HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1980-02-29SOILS IN FORMATION NAMI OF APPLiCAI,IT:PHONE: MAI:ING ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: LOCATION OF SITE: OR ADDRESS OF SITE: DATE NEEDED:FOR WHAT PURPOSE: OTHER: auP ao -3a AGR. 5-20 ZONE RESPONSE: DATE LCC SOIL ON S ITE % OF AREA ING REQUEST FOR rl,/P /g RANGE 03 SEC. zH.;{ TAX LOT r w 4A Site Index q4,/4tINTERPRETIVE COMMENTS : *ZzD Site Class M74- 186 3 i380>{ibELF ?tf.Hg.ssaarlllTd h0uirr 'tr*tt tt!t !-' $' t,t tr ri, r; ir t t' t.L t 'a Lr. '.1...t I l.' ' I{t, ll.r..[..' (..1.'ili .i C I I 3! ,' !r a \I J .-..t \ - '[0 __Land Di vi sion *__Reg i onal Pl an {_.P1ann i ng Rese .-_"_-Zoning Enforc 0n -_-Soi I s Data .,-.Flood Management v Transportation Pl anning ___ Assessment & Taxation -**Parks D'ivision - _Lane Real Estate Di v. __Lane Public Safety _ Lane Public Lands __ Lane Legal Counsel --__Housing & Comm. Dev. DATA SUMMRY: Appl i cant Property Address e PROPOSAL Date Z -2-a-Pr.l District School Distri ct Fire District Boundary Comm'i ss i on Port of Siuslar,l .-or an Dept- -_Ci ty of -.Et.IEB_N.Id. Natural Gas _Pacific N.hl. Bell _Pacifjc N.LJ. Power _-Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC tate Forestry _State Hi ghway Di vi si on State Envi ron. Qual i ty __State Dept. of Lands _ State Fish & Game __State Geol . & M.ineral Indus. _State Veteri nari an Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area =_-S'iusl aw Nat' I Forest --_t^Jillamette Nat'l Forest Bureau of Land Mgmt. __Soil Conservation Service _-Co rp s o f Eng'i nee rs _Fed. Aviation Authority .-Fed. Convnun'ications Conm. 0ther 4,.d,4.J,* {*o -8 -L ane a,.,'e ran a ns'ion Servi ce sit District Air Pol. Auth --.S n'i arch enrcn t ,{ * _l'leighborhood Group 0ther From: LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION-l25 East Bth Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (tott free) l-800-45?-6379 A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and attached schematjc has beenrecejved by the Planning Djvisjon. If significant i mpact js evjdent, please send commentsto Land Controls Sectjon by Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts ongeneral livab'i1ity of the area and its future development. For addit'ional'information, contact _ Journal wa .le_*E_te:_?cr Zone D'istrict R A ttt Lot si ze Map Tax Lot C0MMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): /at x - Coritroi tane Cor D *" Inv i r^orririen ta I l-lea ] t.h ./l^later Pol l.uti on Control a La*,-I*;* l,;lJ( :-'!t lla e,Ua, l"l*"!o'Dt,"" T.* Lo* ?rt A r..l I (rr Bq -0 :J 6i $, q I {^,"1i^ M"L,(, )1o,.u,, c-(, F !_Lrf tLo4 t 53.8 L?.'-t.}1,\. ,h . a\l,t5ca/e / "50' T^^ l.l ?ot P^ rruf ,