HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1980-04-29 (2)a/a* -Lqe-a , a--*'-,li/fr*l,**xt \STAFF REPORT Corrective Zoning--Metro Area t6lD l-Iarbcr DR PMPOSE OF REZONINGS The recommended proposal for rezoning portions of the metropolitan area are intended to correct older zoning no longer consistent with required State law. Changes are necessary for ccrnpliance with Statewide Planning Goals, which includes the necessity for consistency wjth the adopted plan for the area--the Metropolitan Area 1990 General Plan. I I. BACKGROUND/I NTRODI.CTION t r-- t (1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Metropolitan Area 1990 General Plan was adopted by Eugene, Springfie'ld and Lane County in L972. The Statewide Planning Goals vuere adopted by LCDC i n 1974. The Metropolitan Area Plan is now being considered by the threejurjsdictions for updating to the year 2000 (Metropo'ljtan Area 2000 General Pl an). State law requires that loca'l conprehensive plans be consistent with Statewide Planning Goals, and that zon'ing be consistent with the Plan. lvfuch of the County's zoning in the metropolitan area was established prior to the adoption of the Pl an. LCDC has established July 1, 1980, as the deadline for all Oregon cities and countjes to ccmplete their respective requirsnents for ccrnpliance with the Statewide Plann'ing Goals. Part of this responsib'ility for Lane County js to make the metropolitan area zoning consistent with both the Statewide Goals and the Metropolitan Area General Plan. The spec'ific recqnrEndat'ions j n thi s proposal are intended to rezone certain properties ufrich appear to be inconsistent with the Metropolitan Plan and/or Statewide Planning Goals, most of wtrich were zoned prior to the adoption of the Plan and/or Goals. These reccnrmendations are made where a change appears necessary regardless of decisions to be made in the Metropolitan Area (2000) General P1 an Update now being considered. The review of the rnetropolitan area for necessary rezoning was limited to land w'ithjn the area being reconnlended by the l-ane County P1 anning Commission for inclusion within the Metropolitan Area 2000 General Plan Upd a te. I II. BASIS FOR DECISION The appropriate zon'ing (and rezonjng where necessary) for Iand is based upon the followi ng criteria: Lane County Planning Commi ssion--April 29, 1980pige 1 -lwl 28213-233 I I Consistency with Statewide Planning Goals, primarily Goal 3 (Agricultural Lands), Goal 4 (Forest Land), Goal 11 (Public Facilitjes and Services), and Goal 14 (Urbanization). The need to take an except'ion to a Statewjde Goa1, where applicable, if the property is not zoned/rezoned to a district consistent wIth the Agricultural Lands or Forest Lands Goal, requires the follow'ing supporting findings: ;' Land no'longe!" ava'ilable for a resource use: Those physical'ly developed or built upon, E Those irrevocably conmitted to urban or other rural uses' taking i nto consideration: )La (1) (2) adjacent uses availabil jty of public services parcel size neighborhood and regional characteristics natural boundaries b. Land needed for a non-resource use, tak'ing jnto consideration Justificat'ion of need Compari son wj th al ternat'ive I ocat jons LOng-term env'irormental , econon'ic, Soc'ia1 , and energy COnsequenCeS Compatib i 1 ^ity wi th adiacent uses. a) b) c) d) e) D 1) 2) 3) 4) 3 Cons'istency with the Metropolitan Area 1990 Genera'l Plan, wh'ich currently adopted plan for the area. Where there is a confljct 1990 Pl an and Statewide Goal s, the goal s prevail , as the 1990 Pl been granted LCDC conpl iance. is the between the an has never Decisions to rezone land or leave it zoned as proposed require findings consistent with the above three general areas of criteria. The following staff report for each proposed area of rezoning jncludes appropriate findings for that 6F€3. Where the Planning Comm'iss1on agrees with the proposals, the findings proposed by staff can be adopted by reference or revised as des'ired by the bominission. Where the Comnrission believes the proposals should be altered, appropriate findings coverjng these three areas of criteria should be establ i shed. IV. PRINCIPLES USED IN DEVELOPING TIIT RECOMME NDATIONS *'Land outside the proposed urban growth boundary is reccrnrnended for rezoning as follows: d. For Exc'lus'ive Farm Use (EFU) zoning where Goal 3 (Agricultural Lands) is applicable. LCDC Goal 3, concerning the preservation of agricultural f ihAs, i s appl icable wtreie the U.S. Soil Conservat'ion Service (SCS) has- estabiished't,hat any particular soil is rated frcrn I-lV for agricultural purposes (ranked on a scale of I-VIII). The lower the number, the b etter t he so i'l .o La ne Coun ty Pl anni ng Comnri ssion- -Apr i 1 29, 1980 Pase2 -l./.P28213-233 q b. For Forest Managernent (FM) zoni ng where Goa'l 4 (Forest Lands) i s a ppl i c ab'l e. c. For another rural zone (e.9., General Rural l0--GR-10) where Goals 3or 4 are not applicable, or where other considerations are moreimportant, thus resulting in an EXCEPTI0N. IXCEPTI0NS to rezoning to EFU or FM are reccrnmended where the land is either physical ly developed/built upon or ccmmitted to urban or other rural r.rses by rezoning (or retaining existing zoning) to a zone district consistent with such uses, Significant undeveloped land areas wtrich are projected for eventual urban development with'in the proposed urban growth boundary have been proposed, on an interim basjs, for a resource zone (if resource land) or another rural zone. The purpose is to a'llow'interim resource util'ization, where possible, and to allow for the proper timing of urban development, when appropriate, such as wtren urban services and facil ities can logical ly and efficient'ly be made available to the property. Such land is further recornmended to be rezoned with Interim Agricul tural Comb j ni ng Di strict (/ln; to cl ear'lyjndicate the public policy that the current zoning is interjm (e.9., EFU/tA). V. ACTION OF THT PLANNING COMMISSION The Plann'ing Commission action wjll be'in the form of a reccrnmendat'ion to the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Comm'i ssioner's public hearing is tentatively scheduled for May 28, 1980, 7:30 p.m., in Harris Hall. 3 D Lane Coun Page 3 - tv Planning Commission--April ?9, 1980 wP 28213-2 33 I I ri, 1l tI f- $ + \^J lr- -- -' g {aIJ -, -l! l t_lil D ft&CI t- d i lr i: \:. f.+& r.- * ) Je GL >-l- s, il lt I I II,l it l! Il. I I I I.*-I :+- \ s- ,...-J \( I ) I Gt{ =ht ---l ilIYTRf .,) . -.) cL -_) t. l' \ t II /' ( !. ( .J ii I I