HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-09-04OREGON Web Address: www.springfi eld-or.gov Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit 1{umber: 81 1-19-002046-STR IVR Number: 811026724800 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-'r 26- 37 53 Email Addr€ssr permitcenter@springfi€ld-or.9ov SPR,INGf IELD tb Permit Issuedr September 04, 2019 Category of Construction: Commercial Type of Workr Alteration Submitted .rob Valuc: $12,500.00 Irescription of workr Enclose existing open office 2nd floor Southeast corner admin office worksite Address 3333 RiverBend DR Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 17 03220004r02 Owner: Addr€ss: PEACEHEALTH 1115 SE 164TH AVE VANCOUVER, WA 98683 Business Name GBC CONSTRUCTION LLC - Primary License ccB Phone 541-752-0381 Inspection 1999 Final Building 1999 Final Building 1540 Gypsum Boa.d/Lath/Drywall lnspection Group Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com lnspectlon Status Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule' to 1-888-299-2821 use IvR number: 811026724800 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store P€rmits explre lf work ls not started wlthln 1Eo D.ys of lssuance or if work ls suspended for lEo oays or lonoer depending on the assuing ag€ncy's pollcy. All provisions of laws and ordlnances govemlng thls type ot work will be complled with whether specified hereln or not. crantlng of a permit does not pr€sum€ to glve authorlt to vlolate or Gancel the provlsions of any other state or lo€al law r€gulatlng aonstruction or the p€rformanc€ of consEuctlon. ATTEIITIOI{: Oregon law r€qulr€s you to tollow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility otltlcauon Center. Those rules are set forth in oAR 952-001-OO1O through OAR 952-Ool-oo9o. You lnay obtaln .opies of th€ rules by calllng the Center at (5o3) 232-L947. Atl persons or entitl€s pertormlng work under thls permlt are r€quirEd to be licensed unless erempted bY ORS 7o1.o1o (Structural/i{€chani.al), ORs 479.540 (Electrlcal), and ORS 593.01o-o20 (Plumblng). c:\myReports/rcports//production/01 SraNoARo TYPE OF WORK ,OB SITE INFORTIIATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION License Number 166512 PENDING INSPECTIONS SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Permit Number: al l-19-OO2O46-STR Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State ofOregon Surcharge - Bldg (12olo ofapplicable fees) Quantity Fee Amount $20.30 $246.10 $ 159.9 7 $29. s3 $4ss.90Total Fees: C:\myRepo.ts/reportt/productron/01 STANOARO PERIIIT FEES s I Iz E € n ,E 9 N ci cO l.- (r)t- o) lr) o(o oi crF< .o N =C{ F (t E o. tO F- (') =- o) lr)9<i o oi =N r (,+ lt ! o So, o) o,ES = :!! <' ll \tFo) o) O' .=(E l! (s:rrl UJ UJ oooqqq '6 o- ooolI. o oo o N Yo o oo E q osN =d) a rD ..vrDo'-rD= er.9 oia.gs!, - 60 (,) = ; 6!l r!e '^ x !1, .P-e= -- Ao s, .-r l oo !? a r f :a EtE .= ira a,,rJU\ U) A6 F i65!h.9+dKE6EOF.ri d6!+o) s*I p o U) o o F t-r to t CL!> to ab ID E oiri o EE Ed (, 0) =Nir\+sini3s3 E3o\2e5:6 -.=oE3&. d CL'6 (,ot c .9 o Go G F p i I z.oi., oc!J (, z.a {1 ooo(r(ooooo o o,l N {'ooo@@oos 3 P5Y Y qoo o o-o o oE3 3 369 e IL, \t t Fr, 6r<t c\r c\J ao n {I s Structural Permit Application ffi This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of tssuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. DEPARTMENT USE ONLY tl Date "1 tt \ LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Date This project has final land-use approval Signature: This project has DEQ approval Signature:I)ate Zoning approval verified: I Yes E No Property is wilhin flood plain: E Yes E No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION I Government I Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION City: Springlield Stxte: OR ZIP:97477 Subdivision l,ot no Refercnce Iaxlot: 17032200 - 4l ()2 PROPERTY OWNER Name: Peacehealth Address: I I 15 SE l6,hh Ave City: Vancouver State: WA Phone: (541 ) 344-9157 fa\ E-mailr.ihoil apeaceheirlth.or! :i::':::: "frWLX t au th o riz i n g th i s appr i cat i on a t ti, lr.,riiof,on i. t,/a *"4. ,.,,, ,-,id"*tal or lam1 p me or a member ofmy immediate tamily- and is cxempl from licensinB requirements under ORS 701.010. roperty o$ned by CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION City: Corvallis StaL!': OR ZlP.9"l33O l'honei 5ll-752-0181 E-mail CCB licensc no.: 166612 Print name: Kell) Willis FEE SCHEDULE l. Valuation information (a) Job description: Enclose existing open olfice Occupancl,: I-2 (Hospital) Conslruction type: 1B - Fullv Sprinkled Square liet: 313 Sl. Cost per square lbot Type of Heat: Energy Path: ! nerv Elalteration ! addition (b) Iroundation-only pcrmit? ! Yes E No Tolal vrluetion $ 12,500 2. Building fees (a) Permit l'ee (use valuation table)$ (b) Investigative fee (equalto [2a]) (c) Reinspection ($ per hour) (numbcr ofhours x lee per hour).