HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1996-10-15LtRIr-rUl.,l HttrIaHL LF]E Fax :5r11-981-8212 \q Uct 15 '96 7:10 P.01,,0,: ffiffi FAX CO\TER SHEET DArE t Plr: firis is pagre I of "1 - page(s) including rhic page -r- DEPARTIWE NT/LO C ATI O N : (-_Jt-*/^\ tIZc---)-; S,, t-LJ- l'o T'i{ONE r,'AX NUMBER: SPECIAL INSTRUCUONS F-)EI-rVERY INSTRUCTToNS: LRGENT RourrNE fire info.natrion conrain." iJ'.Y#"r111l*1e meeeage is priwilegeduud confidentiar i.nformaeiou intead.ed. oary tir uae of thetudiwl"duar or eutity named, al-owe. rf the recelwer of trbis rn.eelaageLe tot ttre intereded recipient, you are h.reuy notified tbat arayi^issu. "rlnatLon, di.etsribution,_ or copyirrg of this telecopy iebtr*ct1y prob"ibi!.d- rf you have .*".ivea this telecopy iu err,r.Flsaae irrr,ediately rrotify us by telephone a:rd, retu1a. L5e origri1alrt,e8t!,acfe t.o uE at, tb.e abowe addrese wia the U.S_ postal Serwice^.rtrarrk yctu - PHOIYE NUMBER: FROM: -_, 3\\- 8oo* trAX NUMBER: 1S$-??YI/ D T OCATT N: t/ ) ^ i {.{.,rL- -L I. COMMUN1IY i\{UMEEFI ai#=eQ r lirdrcalB ihe ElL,valion daturn system used on rhe FIRM fo/ Base Flood Elevations lBFE)VD'29J. For Zones A or V where no BFE is provided on the FIRM , and the communiry has established a Orher (d6scrib6 on barti 8FE for rhis building sire,lndiaaraIhe;crtfiuniry's BFE.I I i I IJ I feer NGVD (or other Fl RM darum-see Section B, lrem tl 3. PAN€L r.lurr8Et aaTo 3. SUFFIX .. DAIE OF FtRr,, rNoEX bec-- r I . rq'es 5. FlFlu ZONE A 6.Ewrrrcry rira d.fril sEcxoN c BUILO'NG ELEVATION INFOFIMA TlON lJsing rhe Elevarion Cer-rificare instructions. indicale the diagram's reterence level .R number from rhe diagrams founrJ on pages S and 6 that bestdascribss the subject buil,dinn' {a}. FIRM Zones A or i s{i?5p: -430, AE. AH, i4J teet rrIGvo and A (with BFE). The top of rhe roference levet floor from llre s elected diagram is ar an elevatlon i (or orher FIFIM datuor-s€e S€ction B, ttem 7).(b), FIRM Zones Vj.V36, VE, and V (with BFE). The bottom of the lowosr hori:onral s truaural membe!. ot rhE telerence level lrorntne selectad diagram, is ar an elevation ot i i I I i l.i_-] teer NGVD (or orher FIRM datum-see Secrion B, trem 7).ic). FIFM Zone A lwitnout BFE)The lloor used as the relerancs leval from the sel€ctod diagram is I r .] ifeer above [I orbclo..{ -'l (check ofie) rhe highssr grade adiacent to tho brrilding SECTION D COMMUNITY INFORMATION I the comnrr.lniry official responsibie lor ve n\,ing building elavations specilies that rhs reference levei indicared ln Secnion C. ltem ts nor the "lcwesr iloor" as defined in rhe community's floodptai n rnanagemenr ordinance. the alevation of the building's 'lowesrloor- as defined by the ordirrgngs i5 U feer NGVD (or other FIFiM datum-eee Secrion B. It em 7))ate of lhe Stan ol conslruclton or substantial improvemenl 'd)'FIHM&'646' I}efloorusedaslhareferencelevel fromthes€lec{eddiagramis I-l I.t :feerabovelorbelowf ("n*rone) tn6 high€st grade adjacem to tha building. lf no flood depth numbsr is availabre, is rhe building,s rowesr froor (referencslevel) er.vated in accordance wirh the cornmunityS froodprain managarnent ordinance? r ye, F no ,] unknownlnd'cats dls €l€valion datum sysrem used in delarmlnlng lhe above raferanca.l€yel elevetiorr", ?