 Swrao\" );..,. .1_t;,...,,.. :-... .-i...,... '' :.-. : - ._ :.1-1': '.: :i' i' ," ;,;::;:itl i:l I t:;:;'ii:. r:.i iri:,.:; i; i;r::::;: i:::i, ::...::::::::::.;- .:i;: -.-:..:.':::r..i,. . . . : - .:: ..:::.-:::.: :: . r.; -: -. - :::.i.: . -1.1.._.'. _ K 6\ a,n.+ €..a :t{$4, orl'lQtu:7,1'gg..,.r,:-.,..--- il 1 t:::::::: i::::::::.;: ::':: .:::.-:.:;:::: .:: :i-',; ;: :'r.::'.:':.1 "r_:::;'.'i1.'.:::::::L;t: . :;. ..:.t;;:..::::1,. ::: : :.:-