HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1996-04-11- - ELEVATION CERTIFICATE SECNON A PNOPENTY INF.ONMATTON O.M.A. No 1067 O<.\. Erqi.et Mry J l. , o'l T ,ERAL EITERGENCY MANAGEMENT NG... NATlof,tAL FLooO tNsunANcE dhocnnu ATIENIION: Uso of tlris cartilicale doos nol provirlo a waiver of ths llood insurance purclrase rcquiremont. This lorm is used only toprovidc elevaliorr inlormalion necossary lo onstrre oomplianc-e wiih;ppll;bt" --*J"lry n"oOpir;" management ordinancos. to delernrine llre proper instrrance premiurn rato. and/or 16 suppori a requesl lor a Leller of Map Amendmenl-or Revision (LOMA or LOMII)lnslrucllons lor c-omplellng thls lorm cen be lound on the lollowlng pages- n( ilt.otN(; owNEn s NAM[:Dzzvrvl-s /42ZTzaz355 S I nCF I At)t)nESS (tnchrlinq2;A 7 Apl . Unil. Suita erxlor lttlo.Nun{ror, On PO. nOUrE AND BOX Nt,MB[n/r'/57V OIllEn I)FSCnlPltOtl (Lot an<J Btm-t< Ntrmbrrs. etc.f r(XI INSt,,NANCE COMPAT{Y ('SE CCIIJFANY NAIC NI'MOEN t'otrcY NUM0€n "''sp.p//wry/Eza SIAIEOra sZV?z sEcnoN B FLOOD |NSUnANCE RATE MAp (HnM) |NFOnMATTON Provirlc lltc followinq lrorn lhe proper FIRM (See lnslruclions): 7. lrrrlicale lhe elevalion daturn syslem used on the FIRM tor Base Flood Elevalions (BFE): EruCvO'zsl [- lOttrer (describe on back) B. For Zones A or V where no BFE is provlded on the FIRM. and lhe community has established a BFE for ttris building site, indicate lhe corrtrntrnily's BFE: l- l- I -l-lJ .LJ leet NGVD (or other FIRM datrm-see Sec{ion B. ltem 7). sEcnoN c 1. Using lhe rJescritres Elevaiion Cerlilicatb lnstructions, lndicale lhe lhe subject building's relerencr level I numlel.lro{T (re diagrams lound on Pagcs 5 and 6 lhal besl 2(a). FIRM Zones A1-A30, AE. Al,l, and A (wilh BFE)- The lop ol the relerehcb bvel lloor lrom lhe selecled diagram is al an elevaliond I -M-A.[1)teetNGVD (or olher FIRM daturn--so6 geglioiiB.ltem 7r-(tr) l-lt-lM Zones Vl -V30, VE, and V (wilh BFE). Ttre t ofiodi of lhe lowest horizonlal structural member ot lhe relerence level from lhe selecled diagram, is"al ari elevaton ol I I I l-lj.Ll teet NGVD (or oiher FIRM datum-see Section B. ltem 7). (c), FlflM Zone A (without BFE). Ttre floor used as the reference level lrom the selectert diagram is L-l-J.l-l teet aUore [-,1 ot ' trelow I J lct,ect one) the highesl grade adiacent to the building. ((,) flnMZoneAo. Thefloorusedaslhereferencelwel frorntheselecleddiagramh [-]-J.Ll teet atrcre[-|orbelow[ 11cr,ecr, one) lhe hiqhest grade adiacent lo ltre building, ll no flood depth number is avaiiable, is the building's lowest lloor (reference level) elevated in accordance with the community's lloodplain management ordinance? [ ves [-] ruo [] Unkno*n 3. hdichte lhe elevalion dalum system used in dotermining lhe above referenco level elevatio.,., EI NGvo '29 E Other (describe under Comments on Page 21. (NOTE: ll the elevalion daktm usd in measuring the elevalions is dillerent then thet used on llrc FIRM [see Section B, llem 7], then dntred lhe elevations to llle datum system usd on lhe FIRM ard show the mnversion equalion under Comments on Page 2.) 