HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1980-01-04\ .Ianuar:/' 4, 1980 'uANE COIJNTY BOARD 0F COiq.TSSiONlipS fano County Courthouso Bugone, Oreigon 97bOI I?o: PnnmON tO RB-ZONII PAP.ci:'L #1: That percel of land p-rrtitj.oned in June of L9?5 ar.rlss pareol l, eontaining tax lots lg-03-02-- Z(rIll Z5O) "rf Zefji,Arrrondo<l Plat of Wl11ari;tte Hoighlsr Lhen cioscrlbs{ aLl wlthln tho thls p:'ol.rtrtfr a)-ong r*ith Lcts 26ah anr) 2504 whtch ad;ioin lt to tha East wasdoe<lal to Rotrsrt E" arr_l Svelp: 1.1. packard ln Janutry "iigii iy Charles E" and'Iosophlno D. Ltnoso 0n July /, lg?2, tho Paekaxts,laeded it t; Ra;nnorrl nna - Panel* .Toan Alvaraz. Alvaraz ptrtitloncxl the :;ubjeet lots (2601 "ri ?60il priorto solllnq thom to 'rii1l1a:n I'lc3+ro::gs on Septc,rbsr 9, tg?6, rn Fsbruary, 1958, a rnobilr: hn*" ,0"-, pl,teecl on tho wostorrn por.t1.on of thssub-loet proporty b]' tr'/m. carfer an"l h'r.s bcon sltod thorcon eonti-nuousry to thlstims. Lt sorna timo aftcr A1v..r:.oz bought tho prop:rty ln micl 1922, a soeondmobllo hoFre was p1;reod irpon tirs snrnor iot ancl wns occupicxl untii:tlrtf of 1pfg,at whlch tirno a porrnlt (No. 105I-?8) r*as lss:ue,t by l+no county fcr its re-olaeor:ont hy a ntlt* rnobl.La hone. that saeondmobi,Lo ls still on tt,o propertybtrt' 1s diseonneeted from utilitlers and ts more)y in storaqa. ft has bsenrr:plaeodr Por tho pennlt authorlzlng lts replacornont, uy a now.qobllo rshj,chis obeupled by i'fr. and I'frs. l'{ccoorgo. I'1r. i'lcGsrorgo oeeuplac tho socor.rd mobllefor sonetlmo p:rlor to h1s purehssa of ths proporty frorn iLvaroz on s;;i;;;;-;,1976, Mr. llcGoorgo, thon, purchasoJ o p"op,rri,;1 eontalnlng two moblre hcrnes,ono of whtch ho had oee'.rpiod for somati.rno irior to thrt prlrehason ballovingt'hat thoro w{s rro vlolation of lanrj uso roluIatlon. substr,quoni to tt.t purchaseho purchased a ner* rnobil.o homa frorn rlnorali Trairor sslos (rriii"a nfjo")'conditlon'xl upon tho sollor obtalning I rrormlt for lts placernent. Ihat pormithavln( lroon providodr l"lcGoorgo naturally assunoci that tirors was no lmpropr.i.otyoxtant. Prr-F'cEL #2r That pareol of laxl prrtltl.oneid tn lrv/6 (rrto l{o. M5/ir1-25) arrtdoscrlbsd as 18-03-02 tsx 1ot !0L. Thls properrty r+a.t l*fitlotrod by Alfroci Al-lon;:s n corxlttlon of 1+-.s subsoquentpurchaso by C" C. Fairbsnks. Acldltlonal eorrllttons to that purchaso b, fiiitrf."uere tho lssr:nneo- of a Groenuay uso porrnlt, sorr,:Ige cilsposal y-*,i.tn, moblrehorno po:'nits, eurb erit permits:rni wator sorvlco oonnectlons. Al1 of thesocorrlitlons worB mot arri tho proporty w,rs purehss<.nl ln Jnnuery, lg?? by i,lr. arxtMrs. F.rirb"qnks. Thoy, of cours,a, naturaliy assrr,no.J f.hat the soverral permltsh:d bo':n properl-y lssuod rrnci tirclroforo pnolcdori r+lth .qubstantlal proportydovoloSelant at considorablo cost. rt now &ppoars that both of the abo'ro derscribed proportlos ero zonorl R. An andhavo beon so zonod slnco tho inc.opllon of zonlng ln flrat or€8r Both Mr" Falrbenksard I'fr' i'lccoongo are doslrotts of effnctlng o*n"isnrp ehangos of tho propertlesard flrd that ths app:ront zonlnq 'riolrrtlons pr.r.rrr,lo srrch astlon. rn as muehes nolthor presont oHllcl'lrls troon 1u11ty nr ony cul.prblo motivs or aetion, i l. "!if Pagr: 2 - PEttfiON TO RII-ZONB oa'ch havlng purchased ard dovolopocl tho propertios.bollovlng that thoy roroin comptlanee with all applio"ti" ru,rl $i ;;;iattons, rt seerns pro'rcr: thatths zonLng should forthr+lih u*'iorr"otoa to-clmpry ,iir, ;;;;;i"rsasao No, t'herefor, pursuant to tho authorlty grant.od yrdor Lane co.ro ro-3r5_3s (a) troIane coun+-v Boand of cormnlsrionu"* i, irui"uJ'p.titi"rJt; il;r" the rezonlngof tho abovs descrlbed propuiiir*. nQfi"-d- R. An Matottrt Agont forC. C" !'olrbanks arrd !ttn. llcGeorge ),i:(f )1'l' rr_h \ ?, to z locqs?L-Q€E g3lr(es Eao ?ycfu / rcrto uo.3N:-9n3 / .?r.y |110 1ty3 €!l / 1rJ?rrr8 :c:o lri:y!3 9yNvn lvlt, : :rxo5 tAitl / t{oi gt^ },0 a}Jf Jrl.r-), d3'it(}ii 08G92, /.