HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1995-04-03 (3)ORDINA}ICE NO.5783 ?5{c NORTH 17TH PLACE NORTH DRIVE IN LANE COUNTY, (zr o'".cl V" sJ-" D / OF YOLANDA oREGON, +ND ;''\.-- AN oRDTNANcE RENAuTNG THAT PoRTroN oF STREET FROM NORTH 1?TH PLACE TO GITAND VISTA DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS,theSpringfteldcttyCouncilhasdec}areditintentiontorenamea portion of North tZLt pt""e to Cr'and Vieta Drive, in Lane County' Oregon; and WHEREAS, euch renaming of eaid gtreet ig in the beet rntereet of the city in carryingouttteplaneandprogramsforthegeneraldevelopmentoftheCity;and wHEREAslthespringfieldP}anningCommlesion,byavoteof6infavor,on6 oppoeed,recommendedcouncilapprovalofeaidetreetrenaming;and WHEREAS, Iawful notice of the etreet reriaming was published and mailed; and tlHEREAs,theSpringfie).dCltyCouncilmetinCounci].Chambers,a:-225Fifth street, on Monday, the 3rd day of ApriJ., 1995, at the hour of ?:oo,p.m., to hear any objectiong to the proposed et-reet renaming and -I- persons appeared to object; NOW,THEREFORE,THESPRINGFIELDCITYCOUNCILDOESORDAIN: gection l": The Council finds that the legal notlce of fhe hearing was lawfuIIy publishea and mailed to aII properties and property owners within 3o0 feet of the r"q""ri; that I objlctions were made at the etreet renaming hearing held; €n"t tn" p,ruIff-intereet wilL not be impaired by the gtreet' rnaming, and thats the renaming of eald etreet will be ln the best interest of p"Uiic and lncrease the benefit of the property involved. Section 2: The following described etreet to be renamed: AII that' portion of North lZth pLace beginning at the north right-of-way line of Yolanda Street and extending north to the termination of North 17th Place in a cul-de-sac as platted and recorded in Lane County Partition Plat Number 93-PO442 ahd as platted in the Third Addition to Yolanda Park, Lane County PIat Recorde. Section 3: The City Council authority to rename thie etreet ie pursuant to the provlsione granted by ORs 227.L2O et eeq. Sectlon 4: The City Recorder is directed to file the certified copies of thie Ordlnance with the Lane County Clerk, Lane County Assessor, and Lane County Surveyor Sectlon 5: It ie hereby found and determined that mattera relating to renaming of North 17th Place to Grand Vista Drive are matters affecting public health, eafety and welfare and that an emergency .therefore exiate, that thie Ordinance shall therefore take effect immediately upon its paesage the Council and approval by the Mayor. ORDINANCE NUMBER Page 1 DSD RECORD PLEASE RETURN TO OBDINANCE BINDER the the and by 5783 #3