HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2019-08-30OREGON w€b Address: ww.springfi eld-or.9ov Building Permit Residential Plumbing Permit Number: al l-19-0O20O5-PLM IVR Number: 8rr092274381 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 Ema il add ress : p€.mitcente r@sp rlngfield-or. g ov SPRINGFIELD er Category of Constructloni Single Family Dwelling TyPe of work: Alteration Submittcd Job values $0.00 Description of Work: Plumbing work associated with remodel (relocating I existing fixtures) worksite Address 1365 F ST Springfield, Ok 97477 Parcel 1703362301200 Owner: Addressi MR HOLDINGS LLC 83731 RAINTREE ST CRESWELL, OR 97426 Businesg Namc ]EFFREY DAVID GRAHAM . Primary License CCB License Number 189615 ESIT Inspectlon 3999 Final Plumbing 3500 Rough Plumbing Inspection Group Plumb Res Plumb Res lnspection Status Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon gov call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811092274381 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store || provistons of taws and ordtnances govemlne this typ€ of work will b€ compllcd wlth whcther sP€cifi€d her€in or not. cranfing of a p€rmlt do€s not prilsume to glve authorlty to vlolate or canc€l the provisions of any other st t€ or local law r€gulating constructlon or thc P€rformance ot construcdon' aTTE TIOI!: Orelon taw requtrcs you to follow rules adopt€<t by the oreeon utlllty lotlllcadon center. Those rules are sct forth in oaR 952-oo1-oo10 drrough oaR 952-oo1-oo9o. You may obtain copl.s (, the rul€5 by calling the ccntcr at (5o3) 232-L947, al| pefsons o] enuues perfo.nlng work under this permit.re rcquir€d to be llcens€d unlcss.x.hpted by oRs 7o1'0lo (structural/ilechanlcal), ORS 479.540 (Electrlcal), and ORs 693.01O-o2O (Plumblng)' pn.ted on: 8/30/19 page 1 or 2 cr\myReports/reports//productron/01 STANDARD It-r-^t Permit Issued: August 30, 2019 TYPE OF WORX JOB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIO AL INFORMATION Phone 541-653-9523 SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS permits exptre lf work ls not start€d withln 18O Days ot lssuanc€ or lf work ls auspended for l8O Days or long€r dependlng on thc issuing .gency's policy. Permit Number: 811-19-O02OO5-PLM Page 2 ot 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Clothes washer Hose bib Sink/basin/lavatory Tub/shower/shower pan Water heater Water closet State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Fee Amount $ 10.00 $2s.00 $s0.00 $50.00 $2s.00 $2s.00 $25.00 $24.00 $234.00 1 2 2 1 1 1 Total Fees: Ci\nyReports/re@rB//prcductiony'o1 STANoARD PERTIIT FEES '6 E Iz q oF '6 t Eo o F .9 o E o9 E q) o- .q ot E ,9E o- .9 N P 65 ID E o- q qo EO O O O O O O50 0 0 0 0 0 0I 'ri o d rri .n 6 ttscir (r) lr) N Ct N N;., 6 @ a e o @ II Eo o o o o o o!C) o O O O o o Fa! cir N C{ Na r, @ @ @ 6 @ @ P c o @ Toao o E I os(\ .o E E ID.D 35L!>ro-)h;.Dk * P Fa Sczq ! g 6 b E'S *- i.; € E E € E gt g EE or { a 6 6 or3 E3E 3 E € E E EE 8oo T. a F > > <D$ t- a-E6 A 6 ii 6 6 fi oooooooooooooo;.i 6i; - - ! o Ho o) o) o) o, o) <r,ps 5 5 5 5 5 5o 6 (r) (', (?) (.,Fa b a a b 6 . p o a o o F F to si P (/) io gR -! He EE Ed e =*?=r\ot{QPii(D3gi;N=3 536zxE-.