{cvo .2g I other (duscnbeundar commsnts on Page 2)' (NorE: tl fie slevatiot a"tiiit}'i maasurrng tha eravations is dirferenr han thar used onthe tlFlM isoe section B, ltam 4, then convdfi rhe elevatronrii tni arum sysrcm ussd on fie FtfrM and show rhe @r,r'tsionequailon uNer Cammefl$ on page Z") Elavadon referencs mark used appears on FlAl! fJ v"" ffi (sae Insrruatons on page +) The rglerEnce level ele*ation is based on, 7actual construdlon ] *nsrruaion drawings(f{orE: lJsa ol cansrrucilon drawings is only valid il ne duiwng aoi ,o, yr, have the rereience revet ttoar in ptaca, in wnrchAsa rhis cedificdtd wilt ooly be valid lor the iuitding duing ne iorii of cpnstrucilon. A post-construcion Elavation ce(illicatedll be requirett onca consrruction is complere.) rrre elevatton ot the lowsst grade lrnmediarely ad,iacent ro the buitding is, I i di6ot .lle teEr NGVO (or orher F|BM darum-s6eSealon B. lrem 7). MA Fcrm 8 t-;1, fvlAy 90 fi€PLaCES ALL pREvro(rS EOrtrorus SEE TEVEt5E SIOE FOR CONTiiltJ^TION INSURANcE COlrp^.^Jy USE :.,Tiii 1T AOORESS (lndud;ng Apr.. Uoir- OTHUA OES.;&IPTION (Lor ar1d BIOCk NumLraG. a;g,) CIIY Suile anaror Etag,NurnDcr)OR P,O, ROUTE ANO BOX r{UMgER FO1Jcy |rUME€R CCl.Paray Na,c Nuug€tr t-Lr n 5TA?E zrP coDq SECTION S FLOOD ,NSUHANCE BATE irAP (FIRM)INFOBMATIOH-rrovide thc tcttc.rrng frorn :he proper F!RM isss li.ts!-uc:ions) (h rtrEm, e a5ed 'raq\rlalu le.)nr?nls lEruozuoti ]saftoi Bq] io uouoq aql lE parnsea,JJ Eq plnoqs s8uoz A llE Joi suclte^aif 'JOOll t8^€l EsuoJolsr eul to dol Brll tE pernseau eq Hnous s8uoz v llE.loJ suollE^el] sAuoe A pLjE sal'oz Y rjr i€irrseeui sg ptr)oqs suotlE^gle €ul q3l'_{,u lE s}uroci eql elErlsnlll a^oQe gu.,}er6Pip +ql iotS Fno ,(rrrw FUUtffi $lxoz 5lr{@ 6fNoz rGr6;t8{Et, aY serl@ A sSrpI ilNfftoJ lo:tEluErd{o fr{:r'l:tr8vrltrn :stt{3nttito3 de :*'rr*ie Errlpllnq (g pue ,{ueduosnur6a csuarnEul (E ,gal+g,1o ,{l;unwuoc (l :Jo} ol€cllluo3 slLlt io 3lv0 S\-' 3lvLs {r.r32a 3r^tvil ANvdrroe CpBut Eq Flnoirii seiclog luruvN$rs ss:tHooY f,'Iltl (tEeS xUJV ro) EAgFrnN 3SH3CII 3xtuN s.HSlJuur)sotz.t q'l Yllot uoLTes'epoc's-n gi repun weusuosudutt n aug lq etqeqsund eq fiew lusueE$espl lue Eq pustsJapun I-alqEe^e evp sttt tatdtetut ot syoile lssq iu 9tugseJda)elg"ll,uei sltlt uo C pue g suolt,os ut uolEwapt eq Eq qwat i NOl.tVSIJllU33 3 f I 'per€Iua eq lllls lsnu' 't urell '3 uolt?6s lequnu urEr6elp.:l+ ' ^olaq $usururec Jepun uorl@111ys3 sr.rl ur pepnrf,urtau {s)e'irueal Erll lsrl ueql '(i1".,nr"'g-'"'e'plGuu*iro 'iori*o"li"^i'asn parE ,luau.rdrnbe duo,4r'u ro uollEf,or .Ezrs ernsoprrg11ea '(eneryre'q'uourie**iea'rq oi 4ilea or irdun sr /euruec ,., tt-i"rnr";j 6;il.,';d;;il":g;* 4 .9 sr.r.rer6ep re^Br B"uar€rEH /0./i0 'd I1: 1 96 .---<l +rtl NOtr?3s AFZS-FB6-TFS:xEl .