$ (d) Enter l2oZ surcharge (.12 x [2a+2b+2c])s (e) Subtotal of fees abov€ (2a through 2d):s 3. Plan review fees (a) Plan revierv (657o x permit fee [2al)$ (b) Fire and life safety (65% x permit fee [2al)$ (c) Subtotal of fees abote (Ja and Jb)i S 4. Miscellaneous fees (a) Seismic fee. l% (.01 x permit f'ee [2a])$ (b) Tech fee. 5% (.05 x pcrmit tee[2a]+PR fee [3cJ)$ (c) Continuing Education Fee $2.i0 $2.50 IOTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3c+:tafb+c+d): Nnmc ( (lB License # Electrical oE(i 203 (51r) 747-081 | Mechanicat HaF/ey + Price Co 11 {54t)746-162t [,ast edited 5-5-20]7 Bhnes Ctry or SpnrNc;rrpl.I], OREGON 225 Fillh Strect t Springfield. OR 97477 . PI It 54l )726-j753 . FAX( 54 I )726-3 689 E Residential Job site address: 3333 Iliverbend Drile ZIP: 98683 Business name: GBC Construction Address: 2273 N-W Professional Dr. Fax: Signature: SUB-CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Phone \umber Plumbing Permitno.: lq-(M)\b Other inlbrmation: $ S Generated by COMcheck-Web Software lnterior Lighting Compliance Certificate Section 2: lnterior Lighting and Power Calculation Designer/Contractor Area Category B Floor Area lft2l c Allowed Watts / ft2 D Allowed Watts (Bxc) Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed (Ceiling Height I ft.)313 0.97 304 Total Allowed Watts =304 Section 3: lnterior Lighting Fixture Schedule A Fixture lD : Description / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast BC Lamps/ # of Fixture Fixtures D Fixture Watt. E (cxD) Common Space lypes: Offlce - Enclosed (313 sq.ft.) LED: LED Panel 33W:5 33 Total Proposed Watts = '165 Section 4: Requirements Checklist ln tho foltowing rcquirements, blank checkboxes identify requirements that the applicant has not acknowledged as being met. Checkmarks identily requircments that the applicant acknowledges are met or excapted lrom compliance- 'Plans reference paga/saction' identilies where in the plan.s/y)ecs the requirement can be veified as being satisfied. lighting Wattage: E 1. Total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Allowed Wattage:304 Proposed Wattage: 165 Complies: YES Mandatory Requirements: gZ. Exit signs- lnternally illuminated exit signs shall not exceed 5 watts per side. Plans reference page/section tr3 Daylight zone control. All daylight zones are provided with individual controls that control the lights independent of general area lighting in the non-daylight zone. ln all individual daylight zones larger than 350 sq.ft., automatic daylight controls is provided. Automatic daylight sensing controls reduce the light output of the controlled luminaires at least 50 percent, and provide an automatic OFF control, while maintaining a uniform level of illumination. Contiguous daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration may be controlled by a single controlling device provided that they do not include zones facing more than two adjacent cardinal orientations (i.e., north, east, south, west). Oaylight zones under skylights shall be controlled separately from daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration. Exception(s): fl Retail spaces adjacent to vertical glazing (retail spaces under overhead glazing are not exempt). D Display, exhibition and specialty lighting D HID lamps 150 watts or less. f] Spaces required to have occupancy sensors. Plans reference page/section Project Title: PH Admin Office Data filename: Report date:09/04/'19 Page 1 of 3 Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Code: 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code Project Title: PH Admin Office Project Type: Addition Construction Site: Owner/Agent: 1 165 8 4. Interior lightjng controls. At least one local shutoff lighting controlhas been provided for every 2,000 square teet of lit floor area and - each area enclosed by walls or floor-to-ceiling partjtions. The required conkols are located within the area served by the controls or are a remote switch that identifies the lights served and indicates their status. Exception(s): E Lighting systems serving areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be continuously lighted- tj Lighting in publac areas such as concourses, stairways or corridors that are elements of the means of egress with switches that are accessible only to authorized personnel. fl Lighting for warehouses, parking garages or spaces using less than 0.5 watts per square foot. E Lighting for contiguous, single-tenant retail spaces- Plans reference page/section Plans reference page/section Tf, 6. Eqress liqhtinq. Eqress illumination is controlled by a combination of listed emergency relay and occupancy sensors to shrrt off during periods that the building space seNed by the means of egress is unoccupied. Exception(s): fl Building exits as defined in Section 1002 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. _Flans reference page/section Z' 7. Additional controls. Each area that is required to have a manual control shall have additional controls that meet the requirements of Sections 505.2.2.1 ano 505.2.2.2. n 8. Light reduction controls. Each space required to have a manual control also allows for reducing the connected lighting load by at least 50 percent by either 1) controlling (dimming or multi-level switching) all luminaires; or 2) dual switching of alternate rows of luminaires, altemate luminaires, or alternate lamps; or 3)switching the middle lamp luminaires independently of other lamps; or4) switching each luminaire or each lamp. Exception(s): fl Onlyrne luminaire in spac€. f3lAn occupant-sensing