//-\ a'\ 5 0r)ty' .), ,fu -r 'loJ il { \ x. \A \ s Y'I (l .Ir \r ()(i r (i [)+l i{' o< ;a,, !,r\N \,\ s ( ,FS/ t.t\r\\\ { x \ fi \ ur'l u(i ( \$t $ \ .i!: I! E.JFrnnj [84 EHllIq rrJ ,,s t I I,QQ L10rTll n totciH il r0lt glId ,O0/ =,, I ,zwi1'C -t,i'/ j/ Io::1lr 3:Er Ein' o'.t, ; r{rynco aLE q,1il6;.:, Bc>I c[ sn?:d ! *Li .t [) 't\\ ir\' ri \ \ { ,,I , I I ! I I a a I I I tl, t t t \ I l i \ I o\ ;hl aas .2 t oi) t.-)..1r!.rr.lra-i_) ,;.)W, r01 /, i,loN3"l CI il3{/o3 v'ro3 3 N ot t, lt 'l>'t4c' (r, rr Er. aar rgtr r:, ,a.ra .{ar..atn aa.r<.ra, -ot @ (D (D ,tS'16tt t.or.r41 ,a'tca. t-o,:,f,t.b9r o I E d \\ d ,) Yl vl tl l' aas zLzoe0Bl 'fl doft 33S I ? -t"l " fl-' 3es 'Z:"r,. J,.'.';r. ,Sa br -al 'rl 't 'll o oLr' ,a,f" .*. "".,"-"' r/,' 6 o t, a) c / (r t(.ar,-aa.p ul 311 5 <l Lt ll'r't 'll3' L'' 6t '!'olt')i" o ,o r lt\ o'9 f tt(.l .l ?, 9) )) l.) At ia l< t, \ \ \ \ \ \ I t $1 a a g0 O.,6)ta l,,>ttt,,lai /ftr c) L € ,0 P,o Z o o ) t{& o0B t9 0N 31C - --UoSJetSofJ JO, MN ou V, td dofi .&i I I taJp/l fht Eg ().w s\ a.N\o(/ o : o3r^a I i I I c0 l co Bl r' r(f o, ,1 o o l ill (, I \\, a o\,o i q? ^Lo oo ' "? tt' d oF{ ,A",1'w C l\ t 1 t\ o aI i I t ,PJ c 6'r?f, * qo k\i {D z6 ,1 { I o D o zr z(f \ $. .,., u r { CE rJh nL I I k4^4/+ M #rux-kh^ & TtTay o/ d-xd l- V -fs. tV ,4--14w1 b.r--t" orrrr++- /* @,v{?;\-4)I TL (i H e ^{t a^-R a,*,**-l + I o-r*^e;) ,/* 2 @tt 4 I u*a Wrt c-E*&-- APPLICATION }OR ZONING OR REZONING TO: BOARD OF C0IJNTY COUMISSIONERS AND PLAIINING COMMISSION, LAIIE COllNTr, OREGON as provlded in tof2!,;tz[.[{. ois tlon and furthe a zoning/rezoning t7 ^ Distric ttached 1-egal desc I,hereby request apter 1 , Larie Co ile (Zoning Ordinance) , from trict for the real property described on the a r identified as follows: t rip- q s]s "ls7 / s ASSESSORIS MAP A}ID TAX LOTS: () I +k-o -o ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: PRESENT USE OT' PROPERTY:TOTAL AREA: PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: Attached is a copy of a map or plot plan indicating bor:ndaries of property and proposed structures Attached is a $_filing fee. Commercial or Industrial: $!f|0"€ef Other $J35.4O Make checks payable t:o : Lane County Planning Divlsion. 1--(+of ) I hereby certify that (1) the foregoing statements and other information attached hereto are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, (2) I have thefollowing legal lnterest in the property:of record; _ contract purchaser;owner lessee;holder of an exeLuslve option to purchase;duly authorized toact for a person who has the following legal_ interest:and(3) the owner of record is knowle dgeable of this application if I am not the owner. Owner:Address:/qr? /lo rL',./), ZIP C0DE:?)q >> Appllcantr s Telephone: >/il, >t- < { Slgna ture:Address:ZIP CODE:27L' Telephone:7k? -.2 ero RECORD OF ACTION (For Office Use 0n1y) Date of Planning Cormission Hearing z /Z1o-&<l Dare FiLed: //- 2&,-lid Action Taken:Received By: Date of Board of County 6smmissionerrs Hearing : Journal No.: ZC- Eg qsT F"(" u /s-G-& L C .? ? -G S-G 6 b P ?a.-7o I .t- "r - ao) Action Taken: Ordi.nance No. :Effective Date: Lane County Planning Division, Public Service Building, L25 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 687-4186 w{*\ f""e, p 5 -aL ArY ^P r ,-1 r--J