- gut tUlI0:1,..1 Nngldt_r gv-16 FO L-ri,ri-ur_tlJ r',ltDicrrl LFB :ax:541-g8jl-9242 Oct i' 36 7:12 P. 0j1,,07 Federal Emergenll Management Agency , ro rru,,lil.'1"i,, 1o,, h *",, Bothell, WA 98021.9296 Ms. Judy K. January 2580 Grand Vista Drive Springfietd, Oregon 97 477 Property Description Srreet Address Community State IN REPLY REFER TO: RX-218-70_R Case No. g6-R1O-O94 February I2, 1996 Parcel ll of Land partition No. g4_pO 6Og 2580 Grand Vista Drive Springfield Oregon Dear Ms. January: This is in response to your Janu ary l't and February 2, l ggG,leners requestingthat the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) determine whether thefollowing property is located in a Special FlJod Hazard Area (SFHA), an area (hatwould be inundated by ths 1o0-year (one-percent annual chance) flood. on February 7,1996, we received all information nacessary ro process yourrequest' After comparing this information with rho National Flood lnsuranceProgram (NFIP) map for Lane County, we determined that although portions of thepropertY would be inundated by the 100-year flood, the existing -structure on thisprop6rty would not. Therefore, this letter amends th6 map for Lane County,oregon (NFIP Map Number 415591, Panel O37o c, dated Decembe r lg, t gg5) toremove this structure from the SFHA. The structure is nov.r in Zone B, an are3betwe€n the limits of the 1oo-year and Soo-year flood. Because portions of theproperty are in the SFHA, any future construction or substantial improvement onthis property remains subject to Federal, state, and local regulations for floodplainmanagement- You shouid note that this property could be inundated by a flood greater than the1o0'year flood or by local flooding conditions not shown on the ruilr map. Also,although we have based our determination on the information presently available,flood conditions may change or new information may be generated that wouldsupersede this determination_ IREGLIN IIEDICF]L LFB :ax:541-98jl-8242 Oct 1' 96 7: 13 7.05,'0? 2 Please be advised that the NFIP offers a poricy designed for one,to-four-famiryttomes in areas which are not designatea'as speiiar Frood Hazard Area,btrt whereflood exposure still presents a significanr risk.' iii. policy is the preferred RiskPolicy' lt is a comprehensivs Roli"y trrat is avrii"oru-to property owners in B, c ;ll,,ii:ii1,1?,]1. rnrormation about the Prerei,"a ni* policv "* no* one can A copy of this Lefter of Map Amend.ment is being s6nr to your communiry,sofficial NFIP map repository where, in accordancl witn regulations adopred byyour community when it made application to join the NFlp, it should be arached to Il;::ffiunitv's official record copv of the ruFtn map which is availabte for public lf this structure is covered by a frood insurancg policy, and if the mortgageGompany or lending instirution agrses to waive the flood insurance requirement.then the NFIP will refund the premium paid for the current policy vea(,providingthat no claim is pending or has been paid on rhe policy during the current poricyyear' To receive the refund, a written waiver or certificate must be obtained fromthe mortgage companY or lending institution. l-his written waiver or certificatomust then be sent to the insurance agent, who wilr process the premium refund- This response to your reguest is based on minimum criteria established by theNFIP. State and community officials, based on knowledge