HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1995-04-03 (2)'"..-- AN .RDTNAN.E RENAMTNG THAT PoRTroN oF STREET FROM NORTH 1?TH PLACE TO GRAND VISTA DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS,theSpringfle).dcityCouncilhagdeclareditintentiontorenamea portion of North tZLn ptac" to iii.d Vieta Drive, in Lane County' Oregoni and WHEREAS,euchrenamingofeaidgtreetieinthebeetlnberestoftheCityin carryingouttteplaneandprogramsforthegeneraldevelopmentofthecity;and WHEREAS,thespringfieldPlanningCommiasion,byavoteof5infavor,onr! oppoeed, recommendea Councit appro"al of aaid etreet renaming; and *HEREA., rawfur notice of the etreet renaming wae pubriehed and maired; and WHEREAS,theSpringfieldCityCounciI-T:ti"CounciIChamberg,aL225Fifth Street,onMonday,the3rddayofApril,lgg5,atthehourofT:00'p.m.,tohear any objectione to the propo."d-etieet- renaming and -L- P"reon" appeared to object; NOW,THEREFORE,THESPRINGFIELDCITYCOUNCILDOESORDAIN: Sectionl:TheCouncilfindsthatthelegalnoticeofthehearingwas IawfulIy purtta-trea and mailea to alI properties ana property owners within 3o0 feeh of the request; that I objlcttons were made at the etreet renaming hearing held; fn"t tn" puufit-fntelest will not be impaired by the street rnamingl and that the renamlng of aald etreet will be In the best interegt of t;-il;ii. "r,a increase the benefit of the property involved' section 2: The following described street to be renamed: AII that portion of North l7th Elace beginning at the north right-of-way line of Yolanda street and extending nort,h to the termlnation of North 17th Place in a cul-de-sac as platted and recorded in Lane County Partition PIat Number 93-PO442 ahd as platted in the Third Addition to Yolanda Park, Lane county PIat Recorde. Section 3: The city Council authority to rename this ebreet ie pursuant to the provleione granLed by oRS 227 -l2O et eeq. Sectlon 4: The Cit.y Recorder is directed Lo file the certified copies of thie Ordlnance with the Lane County Clerk, Lane County Assessor, and Lane County Surveyor. ORDINRNCE NO. Sectlon 5: It is herebY found and renaming of North 17th Place to Grand public healtsh, safety and welfare and that thie ordinance shaIl therefore take the Council and approval by the Mayor. 5783 NORTH 17TH PLACE NORTH DRIVE IN LANE COUNTY, ' a515 (ara,t A L/,:tr-, OF YOLANDA OREGON, AND determined that matters relating to Vieta Drive are mattere affectinq that an emergency .therefore exiata, effect immediately upon its paesage the the and by ORDINANCE NUMBER Page 1 DSD RECORD PLEASE RETURN TO ORDINANCE BINDER s7B3 #3