device controls the area. fl The area is a conidor, storeroom, restroom, public lobby or sleeping unit. D Electricalandmechanicalroom. fl Areas that use less than 0.6 Watts/sq.ft- Plans reference page/section d{Buildings larger than 2,000 square feet are equipped with an automatic control device to shut off lighting in those areas. Ihis automatic control device shall function on either: 1) a scheduled basis, using time-of-day, with an independent program schedule that controls the interior lighting in areas that do not exceed 10,000 squa.e feet and are not more than one floor; or 2) an occupant sensor that shall turn lighting off within 30 minutes of an occupant leaving a space; or 3) a signal from another control or alarm system that indicates the area is unoccrrpied. Exception(s): fl Sleeping units, patient care areas; and spaces where automatic shutoff would endanger safety or security Plans reference page/section a4o Occupancy sensors in rooms that include daylight zones are required to have I\,4anual ON activation Plans reference page/section Report date: 09/04/19 Page 2 o{ 3 p'6-Jteeping unit controls. Master switch at entry to hotel/motel guest room. Plans reference page/section: E 11.An occupant sensor control device is installed that automatically tums lighting off within 30 minutes of all occupants leaving a space. Exception(s): D Classrooms and lecture halls. E Conference, meeting and training rooms. E Employee lunch and break rooms. fl Rooms used for document copying and printing. g1-ofii"" "p"""" ,p to 3oo square feet. fl Restrooms. fl Dressing, fitting and locker rooms. Project Title: PH Admin Office Data filename: ans reference page/sectjon l2.Additional controls. An occupant sensor control device that automatically turns lighting off within 30 minutes of all occupahts leaving a space or a locally activated switch that automatically turns lighting off within 30 minutes of being activated is installed in all storage and supply rooms up to 1000 square feet. reference page/section l3.Occupant override. Automatic lighting shutoff operating on a time-of-day scheduled basis incorporates an ovenide switching device that: 1) is readily accessible, 2) is located so that a person using lhe device can see the lights or the area controlled by that switch, or so that the area being lit is annunciated. 3) is manually operated, 4) allows the lighting to remain on for no more than 2 hours when an override is initiated, and 5) controls an area not exceeding 2,000 square feet. Exception(s): E ln malls and arcades, auditoriums, single-tenant retail spaces. industrial facilities and arenas, where captive-key override is utilized, override tirne is permitted to exceed 2 hours. D ln malls and arcades, auditoriums, single{enant retail spaces, industrial facilitjes and arenas, the area controlled shall not exceed 20,000 square feet. Plans reference page/secljon 714.Holiday scheduling. Aulomatic lghting shutoff operating on a time-of-day scheduled basis has an automatic holiday scheduling leature' that tums off all loads for at least 24 hours, then resumes the normally scheduled operation. Exception(s): E Retail stores and associated malls, restaurants, grocery stores, places of religious worship, theateE and exterior lighting zones. O Single zone electronic time control devices and self-contained wall box proset lighling controls. Plans reference page/section d l5.Exterior lighting controls. Lightrng not designaled for dusk-to-dawn operation shall be controlled by either a combination of a photosensor and a time switch, or an astronomac€l time switch. Lighting designated for dusk-tMawn operatjon shall be controlled by an astronomical time switch or photosensor. Plans reference page/section g,,(O.TanOem wiring. The following luminaires located within the same area shall be tandem wiredi 1. Fluorescent luminaires gquipped with' one, three or odd-numbered lamp conngurations, that are recess-mounted within 10 feet center-to-center of each other. 2. Fluorescent luminaires equipped with one, three or any odd-numbered lamp conliguration, that are pendanl- or surface-rnounted within 1 foot edge- to-edge of each other. Exception(s): D Where eleckonic high-frequency ballasts are used. fl Luminaires on emergency circuits. [-.1 Luminaires with no available pair in the same area. Plans reference page/sectiont, , Plans reference page/section E/18.Each dwelling unit in a buildin Plans reference page/section l,ledical task lighting or aruhistory display lighting claimed to be exempt from compliance has a control device independent of the control of the nonexempt lighting. g is melered separately lnterior Lighting PASSES: Drislgn 46% bittei than code Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statementr The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans. specitlcations and other calculations submiited with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2014 Oregon Energy Efilciency Specialty Code requirements in COMcheck-Web and to comply tory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. AKo*t klz ? /y/t t Name - Title oaG/ 7 Report date: 09/04/19 Page 3 of 3 Project Title: PH Admin Ofilce Data filenamei Signa with the manda