of local conditions andin the interest of safety, may set higher standards for consrruction in thefloodplain' lf the state of oregon or Lane county has adopted more restrictiveand comprehensive floodplain management criteria, these criteria take precedenceover the minimum Federal criteria. l-f V-ou have any questions or if we can be of further assistanc€, please cag me at206t487-4682. Sincerely, Charles L. Steele, Director Mitigation Division Thom Lanfear, Lane County, Eugone Jim Kennedy, Departrnent of Land conservation & Deveropment, Sarem CC NRTGUN l',lEDICeL LFB rax:541-981-82!2 APRIL 5. I996 EDI,IARD JANUARY 2580 GRAND VISTA DRIVE SPRINGFIELD OR 9747] 0ct 1 96 7:14 P. 06,'07 Rt: 0301 4B9t JANUARY, Edward He have reviewed your request and will waive the requirement to matntalnflood lnsurance on the forl0wtng.property susJect to recerpt of a rife ofloan flood determlnation to-monitbr ir,e i.opeity in relailon to the Iocailonof the Special Flood Hazard Aiu.. Property Oescription: parce'l II of Land paril tiorr No. 94_p0 609Street Address: 25g0 Grand Vi sta Drl veCommunity: SprlngfieldState: gregon A life of loan flood determlnatlon can be obtalned by submttting gig.00 tothe 0r-egon 0epartment of veterans' Affalrs. l,te wi I I order a determlnationfrom the company we use for thls purpose. fou should note that thls property could be lnundated by a flood greaterthan the 1o0-year.flood or by locit flooding ionotilons not shown on theNFIP map Al so, al though ve -have based ou. i.ii.mlnailon on the Informationpresently aval lable, f lood condl.t]on: r1ay crringe or ner informailon may hcgenerated that vou'ld supercede thls deteiminiti"n. your stgniiur. on theenclosed acknowredgement assumrlg ]r;biiily i;'the event or-Jimage to theproperty caused by f looding wt.il also be r6qut red. If, ln the future, t!: subJect property is determined to be located in r+holeor in part xlthrn a flood haaard area is oerineo by the Ntiro;;r FloodInsurance Act' you.wl l l -be requlred to priitai. rri"o rnsJiance acceptableto 0DvA. at no cost to 0DVA. If the ..qrr;.; irood insurance is notvoluntarlly purchased by you within q5 days-or vritten notlce,ODvA mayforce place the frood'insurance. 0DVA riii p.y the cost of sard forceplaced lnsurance-from your escroH account or by adding sald costs to thebalance of your loan- If sald cost is addeo to the loan balance, Interestwlll be collected at the note intprest rate. DF.PARTMF}! T OF VETEITANS AFFAII{S re{5-1+J5 50 YEAITS SE:(VIN(I OREGON VFTERANS lohn e Kitzhrlxr Covtrncr Ort'6orr !'etsrans Burldrrrg 700 Sumnrer Street NE Salem, OR 97.110 12(J1 UREGDN l',ltDICRL LRE Fax:5ilt-9Bl-8212 Page 2 JAllUARy. Edward Apri I 5, 1995 DOUG ENB TRY Assl stant Admlnl strator Veterans' Loan Di vl sion(503) 173-2249 I*800-828.880I (INSIDE OREGOH ONLY) TDD (503) 373-?217 (Telephontc Devtce for the Deaf) c08/ (zr c-*cl I st.- Dz- lct 1 96 7 zl,t P. 07,,07 He recommend that you conslder a poltcy for homes ln areas vhtch are notdeslgnated as Speclal F'lood llazard Arei, but where f lood *rposr.. I s sti l I aslgnlflcant rlsk. If you have any guesilons, prease feer free to carl me. J5 YD