HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit System Development Code Charge 1992-03-20ItiietroDolitarr \l/astewatet' i{iarraqer-;-'refltYLonrrrlsston S-*,'. ji: ELD C?:-'ta.' r:;.:lt -I-:,,-C'.1,:-a:) ,-: -::, EuilCing ACdress: Ref erence h'umber: 0;ner Ad<i ress : ]{'J].iC COi{IiECTIOII CHARGE Qt=fa. Tax Lot I'lunber: Phone lrrumber: t bg I city: ?rm0-{V- d Q *.ridential Fee (S222.00) s oc) <s 31, 3z- s 187,6r Commercial Fee remodel ) (nev non-residential development/ Total fixture urit charge (see reverse of this form) S SUBTOTAL Credit Due (see reverse of this form) TOTAL l{-\,ll{C CHARGE Date Recei.ved:Received By: Receipt Number:Building Job Number ,ro,qq4}3 Fii:tr.rre Unit t3lci: .:tio:r Table::-ber r,f r-,e'^' fji:tL:ic:- ::l:ii-:]iel lrr' calcui:.te l:r1,' il,e l.:"1 ..:lttl_:.:,1- llu -:. I I L :r:':i.:l'':l!l.r-,1:: acr relodel_", 3a th tub )rinking fountaiir Floor drai.n firterceptors lor g::ease,/oi1/solii_./erc. Interceptors ior _ea:td,/auto'..ash/etc. . . .I aundrr' tub,/ciothes i,asher.. . Clothes'"'asher- (3 cr- nore) ]'lobile hcr.e ;a:.1.: traD (1 per l.i. jl. )ieceptor for :efr:ig/'i'ater stati.o;,/rtc. .Receptor for Coi,-.i:.=r sir:x,/dish...sri-,/etc. .Shouer, single stal,l Shouerr EanB (per .-.:ad).... Sink, bar, co;;ei-cia1... Sink, connercial/i:<justrial/etc. . .Jrnial, stal)-,/i'aLL.. ... I'ash basin/l_ai'atol::r', sing1e u:ater cl-oset, pu'o).ic instal_Iaticn. .[ater c1o-eetr pri'..ate. . . l{i.scellaneous: TotaI fi>:ture units iotal Units: x $13.25 each = Total Charge: S : cf Fi>:tul:es U:rit -uuf ic^EltL5 il,'.1,:l-B a .L J A o ;J L I a j ) L 5 Cred i t CalcuLat ion Table:tsased on total value of properti'at ti;e of per;,itappli^^ r.: ^-Ld L I Ull . (9-1(o Year ,r.nne>:ed to the Citv !97 9 J.Y5,J 'l ctal 100, 1002 1985 19e6 1987 ].988 10ao 10(]n Crcdi i- nor (t n1^ eqqecqad rr='t r.s C, t< 92.64 C1 Ea q? !1 <') 10 92. 04 $1.69 s1.15$t.tsqo o? qo --e (n 1-) 3{3aR.66 F,ate ir s lz)9(9o As,"e:,sed IaLue Crei i t S T,-,i aI Cr':i i t