HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2019-08-30SPRINGTIELD OREGOfl Web Address: www.springfield-or.gov Building Permit Residential Plumbing Permit Number: 811-19-OO2OO7-PLM IVR Number: 811080187878 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54t-7 26-37 53 Email Address: permitcenter@sprinSlield-or.9ov Permit Issued: August 30, 2019 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Replacing 65 lineal feet of water service Type of work: Replacement fOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite Address 345 35TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 1702312412603 WARD DENNIS L & BARBARA S 345 N 35TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business Name JENCOURT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LLC - Primary License CCB License l{umber 182531 Phone 541-689-1711 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 3999 Final Plumbing 3300 Water Service lnspection Group Plumb Res Plumb Res Inspection Status Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project, Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811080187878 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of lssuance or if work ls suspended for 180 Days or longer dependlng on the issuin0 agency's Policy. Att provisions of laws and ordinances govemlng this type of work will be complied with whether sPecified hereln or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancelthe provisions of any other stat€ or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTTO : Oregon law requtres you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility {otlflcation Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-OO1-oolo through OAR 952-Oo1-OO9O. You may obtaln copies of the rules by calling the center at (503) 232-L987, Atl persons or entities perrormlng work under thls permit are required to be licens€d unless ex€mpted by ORS 701.O1O (Structural/Mechanlcal), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.OlO-O2O (Plumbing). printe6 on: a/30/19 page r of 2 ci\EyReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD $ Owner: Address: Permit Number; al l-19-OO20O7-PLM Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Water service - Total linear feet State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12olo of applicable tues) Quantity Fee Amount $s.30 $106.00 $12,72 $L24.02 65 Total Fees: C:\myReports/repor.s//prcductEn/01 STANDARD PERMIT FEES -te E Iz E -. Ea F .9 O e o F tr E () E (L a o 6 E o L,lJt o o- o @: -o E o o o = o E (! o 6 ol c.i \ E5(!I: p o. EO EOo:: o o @s3ET :P:x TN {D o .9 6 oF .9.92o6'c, 6= ! o fio,P:qa5 o 'ri p i!o. oo(,II o o o) IDl! -9 F E oo o o* E d I a o-q gE !J I oo t-- to o,) U)aa IF SK !i\.ox r.3 Bd ;fi5!S 6qONr on!+q ; = 6 EogAESB p '-oo o 6 c! -t (, z.e4 (,) =N3=l\Orri tr eF:'6o=oXoHEEdzx _lcto:---ob u& t CL'6 o(,t o oGo (E o 6 ;i z,o(9 os( Crrv or SpRrNcrrrlu, Onrcox Plumbing Permit Application Hfr This permit is issued under OAR 9lE-7E0-0060. Permits are issued onl) to the person or contractor doing the work. Permits expire if work is not started within lE0 dals ofissuance or ifwork is suspended for lE0 days. 2 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Pemrit no l?-<]6,zq)7^lg_30_(2Date LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zoning approval verified? ! Yes E No Sanitation approval verified? ! Yes E No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION dResidential E Government E Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION ANO LOCATION Job site ad&ess: 7{J- 3t ttt 5r- city: J,p6;na (; -( a/State: {(€ztP: ) -r(7 $ Reference Taxlot DESCRIPTION OF WORK /?eli., nq u,./d{ c( fatuiz < fn*, Aer.r rc l6tt;e. PROPERTY OWNER Name: ps4q[5 L|/an"L Address 3'{t >t rn tf. cr.v: 50r,uq f-; -(J State: C Q ztP )lV7K Phone' 9Y /.tY) )181 E-mail: -/' This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a member of my immediate family, and is exempt from licensing requirements under OAR 918-695-0020 Signatule: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION o 6 rau' Address L(o\( g u. (" State:6€ztP: )A 62ciry: {t-<,/e-ue Fax E-rnail ig2tl (CCB license no Plumbing license no ., ( 0 f t 8"1 7 Print name 6h e6 e FEE SCHEDULE Descrlption aty Cost ea, Total cost Ncw rcsidential I bathroor/l kitchcn (includes: lrst 100 feel ofwater/sewer lines, hose bihs, ice maker, underJloor low-point drains and rain-drain paclages) s331.00 s s521.00 S2 bathrooms/l kitchen ss6l1.00 Each additional bathroom (over 3)st 32-00 S Each additional kitchen (over I )$t 32.00 s Residentiel lire sprinklers (includes plin revierl') 0 to 2,000 square feet $102.00 S S2,001 to 3,600 square feet $163.00 3,601 to 7,200 square fcet s2,t3.00 s 7,201 squalc feet and greatct t324.00 S Manufactured dwelling or pr.-fab (circle one) Connections to building scwer and water supply 02.00 S Commercial, industrirl, end dwellings other thrn one- or trr'l>frmilv Mininrum fee ! 102.00 s Each fixture $25.00 lltiscellaneous fees $106.00 $ rhC100' storm, sewer, water line SEach fixture, appurtenance, and piping $25.00 SSlorm water retentior/delention facility st 06.00 lnigation systems/Backfl ow I25.00 S Piping or private storm drainage syslems cxceedinq the firsl 100 Get $25.00 S Specialty fixtures s25.00 S s102.00 SReinspection (no. ofhn. x fee per hr.) sSpecial requcsted inspcctions (no. of hrs. x fee per hr.)$102.00 Eech additional iDspection: (l)$102.00 s Medical gas piping Minimum l'ee Enter value ofinstallation and equipment $ -SEnter fee based on installation and equipment value DEPARTMENT USE thc-.9.s (A) Enter subtotal olabo\e l'ees (Minimum Permit Fee $102.00) (B) tnvestigative fee (equal lo [A])S (C) Enter l27o surcharge (.12 x [A+B])$ lz.7 7 (D) Technology Fee (5% of [A])s 5.3( $ lz4-,TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through D): t asr edired 7/l/2019 bjones 225 Fifth Sreet . Sprin8ficld, OR 97477 . PH\5411126-3753 . FAX(541)726-3669 Fax: Business name: Phone: BCD license no.: Signature: 3 balhrooms/l kitchen s s