=-l O .tri; HPt CL'6 o(,tr tro o Gotr G o (, j , z,o(9 oo--) (9 z.e4 sl slt$!ctlo(t (, (.) (.) (.) (., oooooooooji.J,dr"i"i+ooooooo (o(oolr)rolr)rl)lr)l.)I:N N C! N N '! -IY Y A A Y T q60 0 0 0 0 0 0 E6 0 0 0 0 0 0-o o o o o59 C 9 9 I ? 9\f rtean clr N c{ (\<N C\T N (\I N N @ p oo- oooL ;6hIF EsoF.n drr!c q 69!B:i@, il./,g A), ( ,a Ctrv or SpnrNcrIrlo, Onrcox Plumbing Permit Application 225 Fiffb Strccr . Sprinsfield, OR 97477 . PHl54l\'726-3753 . FAX( 541 )726-1689 €n, This permit is issued under OAR 918-780-0060. Permits are issued only to the person or contractor doing the work. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. Zoning approval verified? ! Yes n No Sanitation approval verified? ! Yes n N" CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION Ey'Residential E Govemment E Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site addrcss l36t F s). city: {nt7) n tl: -/ /Siatc /)zty?7?77 Refe#ce Taxlot;0 | /00 OESCRIPTION OF WORK (o c\lart PROPERTY OWNER Name l,ti choel I os; "rAddress: f ,a3l la)rlrce f/- cny, [./?4wc ll it^r, QI zw, Q 7c121 Phone!/fJ- 1*l ft7 Fax E-mail: y4 777 ell Ca .YL This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a member of my immediate family, and is exemnl from hcensins reouiremenls under OAR 918-695-0020 -signature: drArlL^r!"'bo"i^ CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name emh- //*m Address I 0 Cig: fl16n2 State 0l ztP, ?7y0t/ Phone l{3-5"3 Fax E-mail CCB license no.: lf l Ll{BCD license no.r FC)O \2_ Plumbing license no, 837!OJ P Signature FEE SCHEDULE Description Cost e!. Total cost )rrr residential 1 bathroom/l kitchcn {includes: lirst 100 feet ofwater/sater lihes, hose bibs, ice maker. underJloor low-point drains and ruin-drain packages) {333-00 $ 2 bathrooms/l kitchen 5521.00 s 3 bathroonrs/ I kitchen s6ll.00 s Each additional bathroom (over 3)s132.00 s Each additional kitchen (over l)sr32.00 S Residential fire sprinklers (includcs plen review) 0 to 2,000 square feet $102.00 S 2,001 to 3,600 square fcet s 163.00 s 1,601 to 7,200 squarc feet s243.00 S 7,201 square feel aod geater $324.00 s Manufactured dwelling or pre-fab (tirclc one) Connections to building sewer and water supply $102.00 S Commercirl, industriel, end dwellings other than one- or h"o-frmily Minimum fec s102.00 s Each fixlure $25.00 s Miscellaneous fecs 100' storm, sewer. water line $106.00 s Each ft(ture, appurtenance, and piping g $25.00 sL?0 Storm water retenlion/detention faciliry t106.00 s lrrigatioD syslems/Backfl ow i25.00 s Piping or private storm drainage svstems exceedins the firsl 100 feet i25.00 s specialty fixtures i25.00 s Reinspeclion (no- ofhrs. x fee per hr.)$102.00 Special requested inspections (no. of brs. x fee per hr.)s102.00 Each additionrl inspcction: (l)st 02.00 $ Medicel ges piping Minimum fee s Enter value ofinstallation and equipment $ -Enler fee based on inslallation and equipmenl \'alue s DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtolal ofabove fees (MinimuE Permit Fee S102.00) tu. (B) Investigative fee (equal to [A])S (C) Eller l27o surcharge (.12 x [A+B])S (D) Technology Fee (5olo of [A])s 'I'OTAl, fees and surcharges (A through D):S DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no.: \9.<af 2.f S -* Da](,: e* /=a 1t: LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Print name: Qt]. s S -.----..--./^ lrsr edired 7r l/2019 bjones