4. Elevation relerence mark used appears on FIRM: E y"r Xl ruo (S* lnslruclions on Page 4) 5. The reference level elevalion ls based on' XI adual constnrclion f] cofistruction drawings (NOTE: l|se ol conslruction dra&ings ls only valid it lt:re futUirg &* ml fi haie lhe relerence level tloor in plae, in which case lhis cediliale wilt only be valid lq the btildrq durirg tle cous€ ol qktruclion- A postanslruclion Elevation Cedilicale will be required once conslrucliort ls amplete.l 6. The elevalion ol lhe lowest grado lmmedialely adjaeent to the building ls: U W44 A reaNGVD (or olher FIRM dalum-see Section B.llem 7). SECNON D COIIITUNTTY INFOBMANON I. ll lhe community olficlal rosponslble lot veriflng builAkrg elevallons spedfim that ttre reference levelindicaled ln Sec-tion C, llem 1 ls not lhe 'lowosl floor'as deflned ln the cotnmunlys floodplaln ilhdagpmord ordinance, lhe elevation ol lhe building's'lo$rest lloor'as delined by the ordlnanco ls: LIJ I I l.Ll tnet NGVD (ororher F|RM datum-see Section B. ttem 7). 2- Dale of lhe start of conslruclion or sr-rbstanlial lmprovoment I c()MMt lrJr I Y N( ,Mnrn 466e/2. FANEL TIUI,rOEN 237 A 3. SUrrrx C a. o rE Ctr rtnM rNoEx )Ec. /4 /95 5. rrnM zoNG4Z 6. nASt rLO(X) EtEv^rr)N (i^ AO Zms. t64 dopthl4sa.o f CMA form 0i-rl, MAY 90 REPTAC€S AI.T PREVIOUS IDIIIONS SEE NEVENSE SIOE ToR CONTINUATION SECTIONE CERTIFICATION LICENSE NUME€R (ot Trris certilication is to be signed by a lantl survoyor. engine€( or arcNtoct who is aulltorized by state or local law to cerlily elovation irrtor.alion wlren rho ",",l"1iln"i,i[ffiil* f,;;il;;;Ai-A30, AE. AH, A-1"i{r BFE),Vl-V30,VE. and V (wittr BFE}is required' co.rrnuniry orficiars *d;;;;;ih*i1uJ t y tocalaw or ordinanco lo provitio lloodpliin managem€nt inlormalion' may also sign tlte cerliticarion. ln the caso;i z;;;AO in,i n ln ittiort a FEMA or corirmuniry issudd BFE), a building ollicial. a property owtrer' o( arr o*i,"i'u tuprusentative may also sigrt tlte certilication' Rclerence lovel diagrams 6, 7 and B - Distinguislring Featuros-lf the cortilior is unable 1o certily lo b(oakaway/notl-breakaway wall' crrcrosur. sizo, rocarion or servicing equiprnent, ;;;; L,u, wall openings, or unlinislred.area Feature(s)' llrerr list ltre Fsature(s) ttot irrclu<Jed in llre cerrilicati"n *0", c-*imlnts rr.[*. fr,r'oiagrain nun]t er, soction c. ltom l, ntusl slill tle enlered I cetlily tlr,t the inlormation in Sections B and C on tlris cetlilicalo rcpresenls nty best oltorls lo kile(prcl llrc data available' I utrdors tand tltat any (alse slalemenl tnay bo putlishablo by lirttt or irnprisonnrcnt under lB U.S. Code. Seclion l00l 4z,azas il a?uzzE o2E 6a,<z F5 472 Al{ir Soal) CERTIFI ER.S NAMEfuA /Erdz /85 6u./LE Za, TITLE COMPANY NAME OrA 35Z-/?Z CITY STATE ZI? '/ z-t-54t- J43 -_%fs- O^TE PIIONE SIGNATURE Cople s should be rnade ol uris certilicate lor:'l) comnrunity olliclal,2) lnsgranco pgenucornpany, and 3)bulldirtg owner COMMENTS Land oar PlfEs. Pr€R5. OR CO(UaltlSoa{WITH aAs€L€r{rSLAA ZONES ZON€S zoilEs ZON€S ZON€S &(scfro@ oaa€(r GruG ft(n fr@ tr €v^10{Orc{NJ Grw€ Tlro diagrams abovo illustrato the points at which the olevations sltould be lnoasured in A Zonos and V Zonss Elevations lor all A Zonos should be measured at the top ol lhe rslerenco levsl lloor. Elevations (or all V Zonos should bo meiasurod at lho bottom ol tho lowssl horizonlal struclural member. Loop oREGISTERED l,AY A. tatg Pago2