HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1992-03-06SP} .3FTELO DEVELOPMENTSEFY'CES P'JBL'C WOFKS' i{n o io uia n wa sr EwAr ER M AN AG Et'/' EN T Iiarch 6. 7992 CERTIFiED LETTEF. Lannie I'icCiure 838 G Street Springfie).d, Oregon 91 411 Dear l'1r. licClure: :I cur records indicate that on June 13, 1.991, )-ou submitted p)-ans f or the proposeci construction of "-ilngfe family residence to be located at 1295 Hamiiton Street' ipri::gfield. 0::egon. To date the p1an,s arrd requil'ed permits for this construction have not been obtained' Section 304 of the Springfield Building Safet.',,Code Administrative Code prorides in p"rr: "npplicatitns ior vhich no permit is issued vithin 180 days iolloving the date cf appficatj.on shal.1 expire by liritatio::. and plans arrd other data *strbnitted for reviev may thereafter L,e reiurned tc tl-'e applicant or Cest::o;':eC bi' the Building gfficial. The Building Official mai,.n,"nd the time for action b)' the appiicant for a period not to er:ceed i60 da;i." upon request b;r the applicant -.ho-"'ing that cir.u*si"n"es beycnd the ccntrol of tne applicant have prevented action from being taken. 1,,'o appl.ication shall be e>:tended more than once. in ordei- to ienev aition on an appiication after e>:piration. t]:e appiicant shal1 re-.ubni t plans and pai' a nev plan r-e';ieu f €e- " Prior to this office destroying i'our p1ans, )'ou hale t\ro options to consider. If i'or.r irave Cecided not to buiLd at this tine, but.,,:ou1d like i'our plans retiirrred to .\,ou, Iou vi11 need to pick then Lrp at this of f iqg r:i thin ten (i0) da'r.s of receipt of this notice. To r:rite ano iequest that a 18C day ei:tension be granted. e>:plaining the circiiir,stances that ha'.'e pr-e\:enteC you fron obtaining youl peimits. rf i'c'.r ha','e an'r'questions, please feei free to coniact ir,e at i26-3-i 9c .l-^^..^t-. i i<3 !j6ri_:per 3ui.l.rii ng Seri,i ces Representati.',.e 1 Z pe P'rie:"rt. tsirilcjlrg Cf f icia), scr . Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services.. Complete items 3, and 4a & b.. Print yout name and address on the reyerse of this form so that we canreturn this cad to you.. Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit.. Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article numberr The Return Receipt Fee will provide you the signature of the person 3. Article Addressed to I also wish to receive the following services (tor an extra fee); 1. ! Addressee's Address 2. ! Restricted Delivery Consult for fee. Lannie flc,Clure i33 0 Street Spri n,; f ie1 d, 0regon 97 477 4a. Article Number P44,78915?C) Type4b.x EXcertified n Express Mail n lnsured fl coo Registered Return Receipt for RE: 123'c Hami 'lton Street Address if requested and fee is paid) PS Form , November 1990 iu.s.GPo: reel-287-066 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UI{ITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE O{ficial Business a llllll PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $3OO Print your name, address and ZIP Code here OTYETOPITIEilT SERVICES ,25flFTH STREET sPRflctEto, u g71n a * - U.S.MAIL